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Chapter 571: Thats it, goodbye forever

The funeral of the Prophet began at 4:53 pm on March 29th in the castle in Valletta, Malta.

Tang Ji was three minutes late because he needed to have a good talk with the violent power seed of the previous generation to convince it to stay in the box and not affect Wang Zhengdao's precise positioning. Even so, they deviated from the precise coordinates by more than ten kilometers.

When the fifth round of bells rang, Tang Ji rang the doorbell of the castle gate. At this time, it rained moderately on the entire island of Malta, which was very suitable for saying goodbye.

When Tang Ji, Wang Zhengdao and Lu Lu walked in, an ancient folk song called "The Sound of Silence" spread throughout the building. It was the tune chosen by the prophet himself to be used at Lai's funeral.

Mikkelsen, who was wearing a black suit, walked in the front, and six Mikkelsens similarly dressed carried a wooden coffin, which contained the almost fragmented body of the prophet. The scene was solemn and solemn, but everyone's faces were filled with confusion.

There was a hint of helplessness.

The moment Tang Ji saw the coffin again, his originally stern face seemed to have condensed with a layer of frost, and the low air pressure pressed down on the surrounding low-level superhumans and ordinary people who had to exert force to even breathe.

Wang Zhengdao lowered his head and straightened his clothes. He had been soaking in the sea for three days and three nights. He looked very sloppy at this time, but he could no longer care about it.

"Please." Wang Zhengdao stood in front of one of the Mikkelsens and made a gesture of invitation. The other party silently stepped aside and let Wang Zhengdao carry the coffin together. He whispered: "Thank you."

Anne hesitated for a moment and did not step forward. Although she had known the Prophet for a long time, the two did not communicate directly. She just habitually collected ready-made information from the Prophet on a regular basis, which was the same as reading the news every day, so she kept silent

Standing behind Wu Qianying.

Tang Ji also took a step forward, intending to replace one of the Mikkelsens, but was stopped by the leader Mikkelsen. He sighed: "You can't, she has other plans."

Tang Ji, who was holding the seeds of the previous generation's rage power in one hand, was still affected by the rage instinct. He lifted Mikkelsen into the air without saying a word.

"She said she has a surprise for you." Mikkelsen said weakly in the air.

"What's the surprise?" Tang Ji said his first words after coming in, his voice hoarse as if he hadn't spoken for months.

"Da da!" The coffin lid was suddenly ejected by a special catapult, and the prophet in the spirit state sat up from it like a corpse: "Are you surprised?"

Even if he was furious, he almost strangled Mikkelsen to death on the spot. He really didn't expect that in such a serious occasion, someone would dare to give him such a surprise.

But the host of the prank was the protagonist of today's funeral, and no one could say no to her, so Tang Ji could only throw Mikkelsen aside and clapped somewhat mechanically.

Wu Qianying quietly threw the controller used to eject the coffin board into the nearby flowers, pretending that the matter had nothing to do with her.

As for Wang Zhengdao, his mood had not caught up with the prophet's surprise. His expression was neither happy nor sad, as if he had become a monk.

This is indeed the style of the prophet. Many people are deceived by her appearance. Only Wu Qianying knows what kind of weird soul is hidden in that body. If there are no players and no superhuman beings, maybe the prophet will be that kind of person.

A troublemaker who makes everyone angry and laughing.

And there may never be any intersection between him and her. This is the wonder of fate.

Wu Qianying clapped vigorously, and even made a cheering sound that was not in line with her personality. Then she lowered her head and quietly rubbed the corners of her eyes. She did not feel sorry for the old woman. She just felt that this prank was indeed very funny.


"What's going on?" Tang Ji took a deep breath before asking.

"My health is failing. I can't wait until you all come over, so I can only think of other ways." The prophet's spirit shrugged in a humane manner, and passed directly under the coffin, standing among the five

Between Mikkelsen and Wang Zhengdao, he pointed to a superhuman standing in the corner and introduced: "He can help me live for eight more minutes as a soul within eight minutes of my death."

This was the first time Tang Ji saw the prophet stand up, and it was also the first time he realized that the prophet was a petite girl, maybe not even 1.6 meters tall.

"Well done, Lao Wang, I will leave the Ark Organization to you from now on." The prophet's voice sounded a little sharper and more confident than before, although her soul still looked like it was about to shatter into pieces at any time.

, but at least it can be clearly seen that she is much younger than before.

"Okay." Wang Zhengdao nodded, looking at the lively prophet, trying to squeeze out a smile, but tears fell first: "I'm sorry, I came back late, I said I would accompany you on the last journey.


"Why are you crying? Aren't I fine now? If I hadn't died, I wouldn't even be able to say my last words." The prophet floated up like an elf, leveled the height of Wang Zhengdao, and complained: "I'm so angry, I

I made so much money and didn’t spend it all until I died. I’ll give you an advantage in the future. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Spend it when you need to and don’t save it, otherwise you won’t be able to rest in peace until you die!”

Perhaps in order to emphasize how firm his will was, the prophet opened his eyes hard, which finally made Wang Zhengdao smile.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, it's so ugly when a grown man cries." The prophet left Wang Zhengdao with a handsome back view, turned around and floated in front of Wu Qianying, showing off: "Take a good look, this is me, in terms of charm,

You're far behind! Okay, now you can cry. I like to see female bitches cry. You have to shed more tears to be worthy of the legacy I left for you!"

"Get out! You won't die cleanly!" Wu Qianying put on an expression that was far away from others, with a somewhat ugly smile on her face and opened her arms: "Here, give me a hug, let you feel what a mature woman is.

’s mind.”

"Now it's my turn to call you old woman! Don't think I don't know that you have secretly adjusted your genes to make fat grow only where it should grow!" The prophet immediately distanced himself and mocked: "You call this cheating.


Afterwards, the prophet greeted several dignitaries of the Ark organization who came to attend the funeral, as well as senior officials sent by several countries to attend the funeral. His attitude was somewhat perfunctory, but the latter probably did not expect that they would be lucky enough to be personally received by the deceased.

, he couldn’t speak very fluently anymore, and he didn’t notice the prophet’s attitude at all.

After sending away these irrelevant people, the prophet finally landed in front of Tang Ji and asked with a smile: "Did I scare you?"

"You scared me." Tang Ji squatted down, looked directly into the prophet's eyes, and nodded: "You did what those players failed to do."

"e=(?0?7o`*))) Alas, it's a pity that we won't be able to see each other again, but there must be an ending." The prophet reached out and touched Tang Ji's face, but Tang Ji only felt a hint of coolness, not anything.

The actual touch comes.

This coolness, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day, gradually cooled down the angry Tang Ji.

The prophet was really dead, and her soul was dissipating rapidly. Tang Ji just looked at the prophet, and the other party also looked at him with a smile.

"I have known you for so many years, but I have never seen you so close. In fact, you are not that handsome." The prophet brought his face closer, as if he wanted to remember Tang Ji forever, and looked at this face carefully: "But

He has sharp edges and corners, and at first glance he is the material to be a hero. After I leave, I will leave the rest to you."

Tang Ji laughed, his smile warm and kind: "Okay, it's a deal."

"Forget it, you'd better stop laughing, it's even more scary when you smile." The prophet slipped away a few meters away and said with some disgust: "In that case, let's go here. I'm quite tired these years."

"Ahem, don't you have anything to say to me?" Mikkelsen reminded.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot about you." The prophet looked back at Mikkelsen and raised a middle finger at him: "I hope I won't see you in the next life."

Wolfgang, who was also ignored, clapped vigorously, as if he had heard the most satisfying joke of the day. Then he glanced at Tang Ji warily and said cautiously: "I just want to make a small suggestion. If anyone here

If you don't agree, just pretend it never happened. What I mean is that the ability of the prophet is very important to us. If necessary, I mean, if it is a prophet, I don't mind eating corpses and challenging my limits."

"Don't think about it, you can't digest it when it comes to soul realm abilities." The prophet rolled his eyes and said viciously: "Also, you ruined the style of my funeral."

"Tang Ji, when it's over, teach him a lesson for me!" the prophet said in a mighty voice, with a rich tone and expression, as if he wanted to make up for all the things he had missed in the past.

"Okay." Tang Ji glanced at Wolfgang, who instantly felt a cold current extending from his neck to his tailbone.

Then the entire scene fell silent, and the prophet also fell silent, as if he had finished saying everything he wanted to say.

"I didn't manage my time well. I spoke a bit too fast. I've finished my farewell speech and the curtain hasn't come down yet. It's a bit embarrassing." The prophet laughed. If you include the death under the peeping state of time, this is already

This was the sixth time she faced death.

Just like what the lyrics say, in the dark night, my old friend, I come to chat with you again

"Give me a ride, Tang Ji. My life is like a game that can be repeated over and over again, so I especially like adventure. I have experienced so many things, but I have never experienced your specialness. With your

The flames sent me on my way, saving me the fear of being alone." The prophet finally floated in front of Tang Ji and asked seriously: "Okay?"

Tang Ji said that word for the third time today: "Okay."

He stretched out his hand, and the black flame burned slowly and gently in his hand. You could even feel a sense of warmth from the flame, as if it would not burn people's skin, but only provide warmth.

The prophet pressed his face against Tang Ji's palm, and the black flame spread slowly and firmly on the prophet's spiritual body, dispersing the cracks in her soul caused by the use of abilities, as if a black line was outlined on the edge of her soul.

In thick lines, Tang Ji saw a prophet who was still twenty-eight years old, relieved, sweet and pleasant.

The other person smiled sweetly at him and then disappeared.

"Now, you can help carry the coffin." Mikkelsen gave up his position with a serious expression.

The entire building was silent inside and outside because of Tang Ji's silence, and gradually even breathing was suppressed to the minimum.

Tang Ji walked to the vacant spot, took over the other person's position, and carried the coffin, which was not heavy but seemed to be pressed directly into people's hearts, steadily. Even if the earth cracked, volcanoes erupted, and tsunamis rolled up huge waves to hit the city, they would still be there.

It won't affect his footsteps.

Wolfgang sighed, as if he was infected by something, and took a step forward, patting one of the Mikkelsens on the shoulder. The other party gave up his position without objection and took over the corner of the coffin.

Of course, he might be worried about getting beaten later.

In the end, Anne also walked over and replaced one of them, Mikkelsen. She actually admired people like prophets. If she had the ability of a prophet, she would definitely hide it better than anyone else. Even if human beings become extinct, she would

It will definitely be the last one.

"Let's go!" Mikkelsen said. Their destination was very close. In the center of the garden in the atrium, someone had already dug a grave in advance, waiting for the prophet's body to be placed in it.

She loved the castle where she lived during the last part of her life and was willing to bury herself here.

The ceremony was also very simple. People came forward one by one and threw flowers into the grave, and then a few people began to fill the grave. No one used supernatural powers, but they still filled it very quickly.

According to the prophet's request, there was no tombstone. The Druid version of Mikkelsen was hurriedly brought over by Wang Zhengdao to quickly restore the destroyed vegetation, as if it had never been dug up, as if no one had ever been buried.


The world is still the same world, but there is one less prophet.

"It's over. At least she walked well." Mikkelsen paused and concluded: "It's calm. She did everything she could."

"A noble person." Wu Qianying said: "He is just a little bit narrow-minded."

"A great person makes me ashamed." A certain Seven Sins shame said very calmly: "I will never be able to do what she did."

"This rain will fall for a month, just for her." Wolfgang said solemnly: "As long as I am alive, it will rain here every year on this day."

I can actually make people here have erotic dreams on this day every year in the future. Why didn’t I expect that a certain Shame of the Seven Original Sins sighed again, and then she saw Tang Ji punching Wolfgang and spitting out his teeth all over the place.


"She said she wanted me to teach you a lesson, and now we are together."

This chapter has been completed!
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