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Chapter 472 The Daily Life of Players

"What's the point of pretending, working, and buying things with money every day?" Sean Roche threw the cookie box into the milk bowl and picked up a large piece of fermented milk.

The smell of rotten food instantly filled the whole room, and all four people in the small kitchen frowned, including the instigator Sean Roche himself.

"The mission description requires us to disguise ourselves and be as close to the life of the indigenous people as possible." Another player stood up and opened a small window to ventilate the place in order to keep himself away from the garbage dump.

This is the only help the pioneers gave them, an apartment less than 70 square meters, but it needs to accommodate four players.

For these players, space congestion is not a problem. In the past, they often slept in the open air and slept wherever they played.

The real problem is the pressure from life itself.

In other worlds, what kind of life do they live? Either they fight evil dragons and hunt the incarnations of gods, or they destroy cities and destroy countries.

In short, the planning department will prepare an exciting main mission to give players a general direction to work towards.

But in this world, they are completing trivial tasks one after another, either learning the background of the world and understanding the lifestyle of the indigenous people, or just like now, hiding here, pretending that they are also indigenous people, and working in their way

, exchange for rewards, buy food, and wait for the next task to appear.

The rewards are just some contribution points

Although this world is rich in superhuman resources for players to choose from, and these contribution points are the only currency for purchasing physical bodies, this is not what they want.

Even killer-type players cannot suppress their excitement for a long time. What they want is war and killing, as well as the fear and worship of their kind from another world.

They are used to being surrounded by excitement every minute of their lives, either becoming heroes or villains, which puts their brains in a state of extreme excitement every moment.

That's why Advent is so addictive. It's like an addictive compound in this world. Once you try it, you can't leave it again.

There are only a few individuals like Karkarf. His energy is not replicable. Not only is he a novice who has never been to other worlds before, but he also received a latent mission after entering this world. Only then did he become so independent.

of individuals.

These players are different. They can accept failure and death, but they can't stand peace.

There was no cry of killing or shouting in their ears. This dull life tortured their long-trained nerves, making them eager to make some big noise.

The player who opened the window had worked as a scout before. He once entered the elf camp alone, cut off twelve pairs of pointed ears and left quietly. Only relying on this silent fear, the thousand-year-old tribe finally made it possible.

Choose to surrender.

But now, he just stuck his head and looked around at the world.

The window of the building opposite was less than ten meters away from him. A fat woman was looking expectantly at her frying pan. He could even hear the sizzling sound of bacon being fried in the other pan.

That’s right, bacon, bacon that you can’t get enough of.

After living in this world for several months, the first thing these players know about is the food of this world. Unfortunately, among the four players in the room, some are more proficient in using bows and arrows than the elf archers, and some have learned how to forge from dwarves.

With exquisite level of equipment, some people have practiced shield and sword skills continuously for ten years, and can defend themselves unscathed among thousands of troops. Others and Gaoshan people have learned to ride dragons to perform tasks, and can travel thousands of miles a day.

But none of these people have learned how to make the magical Maillard reaction occur in food, so they can only eat those disgusting frozen foods.

The faint smell of cigarette smoke coming from the window next door was no worse than the smell coming out of their room. The old man who smoked, took drugs and drank every day was particularly concerned about the affairs of this group of players and often looked through the peephole.

Watch their comings and goings.

The scout only recently realized that the damn old man might be wondering if his group was some kind of sexual pervert.

There was a buzzing sound from the hairdryer downstairs. The woman living downstairs looked decent. The scouts had wanted to break in several times and do whatever they wanted to do, but the mission required them not to cause any trouble.

He endured the attention of the judicial system and for the sake of the mission reward.

When I turned around, the old idiot named Sean Roche was still chattering, complaining about this and that, but he left the fastest every day when he went to work and came back the last.

He heard that that bastard got the award for employee of the week after just a few days of work.

"I quit, I want to do it today." Sean Roche didn't know how many times he planned to use the excuse of withdrawing from this world to avoid housework and return to his room.

The scout finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Even if you want to log off and leave, you still have to wash the dishes and mop the floor before leaving today!"

The other two players also looked at each other, nodded silently, and looked at Sean Roche with oppressive eyes. If he didn't wash the dishes or do the cleaning work, he would be completely offline.


"How can I, a man like an eagle, work hard in the kitchen every day!" Sean Roche pinched his waist and shouted: "You have been in the same world before and deliberately isolated me.


A few dozen seconds later, the 'old man' who lived next door took off the respirator mask on his face and listened to the sound of punches hitting the flesh on the other side of the wall.

They were quite careful about their sense of proportion. They were scolded like that, but they could bear not to use their supernatural powers. The old man smiled broadly, showing his yellow teeth, and sat down by the computer for a while to start sending emails.

Some stimulant gases can make emotions more exciting, and people who are emotional and quarrel will naturally talk more. His job is to record these words in detail and send them back to the headquarters for those who

Expert analysis.

It's noon now, let them rest for two hours, and the 'fat woman' lurking across the way at night will use the scent of seasoned bacon to make those people dissatisfied with their diet, whether they plan to continue fighting or remember the bitterness and sweetness, saying

Some food cultures from other worlds are useful information.

When the time comes in the middle of the night, the 'prostitutes' downstairs will come up wrapped in bathrobes and ask them to lower their voices in the name of being too noisy upstairs, which will also cause their hormone secretion to become abnormal.

If those players don't plan to fence each other to solve physical problems, 80% of them will go out to experience the nightlife, and by then, he won't be able to come back.

So the 'old man' planned to finish writing this email, take his belongings and leave, change his image and identity and go to the next place.

There are many similar espionage groups. Mikkelsen has 4,096 clones. He always has the opportunity to meet someone who is suitable for this line of work.

Some of them are bold and cautious, while others are timid and fearful, but they can play their role in the end. Some can send back information alive, while others can only rely on their corpses to convey information.

These people are the basis for Tanguy's ability to always accurately display attacks, and they are also the guarantee for Mikkelsen to control the overall situation.

This time was no exception. At ten o'clock at midnight, the scout sneaked out of the apartment alone. What Sean Roche said during the day was still convincing.

He had seen all kinds of ladies and beauties in the palaces that had contributed to three empires, but today the long legs of the average-looking woman downstairs who were exposed under the bath towel left a particularly deep impression on him.

It made him so horny that he couldn't sleep.

He originally wanted to go out to smoke a cigarette and drink a few sips of cold water, but for some reason, he walked downstairs and stood at the door of the other party.

"Why do you care so much? Just do it cleanly." The scout only hesitated for a second before pressing the reward button in his mind.

Superhumans have brought too many impacts to the world, such as doors and door locks. These objects that originally symbolized the separation between home and the outside environment are vulnerable to many superhumans.

With just a little force, the scout concluded that the deadbolt walked into the porch as naturally as if he had returned to his own home.

The room was dark, most people had fallen asleep at this time, and the scouts had rich experience in night activities.

His eyes can see almost everything clearly in weak environments. It's not his supernatural ability, it's just experience and a little bit of skill.

The scout took a general glance and determined the direction of the woman's bedroom. The structure here was the same as upstairs, except that it looked much neater, and there was a faint fragrance and smell of smoke in the air.


He remembered that women did not smoke, and his sense of smell was very sensitive. He had never smelled smoke on that woman before, and the smell of tobacco was just refreshing. It was definitely something he had never seen before.

High-end goods


Some deep breathing sounds appeared behind him, followed by the sound of burning tobacco and paper. The scout was sure that the cigarette was burning quietly next to his ear.

The first puff of smoke exhaled by the owner of the tobacco crossed the scout's shoulder and blew far away with a hint of heat.


The scout resisted the urge to turn around and continued to take two steps forward. He made sure that the other party did not intend to attack him before suddenly turning back.

But there's nothing behind me

A drop of cold sweat appeared on the scout's forehead. If it weren't for the fresh smell of tobacco in the air, he would have thought it was his hallucination!

"Stop playing around. Surte caught a fat man outside. This is useless." A voice appeared a few meters away from the scout, causing him to immediately turn in that direction.

For a moment, the scout felt that his memories of having tea in the previous world were all fake, because he didn't see anyone there.

"No one left alive?" Another voice appeared behind the scout, still carrying the smell of tobacco.

"No more, that fat man is enough." The voice that spoke before finally appeared in front of the scout this time. A tall and strong figure, the other party directly stretched out his hand and broke his neck with a force that the scout could not resist.

Before he died, the last thing he saw was the person behind him, a man about the same height as him, leaning against the bar and smoking, and the man waved at him.

The scout's last thought before he died was, how many people are there in this room?

This was Doligon's second day staying at the Royal Star Hotel. The soft bed, white sheets, and the legendary smell of sunshine made him sigh with pleasure.

Oh, by the way, there was also the Queen of the Night's pole dancer. The woman next to her made a kitten-like sound, turned around and fell asleep again.

They had exhausted a lot of energy last night. As for coming back to the hotel? Let it go to hell.

After chatting with Big E all night and paying more than 3,000 federal coins for the fare, Doligon had long since concluded that Big E was a reliable source of information.

And when they arrived at Haozai Lai Hotel, the shabby place had closed down. Apparently the owner with a bad service attitude could not survive the negative impact brought by Tang Ji.

No one wants to live in a place where so many people have died. Although this is a common thing in Night City, the murder scene left by Tang Ji has a strong personal style and has a strong negative bonus in Feng Shui.

As a local snake, of course Big E already knew that this shabby place was closed down, but he still brought his customers here. After all, satisfying customers is the way to survive in the service industry. Otherwise, the other party would think that he was going to the Royal Star directly.

They cheated him out of agency fees.

Big E is not a small role now. He no longer bothers to make small money like guest fees. The introduction fee that makes him money. The woman lying on Dorigon's bed is the Queen of the Night's top card. Fifteen thousand a night.

Five thousand of them were his.

"Hey, my friend, are you awake?" Big E's energetic voice appeared on the other side of the phone: "Are you ready to really see the Night City!"

"Wait, friend, wait, I need to slow down." Doligon stretched out, reluctantly left the big bed, walked into the semi-open balcony, and suddenly found that the sun was shining brightly outside.

He paid Big E 5,000 yuan last night, and besides the fare, the rest was considered as tip, and made an appointment with him for a three-day tour of Night City.

"Slow down? Are you too tired? I can recommend several medicines, both physical and mental. If they are fake, we will replace them!" Big E tried his best to expand his business scope, and he was very excited about the other party's money.

Look, that stupid boy either inherited a large fortune or won a jackpot similar to the Dead Man's Lotto.

"Forget it, I don't need it for the time being. Where are we going today?" Doligon picked up a fresh pear and took a bite, asking with some anticipation.

"How about the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau? They still have Tang Ji's files, photos, offices, patrol cars, guns, and everything there, and the fees are not expensive." Big E knows how to whet people's appetites: "I still have it.

We have a personal relationship. If you are willing to pay an extra ten thousand, we can drive his old patrol car out for a stroll today. How about it? Are you interested?"

"When will we set off?" Duoligon laughed, looked at his remaining activity funds, and felt that he was not far away from making a contribution.

This chapter has been completed!
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