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Chapter 499 Fury LV3 Stage

Compared with the qualitative changes in the rage LV1 and LV2 stages, the LV3 stage is more like a comprehensive improvement, a sublimation of the spiritual realm, allowing the spokesperson to get closer to the extreme emotions he represents.

Take Greed for example. At the LV3 stage, he did not obtain the extension of his abilities in more directions. Instead, he explored the depth of his existing abilities and broke the boundaries between abilities, taking a step closer to becoming omnipotent.

Another example is Gluttony. Although no one knows what state he was in in the first two stages, the things he showed in his LV3 stage are enough to be written into the textbook of superhuman entries.

The obvious conclusion is that the closer to the explicit expression of extreme emotions, the greater the power the spokesperson can derive from it. As Tang Ji is the third Seven Deadly Sins in the world to enter the LV3 stage, there are some special circumstances.

There were very opposing differences between his personal will and the extreme emotions he represented, and ultimately ended with the victory of his personal will, ending the promotion ceremony.

Yes, after the promotion ceremony, Dr. Wu Qianying deliberately returned to the castle where he was born and spent his childhood to complete the promotion based on Greed's previous promotion. He judged that Night City was the origin of everything for Tang Ji, just like Greed.

, this is his promotion ceremony.

But no one thought of this at the time, and Tang Ji was promoted in a daze.

Judging from the previous principles, Tang Ji should not have gained much benefit from his violent attitude during this promotion. Even as he continued to advance, his personal will and the essence represented by his rage continued to conflict, and he would be deprived of the Seven Deadly Sins of rage in the future.

The identity is not impossible.

As the top material for the study of the Seven Deadly Sins, Tang Ji, who has advanced to the LV3 stage, was once again tied to the operating table by Dr. Wu Qianying. Behind her, twelve top scholars from different fields were like soldiers about to go to the battlefield.

Fully armed.

Biological protection suits are their body armor, scalpels are their weapons, and a whole room of testing instruments are their trenches and barriers.

"Don't forget the relevant data and surgical videos I showed you before. The target has the ultimate self-healing ability. All open wounds need to be fixed and maintained. The target's skin is extremely tough, difficult to be cut, and durable.

High temperature, anti-corrosion, all cutting projects are carried out by Mr. Sertis." Wu Qianying took a step back and let the tall man, who stood out among the scientific researchers, stand at the front.

He is a senior welder in the Lost Mountain base, but he has been seconded by the superhuman research department recently, and his position is a bit unclear.

During this time, he was either cutting skin, muscles, bones, or preprocessing other biological materials at high temperatures to facilitate smooth sampling by these researchers.

Of course, the materials Sheltis cut before were all parts of creatures from Gluttony. This was the first time for him to get started with a living, conscious creature that could even find time to look at the same material as him.

If Dr. Wu Qianying and Tang Ji had not repeatedly promised him not to feel pressured, and that everything was for the sake of all mankind and the future, most of his group would not be able to hold the cutting guns in their hands.

That is Tang Ji, the furious deity!

"Start now?" Sheltis took a deep breath and asked the man in front of him: "I will open a twelve-centimeter incision on your chest, and then if the situation permits, I will cut off a rib, okay?


Tang Ji nodded, of course there was no anesthetic for him, and there were basically no sedatives that could be effective on him now.

But he himself didn't feel too much pain. With his body strengthened to his level, his tolerance and threshold for pain were completely different from those of ordinary humans.

The essence of pain is that when external stimulation causes the body to be exposed to noxious stimulation, the terminal free nerve endings generate nerve signals and conduct them to the cerebral cortex, allowing the body to reasonably avoid risks. It is a mechanism that allows the body to avoid risks. It is a subjective feeling.

For a super life form like Tang Ji that has the ability to heal itself, most injuries are not considered noxious stimuli, so there is no way to talk about pain reactions.

The residual pain response is more like the entire mechanism relying on its previous inertia for feedback, which the brain can accept or not.

Sheltis had already completed the skin cutting work at this time, and stretched the special wound fixation device in the wound to prevent the wound from growing before he could change the tool.

Blood and a small amount of skin samples were carefully put into test tubes for comparison with the biological materials stored in the last sample, so that the team could analyze the changes in the LV2 and LV3 stages.

At this time, Tang Ji himself was studying his own changes in the system interface.

[User ID: Tang Ji-Rage LV3

Fury incarnation (fusion, unable to fully read information): Fury, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the spokesperson of hatred and revenge in the world. Besides law and justice, there is another kind of justice. The unwillingness and anger of the enslaved people

It will eventually turn into resistance.

The burning anger forges your body in another sense. Every day you can feel that you are stronger than yesterday. This is the power of anger.

As the embodiment of rage, you are very sensitive to anger, especially the anger directed at yourself. From now on, you can sense all units that are angry at you within a hundred kilometers.

Those who are willing to stand up for themselves and resist injustice and slavery are your believers. If they are willing to pursue your path and pursue your will, they will be your hands, your feet, and your eyes.

It is your mouth, and you can share your power with them within limits.

Auxiliary ability - Flame of Hatred (omitted)

Auxiliary ability - Wrath of all living beings (omitted)

Auxiliary ability - Deathmatch invitation (omitted)

Auxiliary ability - weapon of revenge (omitted)

Auxiliary ability - Yaju must retaliate (omitted)

Retelling ability - Scarlet Disciple (fusion, unable to fully read information): Based on your will, a road never imagined connects you and your Scarlet Disciple. As long as they pursue your path wholeheartedly, you will be generous and selfless.

Share your strength without asking for anything in return or gratitude.

Exchange ability - discovering weaknesses (omitted)

Exchange ability - reinforcement (omitted)

Redemption Ability—Phase Assassin (omitted)

Exchange ability - Dimensional gate (omitted)

Redemption Ability—Air Trampler (omitted)

Data read error

Unable to read more information

Points owned: 15400

Hunting list: abbreviated]

A brand new ability, Scarlet Disciple, other than that, not much has changed. This is Tang Ji's own opinion.

"The muscle density has increased by 43%. There are three unknown trace elements in the blood analysis results. More results need to wait for follow-up testing." A researcher who has followed the Tangji project for a long time looked at the demolition with a laser cutting gun.

Sheltis, who was working, felt that all the knowledge he had learned in the previous forty years could be thrown away. There was almost no upper limit for these superhuman beings.

"Our young man has become a lot stronger, hasn't he?" Wu Qianying patted Tang Ji's strong chest muscles with satisfaction: "Now, after removing this rib, we will make a preserved sample and test the bone repair speed."

"Am I the only one who thinks Dr. Wu's mental state is abnormal?" an assistant asked his companion in a low voice.

"I advise you to keep these words in your heart, otherwise you will be the next one to have your ribs removed on top." The companion moved slightly away from the other party.

Zhu Li shrugged. Such jokes about superhuman beings were actually not taboo in their group, and Dr. Wu didn't care about such ridicule.

As for Tang Ji, he seemed to be in another world and paid little attention to trivial matters in this area.

The atmosphere in the research team soon became silent, because the more they learned about Tang Ji, the more comprehensively their various assumptions and results were overturned.

"If this level of increase is maintained, I am afraid that when some members of the Seven Deadly Sins enter the LV4 stage, the overall superiority of human civilization will not be maintained." An old man who looked to be over seventy years old said with emotion: "We are in their midst.

They are like floating in the eyes, life is short and fragile, and their inadvertent breath is enough to kill us. The power of science that we are proud of is just a fig leaf. As long as they are willing, they can bring us back to the first place at any time.

An era of industrial revolution.”

"What is the meaning of our existence? Just to serve as a foil for super humans?" The old man looked at Wu Qianying with somewhat muddy eyes, as if hoping to get an answer.

But there is no answer to this matter. Wu Qianying holds some information from the end of the last superhuman wave 4,500 years ago.

Even at the end of the superhuman wave, Greed still maintains a considerable degree of power. His rule completely follows the cycle of the rise of superhumans and is almost unaffected by humans.

As a scientific researcher, Wu Qianying would not simply compare 4,500 years of human civilization with modern human civilization.

At least for now, Gluttony is frozen in the refrigerator. Although they occasionally fake corpses, they have come up with a targeted weapon. As time goes by, Gluttony will no longer be a problem for them.

The jealous head was soaked in formalin. When Wu Qianying was bored, he would pick it up and shake it vigorously, watching the other person's expression showing his teeth and claws to relieve his boredom.

With such a thing, Wu Qianying felt that he had no chance of posing a threat to human civilization.

There is also greed, the king who once persevered to the end in the last wave, can now barely make ends meet. Not only has mankind not been crushed by the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also venturing into deep space under pressure.

Mikkelsen knowingly or unknowingly condoned the existence of the Phoenix Project, and he may not have any intention of leaving a way out.

As for lust (ˉ▽ ̄~)~che, Wu Qianying clenched her fists confidently, she could eat the other person raw without even dipping it in sauce.

Only Tanguy and Mikkelsen, if there are no players, are actually the real threats to human civilization.

Through the prophet, Wu Qianying fully understood what those Tang Ji who fell into madness had done in different timelines. He was a natural disaster and the horn of death, and he hit human civilization head-on with cracks.

Mikkelsen's threat came from another direction entirely. Wu Qianying was conducting research on Mikkelsen in private.

Whether he is arrogant in the Seven Deadly Sins is actually not important compared to his ability, because Mikkelsen cannot be calculated as a superhuman individual. He is a brand new ethnic group, one that is more competitive than humans in all aspects.

ethnic group.

Moreover, this group still appears in the form of parasites of human civilization, and is almost difficult to separate and deal with alone. Just like what the prophet saw in several other timelines, Mikkelsen was either well hidden, and the prophet could not even listen.

If you haven’t heard of it, you might be surprised by it, and you won’t be able to see it clearly.

The best way to deal with this kind of parasite is insecticide. If one person falls down, he will infect more, causing a chain reaction, just like cockroach poison.

Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji's indifferent eyes and directed the scientific researchers to collect some of Tang Ji's blood again. This was undoubtedly the best weapon to deal with the Seven Deadly Sins.

It took only a few minutes for Tang Ji to fully recover from his injuries after coming off the operating table, and even the cut bones had grown back.

Since the last meme exchange between him and Gluttony, his self-healing ability has become stronger day by day. No matter how serious the injury is, it can be repaired by eating.

Just now, Tang Ji ate seven kilograms of beef, but his body didn't feel any fullness. The good news is that he doesn't feel any hunger now either. These two feelings seem to be affected by the body just like pain.


Tang Ji has been studying the ability of [Scarlet Disciple]. During this period, Surte walked around him for a while, but [Scarlet Disciple] did not respond at all.

He could feel that there was no anger, unwillingness, or hatred in Surte's heart, and the other party showed very simple happiness.

Every time Tang Ji came back, he was very happy. But in normal times, 80% of the time, nothing or people could make Surte feel the above emotions. Half of the time he had any grudges, he would avenge them on the spot.

And compared to other people's worries about players and the future of the entire world, Surt's expectations are much lower.

He grew up in the wasteland, making a living by looting passing convoys. Not having enough to eat was the norm. After learning from books and videos that the so-called doomsday was the outbreak of nuclear war, Soult no longer worried.


The speed of the shock wave after the nuclear explosion could not keep up with him, and the lethal effect of nuclear radiation on superhumans of his level was sharply reduced. The post-war nuclear winter was just another wasteland for Surte.

What's there to worry about?

Tang Ji then walked around the Lost Mountain base, and unfortunately found that the team members basically had a true temperament that was willing to grudge and grudge each other. It would be nice if they didn't bully others, but they didn't meet the requirements of [Scarlet Disciple]. This ability is

This doesn't work.

This chapter has been completed!
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