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Chapter 511 Luthers unique skills

Mikkelsen moves very quickly, especially on the three-acre land of the Federation. There is a tacit understanding between him and Luther.

In other words, Luther has a tacit understanding on one side, and Mikkelson just needs to lie down.

As a collaborator, Luther is the kind of smart person who is both visionary and ambitious. He knows when to be obedient and when to work hard to gain benefits, show value, and constantly improve himself.

Prevent yourself from failing to keep up with those superhuman bosses.

For Luther now, danger and opportunity obviously coexist.

On the one hand, he has to follow Mikkelsen's elegant line, completely turning around from a staunch resistance force to a leader of appeasement, betraying local interests to please players, and trying to get his own share of politics from it.


How to deal with people's livelihood issues in the special zone will particularly test the federal government's integration and propaganda capabilities. As long as the former is in place, they can always send the right people, such as speculators, desperate people and other minority groups, to willingly contribute.

own life.

If the latter is done well, this obvious act of appeasement can undoubtedly be packaged as a sacrifice proactively made by the Great Federation in order to alleviate the precarious situation. If more publicity is given to the establishment of special zones, the incidents of superhuman crimes in various places will be revealed.

Significantly lowering the news support, Luther will not have to worry about votes for the next term.

At the very least, those who bought the Phoenix ferry ticket will definitely be happy to see that the entire plan has a buffer period, which can allow the project progress to move forward a few points.

If he can gain a good impression in Phoenix City because of this incident, Luther will also have a good start in immigrating to Phoenix City after leaving office.

On the other hand, how to balance the relationship with Tang Ji will test Luther's adaptability even more.

Protecting Edward secretly was just a small trick, and building a statue of Tang Ji's wife in the city center was the real killer move. As a layman, Luther really couldn't imagine what else Tang Ji wanted to pursue.

Everything in the world is at your fingertips in the face of absolute power. From this aspect, Luther has already sanctified Tang Ji in his heart. He feels that the man has truly achieved the state of having no desires and no demands.

After all, if Luther had that kind of power, the first thing he would have to do is kill half of the members of the Council, and then let the other half help him crown him king, throw the title of Commander into the ditch, and wear the crown.

, to be the czar dad of all.

And he will use titles like gray animals to reward all federal citizens, officially announcing the arrival of a new era.

Let's put it this way, just thinking about that scene, Luther could feel that his heart rate exceeded 120, and he needed to take two pills to relieve heart pressure to calm down.

The erecting of a statue for Angelina was something Luther planned long ago after he had a thorough understanding of Tang Ji's past. He just didn't know when to maximize the benefits of this flattery.

And now is undoubtedly the best time.

Tang Ji himself does not pursue personal honor and fame, but can he still refuse the people of Night City to remember his late wife?

Of course he can't. Because Luthor's little tricks are all good, he built the statue in the name of commemorating all the people of Night City who died in the Red Sun Incident. It's just that the sculpture used to express the spirit of commemoration happened to have a face.

It's just Angelina's face.

Everyone knows Tangji's face, but only a few people still remember Angelina's face.

"Don, come watch the news." Edward turned up the TV volume, attracting Tang Ji's attention.

At this time, he was helping Edward prepare breakfast. He rarely had a good sleep last night, in a familiar environment and with An Ran's company.

Although it is a bit unscrupulous, in fact, Tang Ji has never worried about Wu Qianying's safety. Even if Wu Qianying's own intelligence is not counted, as long as he is still alive and well, that bastard Mikkelsen cannot cause Wu Qianying to be harmed.


Tangji's breakfast skills have deteriorated, and the finished product is terrible. The simplest fried eggs and bacon are burnt black, and they look like the kind of things that test the limits of human endurance.

Just like last night's sleep, cooking skills were undoubtedly something that was eliminated by rage. He slept like a human, cooked like a human, and had breakfast. These behaviors were more to make himself like a human.

As Edward called, Tang Ji expressionlessly dumped the pile of garbage into the trash can, turned around, soaked a large bowl of cereal with cold milk, and took it away.

"In order to commemorate the victims of the Red Sun Incident in Night City, the former Mayor of Night City, Luther, who has become the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation, decided to build a memorial sculpture near St. Mary's Hospital on the edge of the central area." On the TV, a reporter was at the scene.

The broadcast was carried out, and the screen quickly cut to Commander Luther who was in the press hall of the New W Palace in the East Coast Demonstration City.

"I know that many people are confused about the establishment of the special zone, but today, here I want to open my heart to all federal citizens." A virtual three-dimensional sculpture is suspended next to Luther: "It's like I have never forgotten the Red Sun incident.

Like the victims, I have never let go of my hatred for those attackers."

"But history tells us that hatred cannot solve any problem. On the contrary, tolerance and understanding can." Luther enlarged the projection of the sculpture so that the sculpture occupied the entire screen. The familiar face blocked Luther like a shield: "I know

The establishment of a special zone will cause a stir in public opinion, and we know the pressure we have to face. However, in the face of the emergence of extraterrestrial civilization, someone has to stand up and take the first step. No matter whether this step is wrong or right, it will be better than the original one.

It is better to fight against each other."

"So I stood up, risked my political career, made a choice, took that step, and was willing to bear all the consequences." Luther acted like a martyr, with a look of confusion on his face.

With a firm expression, he was caught in the frame by countless cameras: "No matter what the final result of my choice is, God witnesses that I have worked hard for it. God bless the Federation and every federal citizen!"

At the end of the sentence, a tear rolled down the corner of Luther's eye, looking extremely pious. However, since the meaningless prosthesis of artificial tear glands was exposed, the public has not paid much for such crocodile tears.

Perhaps the director noticed the change in the barrage and immediately cut away the camera, showing the start of construction of the Night City commemorative sculpture.

Generally speaking, the effect of this live broadcast is very good, but the new W Palace public opinion guidance team has been neglected for many years, and some are out of touch with society. In the final stage, an outdated method of building momentum was used, and the result was that Luther was successfully searched and became a meme today.


But fortunately, today's show was not for ordinary people to watch, but was performed specifically for Tang Ji. Those speeches were just for publicity and were not important.

Luther has a very good grasp of Tang Ji's psychology. If a sculpture of Tang Ji is erected and too many people know it, it will appear that the federal government is too deliberate and too licentious, and the scene will not look good.

Moreover, with Tang Ji's temper, it is not impossible for him to suddenly appear, smash the sculpture with a slap, and declare in public that he will not engage in personality worship.

But if Angelina's portrait is used, the meaning to Tanguy will be completely different, and the risk to the federal government will be reduced exponentially.

Edward took out a tree of life captured from Tangji, lit it with a click, and watched the green smoke dissipate straight up to the ceiling.

Tang Ji silently stirred the cereal, and finally just smiled and started eating breakfast.

"What do you think? Don't keep it in your heart." Edward felt that at this time, it was most appropriate for him to ask.

"The expression is a bit too serious. She loves to laugh." Tang Ji said without raising his head.

Edward looked at the virtual statue of Angelina on the TV and Tang Ji, who didn't even dare to look in that direction, and sighed.

The old man opened the window and shouted outside: "Did you hear that? It's too serious!"

Edward originally planned to go out and talk to the mysterious bodyguards who had been with him for forty-eight hours, but when he thought of Tang Ji's perverted perception, he simply communicated at the window: "By the way, another tree of life! I want something fresh this month.


Thanks to Tang Ji, Edward has now even learned how to distinguish the taste of special cigarettes like the Tree of Life. The leaves that were just collected that month have a more refreshing and vigorous energy, while those that have been stored in the cellar for more than a year will have a more refreshing flavor.

A mellow feeling that has accumulated over time.

Edward himself is a mellow man, but he prefers younger ones.

Mitch Shepard is a girl who is not easy to mess with because of her name. She grew up in Roseville and finally settled in Night City through her own abilities.

Although he is only twenty-four years old, Mitchell already has six years of work experience, the first four of which were with the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau and the last two of which were with News 54 in the evening slot.

Theoretically speaking, Michelle Shepard and Tang Ji are colleagues, but in fact she belongs to the News and Public Opinion Management Department of the Law Enforcement Bureau. She is a civilian employee wearing law enforcement uniforms. Her main job is to help those big guys in the media.

Wipe your ass.

Mitch Shepard knew Tang Ji because the butt she wiped the most was Tang Ji's butt, but Tang Ji didn't know her because there were others who wiped his butt for him even without Mitch.

After the Red Sun incident, Mitch Shepard, like many others, chose to leave the Law Enforcement Bureau and quickly found a higher-paying job at News 54 based on his work experience.

But as Tang Ji quickly rose to prominence and became the most prominent waist in the entire Night City, even the Federation, and the world, the past relationship began to shine through to Mitchell Shepard.

To give a simple example, Mitch is on page nine of that photo album. With this relationship, there are almost no people in Night City that she dare not interview, and there is no story that she dares not broadcast.

For example, seven months ago, Mitchell reported on an incident in which a mid-level leader of the Valentino Gang was shot on the street by the Mox Gang after he allegedly refused to pay a dancer for the night.

Of course, the leader of the Valentino Gang would not admit this embarrassing reason for being shot. He swore that the two sides had a conflict over territorial issues and planned to launch reciprocal countermeasures in the near future.

But Mitch Shepard intervened in the brewing conflict in time, obtained key evidence, and quickly made it public, making the leader a public laughing stock.

No street fighter from the Valentino Gang is willing to go through life and death for the boss's whoring money, so the conflict naturally ends.

The final result was that the leader, under pressure, personally appeared on Mitchell Shepard's interview show and publicly stated on the show that the money had been settled and interest had been added.

After this battle, Mitch Shepard became the most dazzling new star of Channel 54. Everyone in Night City knew that she dared to broadcast and write anything, and would not compromise due to external pressure, so she hosted

Talk shows are extremely popular.

Up to now, there have been the old leader of Valentino - Machete, the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang - Hiroyuki Sanada, the protector of the dancers, the spiritual pillar of the Mox Gang - Lizzy, and the Violent Bear Gang.

Her new boss, Isla Barros, who is still unknown in her career, and others have appeared on her show.

Especially for Isla Barros, the comment that she is still unknown in her career and needs to continue to work hard was made by Mitch Shepard in person. The effect of the program at that time can almost be described as an explosion, and the people in the city were excited.


Of course, the price is that all the fitness enthusiasts on News 54 have been canceled from the Triple Extreme chain gym memberships afterwards, and people who park their cars in Taiwan can’t get any discounts on repairs and maintenance. The Bear Gang has almost a monopoly

Car repair and maintenance services on the market.

But as time goes by, even a host like Mitch Shepard, who can always put on a great show, will be abandoned by the Night City people who like the new and dislike the old.

In order to save his own vision, the daring Mitch Shepard made a shocking decision

"You're crazy! Do you think those people in Roswell will put up with everything because of a photo?" Mitch Shepard's boyfriend shouted excitedly: "Do you think that was a joke? The Federation

You’re spending money on your life!”

"Of course I know, that's why I want to go. That's my hometown. It's my responsibility to discover the truth and let everyone know the truth!" Mitch Shepard said to his boyfriend while packing his luggage.


"You are not the pioneer of justice, nor the light of justice! Tang Ji may be, but you are not, you are just a clown who keeps dancing on the border with his afterglow! You lunatic! You have everything, why can't you settle down?

Safe and sound, like other women." Before the man could finish speaking, he was hit in the face by a shoe.

Mitch Shepard looked at him eagerly: "Get married and have children like other women? Is this the first day you met me? I know what you all think of me. You secretly say that I am a lucky man, so I have to prove it. ,I'm not!"

"Don't do anything stupid, Mitch! Wait for a while at least." The man finally shook his head, turned around and left the apartment: "I hope you won't regret it."

"I will never regret it even if I die! I will come back with the truth and facts!" Mitch Shepard shouted from behind: "Also, we broke up!"

PS: After the beginning of the new year, the work characteristics of the new position began to show up. Comrades, I could even code out half of the chapters for a while before getting off work. Don’t be surprised if I add more chapters one day, it must be at work. I feel so flustered

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