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Chapter 604 The Big Explosion in Delhi

An aircrew wearing a heavy radiation protection suit felt the vibration of the aircraft, turned on the protective effect on the tactical eyepiece and looked back at the direction where the nuclear explosion started. At first, there was just a flash, a dazzling flash...

After the flash, the surrounding clouds seemed to reflect blue-green light... Immediately afterwards, the plane began to shake violently, almost making him unsteady.

When he went back and looked again, a cream-like mushroom cloud was growing at a speed that seemed slow but was actually indescribable. It was the cloud of death... and there were more small explosions in the clouds.

happened, causing the mushroom cloud to be torn apart and rolled continuously, and the speed continued to accelerate upward, until it reached the stratosphere... At this time, the earth-shattering explosion sound swept across, making people doubt whether their hearing was intact.


From his perspective, almost the entire city has collapsed... but that's just the beginning.

On the ground, according to the order of airdrop, the second row of nuclear bombs also exploded immediately!

The people on the plane clearly saw that, following a flash of white flash that needed to be shielded and protected by the tactical eyepiece, a neat row of milky white mushroom clouds with a heart-rending flame red stood up instantly, as if

The giant of death standing on the earth.

This scene is like the god of death swinging his scythe towards the world. A short moment seems to have turned into a long half century. Everyone who is witnessing the tragedy here can see the shock waves colliding with each other, reverberating, and merging at that moment, changing physics.

In a scientific sense, the concept of waves is vividly deduced.

They superimpose and interfere with each other, and then produce a large-scale waveform.

Human creations are like little tinfoil toys thrown into a steel-making furnace. Their intact structures only last for a brief moment, and then suddenly collapse without warning.

The people living in this city have become even smaller things, so small that the observers who actually caused this disaster were so absorbed in the scene of destruction that they did not even notice their existence.

They only saw a sudden rise of dazzling white light. The earth was shaking, being torn and twisted, and the biting heat was all at once. The vehicles that were speeding desperately in the distance suddenly stalled one by one. The cars seemed to be moving forward slowly due to their inertia.

Okay, but the people inside are not people, they are all white bones, and flames are constantly coming out...

The observer himself smelled the smell of burnt lake at that moment. It was none other than the smell of himself being set on fire and burned. He lowered his head and saw that he was just one of countless bones.

And this white skeleton also spread out countless black extension lines backwards, and a human-shaped charcoal shadow was printed like graffiti on the white wall not far away...

For him, death came silently, because all of this happened before the explosion sound was transmitted to his biological hearing system, when the explosion roared at a speed of 340 meters per second.

When rushing here, only the dust swept away and buried the last trace of the observer in the human world - the carbon shadow like an abstract painting.

Then came the third column of explosions. This column had the largest number of nuclear bombs, but the amount was also relatively small. The fine nuclear explosions instantly connected into one, devouring and attacking each other. Soon, the nuclear bombs from the first two columns were exploded.

With powerful replenishment, it became majestic in an instant, swallowing hundreds of thousands of lives.

Throughout the history of human civilization, there has never been such a dense concentration of destruction in one place. Countless satellites and countless observation devices are concentrated here, trying to obtain the data they need to verify.

Then, before the fourth row of nuclear bombs exploded, the area called Delhi was torn apart. The tiny weapons made by humans could not harm the earth itself, but could tear apart the man-made objects on it.

Cities, as the greatest harm caused by human beings to the earth, artificially densely pile up various man-made objects that are difficult to measure on the land, such as hardened ground, reinforced concrete foundations, and many buildings on them, etc.

etc., together they form a layer of hard cocoon like a scar covering the land.

But now, this layer of hard cocoon has cracked, and it is like fragile glass, falling apart in the face of mankind's greatest weapon.

Huge cracks spread throughout the city along with the earthquake, and the entire city was crumbling before this man-made natural disaster.

But before the poor humans in the city and the inexplicably excited infected people could react, a new round of explosions began again...

Mikkelsen and the others divided all the nuclear bombs they carried into six groups and threw them all into the city of Delhi. Now Delhi is blessed.

"Lightnings, sounds, thunders, great earthquakes. There has never been such a big and powerful earthquake since there were people on the earth... The cities of the nations have collapsed... and the mountains have disappeared." The observer on the plane used

He crossed his hand on his chest and murmured to himself, then looked at Mikkelsen: "We are all unforgivable and will fall into hell forever and suffer the burning pain of fire..."

After he finished speaking, he jumped directly from the open cabin.

Mikkelsen shrugged and didn't care. This was already the sixth bomber group to commit suicide. Most of these people were kept in the dark. They had no idea what their mission was before.

And now, these people are starting to fall apart.

Destruction without adequate psychological construction is an unspeakable pain for most human beings. When the thread in their hearts is torn, they will choose death to escape.

Of course Mikkelsen doesn't care, because for him Delhi is just the beginning, their goal is the whole world!

"Fuck God! Fuck hell! If God really exists, he has to be responsible for everything! If hell really exists, where did we live before!" Mikkelsen stood before the suicide jumper

He stood in the position of the plane and yelled ventedly: "Do you think it's noble if you die! Coward! Coward!"

As if he still wasn't relieved after scolding, Mikkelsen took off his protective clothing in a vulgar way, unzipped it, took out the water dispenser and started to discharge water in the direction of Delhi: "I am my own God!"


"My dick is so hot! I tell you, my dick is so awesome! I've never seen such an awesome scene! It's not in vain! No, it's not in vain. You have to experience this scene in person to enjoy it!"

The already lively player forum instantly became noisy because of this post. According to incomplete statistics, more than two thousand players either watched from a distance, or rushed into Delhi to experience what nuclear fire destruction is.

Heaven destroys earth.

Although players have used a lot of nuclear bombs piecemeal during this period, most of them have small yields and are not used intensively. The effect is naturally far less shocking than the Delhi explosion.

It can be said that this is the first time for many players to feel a little shock from the aboriginal people. This is the first time they have encountered an opponent who can flip the table at any time.

"It's rare and strange, sir, have you ever seen a large whirlpool with a diameter of 20,000 meters? I have seen it~"

"Yes, have you ever fought under the cover of a meteor shower? Our battle group has fought before!"

The players soon became confused and began to argue over who was the real witness to the big scene. These players were truly well-informed people. Many of them had fought for hundreds of years and had to constantly clear themselves.

The memory sector only retains a small part of the memory that it considers important enough.

However, information does not exist alone. Where does a memory begin and where does it end? It is a very subjective matter. Different people will get different results for the same thing because of different clips.

In addition, many players will suffer secondary contamination of the same type of information after clearing their memory sectors, causing some of the memories they retain to become specious. The final result is that many players' memories are completely ruined.

, even logical thinking became chaotic.

This ultimately contributed to the behavior pattern of players, which is to enjoy themselves in the moment and only focus on the present. You in the past are definitely not you, and you in the future may not be you. Only the present belongs to you.

Under the near-eternal life, players' views on life and individuals are also quite different from those of short-lived humans.

Tang Ji, who also occupied a vantage point nearby to watch the big explosion, broke the necks of several players around him and ate some appetizers first.

These players basically use cloned mass-produced bodies. It can be seen that they come with the mentality of watching the excitement and are very relaxed. Some of them not only brought beer and snacks as the Romans did, but also brought a lot of paradise.

of the latest generation products.

Of course, now that their heads are lined up in a row on the jeep they drove in, Tang Ji at least fulfilled their last wish and let them see enough.

Wang Zhengdao then opened a can of beer. These players were not shy about being cold, and they actually bought the local Kingfisher beer from the Ganges River. After just one sip, Wang Zhengdao gave up his intention to drink.

This soft drink empire, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, accepted Mikkelsen's capital injection at the end of last year. The beer it has produced since the beginning of the year uses only crops produced in the gray fields, although 95% of the ingredients are

It is a product of the chemical industry, but the five percent soul makes this beer unpalatable.

Tang Ji drank a whole can of beer with an expressionless expression. He was used to these gray crops... at least he had adapted psychologically.

"The scene was quite grand." Tang Ji looked at the completely destroyed Delhi in the distance, and his fingers trembled slightly. That was a population of tens of millions, and it was wiped out in the blink of an eye. Even he could not remain calm.

Deal with it.

"Mikkelsen didn't drop your nuclear bomb together. He said he wanted to save a big one." Wang Zhengdao explained, and his attention was once again attracted by the mushroom clouds over Delhi.

During the entire bombing process, only the small-yield nuclear bombs in the third column were partially detonated in a phased array style under the calculations of Mikkelsen and Ghost. The effect was gratifying, but all the truth was revealed by the previous second column and the subsequent ones.

The fourth column of detonators was covered up.

The players just watched the excitement and had no idea what happened in the meantime.


General Zayin Wangchuck and his party, who had already left Delhi by rotorcraft, also felt the impact of the nuclear explosion behind them. Everyone bowed their heads and were speechless. Compared with the huge number of tens of millions of people in Delhi, it was really difficult for them to

What was accepted were the tens of thousands of refugees who were left in the safe zone, as well as the thousands of Ganges defenders who persisted until the end and still maintained a strong will to fight.

No nation can judge heroes based on individuals. As long as the number is large enough, enough brave men will eventually be screened out. The last remaining Ganges soldiers under General Zayin Wangchuk are such people. They are brave, perseverant, and obedient.

They are strong-willed and truly believe in their commander.

As a result, Zayin Wangchuck abandoned them and left the death place before disaster struck, leaving only his soldiers to face death alone.

Of course, these are just Zayin Wangchuk's personal monologue. The other people on the plane only echoed the general's expression of his dead son, otherwise these people would have shown ecstatic expressions of joy for the rest of their lives after the disaster.


"General, we will continue flying for forty minutes to arrive at Aligarh Airport, where we will send a plane to the Mumbai defense line." The orderly whispered in Zayin Wangchuk's ear: "The coalition command center just sent a message that we are going to

Regroup in Mumbai and consider expanding the bombing area depending on the spread of the unknown virus."

"I know." Zayin Wangchuk smiled bitterly, his face looking a little gloomy. Others didn't know, but he couldn't fool himself. The root of this nuclear bomb craze most likely came from his proposal.

He will be responsible for the possible deaths of hundreds of millions in the future.

The weight of this responsibility was like a stone on his heart, making it difficult for Zayin Wangchuk to breathe.

But this is only the beginning of the war.

Two hours after the fall of Delhi.

The gas temperature in the explosion area dropped below 60 degrees Celsius, and the surveyors wearing heavy protective clothing drove a fully enclosed all-terrain off-road vehicle into the radiation area.

The person in the protective suit is Mikkelsen. He needs first-hand information, and after a nuclear explosion of this scale, only his thinking network can achieve real-time communication.

The Geiger counter was meaningless. The radiation value in this place had already exceeded the limit. The all-mechanical off-road vehicle was crushing the thick ash on the ground. In front of him, the city was really like hell.

The few buildings that survived the destruction are like ancient ruins that have been weathered for hundreds of years on Mars. Everywhere you look is dim with a hint of dark red. The dust blocks the sky and the sun, making it impossible to touch the light. It is the only source of light.

The things are melted but not solidified debris, no one knows what those things were before.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

Craters of different sizes and shapes like meteorite craters are scattered all over the place, and large tracts of glassy land reflect the limited light of off-road vehicles.

So far, Mikkelsen has not seen any signs of life, which is good news. After all, this operation is nominally to eliminate the potential threat of gluttonous cells...

But the next second, something flashed past at the end of the light, causing a trace of impatience to flash in Mikkelsen's eyes: "The ghost is still lingering..."

This chapter has been completed!
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