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Chapter 484 War Zone 1.0

The Taha Gang's soldiers suffered a casualty rate of 22% in the first hour after they were put into riot control missions. This casualty rate directly scared away the reinforcements led by General Aguirre.

Yes, you heard it right, I was scared to death.

After receiving the latest battle report, the army stopped where it was and blocked General Aguirre's communications, covered its heavy equipment with a satellite shielding net, and 'disappeared' from the map.

This is the current situation of the European Federation. It has a lot of gold and jade, but it is surrounded by corruption. Coupled with the existence of the Phoenix Plan, a large number of powerful personnel are in their positions and not doing their jobs. Many soldiers have not received their salary for two consecutive months.


Now, even the slightest disturbance outside may lead to chaos in the military. General Aguirre's orders can only be conveyed to school-level officers, and the school officer who is actually responsible for leading the team does not want to risk being shot in the dark by his subordinates.

, forcing them to carry out such a dangerous mission, the city was just abandoned by official forces.

At this time, in the city, the players have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the carnival.

Cooperating with them are some fanatical believers of the Church of Advent. The well-equipped Atonement team will be the backbone of the Advent.

They are either die-hards who have been cultivated by the bishops through long-term spiritual suggestions, or they are believers who have been tested, and there is almost no possibility of betrayal.

The performance of these people in this operation was exemplary. A team of three Redeemers were scattered near the player, ruthlessly killing those bold madmen who tried to fight back.

In addition, they also carried a large number of incendiary bombs. Whenever a crowd tried to gather, these atoneers would throw incendiary bombs at the crowd to avoid blockage or large-scale resistance.

The key to disrupting the order of a giant city is that the perpetrators cannot stop, otherwise they will easily be blocked on the road.

Players obviously understand this very well, their goals and plans are very clear, and they don't waste time on any extra things.

Even if a few players encounter counterattacks from ECS Bureau agents and civilian superhumans, the large force will not be delayed. The players will be grouped according to their usual habits, leaving a superior number of individuals behind, while the others will continue their missions.

James Monte is a newly recruited agent of the ECS Bureau. His ability is to give explosive properties to metal objects. Not long ago, he was an ordinary law enforcer. But thanks to Tang Ji's legendary experience, the awakened law enforcer will be arrested almost immediately.

Absorbed by the local parahuman official agency.

Monte was also taken care of by this unwritten rule, and the entire entry procedure was extremely simple. However, before he could open a new salary account, a crisis broke out in the city, and his new employee training directly turned into a practical assessment.

Fortunately, Monte's reputation is not in vain. He has good marksmanship. A player was shot in the head by him as soon as he showed up.

He still doesn't have good control. Monte had tried to 'enchant' a metal bullet before, but the thing exploded in the barrel of the gun. If he hadn't been treated properly, he would have to learn to shoot with his middle finger now.

However, the ECS Bureau did not waste his ability. Monte's bucket bag contained a full three kilograms of caltrops. When he took advantage of his companions to use their magical powers to temporarily suppress the momentum of those superhuman beings at the end of the road, he completed the attack on these

Enchantment of Caltrops.

Monte shouted to the others: "You can prepare to retreat! I'm ready here!"

"Copy that!" The other agents began to cover each other and retreat, while Monte suddenly swung the bucket outwards, spreading the caltrops evenly across a seven- to eight-meter-wide space in front of him, and then Monte also withdrew.

However, the first person to rush to die was not the character controlled by the player, but a civilian who planned to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

The man hurriedly jumped out of the window of the burning building, then plunged into the trap set by Monte, and directly stepped on a caltrop.

Fortunately, he was blown into pieces before he felt any pain. The bad news is that the explosion detonated a lot of caltrops around him, but it also caused the ones that were not detonated to spread farther and cover a larger area.

An unlucky player was squatting on the ground with his head lowered to protect himself, but a caltrop hit his head directly, and he turned into a headless corpse in the next second.

This is just a story that happened in one corner, representing the ominous fire, spreading dots on the city map. Because without the unified command of Heilis, the actions of the Heilis Chapter eventually evolved into a complete player-style carnival.


Almost all of the landmark buildings they originally wanted to capture failed to capture. Then the players followed their usual habits and dispersed into small groups of two to five people. From an organized attack, it evolved into a purposeless attack.

of destruction.

Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao stood on the edge of the rooftop of a building in the city center, watching the city gradually rising into thick smoke, but they couldn't find the next suitable target.

In a war, the most difficult thing is not the frontal assault, but the security battle after the war. Just like now, it seems that there are crossfires everywhere, and valuable targets are scattered everywhere.

But in fact, they are all stragglers with no purpose.

Dense swarms of drones were like snowflakes all over the sky. Some belonged to the Gauls, and some belonged to the Church of Adventers and the Converts. The latter did not want to wade through this muddy water personally, so it was better to support them with weapons and equipment.

There is room for improvement.

But most of them are citizens, high-end lively people who like the excitement of watching blockbuster movies without leaving home. Most people can feel at ease watching similar people being unlucky and watching buildings catching fire.

Only those unlucky ones who watched through the camera for a long time before realizing that they were in a war zone would go offline in a hurry and start to worry.

Tang Ji turned around and opened a dimensional door, and the team members who had been preparing for a long time walked out one after another. They saluted Tang Ji, then jumped down from the rooftop and began to clear away the scattered players in the city.

Kreps is a newcomer and has not yet adapted to the rhythm of the team. This time, he and Miwako are responsible for protecting Ethan. As his abilities become stronger and stronger, his role in this complex urban environment will become greater and greater.

When Ethan closed his eyes on the edge of the rooftop and hung his hands in the air to feel the chaotic electromagnetic signals surrounding the city, drones in most of the city suddenly hovered in the air.

The next second, the movements of thousands of drones suddenly became uniform. They quickly rose to the level of Ethan's sight. They swayed left and right as if in a military parade, and then immediately dispersed, adopting a more flexible posture.

Start searching for targets throughout the city.

Even Kreps, who worshiped muscle power, couldn't help but applaud at this moment. He felt the presence of power from the scene just now.

Seeing Kreps's expression, Miwako showed a smile on her lips, and looked at Ethan with a bit of admiration in her eyes.

I don’t know since when, this guy started to have some momentum.

With Ethan's presence and Aria's assistance, the entire city was quickly lit up in front of the team, and the fog of war no longer existed.

Players and Advent sect believers, civilians, armed civilians, armed soldiers, casualties, and looters are all marked one by one.

This information was transferred to the Taha gang almost simultaneously, and the battlefield suddenly became one-way and transparent, catching the players off guard and suffering a huge loss.

The Taha gang's heavy infantry advanced quickly, almost withstanding the firepower of the players, trapping a group of nearly thirty players in an apartment building.

Both sides of the war did not care about civilian casualties, so the battle was very fierce. The Taha gang's infantry fighting vehicles opened fire wildly, and the bullets fired by the large-caliber machine guns could penetrate the entire building. Because of the angle of the upward shooting,

When they used 120 rounds of bullets to kill a player hiding on the third floor, almost all the residents on the fourth and fifth floors were also killed.

More than one resident climbed out of the window despite the hail of bullets and held up a white flag, but the Taha soldiers who suffered heavy casualties didn't care about them at all and continued to go their own way.

It wasn't until a thermobaric bomb was fired into the apartment building that half of the glass in the building was shattered by the internal pressure. Finally, some of the surviving residents in the building began to fight back with guns.

But their meager firepower was not even a fraction of the players' attention, so they didn't attract any attention.

The players hiding in the building were both excited and nervous. What was exciting was that they were extremely satisfied with the world. Some worlds were lagging behind in productivity and the pioneers were so capable that they fell into a flat state long before the players entered. That kind of world was simply

Boring as hell.

They were nervous because the bodies they took this time were said to be considered benefits for newbies, and next time they came back they would only be randomly assigned low-end bodies, or even ordinary people.

Downstairs, the heavily armed soldiers of the Taha Gang once again organized a group of death squads. Marvolo Taha personally put strips of sticky explosives on the breastplates of the death squads, and then stood at the front with stickers on his breastplate.

Hold twice the charge of others.

"I have only one request!" Marvolo Taha shouted loudly: "No one shall be left alive!"

"Kill!" the death squads shouted in response, shooting into the sky, and then led by Marvolo and rushed towards the building.

The residents in the building were almost scared to death. They didn't know that the other party's plan to kill people alive did not include them. What's more terrible is that there are also a group of mentally ill people in the building who will kill them wherever they go. Now the whole building is in chaos.


The first thing to die was the elevator. After a period of study, the players knew that the most convenient way for humans to travel to and from high-rise buildings in the world is this vertical lifting transportation device.

So the players just threw a bunch of explosives into the elevator shaft, causing the elevator to fall directly into the underground parking lot.

It is indeed a bit awkward for these heavily armored soldiers wearing exoskeletons to climb the stairs to a building with a height of more than 30 stories. Fortunately, the superhuman soldiers from the Taha gang have already landed on the roof of the building in a helicopter and climbed down.

Magnetic rope.

"Team A, the 14th floor! Team B, the 19th floor! Team C, with me, the 20th floor!" The floors Marvolo mentioned were all the floors where there had been firefights before.

The rapid elevator drove the heavy armored soldiers weighing half a ton to begin sliding upward, sending these soldiers one by one to the designated height, and then broke through the window.

Explosions soon followed one after another. The explosives attached to their chests could not penetrate their protective breastplates, but when they exploded they could effectively cause damage and interference to the front. This was their common tactic, turning themselves into moving broadswords.

Miracle results are often seen in this kind of CQB battle.

Thanks to the balance assistance and joint locking functions of the exoskeleton, when an explosion occurs, their shooting movements will not be affected and they can continue to shoot forward.

Marvolo used the Guardian heavy machine gun, which is a standard can opener in this kind of civilian building. It can penetrate three to four floors of walls, and the bullets still maintain sufficient lethality.

Marvolo, who broke in through the window, never took his finger off the trigger, and neither did his soldiers. The lines of fire intertwined, forming a deadly web throughout the entire building.

Even outside the building, you can see the star-like projectiles shooting through the glass and exterior walls and disappearing into the sky.

The players were retreating steadily and were almost defenseless. Although these Taha gang soldiers, who did not care about the collateral losses like them, were not well-equipped, they were at least very practical, and they were well-trained and merciless in their attacks.

Marvolo's progress was very smooth. The resisters on the fourteenth floor evaporated quickly like water stains in the sun, while the resistors on the nineteenth and twentieth floors were able to survive for the time being because they could support each other.

"Flamethrower!" Marvolo glanced at the crying women and children in the corridor, but still ordered: "Create a hole from here, and then burn them to death!"

He pointed to the floor beneath his feet. A soldier equipped with a power hammer immediately stepped forward and hammered hard, creating a dent in the floor. Unknown cracks filled the nearby area.

The players downstairs heard the muffled sound coming from above their heads. They looked up and saw the ceiling suddenly open its mouth. A player with quick hands and quick eyes held it up with one hand, and the invisible air barrier immediately blocked the gap.

The scorching heat of the flamethrower was blocked on the twentieth floor, and the raging flames suddenly swept from the floor to all directions. The first person to suffer was Marvolo. He did not have the full-covering high-temperature-resistant helmet of the flamethrower, so he could only fall backwards in embarrassment.

, and then crawled out of the danger zone.

The hair on his face disappeared in that moment, his skin stung, and his vision became blurry. The next second, there was a violent explosion behind him, and the air wave directly overturned Marvolo and blew him to the end of the corridor.

The high temperature ignited the flamethrower's fuel line and eventually ignited the fuel tank.

Outside the building, everyone could see the fire that shot into the sky at that moment. The soldiers of the Taha Gang could only wait quietly for the result.

But in another battlefield a few blocks away, after a long wait, players who had mastered the resonance ability finally caused a strong enough shock.

When he tapped the surface of the building with his knuckles again, the building suddenly shook, causing the ground beneath their feet to tremble.

A smile appeared on the player's face and he knocked again. The building responded with the same enthusiasm. This time, all residents in the building could feel the shaking of the stairs.

When he hit the surface of the building again, the huge shaking caused the building to break in half. The spectacular scene instantly attracted everyone's attention.

PS: Friends, see you next year! 2022 has finally passed, and I almost took Lao Mo away with me.

This chapter has been completed!
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