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Chapter 488 Frontal Conversation

The failure of two consecutive 'uprisings' gave these free and undisciplined players a blow, especially the latter. Even the Heilis Chapter collapsed. Those player organizations whose scale and strength are not as good as the Heilis Chapter naturally know this.

It shows the power of the indigenous people in this world.

This is a modern society, and the power that the indigenous people can use is far more than just one place and one city, but there is a whole set of complex networks hidden behind it.

At present, the person involved in this network is Tang Ji, and the FBAS Bureau behind it. For the first time, players know the importance of this aboriginal organization.

Next, it is time for both sides to highlight their personal heroism.

Players are scattered in groups and appear in groups around the world. Some of them have missions, and some have no purpose, just like traveling.

In addition to the FBAS Bureau, which is constantly under attack, the most unlucky ones are the Wanderer Tribe and the Luan Dao Society in the wasteland.

A large number of players turned themselves into a floating population, and they soon realized why the Federation was called a country on wheels. Without a good car, they could hardly move.

And those wanderer tribes undoubtedly all have good cars. They have a very different modification style from the people in the city, and they have very unique insights into the modification of transportation vehicles.

It's normal for players to get motivated by sex, and it's almost the same when they see a car. Players in groups of three or five are much more dangerous than the wolves and random knives that the wanderers encountered before.

Once the number of people exceeds ten, players will even take the initiative to attack the homeless camp. They don't care about life and death, and are often willing to sacrifice their lives in exchange for a chance to steal a car, causing the homeless to have a huge headache.

As for the Random Sword Club, that's another question.

Players obviously like the style of the Random Club very much, and some of them even joined the organization. In the cold winter, they robbed passers-by with other members of the Random Club to gain experience for themselves.

Markarian seemed to have disappeared, and all activities ceased, and the entire Trail Blazers organization fell into silence.

It seems that the previous deaths in Toronto were their final counterattack against the world. Although Mikkelsen has been tracking Markarian's traces, the fact is that he disappeared out of thin air.

Mikkelsen even wondered if the other party was offline and returned to his own world to bring in reinforcements.

The great pioneer Paulina is now the leader of the pioneer organization. The only thing she is doing is to collect bodies bit by bit according to the bait set by Cathy Walter.

As long as Mikkelsen wanted to, he could capture that woman alive in front of Tangji at any time.

But for some people, letting her live to work for the enemy is far more valuable than killing her. Paulina is such a person.

In this way, Tang Ji maintained a speed of three to five players per day, causing the entire player group to continue to bleed. However, the leaderless players did not care about this blood loss rate.

They are quickly adapting to the world and finding happiness in it in their own way.

For example, Quan Zhe has successfully found evidence that the Seven Deadly Sins have appeared in human history, and is planning to continue to expand the scale of excavation to find more valuable cultural relics.

Mikkelsen has been funding the other party's archaeological activities and has established connections with other achievement explorer players through Quan Zhe.

This is a group of relatively sane players who are willing to abide by the rules of this world to a certain extent, but still prioritize personal interests.

Mikkelsen is very happy to work with these people, infiltrate each other, and explore what he wants. These players represent the rational faction among players.

For example, Dan Turan and Doligon contacted dozens of players who had similar experiences to them, tried to deeply integrate into the world, and were willing to restrain themselves and abide by local laws.

Mikkelsen is tolerant of this group of players because these players are clearly at the bottom of the discrimination chain from other players.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and Mikkelsen has never given up his plan to develop insiders among players.

The Karkarf plan revolves around this group of people, and he looks forward to the time when these people will repay him one day in the future.

Mikkelsen hopes to send a signal. If you abide by the rules of this world, players can have limited freedom of movement. If they don't comply, Tanguy will send them to meet the God of their world, if there is a God in their world.

However, so far, Mikkelsen has not obtained any information about the religious beliefs of that world. Through communicating with explorers like Quan Zhe, it seems that the supreme being of that world plays a role similar to that of a god.

But those supreme beings obviously don't care about the concept of gods. The most obvious example is that they regard the gods of various worlds as mission targets and open them to players to hunt.

In the eyes of people like Quan Zhe, the Supreme One is one and eternal. They represent everything, are omniscient and omnipotent, and have generously given those players nearly endless resources and eternal life.

They could have been less generous, but they did it anyway.

This made Mikkelsen feel very confused. He did not believe that any group would be so generous. Even if the technology of giving players immortality was so cheap in that world that it was not worth mentioning, there was no need for them to do so.

After all, in Karkarf's description and the scattered information about the City of Glory, the attitude of the Supreme Beings towards ordinary players is obviously very contradictory to Quan Zhe's description.

Mikkelsen actually has another long-term goal to catch big fish, and that is Mrs. Generosity. There is some unknown tacit understanding between them.

Mrs. Bountiful would not violate the rules of this world, so Mikkelsen allowed her to enjoy a life like a lady in this world, attending fashion weeks in fancy dress, and appearing on various TV programs as a guest and judge.

Mikkelsen really can't understand what that woman wants to do. She obviously has the highest authority among players in the world. Both Aslan and Cathy Walter are in awe of Mrs. Bountiful. Even Ma

Even Kalyan can't interfere with her 'freedom'.

But that woman really didn't do anything serious. She didn't care that she lived in the spotlight, and Mikkelsen watched every move she made.

But every time Mikkelsen sees Mrs. Generous's daily record, he feels like he is wasting his time. Monday, New Paris Fashion Week Invited Judge, Fashion Gala Guest, Tuesday, AKR Fashion Show Reviewer, Wednesday, The Voice of Gaul Special


She lives up to every woman's ideal life. She doesn't need to work. She relies on her sharp viper and completely self-awareness to become the pearl that attracts everyone's attention.

Mikkelsen told himself countless times that maybe it was time to talk to the other party, but every time he decided to let go and try to understand Mrs. Generosity more deeply.

Until now, she has almost become the most deeply integrated into this world among all players. Because she has appeared in the media for a long time, she has even become synonymous with the fashion industry.

So much so that when a 'newcomer' like Anne saw the news about Mrs. Generous for the first time, she couldn't help complaining: "She is actually a player, this world is really crazy."

And now, with the players and the Blazers falling into some kind of schism and the interests of both parties no longer aligning, Mikkelsen finally felt it was time to have a serious talk with the lady.

Of course, in order to make this conversation more meaningful, Mikkelsen decided to include Tanguy.

This is an aboveboard temptation. If Mrs. Generosity is really willing to give them some sweetness, then she should maintain a certain degree of understanding about Tang Ji's appearance.

"Ms. Generous, we received an invitation letter without a signature. It just appeared at our front desk. The surveillance equipment did not find any delivery person." The manager of the hotel where Mrs. Generous was temporarily staying appeared at the door with the hotel's security personnel.

In addition, he cautiously suggested: "For safety reasons, we sincerely hope that you can treat this as a prank."

Mrs. Generosity looked at the elegantly colored invitation and took it with a smile: "Thank you, I will handle it myself next, thank you."

The hotel manager breathed a sigh of relief, bowed slightly to Mrs. Generosity, and left neatly with the security personnel.

Their responsibilities require them to be responsible for the safety of guests while in the store, but they also require them not to show too much curiosity about the guests' lifestyles.

Mrs. Generous looked at the simple and perfunctory content on the invitation, and a smile appeared on her lips. It was an address, a stronghold of the Ark organization in New Paris, and half of the superhumans in New Paris knew it.

So in order to meet that damn Mikkelsen, she had to use her special authority to turn off the guard dog system so that the meeting would not trigger too many warnings.

She has long wanted to meet the Seven Deadly Sins in this world. As a researcher pursuing the path of the Supreme Being, her only interest in this world is the Seven Deadly Sins.

If possible, she would of course prefer to study these Seven Deadly Sins on the dissecting table in the laboratory, but currently, depending on the efforts of the players, this goal can basically be postponed until after the end of the world.

Mrs. Generosity can only find another way to achieve her goals, such as interest exchange and information exchange. Anyway, the things they want and the information they are interested in are of no value to Mrs. Generosity herself.

She just took a taxi and arrived at the meeting place. It was a cafe with an ordinary decoration from the outside, but in fact, everyone from the boss to the waiters were members of the Ark organization.

Apart from tourists who don't know the truth and come here to rest and complain about the tasteless decoration, the guests here are basically superhumans who come here to seek refuge or plan to register.

Thanks to the good reputation of the Ark organization, many superhumans are more willing to work for the Ark organization than the ECS branch that has been taken over by the Gaul official.

When Mrs. Generosity walked into this coffee shop, many people recognized this fashion icon. Her temperament and appearance were as conspicuous as a pearl in the dark no matter where she was.

And many of them have not forgotten that the Seven Virtues Organization, the first organization that Mrs. Bountiful appeared in, seems to be opposed to Tang Ji and his gang.

A few superhumans threw their money on the table and walked away without saying a word. They couldn't afford this level of superhuman conflict.

Fortunately, Mrs. Generosity was quickly led into a private room by a man in a ginger suit, which made all the diners heave a sigh of relief.

News of the meeting between Lady Bountiful and the Ark Organization quickly spread throughout the supernatural world, triggering countless speculations.

"You've done a great job." Mrs. Generosity started off the show, but when she saw Tang Ji sitting in the corner, her tone still got stuck.

As a player who holds the initiative, Mrs. Generosity has a psychological advantage over the natives of this world.

Finding a different world, capturing a different world, developing a different world, and eventually chewing up and devouring everything in this world, this behavior pattern has become a fixed pattern in their world.

The Supreme Beings no longer even pay attention to the entire process, but leave everything to the companies in the world. They only focus on the essence that remains after the world is broken.

This world should be no exception, but something unexpected happened to it.


Mrs. Generosity carefully looked at the man who was concentrating with his eyes closed. The man's unhappiness was visible to the naked eye, but this was also consistent with his status as the Seven Deadly Sins - rage.

"I'm not flattering you. We have never encountered such fierce resistance before." Mrs. Generosity added: "I have never seen the company in such a mess. You have made it difficult for them to stand still."

"Should I say, I'm honored?" Mikkelsen glanced at Tanguy and decided to compress the entire negotiation process as much as possible: "We want information about the Supreme Being."

Mikkelsen's question made Mrs. Bountiful stunned for a moment, and then she laughed: "You want to know about the Supreme Being? Why? They have nothing to do with this war."

"A good general has to have a long-term goal." Mikkelsen said without changing his face: "We don't want to just focus on the immediate goal."

Mrs. Generosity smiled wildly, as if she had heard some joke.

"You can ask, but I don't promise to answer them all." She agreed so generously without even setting any conditions for exchange.

"How many people are there in the Supreme Being?" Mikkelsen did not waste any opportunity and started to ask questions directly.

"I don't know, no one knows." Mrs. Generosity's answer was equally simple.

"What technology has the Supreme Master mastered? Can you build a Dyson sphere?" Mikkelsen continued to test.

"I don't know, the Supreme Being cannot be understood by us, and the way we obtain energy is also incomprehensible to you." Mrs. Generous did not prove her response to the question about the Dyson Sphere, but she showed just the right amount of contempt.

"How many players are there in total? What is the upper limit of your human resources?" Mikkelsen continued to ask.

"Endless." Mrs. Generosity's answer made it impossible to tell the truth from the false: "Starting from the next question, I will ask for rewards."

"What do you want?" Mikkelsen asked, staring at Mrs. Bountiful.

"Is this your last free question?" Mrs. Generosity's playful reply immediately made Mikkelsen shut up.

This chapter has been completed!
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