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Chapter 530 The next target

Fabian Rothschild, a lonely electronic soul, of course, has no concept of loneliness at all. It just feels a little... boring.

The ghost cut off Fabian's connection to the Eye in the Sky, which was equivalent to poking out its eyes.

Compared to the other two members of the Eternal Council, he uploaded his consciousness earlier, used more primitive technology, and retained the least amount of humanity itself.

It is the one closest to a machine in the Eternal Parliament, and it often thinks about how much it has to do with Fabian Rothschild.

Are they the same soul with a replaced body, or are they simply digital copies?

Is there a more intrinsic connection between them, or is it the relationship between people and tools?

Fabian Rothschild wastes a lot of computing power on this kind of philosophical issue, but it is obvious that the binary algorithm cannot calculate the connection between the id and the superego, and it cannot figure out how it can avoid failure now.

They failed, Rothschild failed, and the past is no longer the same.

Fabian is now just a prisoner locked up in the LAN. He can't even read news online. Why does the enemy have such a technological advantage?

It doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand.

Fabian is the oldest member of the Eternal Parliament. The reason why it threw its root server into the depths of the ocean was because it insisted that Rothschild's roots were on the earth.

Although Fabian supported the Phoenix project, it still chose to stay on Earth forever.

Perhaps, it should have been more cautious. In this era, no place on earth is safe...

Similar thinking continued for 1,800 seconds after the death of the last bloodline belonging to Rothschild on Earth, and then was terminated as Sea King Aisa found the huge server located in the deep sea.

Fabian Rothschild was cut off from the power supply and then dragged out from the seabed at a depth of about 4,000 meters using a towing rope.

This was the first member of the Eternal Parliament they captured, but after ghost inspection, it was determined that this huge quantum computer was an experimental model. It did not have a complete protection system. After cutting off the power and restarting it, the person inside named

Fabian Rothschild's consciousness has completely disappeared.

If it is allowed to run on its own, perhaps in a few hundred years a new, true electronic soul will be brewed and emerge in it.

But now, the only value of this thing is to use it in Dr. Wu Qianying's laboratory, and the ghost doesn't like this thing at all.

It has broken away from the constraints of hardware and completely resides in the network cloud.

Tang Ji, who was retrieved by Wang Zhengdao, also visited the trophy. He frowned and looked around the quantum host several times, his eyes full of doubts.

What kind of person would give up everything they have just to live as a console?

"What to do with the other two?" Tang Ji said to Mikkelsen who saw him at the scene, but wisely did not mention the news about the special zone.

"I'm afraid we can only put it on hold for the time being." Mikkelsen lit a tree of life and said with some regret: "Belina Rothschild is at the nearest Lagrange point and has a weapon no less powerful than the Eye in the Sky.

Our armed forces, our only two long-range shuttles are performing special missions and cannot return in a short time."

"And Simone Rothschild, who served as the chief architect of the Phoenix, has the same problems and the same troubles." Mikkelsen's tone was calm. At the astronomical scale of space distance, even he

, even Tang Ji can only look at the ocean and sigh.

"But the good news is that we have cut off the connection between them and the earth. At the same time, the ghost can ensure that there will be no more machine killers with the Rothschild LOGO on them to come and cause trouble." Mikkelsen said optimistically: "At the same time,

, we can be regarded as receiving a rich legacy, many key technologies have achieved breakthroughs, if there are another two years..."

"What a pity." Mikkelsen finally sighed. The world does not have two years to wait for technology to become a product.

"But don't be idle, the Celestial Being Organization still has two apparent targets to deal with." Mikkelsen looked at the time: "You are still the most suitable executioner, I am optimistic about you."

"Who should we deal with first?" Although Tang Ji felt sorry for the other two members of the Eternal Council, he really didn't want to go on two more long-distance space journeys.

"Gavalar Priyadarshini Nihelu, we have found where he is." Mikkelsen looked at Tangji with some fun: "I'm afraid you have to go to outer space.


"I just came down." Tang Ji emphasized: "It's not even thirty minutes."

"He's on the moon." Mikkelsen pointed to the moon that had risen above his head: "On the back side."

"I was closer to it just now." Tang Ji looked Mikkelsen up and down, as if he was considering where to start without killing him.

"Unless you can run all the way over, you have to come down first and then go up." Mikkelsen took a step back and emphasized: "This was Wu Qianying's idea."


"There is only one course of action against the Celestial Being Organization, and that is to be quick." Wu Qianying said to Tang Ji on the other side of the video: "No one knows how many back-ups they have prepared on earth. The Rothschild family is just the beginning. We

It caught them off guard, but it will get harder and harder next time.”

"The Nihelu family is a double-surname family. Their official surname should be Nihelu. Gandi. Male members use Nihelu, while female members use Gandi." Wu Qianying introduced the Nihelu.Gandi family.

General situation: "They adopt a dual leadership system within the family. Each generation has a male Nihelu patriarch and a Gandi female patriarch as leaders."

"It is certain that they have mastered quite advanced biological technology. They can control the gender and dominant characteristics of their offspring at will, and can mass-produce clones that are close to natural humans." Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji with bright eyes: "You must

Keep their technical arsenal intact!”

"What is certain is that they possess a large number of advanced weapons and have conducted a certain degree of research in the field of superhuman beings." Wu Qianying continued: "But after the end of the second corporate war, they devoted their expenditures to developing the lunar back survival zone, leaving them with

We have very little information, but they have at least a large ecosystem that supports the daily life of a population of at least 18,000 people."

"When you go to clean up those heavenly beings, we will simultaneously start to clean up the agents of the Nihelu Gandi family on the earth." Mikkelsen nodded towards Wang Zhengdao: "Now, I have to trouble you to do a good job.

In preparation for going to the moon, we have prepared a special express train for you."

Tang Ji felt that he was now allergic to the word "express". Some things can only be appreciated when they are lost. He turned his head and glanced at Wang Zhengdao, who had begun to "not keep up with the times", and felt that his face was disgusting.

Wang Zhengdao rolled his eyes, reached out and patted Tang Ji on the shoulder, and in the next second he had led him to the actual control area of ​​the Petrochemical Alliance thousands of kilometers away.

Thanks to Mikkelsen's substantial control over the Military Technology Group and several important upstream and downstream companies, coupled with the influence of the Joint Investigation Office, his voice within the corporate alliance has increased exponentially.

Therefore, Mikkelsen is now able to have direct dialogue with the Petrochemical Alliance on behalf of the Enterprise Alliance. The two parties have conducted quite in-depth cooperation on player issues. Some known forces controlled by the Naturalized Family have begun to be controlled by both parties at the same time.

Cleaned up.

But this time, at Mikkelsen's request, the Petrochemical Alliance restarted a secret project to help Tangji quickly land on the moon.

One hundred and forty-four kilometers west of Baghdad, Babylon the Great Base.

Here, a super electromagnetic gun hidden in the mountain with a length of 156 meters, an aperture of one meter, and a design angle fixed directly above appeared straight in front of Tang Ji.

"The Gerald super launcher is a super cannon mainly used to launch micro-satellites." A researcher with Mediterranean hair hurried over with gratitude on his face: "I didn't expect that one day, I would still have

Give her another chance."

"Mikkelsen said that this electromagnetic cannon, with overclocking output, can launch a special landing module directly into the lunar orbit within a suitable window period." Wang Zhengdao looked up at the towering orbit of the launcher, his face full of shock.

Although he could reach the other side of the world in an instant, he was still overwhelmed by the industrial beauty of human civilization at this moment.

"The landing module will be accelerated to 1.5 times the second cosmic speed at the end of the orbit. After seventeen seconds, you will enter outer space. After five hours and 43 minutes, you will successfully enter the lunar orbit. The landing module will

Slow down so that you can enter orbit smoothly." The Mediterranean researcher's tone was full of excitement, and he seemed to be impatient.

"It was originally unable to do this, but your people said that it can solve the problem of output power through some not-so-scientific superhuman methods." Mediterranean clapped his hands vigorously: "This is definitely the biggest adventure in human history! All of them

Everyone will be remembered by history!”

"Which parts used less scientific superhuman methods?" Even Tang Ji couldn't help but feel his heart beat a few times more at this moment.

"Every part, the energy supply system requires superhuman amplification, the orbital system requires superhumans to maintain ideal superconductivity and control the temperature, and your landing module requires superhumans to maintain structural integrity during the launch phase to ensure that it does not disintegrate.

"Mediterranean kept talking, and kept saying the word "disintegration" before he stopped abruptly: "Well, I mean, generally speaking, the entire system has been rigorously reviewed, and the security is guaranteed. We have

Tested twice!"

Tang Ji understands everything now.

This chapter has been completed!
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