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Chapter 586: Leave this to you

"When you start hunting them, they will be angry, but the anger is under my control. Now I share this authority with you, it is also your power." Tang Ji said to Ding Yue: "When you gradually master it

skills, they will start to fear."

Tang Ji's hands kept moving, and the 500-meter-long chain moved back meter by meter. However, after reacting, Albireo had already begun to use his own abilities to open a path and move the obstacles in front of him left and right.

There was no anger in his heart at this time, only fear was left. He remembered the panic that flashed across the faces of the pioneers when they mentioned the name Tang Ji. Those details that he had not noticed before had now all turned into pictures.

, kept repeating in my mind.

"Remember, fear is our friend. You must learn to create fear, use fear, and turn fear into your power." Tang Ji stared at Albireo with a smile on his face, every time he hunted players

, he can feel the fun in it.

The more fierce the resistance of the players, the greater the fun. Killing those miscellaneous fish that can't even be named is meaningless.

"To completely kill a player requires not only anger, but also your will." Tang Ji held the chain with one hand and pointed at his head: "This is the most important thing, you must have a firm belief.

, harboring hatred.”

Ding Yue nodded blankly. He had not yet realized that the key point in the sentence of "completely killing the player" was the word "completely".

Albireo finally made up his mind. He didn't want to take the risk. Even if he gave up this body, he didn't want to risk his own life. A pistol was instantly made out of thin air in his hand...

"One more thing you need to pay attention to is that they are actually very weak. Once they find themselves in danger, they will try to escape." When Tang Ji saw Albireo's movements, the smile on his lips became thicker, and the prelude appeared on him like magic.

In his hand, he raised his hand and fired. The large-caliber bullet shrouded in black flames penetrated the reinforced concrete ruins hundreds of meters deep, completely ignoring the reduction of kinetic energy in the process.

The bullet penetrated the pistol in Albireo's hand and cut off three fingers on his right hand. He didn't even realize what happened. He still closed his eyes tightly and used his non-existent index finger to pull the non-existent gun, waiting.

End your own life with a non-existent bullet.

Five seconds later, Albireo suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was still in this nightmare and could not escape.

After Tang Ji appreciated the other party's performance, he started to pull the chain again like a butcher. Ding Yue said seriously: "My personal favorite method is close execution, so that they can fully feel the pain before death."

If you are worried, I recommend the behind-the-back position. The bullet enters through the seam at the back of the skull and exits through the middle seam of the mandible. It is fatal and efficient. Of course, if the opponent has the ability to heal himself, it may be better to use incineration."

"Death is their most common way to escape. They will use this method to force their consciousness out of the body. If there are multiple players, they will help each other." Then, Tangji interrupted Albireo's second suicide.

The impulse, and at the same time, in order to avoid future troubles, the black flame of hatred followed the chain and directly covered him, completely cutting off his intention to continue trying.

The chain of hundreds of meters was not long in Tang Ji's hands. Ding Yue soon saw Albireo Lori struggling.

Tang Ji threw away the chain, stepped on Albireo's chest with one foot, and gave Albireo a condescending look: "You should be lucky, I'm not so keen on collecting supernatural abilities now."

The experience of rage from previous generations seems to prove that rage is a pure force that does not require many ways of expression...

"I appreciate your persistence." Tang Ji threw the prelude to Ding Yue: "Go and do what you should do."

Ding Yue picked up the revolver with countless legendary stories, stood in front of Albireo, and asked with some uncertainty: "Shall I do it?"

Tang Ji looked at Ding Yue and said nothing, but his eyes seemed to have substantial weight, making Ding Yue breathless. He explained tremblingly: "I mean, if I fail...I

Couldn't kill him...what if he hadn't died?"

"Find him and do it again." Tang Ji smiled: "Anyway, they are everywhere now. Well, I owe you this patience before, but don't get me wrong, I'm really not a patient person...


Ding Yue was startled by Tang Ji's voice, and shot Albireo through the abdomen. The power of the prelude directly overturned half of his belly, causing the contents inside to rush out from the gap opened on the side.

Fall down.

"I won't die, I will live! I don't believe you can kill me!" Albireo Lori seemed to be brought back to his senses by this shot. He looked at Ding Yue fiercely, and briefly

He glanced at Tang Ji and murmured to himself: "I won't die, these are all lies... How is that possible? I'm a player..."

Ding Yue took a deep breath. He looked at the ruins around him, at the black snow that was just falling in the sky, and at the player who was holding on for the last breath and refused to die. He didn't know why he thought of the man who set fire to it.

Kanzaki Plant, the neon man who lost several children, probably thought so at the beginning, right?

He felt that he was a super human and would not pay for the deaths of a few ordinary people, so he sat in the bar drinking so arrogantly... Thinking about it now, Ding Yue felt that he had made a mistake, a big mistake.

He shouldn't kill that scumbag with one shot. He should enjoy the pleasure of revenge like he does now, savoring the regret conveyed by every wailing and dying murmur of the other party. This feeling is addictive.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

With an ethereal form, Ding Yue cut off the opponent's limbs with three shots. Then, with Albireo's somewhat blank eyes, he put the hot muzzle of the gun on his forehead: "You're dead.



Albireo Lori just disappeared into this world... and his own world. When life is no longer there, the corpses of these players will be sent to the dissolving pool soon, and the world will deal with inferior clones.

The method is no different.

"Is it over?" Ding Yue asked with some uncertainty. He did have a feeling of revenge, and vaguely felt that this killing was slightly different from the previous one, but he was not sure, so he could only ask.


"It's over, well done." Tang Ji reached out and took back his gun from the opponent's hand: "You are now qualified to buy a gun of your own."


"WNS TV station reports for you that the Ottoman people are under attack from players and are beginning to prepare for the arrival of radioactive sandstorms again after 20 years. Meteorologists explained that the Petrochemical Alliance's aggressive counterattack against players has temporarily controlled the situation, but

The aftermath of a large-scale nuclear attack will be mixed with dozens of tons of radioactive dust from areas such as former Syria and former Iraq, and will travel northward with the southerly wind...

After the so-called self-defense jihad movement, the radioactive dust and gravel in this area has always been the main source of radioactive pollution in Europe and the eastern Mediterranean region. The counterattack of the Petrochemical Alliance against players has undoubtedly aggravated the pollution capacity of this area.


"What nonsense are WNS talking about again? The Petrochemical Alliance is great, but they just want to use nuclear bombs to make those aliens look good!" A drunk customer in the bar slammed his beer glass on the TV screen, but he had already eaten

The bar owner who lost money long ago installed bulletproof glass in front of the TV, so he only had to pay for the cups.

"Although it talks nonsense every day, the show "Watson & Dragons" is really exciting. Look at those prosthetic bitches taking illegal drugs as if they were eating. No amount of cybernetic penises can withstand such friction!"

A bunch of drunkards quickly got into the adult conversation.

Surte was listening with interest. This was a rare holiday for him. Rickard and Martin were free today and could take charge of the security work of Commander Luther. Surte, who had a quick temper, immediately ran away from Washington.

Back to Night City.

Being away on business for a long time made Surte find another hobby besides chewing gum, which is Coke and hamburgers. He had eaten hamburgers before when he was in the Skull and Bones Party, but those were junk products from quick-frozen factories. He

Now I like to eat fresh burgers, freshly baked bread crust, freshly fried steak, fresh vegetables, secret sauce, mixed together, preferably with a slice of pickled cucumber and iced cocoa!

Surte likes the hustle and bustle of Night City, likes Tangji's seriousness of speech, likes Edward's suaveness, and also likes the silent infant brother who is frozen in the refrigerator.

He hopes that he can become a legend like Tang Ji when he grows up. Although Surte is already a legend now, he knows in his heart that he and Tang Ji are praised for different reasons. After meeting people like Tang Ji

, Soult's vision has risen to another level.

He also hopes that he can be like Edward when he gets old... The old guy brought back two girls not much older than Soult last night. Soult really couldn't understand how the other party did it. Of course, he was just in love.

The young man did not waste his precious vacation time in this regard. In his opinion, there are many more important things in this world than women.

For example, eating more delicacies with different flavors, or finding more arcades to enjoy. Surte actually hopes that An Ran can wake up and go shopping with him. He is always so quiet, so he must be a good playmate.

In comparison, Vicky is much more annoying. Every time she meets her, she wants him to help her take out food. Surte doesn't like the title of takeaway person.

The streets of Night City are still so bustling, and people seem to have not been affected by the war outside. After making sure that those drunkards will not further discuss the plot of "Watson Dragon and Phoenix", Surte left the bar. There are still seven restaurants to go to today.

Go visit, time is quite tight.

Affected by the war, the number of refugees in Night City has increased sharply. There are refugees sitting on the ground in almost every street. Those who have conditions have illegally set up tents, while those who have no conditions have wrapped themselves in newspapers and slept soundly on the roadside.

Apart from causing more traffic jams for the residents of Night City, these refugees did not bring any larger-scale chaos. They were at the same level as those who were robbed in Night City, so when Su, who was obviously dressed as an old Night City person,

When Walter appeared, these refugees took shelter to prevent themselves from being blackmailed.

Soult is used to it. When he was in Washington, the streets were also full of refugees, and the order was a bit more chaotic.

When passing by a mother holding her child, Surte used his extraordinary speed to put 5,000 yuan in cash in the other person's pocket. That was half of all the cash he brought today. The young man planned to keep half of it for himself.

Have a meal.

Most of these refugees still have some property in their hands, so they will not starve to death on the streets. The major gangs have also obtained injunctions, requiring them not to harass the refugees at will. The rules are the rules, and the ECS Bureau is there. Those old gangs choose

It's best to be obedient, otherwise we'll just cut the grass and root it out.

In order to relieve the pressure on Night City and prepare for future wars, a large-scale protein farm is being established in the Watson Industrial Zone to provide meat and meat for most of Night City in the name of biotechnology.

Substitutes, and the raw materials for making meat are mainly crickets and earthworms that can be cultured on a large scale.

Soult accompanied Luther on a visit to a protein farm that was about to be put into production. Luther vomited three times in the toilet where the camera could not see it. After tasting the finished product, Soult felt that it was not as unpalatable as he imagined.

The only thing that worries him is that Mikkelsen seems to be planning to incorporate some of the results of the Gray Field Project, eventually allowing protein farms to directly produce nutritionally balanced 'junk food' that no one wants to eat.

Surte bought himself an exaggerated style hat on the road, and also bought a pair of Myers' new product Fury II. The surface of the running shoes used a black dynamic texture to shape Tangji's side silhouette. Surte was very

I like this little design, especially when the other party pays.

With several large boxes of chewing gum in his arms, Soult moved towards his next target, Fran's Restaurant, located... No matter where it was located, Soult couldn't go there for the time being. A group of people organized by the labor union

The strike team was lying in the middle of the road. Unless he was willing to use his supernatural ability to pass through, he could only stop here and watch the excitement.

"Work! Don't want prosthetics! Companies have no right to require workers to implant prosthetics! This is against family ethics!" A group of industrial workers chanted rhythmically under the command, but the surrounding war refugees just looked at them numbly.

At the same time, I was thinking about whether I could replace it with a lower wage.

Although Mikkelsen and Luther are trying hard to glue the Federation together and make it a whole, in fact it is still a decadent and loose country. There is no way to save it but to drink poison to quench its thirst.

After watching the excitement for a while, Soult planned to take a detour and go to another of the seven targets. As a result, the strikers not far away suddenly broke into chaos. The streets were instantly shaken by gunshots. Someone shouted in the gap: "There is something wrong."

Player, help!"

This chapter has been completed!
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