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Chapter 547: The Influence of the Scarlet Disciples

A trivial matter like the Queen of the Commonwealth having a heart attack and being taken to the hospital for treatment would not even make headlines in this day and age.

The headline news today is about a massive conflict in the Amazon jungle, where nearly 700 bodies were washed along the Amazon River and into the sea, creating a blockage.

The news ranked on the second page is the news about the official ban of the Dead Man Lottery in Night City. Although it is ranked on the second page, it can be regarded as completely crushing the front page headlines in terms of reading volume.

"Good morning! Night City! I am your old friend Stan. Well, fellow workers, I am here to share with you some good news that is not good news.

Yes, that’s right, the news you heard in various channels is true. The Dead Man’s Lotto, which has been operating continuously for 3,525 days, will officially cease operations starting today!

Don't cry in a hurry. I know what you are thinking. It's not that we have no money. The reason for the suspension is that in the past seven days, the number of abnormal deaths in the entire Night City was only 172!

You heard it right, in the past seven days, one hundred and sixty-eight hours, and ten thousand and eighty minutes, only one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight unlucky people died!

This included 376 car accidents, 316 suicides, and 644 patients who died in the hospital. The number of deaths affected by gang wars and homicides was only 500.

Fifty-two, on average, less than 79 people per day!

I can't help but ask, what happened to Night City?

Well, back to the topic, because the average number of people per day is too small and the results are too susceptible to interference from human factors, the sponsors of the Dead Man Lotto decided to temporarily suspend this event.

But everyone who enjoys playing in Night City, don’t worry, we are establishing contact with Roswell District, and if everything goes well, the new District version of Dead Man’s Lotto will be launched in the near future!”

Ding Yue turned off the car radio casually, with a smile on his face.

He still has three orders to complete today. If everything goes well, he can earn at least four hundred and fifty. This is an income that he never dared to think about before. After burning the exploitation of street gangs, he can save money at least faster than before.

one third.

After killing the damn arsonist Kanzaki Plant, Ding Yue was confused for a long time. He was not very adaptable to life as a superhuman.

Out of instinctive repulsion, he refused the Tiger Claw Gang's recruitment, and did not try to overthrow the Hesheng Gang in the Tang Dynasty with his own abilities. He just resumed his previous life trajectory.

Ding Yue still drives his electric truck to deliver goods, but his business scope is wider than before, and because of the fame brought by some rumors, he can receive many orders for high-value goods.

Perhaps the only difference is that Ding Yue is now a field agent of the FBAS Bureau and goes on field missions several times a week.

Every field mission brought him generous rewards. This money, coupled with the money he received from running freight orders, allowed Ding Yue to accumulate his savings to the amount of previous losses in just a few months.


Ding Yue did not deviate from his life track because he became a superhuman, but he never forgot his anger that day.

That is not his anger alone, it is the anger brought by an era to an entire class. This anger will not disappear unless the contradictory relationship is alleviated.

Of course, the above is just Ding Yue’s personal opinion

If you look at it from a third party's perspective, Ding Yue has changed a lot of things. The most intuitive thing is that the power of the Hesheng Gang has shrunk to one-third of its previous size, and the entire gang is in a state of half-death.

Almost all their high-profit businesses in the Tang Dynasty were ruined because of Ding Yue, such as gambling, loan sharking, and protection fees.

Now, in the Tang Dynasty, any business that Ding Yue feels is not good will definitely not be opened, because once a victim or the victim's family finds Ding Yue, he will meddle in his own business.

Ding Yue works during the day, works overtime at night, and occasionally goes out to work on behalf of the FBAS Bureau. He is very busy every day. He has no time to investigate, so whenever something goes wrong, he goes directly to the Hesheng Gang's gang and asks the Hesheng Gang to investigate.

The team of people solved the case within a limited time.

But for this kind of bad things in the Tang Dynasty, He Sheng's own head would often be traced after repeated investigations. Of course, they had no motivation. At the beginning, they even thought of casually framing them and fooling them.

However, after more than twenty mid-level and high-level cadres died, and even three leaders were replaced, this small gang in the Tang Dynasty finally recognized the reality - with Ding Yue's interference, they are not a gang at all now.

They are now the real estate company in the entire Chinatown, and they are still the kind of conscientious real estate companies that serve the owners wholeheartedly.

In Ding Yue's words: "Since you have come out to fool around, you must be reasonable. If you take everyone's money, you must shoulder this responsibility. Not a penny can be taken away without paying a price."

If Ding Yue doesn't reason with them, they have nothing to reason with. This is Tang Ji's good leadership. He leads by example and lets everyone see the weakness of the joint gang.

Within the FBAS Bureau, Ding Yue's weakened version of Tang Ji's ability cannot be hidden at all. Anyone who has seen Ding Yue's actions can see that such a secret cannot be hidden at all.

Within a few weeks, various rumors about Ding Yue and Tang Ji spread throughout the underground world of Night City.

If it weren't for the age difference, people would probably think that Ding Yue was Tang Ji's illegitimate son, but in fact Ding Yue was three years older than Tang Ji.

Another widely circulated theory is that Ding Yue was recognized by Tang Ji and thus gained some of Tang Ji's abilities.

News and intelligence about Tang Ji are taboo in Night City. If you want to hear all the legends about Tang Ji after he became famous, just go to any bar and buy someone a drink, and you can get a lot of them.

But if you want to know about Tang Ji before he became famous, you might just turn a corner and be taken away by agents of the FBAS Bureau.

However, the news about Ding Yue is no secret. For only two hundred yuan, you can buy the wonderful story of how Ding Yue went bankrupt in one day, and finally picked up a pistol to avenge his neighbor, giving himself a happy ending.


Ding Yue himself did not have an overreaction to the spread of his past on the road, because he had a clear conscience.

However, in the eyes of caring people, his experiences were quickly refined into two key words: anger and revenge.

Based on Tang Ji’s nicknames related to anger, such as furious, unhappy, and the story of revenge between him and the Losas organization, many people believe that if your heart is full of anger and you are on the road to revenge,

, you are very likely to gain Tang Ji's favor and gain his power.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you are not the kind of villain listed on Tang Ji's list. In the third year when the name Tang Ji, the law enforcer, became a cultural symbol, what kind of person is Tang Ji and what kind of person does he hate?

Behavior is no longer a secret.

Under this circumstance, Night City started a bottom-up violent movement some time ago.

Those desperate civilians, filled with anger and suffering from injustice, took to the streets, took action, and began to fight back

In the final analysis, human beings are profit-seeking. When revenge may be beneficial, continuing to endure becomes a cost-effective behavior.

In the first three days of the Rage event, the entire Night City felt like war had reignited. The streets and alleys were filled with bullets and explosions, and the Dead Man Lotto kept hitting new highs.

Countless citizens took to the streets to fight with the gang members who were oppressing them. According to the theory of production relations, as long as gangs exist, there will be irreconcilable conflicts between flesh-and-blood producers and scavengers who are not engaged in production.

It's just that the former can convince himself to endure most of the time, while the latter has more powerful force. The existence of Tang Ji and Ding Yue breaks this fragile balance.

When the martial-minded people of Night City could no longer endure, the outburst of anger almost burned the entire city to ashes. For three weeks, the war never stopped, and the ultimate losers were those street fighters who committed heinous crimes.

They suddenly found themselves trapped in a people's war, with no place to stand in this city.

When they are walking on the street, the car behind them may suddenly accelerate, squeezing them against the guardrail, and crushing them to death. The cause may be an accident while racing a few years ago. They may have long forgotten it, but they are still injured.

The perpetrators and victims' families will forever be remembered.

When they are eating, a passing waiter may suddenly draw a pistol and shoot them execution-style. The cause may be a molestation or bullying a few months ago. To them, this is just an ordinary act of fun.

, but the victim may never get out of the shadows.

While they're sleeping, their next-door neighbor may reach over the window sill and throw a grenade into their bedroom. The cause may be a drunken disturbance a few days ago, or a long-term noise disturbance, and they don't feel that they have done anything wrong.

They feel that they are the strongest in this jungle and should enjoy the privilege of more living space, but the anger in the hearts of their neighbors continues to grow.

A little Tangji-style shock almost caused the underground forces in Night City to reshuffle their cards.

More than 1,500 corpses represent the attitude of the people of Night City towards street gangs. The city has had enough, and Tang Ji gave them the confidence to resist.

The first to give in was the Valentino Gang, which had a relatively good reputation. Scimitar personally dealt with thirty-nine middle- and low-level leaders who had great public grievances, right in Heywood Square, under the spotlight.

Thirty-nine people knelt in a row, with scimitars standing in front of them. They stretched out their fingers to make a shooting motion. The sniper in the distance killed them with one shot, and then the next one.

Scimitar had no expression on his face from beginning to end, but when he walked to his office, his hands were so trembling that he could not hold his cigar steadily.

"The era of gangs has passed." Scimitar said to Gusvota: "Did you see it? What I killed was not the thirty-nine gang members, what I killed was the Valentino Gang.

After centuries of building an order, a brand new order has come over. If we don’t want to be crushed to death, we must learn to adapt."

"Is it Tangji's order?" Gusvota was also a little frightened. Just two years ago, he chased Tangji on the street, and there was a gunfight between the two sides.

The shame at that time has become the glory now. Gusvota's prestige within the gang has become stronger and stronger. One of the main factors is that he had a face-to-face conflict with Tangji back then and survived to this day unharmed.

"I hope so, but I'm afraid we are overestimating ourselves. This is just a spontaneous action of the people below under the influence of Tang Ji." Scimitar finally smiled: "I am already old, I don't need to adapt to the new order, haha


Scimitar's laughter was full of twilight, but he had no regrets.

Rickard Endom moved to Night City near the end of the Rage Movement. Like Din Yue, he quickly realized the inner connection between himself and Tangji.

After leaving the contaminated area in Ohio, Rickard lived alone for a while. He was confused about the future and angry about everything that had happened to him.

Rickard is a smart man. He quickly found traces of the Lost Paradise Club on the Internet from some clues and traced them one by one.

Thirty-four heads were Rickard's record. He killed all the club members he could find, and at the same time he carried a lot of wanted posters.

But all of these wanted warrants were suddenly eliminated in one morning. A law enforcement officer who had a similar experience to Rickard later revealed to him in private that it was the FBAS Bureau that helped.

Following this, there was an invitation from the FBAS Bureau, but it was signed to the Night City Branch of the FBAS Bureau.

It was under such circumstances that Rickard Endom arrived in Night City. His first impression of the city was not a good one, because he arrived just in time for the end of the Wrath Movement.

When Rickard drove the second-hand pickup truck he bought and beat the long queue and finally entered the border security checkpoint of Night City, a commotion suddenly occurred in the queue not far away from the city.

A Columbus V300 freight truck coming from the city crashed into a car near the border checkpoint. Then seven or eight men and women wearing different clothes rushed out of Columbus. Some of them looked like white-collar workers from the company.

Others are like dock workers. The only thing they have in common is that they are all angry and armed with weapons.

There were four people in the car. The one in the back seat of the passenger seat was shot to death by a pistol inserted into the car before he could get out of the car.

A fierce gun battle ensued, with both sides fighting to the death without any room for mercy. The last person to be killed was the passenger behind the driver's seat of the car. He knelt on the ground and tried to beg for mercy, but was eventually shot by a strong construction worker.

The whole thing messed up my brain.

What surprised Rickard even more was that the security personnel at the border checkpoint acted as if they had not seen all this and had no intention of intervening. They just asked the people on the Columbus car to take away all the bodies after the battle.

Rickard felt that his eyes had been opened. He even thought that he would not survive the first week here.


This chapter has been completed!
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