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Chapter 583: Fight to the death

Eight hours after the fall of Mannheim.

The Ganges government officially announced that three cities with a population of one million in its territory may have fallen into the hands of the players. They are still verifying it. In order not to affect the great cause of all mankind against the players, it feels it is necessary to tell this fact.

, after all, Ganges is a responsible big country.

This responsible approach almost made one of Mikkelsen's clones angry to death on the spot. He visited the Ganges three days ago to cooperate on the defense of players in the Ganges on behalf of the federal government.

Those Ganges people patted their chests and promised themselves that as long as we were attacked, they would immediately notify all allies and seek friendly help from the international community. They also expressed their sincere greetings to the federal visiting delegation headed by Mikkelsen.

, calling this the most meaningful cooperation in the international community since the corporate wars, and the beginning of an ice-breaking between countries.

In short, the scene said a lot, but in fact, both Mikkelsen and the large number of federal officials accompanying him expressed concern about the potential attack on the Ganges because it looked like it was undefended.

In the past two years, there have been only 457 official superhuman attacks in Ganges, which is more than 200 per year. On average, it takes less than one trip to Night City to catch up with the festival in a single day.

This number is broken.

This kind of report, which looks like a hoax at first glance, is meaningless to Mikkelsen. The Joint Investigation Office has more detailed information. The real number may be 3,000 to 10,000 times the official statistics. Because of this

The numbers were so ridiculous that Mikkelsen even began to think that there was something wrong with the statistics of the Joint Investigation Office.

But considering the total population of the Ganges, this country, which entered the Free State era long before the corporate war, is very likely to have six to seven million superhumans active, and these superhumans hardly feel any official control.

Under pressure, they can do whatever they want.

The Ganges River has always been a worry for Mikkelsen. Together with Tangji, he has the ability to plug the loopholes of the federation, control the number of players and war potential within acceptable limits, and limit the scale of the war to terror.

The extent of the attack finally found a feasible way out of the continuous bleeding situation.

They even have the energy to support the Ark organization and bring the European Federation under control.

But the Ganges is more suitable than Africa as a gap for players to invade this world. Its population resources are so rich and its racial tolerance is so tough that Mikkelsen has no doubt that they will adapt to players as quickly as possible.

their existence.

Their culture, their history, all prove that the Ganges people can tolerate themselves as slaves.

Mikkelsen even asked the ghost to calculate in private how many nuclear weapons he would need to turn this land into a dead place. Unfortunately, the answer given by the ghost was that this dose must exceed the warning line. The Ganges people are

It is a part of human civilization, and if it is to be destroyed, it can only be destroyed along with human civilization.

In terms of damage capability alone, nuclear weapons are not actually the most efficient weapons. Humanity's achievements in chemical and biological weapons have long surpassed nuclear weapons. However, other than nuclear weapons, no weapon can wipe out the entire eternity in a short period of time.

This group of river people.

Despite this, Mikkelsen secretly planned a plan through the ghost to cleanse as much of the population in the area as possible. By detonating about 500 high-yield nuclear bombs in densely populated areas, 7% can be cleared in a short time.

Ganges population of seventeen.

But according to the conclusion of the ghost, it is almost meaningless to do so. The players do not need 100% of the Ganges population. They only need 10% to completely establish a foothold in this world. And after encountering such an attack, the Ganges

People would probably be very happy to turn into demons to take revenge on the world.

Mikkelsen sometimes feels that he would rather wait for the revenge demons of the Ganges to take revenge on him than let the current Ganges people piss him off to death.

Three cities with a population of one million are suspected to be controlled by players. The first abnormal situation even occurred forty-two days ago. If this is true, then there are at least 10,000 more superhumans in the player camp now.

A physical player individual.

That bastard Markarian must have been eyeing the Ganges cake for a long time before he was willing to follow Mikkelsen's footsteps. The attacks in the Federation, the European Union, and even Africa were just a cover-up.

, the Ganges River is their real goal.

Mikkelsen's intelligence ability has been delayed in this land. It has been too deeply influenced by the Celestial Being Organization. Many officials rooted at the grassroots level are accustomed to being at the mercy of the Nihelu Gandi family, and they themselves may

Didn't realize this.

Simone Rothschild took advantage of this advantageous situation and made it convenient for players.

The electronic life whose body is hidden in the Phoenix City has carefully calculated and found interests in addition to hatred, and discovered the interests of the Phoenix City after the player occupied the earth.

Phoenix City will then become one of the few, or even the only, free place that will not be harassed by players. The dream of the Celestial Organization may be realized through the hands of players, which makes it very keen to work with Mikkelsen and others.

Man fights in vain.

In contrast, Otto von Habsburg, who had taken the wrong path, behaved very calmly, as if he didn't care at all about the future of the earth and mankind.

But Mikkelsen couldn't find the Habsburg family's trump card. He even used a jealous brain tank to briefly mentally control Otto von Habsburg. Facts have shown that he is as clean as he showed.

That way, there's nothing to hide.

It is this kind of cleanliness that makes Mikkelsen unable to let go of his vigilance. He knows these people too well. These people can be so boring that they form an organization like the Tianren Organization. How can there be a real salted fish?


But it doesn't matter. The incompetence of the Ganges people only makes the final battle come earlier. The result is no different. Mikkelsen has time to physically eliminate all potential threats together.

"Double the density of facilities in this area." Out of revenge, Mikkelsen responded by doubling the tipping point in the Ganges area with a stroke of his pen.

Destruction is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. The shorter the required timeliness, the greater the difficulty.

They need to evenly distribute the detonation points around the world to ensure that the chain reactions can form a correct positive superposition effect, reach a sufficient scale of explosion power, and stir up enough dust material to form a strong enough impact in the atmosphere.


Tang Ji's absolute power is not as strong as that of the previous generation of Fury. The previous generation of Fury could ignite the atmosphere with its own anger and form a global-scale 'black rain'. Tang Ji cannot do this. He needs external help.

But having said that, the previous generation was almost 130 years old when he was exiled. In comparison, Tang Ji was still young.

Mikkelsen stared at the map full of detonation points and kept examining it. He felt that there were still some problems in it, but after staring for a long time, he failed to grasp the key points. He could only ask the ghost to recalculate and confirm that there were no problems with the distribution map.


This was not the first time he had asked the ghost to do this, but every time the ghost responded that no problem was detected.

Mikkelsen also tried to get Mr. Good Luck to intervene in the matter. As a result, the moment he left the Moonlight Gold, he was hit in the forehead by a screw that suddenly flew away from the docking bay. He fell unconscious on the spot. The subsequent examination showed that he had a serious illness.

I have a concussion and there is a bleeding point in my brain. It is best not to move it easily.

Even if Mr. Good Luck has lost consciousness, Mikkelsen can understand the subtext of this omen, which casts a shadow on the plan.

But neither Mikkelsen nor the ghost could find out what went wrong, especially the latter, as an electronic ghost that has abandoned its human identity, it has expressed dissatisfaction with Mikkelson's suspicion many times, thinking that

The other party wasted its own computing resources and reduced work efficiency.

This time was no exception. After Mikkelsen requested this, Ghost recalculated and optimized two of the 950 core detonation points, as well as 117 ordinary ones that did not need to be buried in advance.

Nuclear bomb impact point.

But these optimizations are all based on geographical changes caused by superhuman or natural activities in the past few days, and are not a problem with the plan itself.

"Have you ever considered that you may have developed anxiety due to stress?" The ghost began to play on the screen the early symptoms of anxiety, as well as recommendations for related medications.

"Shut up and do your job." Mikkelsen put away the map with confusion and temporarily focused his attention on Mannheim. Din Yue and Rickard were both the focus of their attention.

For Albireololi, Ding Yue was just a sideshow on the road. He longed to obtain this body, but when he showed his ability to truly threaten him, Albireo decisively gave up on this goal.


He currently has an advantage in the competition among several war groups. If this body or even himself is killed by the aborigines here, the other war groups will definitely laugh to death.

So in the face of Ding Yue, who was constantly approaching and unable to deal with it quickly like a copper pea, Albireo chose to give in. He speeded up and planned to get rid of Ding Yue. In the north of the city, there were already traders ready.

A total of 20,000 people were used as transaction currency, but all the other party wanted was the Greedy Blood Potion.

No one knows that Albireo's ability itself cannot create greedy blood potions out of thin air. He just uses his own ability to make some greedy blood potions that do not belong to him appear here. As for who these greedy blood potions belong to,

No one cares, but it cannot be ruled out that there are some "old actors" among them who have been traded repeatedly by Albireo.

The Wings of Light, which consume three people every twelve minutes, are not extraordinary. They can provide Albireololi with super mobility. With just a simple flapping of wings, others have already appeared five hundred meters away.

, as fast as teleporting.

Ding Yue ran wildly and jumped from one building to another. He was so powerful that he crushed the shoes on his feet just once, but his bare feet did not affect his speed.

He still kept moving at high speed and refused to stop.

"Your struggle and resistance are meaningless. I hold two hundred and nine thousand one hundred and forty-four people in my hands, and in the big battle just now, you only consumed two hundred and thirty-two."

"I could spend a whole month with you."

The words of that bastard were still vivid in his mind. Ding Yue looked at the opponent's wings of light, his eyes were half red, and the strength of his feet increased again, and he kicked out hard, crushing the roof of the building behind him.

Ding Yue jumped up high, flew over a distance of tens of meters, and landed at the end of the rooftop of another building. He jumped up high again, but his speed was still not fast enough, and the distance between him and the target was constantly being stretched.


I can't let him run away, I have to catch up with him

He must die!

Ding Yue looked at the sudden blank space in front of him and froze on the spot. In front of him was the Mannheim National Park, and there were no tall enough buildings for him to use as a springboard.

And Albireo continued to fly forward without any hindrance!


!" Ding Yue suddenly jumped up and jumped far ahead like the Hulk. At this moment, he was enveloped in his own anger and sorrow, and he didn't want to think about the consequences at all.

Tang Ji, who was far away in the Federation, felt Ding Yue's emotions and the desire in them.

He complied with this desire. When he was most seriously affected by the anger of his previous generation, Ding Yue endured undue pressure. This was a bit of a return gift.

Ding Yue looked at Albireo flying further and further away, shouting angrily in the air. The next second, a blood-red chain burst out of his chest. At the speed of lightning, he was about to leave the last meter of the opponent's range.

Captured Albireo's ankle and locked it directly!

[Death Fight Invitation: Based on your anger, hatred connects you and your enemy. Once a day, you can choose a target and send a death fight invitation to it. Before the life of one party is finally ended by the other party, the flames of hatred will

Turning into a chain ensures that both parties cannot stay away from the other party for 500 meters by any means]

This is an ability that Tang Ji awakened very early, but soon, as Tang Ji's ability improved, this ability gradually became useless. Almost most players did not have the chance to escape when facing Tang Ji.

Now this ability has been shared with Ding Yue by Tang Ji.

Albireololi, who was soaring in the air, wanted to press the accelerator to the end, but forgot to retract the cable. The speedboat was pulled back at its maximum speed, and the whole person drew an not very elegant path in the air.


Ding Yue, on the other hand, stood on the green ground in the park and looked at the whooper swan. He pounced in the direction of the fall like a wild beast.

He doesn't care what weird ability this is, he only cares about how many lives that damn player still has in his hand that he can consume.

"I could spend a month with you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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