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Chapter 628 Reactions from all parties

As far as the entire Apocalypse Plan is concerned, its core purpose is to destroy everything in the world that is attractive to players on a large scale without being able to confront players head-on, and on this basis, reduce the population as much as possible.

A country of 10,000 people may be infiltrated by enemy spies, but such a thing will never happen in a small village of only 100 people, because everyone knows each other.

Players may like to explore freely in exotic worlds, but they will never like to play a werewolf game with a group of people in a narrow enclosed space.

While the players are constantly analyzing the world, Mikkelsen's think tank is also constantly analyzing the players as a group.

They may never be able to understand the player's way of thinking, but they can understand the player and the social environment in which the player lives through some side information.

Most of the valid data for player research comes from the late Karcalf. He may be the player with the deepest affection for this world so far, but the fact is that people like Karcalf often cannot obtain the qualifications of players.


The pioneers hired Karcalf purely to reduce costs, because no other pioneers or players were willing to waste time watching this world.

Some people have also suggested that if the Apocalypse Project succeeds and the entire world enters a wasteland state, and the closed shelters become small societies, what should players do if they are still interested in such a new world?

After all, similar thoughts have been popular in the entertainment industry in their world for a long time, as evidenced by the endless emergence of video games, novels, and film and television dramas.

However, after analysis, most members of the think tank believe that the possibility of this happening is relatively small, because the players have actually experienced such a world, seen such scenes, and even created and guided such crises with their own hands.

If they are interested in such a world background, they must have had enough of playing in other worlds long ago.

Moreover, according to the information provided by Karcalf, Cathy Walter, and Death Cult players, almost all players do not like to be in a confined space for a long time. This seems to be related to their living space in the mother world.


The life of most players in the home world is limited to the city area where they are located, but no player has tried to describe the city boundaries or the environment outside the city. In their understanding of the city they live in,

'It seems that there is no boundary, but infinite.

It is currently impossible to understand what kind of technology this infinite city is based on based on current human technology and understanding. The most intuitive image of the city where players live currently comes from Tang Ji's invasion of the player's dream.

Annie copied the actual scene of the city that Tang Ji saw in the player's dream and made it into a visual image for the reference of all researchers.

Because that image was taken from a dream, no one could figure out which parts of the picture were real and which parts were imaginary.

But according to their observations, the city seemed to have some kind of absolutely symmetrical structure. Even if you cut any area on the city plane, it would be in a mirror state with other nearby areas, absolutely consistent.

If I insist on explaining it simply, if a building and the surrounding streets in that city are regarded as pixel points A, then the entire city is a pixel painting in which countless pixel points A are copied and pasted and arranged neatly.

According to a certain Death Cult believer, he never thinks about which direction he is going to the company every time he goes out. Even if he wants to remember the direction, it is impossible because there is no reference point in the city itself, or in other words, all reference points.

Things are exactly the same.

But every time, he can reach the company's location smoothly from the room where he lives, and the time it takes is about the same.

However, although the city seems to be infinitely large, the personal space that players have is very small. The narrow space can only accommodate a bed and a standing 'shower' for body cleaning, because players do not

Water is used for body cleansing, so they can only temporarily name it a 'shower'.

This 'shower room' itself also solves the problem of personal hygiene, and according to surveys, when players are in the home world, their physiological needs are very low, so low that they can be ignored.

But in a different world, players have normal or even abnormal impulses in terms of physiological needs.

Experts who study players' behavioral habits and psychological states believe that the narrow living environment may be the fundamental reason why players cannot tolerate confined spaces for long periods of time. The first people to benefit from this field are the people of District 13.

Although the 13th arrondissement is located in Paris, which is one of the areas with the highest concentration of players, players have never invested energy in fighting the Taha Gang in the tunnels. Otherwise, even if the Taha Gang has a will to resist that exceeds the average level of the European Union,

With their fighting ability, they wouldn't be able to hold on until now.

From this point of view, the shelter seems to have become a natural refuge for humans. Players may be able to survive in the shelter environment, but they will definitely not be able to find enough fun in the shelter environment for a long time.

And fun is the fundamental reason that supports players in this world.

The think tank also proposed that there should be more secrets that can be mined in related fields, but the existing data is too little to continue.

As for how many years after Project Apocalypse will the world be completely free of the influence of players, all insiders have different opinions.

What Mikkelsen currently knows is that if the entire world is not affected by the player for a long enough period of time, the two worlds will gradually decouple, but how long is this time specifically, and will it not be affected by the player?

To what extent this refers to is unknown.

Especially the latter, if this condition refers to the fact that no players exist in this world to be considered unaffected by players, then the entire apocalypse plan may need to last for one to two centuries.

Even Mikkelsen is not arrogant enough to think that he can control what happens so far in the future. In fact, he has no control over what will happen in a few months.

Will the Apocalypse Plan work? Can those nuclear explosive devices enchanted by Tangji cause real harm to players? If everything does not happen as planned...where will the world go?

All of this is unknown, and Project Apocalypse may be the plan with the most unknowns that Mikkelsen has ever done.

The phased array nuclear explosion device is only theoretically feasible, and its maximum yield only exists in theory...

During the period just after World War II, the Federation detonated a hydrogen bomb called Castle of Applause. According to the plan, it was a hydrogen bomb with a yield of four million tons. The main reactant was Li-6, but because it used lithium hydride as fuel

, causing a large amount of Li-7 to participate in the reaction, the Li-7 neutrons were stripped off and turned into Li-6, which greatly enhanced the entire reaction process, and ultimately the actual explosion yield of the hydrogen bomb with a design yield of four million tons reached 1,500

Thousands of tons.

The reason why the phased array nuclear explosion device is so complex and large-scale is that it is essentially an N-1 phase bomb. According to the design plan, the primary detonation of the atomic bomb causes a fission reaction, producing X and gamma rays that propagate outward at the speed of light.

The reflective layer compresses the fusion material to reach fusion conditions, and the fusion itself will continue to produce a large amount of neutrons, X-rays and gamma rays.

Adding a larger fusion material to the outer shell of the fusion material makes full use of the ray energy generated by the previous stage fusion reaction, and then continues to trigger the outer layer of fusion material. In theory, this method of mounting secondary detonation materials can

The power of the explosion is increased to an unlimited extent.

However, in practice, taking into account the reliability of existing man-made materials, the five-phase bomb is the highest level weapon currently manufactured by humans. The phased array nuclear explosion device only adds the principle of resonance agitation based on the explosive power of the five-phase bomb.

Increase its own explosion power and spread range.

Although humans have always been keen on making weapons to destroy themselves, this is the first time that they have actually made such a big toy and placed it in the best arrangement to destroy themselves, just waiting for the right time to detonate it.

For some reason, Mikkelsen always feels like he has begun to smell the smell of radioactive dust after a nuclear explosion. Maybe, even for him, this is something he cannot face calmly, right?


As the preparations for the Apocalypse Plan have been completed, the Ark organization is also gathering its strength and trying to make the entire organization play the role that the prophet originally wanted it to play.

The Ark Organization, when it was founded, was given the meaning of being a life-saving ark in the Bible, and they really had an ark, which was 900 meters long, 200 meters wide, and 160 meters high.

A behemoth with a total mass of about 10 million tons.

This Ark in the true sense was started in 2033, after the United Kingdom left the European Union for the second time and almost led to a nuclear war between the two sides. It was continued intermittently until the aftermath of the corporate war was over, and it was not completely completed.

It was not until the beginning of the all-out war that Mikkelsen and the Ark organization occupied absolute say within the Federation and the European Union respectively, that its progress gradually began to advance.

If all goes well, this true ark will be completed around the end of November, capable of accommodating 120,000 people, and carrying enough flora and fauna to maintain biological diversity within the ship.

The Ark also has a second-generation controllable nuclear fusion reactor inside, which provides sufficient power for this large ship, allowing it to move under the water for a long time. When it rises from the water, it can also deploy its own solar panels.

, relying on supplements from wind energy, solar energy, biogas energy and other sources to allow the ship to maintain a minimum level of operation after leaving the reactor.

The Ark organization has no intention of deeply interfering in the screening of people entering shelters by European Union countries, but they can send those who they think are worthy of saving but have not been selected into the Ark.

For Wang Zhengdao, these 120,000 places are like Schindler's List, with each name representing dozens of losers.

The top priority is naturally given to members of the Ark organization and their relatives. This group occupies nearly 20,000 places. The rest will be decided within a few days, but the invitation letters for these people are not available for the time being.

will be sent out because the Ark is not completely finished yet.

In addition to the Ark organization, other organizations are also making preparations.

In the church, John Fleming was attending the funeral of his old friend. Lying in the coffin was Todd, the grumpy old guy. Of course, this was what others said. In Fleming's opinion, Todd was actually quite good.

Still young.

If he was willing to change to some prosthetic organs, maybe there would be no problem if he lived for a few more years, or even more than ten years, but Todd didn't want to change.

"Just that prosthetic ear is killing me. Every day it has problems here or there. When my own ears are working well, they don't have so many problems!" Todd always complained loudly.

But Fleming listened to him with a smile every time, patted the other person on the shoulder, and gently told him that it was time to switch to the latest generation product, but Todd refused every time.

He has become accustomed to the prosthetic ear and understands its old problems just like he understands his own body.

Now Todd is dead. He died of asthma, a new problem that was recently added. The doctor said it was caused by the spread of toxic dust. Respiratory failure was the final cause of death.

Due to age and energy reasons, the Gentlemen Team has been temporarily disbanded. They have enough money on hand to live the life they want, especially after investing in John Fleming's new business.

Todd's manual alarm was placed beside the bed, less than 20 centimeters away from the place where he died. Behind the alarm was the platinum customer service staff of the trauma team, but Todd did not touch the alarm. He just wanted to die.


"Fleming, long time no see!" The slovenly Vladimir walked up to Fleming and patted him on the shoulder: "Thanks to your dividends, I am now wealthy and free."

Then Vladimir lowered his voice and said: "Looking for a place to have a good chat? My ability tells me that something big is going to happen recently. I can smell this smell no matter where I go."

"Still so agile, old man." Fleming manipulated the invisible slave to lead Vladimir away from him: "Let's talk together when everyone is here."

Not long after, all John Fleming's old friends came. They all looked at Fleming, waiting for the other person to speak first.

"The end of the world is coming soon. The source of the news is very accurate. Don't worry about it being fake news." John Fleming looked at the circle of people around him and said, "I have a refuge in Canada. Anyone who is willing to come with me.

Come down in a while, raise your hands if you don't want to, and show your attitude."

Fleming had to admit that they were getting old, and sometimes he himself would think, is it still necessary to enter the shelter?

But when he thought about the magnificent adventurous life after that, John Fleming couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. He still wanted to live, and the longer he lived, the better.

This chapter has been completed!
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