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Chapter 651: War in the eyes of children

"Yes, the Apocalypse Plan exists and is about to happen. Those who have not entered the shelter are destined to become victims of this conflict." A man in a black suit sat in a secret studio, facing the camera.

Have a heart-warming conversation with the host.

"The person who designated this plan is named Mikkelsen. He is a veteran politician who has been active since the 1990s. He has been hiding behind military technology." The man said as he took out a

There is a pile of ancient paper materials, many of which are simply newspapers and video tape materials from that year.

Those still 'green' images of Mikkelsen appeared in front of the world, and the man continued: "His true identity is the arrogance among the seven deadly sins. Arrogance has represented us, represented the decision of all mankind, and we will die together without surrender.

, only those he chooses can survive the Apocalypse."

Then the man wrote two large words in black font on the whiteboard - murderer.

"Ha, I don't have many photos in his hand. I don't know where they got them. I don't know if one of my old friends who has been cheating to death for many years wants to surprise me." Mikkelsen sat in the office.

Watched the entire show.

The program's ratings are not high, but it is undoubtedly the most truthful and accurate TV program that he has seen in the past twenty years.

Thanks to the opening of the shelter, Mikkelsen's allies are now like frightened sparrows, leaving everything in their hands behind and entering the shelter, waiting for the day of the apocalypse to arrive.

The public opinion platform that was once in our hands is now basically in a free-range state, and many systems are just running on inertia.

People continue to realize from their out-of-contact superiors that something big is about to happen, and then throw their hat in the ring and leave, so the chaos continues to spread.

Big cities such as Night City can still maintain normal life to some extent. Many areas in the Federation have been without water and power for more than a week, and the situation in the Demonstration City is the most serious.

As a city established by players in the Federation, the Demonstration City is undoubtedly the most familiar place in the world to players, so a large number of players who are new to the Federation are accustomed to focusing on the Demonstration City.

Before the ECS was shut down, it would kill an average of ten to twenty players every day in the demonstration city, and the civilians there had been migrating out ever since the riot caused by jealousy.

The Demonstration City is a brand new city. Its citizens come from all over the federation. But now that order has disappeared, many people have embarked on their way back home. Most parts of the city have been cut off from water and electricity.


"Preparing to open warehouse No. 2. I heard that the goods from the Ganges River have arrived." A man wearing a cleaner's uniform walked into the warehouse of the garbage treatment plant with a cigarette in his mouth and waved his hand to signal his men to move.


He is a downline in the development of naturalized players. He has provided material help to many players in the past few months. He is also considered a trustworthy member of the naturalized community.

Today, his mission is rather special. The package coming from the Ganges contains people infected with the Ganges infectious disease.

That's right, although this virus was secretly researched by Dr. Hofheim in the European Federation with the funding of naturalized people, and was finally put into use under the orders of the players, but because the virus broke out in the Ganges River,

It is called Ganges Contagion.

Anyway, the Ganges people don’t have much energy to refute this kind of thing now, right?

"These federal bosses are dictating our land. They make us work on the front line, and then bomb our cities from behind. It's time to make them pay for their actions, right?" The cleaner raised his head and showed a smile.

Zhang Hengheyi's face asked calmly: "Before the end of the world, let them suffer some hardships, do you all agree?"

The others raised their heads, revealing faces that were all of Ganges descent. They looked at each other, some with firm eyes, some with pleasure, and some with twinkling eyes, but no one dared to raise objections.

"Very good, let's get started now." The cleaner said and opened the container with a martyr's expression.

Inside the container, staggering infected people were piled up on the bottom of the container. They were still alive, excreted, and breathing, but they were temporarily slumbered by powerful sedatives and low oxygen.

The cleaner picked up an infected person and threw it directly into the garbage truck, followed by a second person, and then a third person. The cleaners walked into the container one by one, picked up the infected person, and threw it into their own garbage truck, and then continued again.

This continues until the container is emptied.

Subsequently, these garbage trucks drove to various parts of the city.

At this time, the demonstration city was surrounded by garbage. These cleaners had not worked for half a month. When they came to the street, some residents even cheered.

However, the garbage truck only left behind unconscious infected people along the way. These infected people woke up soon after being exposed to fresh air. Then, the tragedy that happened in Delhi also happened in the Model City.

No, not just the model city, but also Berlin, the new administrative center of the European Union.

The infected spread quickly, and the semi-paralyzed demonstration city only lasted fourteen hours. At 11:49 that night, the last human stronghold with electromagnetic signals coming out was also attacked by the infected.


Those infected with the Ganges infection are not unconscious living corpses. On the contrary, compared to before being infected, these infected people even become "smarter" and more creative because of their concentration.

And because of the gluttony of cells, the infected person's body strength is higher than before the infection, and the recovery speed is much faster than that of normal people. Many times, what you think is a fatal injury only needs to be done to the infected person.

Time will heal.

A Skyraider flew through the sky, taking aerial photos of the entire city. Bodies on the streets even blocked traffic.

"Those Ganges people are crazy." In the only remaining general staff of the coalition, a group of staff looked at the tragedy that occurred in the demonstration city and urgently assessed the possible impact of the incident.

But the morale of these people has also been visibly depressed. After all, since the opening of the shelter, anyone who stays here has basically declared that they have no chance with the shelter. Even if they still stick to their posts, it is difficult to find people willing to carry out orders.

A combat unit.

Three days ago, Mikkelsen had blocked all the cybernetic soldier units and sent the Princess Diana and its escort fleet loaded with supplies to Point Nemo to garrison.

According to Ghost's calculations, Point Nemo should not be directly affected by the Apocalypse Plan, but no one knows what kind of changes the sea will have due to the Apocalypse in the future. Those supplies are enough for the members of the fleet for three years. After that,

How they survive is up to them.

December 21, 1:43 am, Berlin.

Manstein hid in his bedroom in a daze, not daring to make any sound.

He used to be a special agent attached to the Berlin branch of the ECS Bureau. He was a special agent transferred from the Stasi. He was not a superhuman.

Units like the ECS Bureau are not superhuman, which means that unless there is someone above you, you can't even think about promotion. Manstein was sent to the ECS Bureau because he offended someone he shouldn't have offended.

But he was also a blessing in disguise. He was lucky enough to escape the subsequent direct confrontation between the Stasi department and the players. Many of his old contacts died in this war.

Manstein once went to the Ganges as an observer and saw what the infected looked like when they sent troops, so when someone in Berlin showed symptoms of an infected person, he was the first to react and warn the bureau.

However, the top person in charge of the bureau at that time was only the secretary of the director. In terms of administrative level, that secretary was not as high as Manstein himself.

As a last resort, he wasted nearly forty minutes before sending a copy of the warning in an email to everyone in the bureau within his authority, and then Manstein hurried home.

However, the riots had already begun, and the Ganges infection spread rapidly. Until now, people have not understood whether it can be spread by means other than through body fluids.

Manstein was shot three times on his way home, and he didn't even dare to stop the car.

He was divorced last year, and only his 16-year-old son lives with him at home. Manstein's son is now in a rebellious phase. The relationship between father and son is very tense. Many times, their communication stops at using chat software to confirm.

The other party's state and mood, rather than talking directly face to face.

Manstein never thought that he would live a long life. In his industry, in such troubled times, death seemed inevitable. He only hoped that his son could get a place in the asylum.

But unfortunately, neither father nor son could win the lottery and become the lucky one.

However, Manstein had his own way. He spent all his savings to buy a guard at the Eagle Castle shelter outside Berlin. As long as Manstein found an opportunity to put his son in before the apocalypse,

After the gate is closed, he will be considered to have lived in the shelter regardless of whether he has a ticket or not.

The trick here is that if you go too early and the shelter door is still open, they will definitely be traced out. If you go too late, they will be dead. There is nothing to save.

Manstein got a relatively clear point in time through his friends in the Ark organization, who said: 'Don't spend Christmas at home.'

According to the original plan, Manstein would take his son to the shelter on Christmas Eve, sneak into the gate and then find a place to hide.

But now it was all over. When he arrived home after all the hard work, his useless son was having a party with a group of bad friends, and the room was filled with the strong smell of addictive drugs.

Manstein originally did not want to quarrel with his son again at this time because of this matter, but when he told his son to pack his things and they were leaving, the traitor actually said that he wanted to stay with his friends.

Together, if he wants to leave, let him go by himself.

One teenager is not a problem, but a group of teenagers is definitely a big problem. Not only have they established gangs, they even have their own encrypted forums.

Manstein had wanted to find someone to hack in several times to see what they were talking about inside. He left his phone alone every day, but the encrypted forum used encryption technology from unknown sources. He found the hacker through his personal relationship.

I can't even get in!

He now particularly regrets why he didn't pay attention to this situation at the time. How could a group of children, a group of bastard children who couldn't even understand multiplication and division within a hundred, have the ability to establish such a forum!

Those damn kids are using code words to collude with the players!

When Manstein tried to take his son away by force, the gangster gave him a hard blow. He hit Manstein on the head with a swing stick.

It wasn't just an old father's heart that was broken. Manstein estimated that he also suffered a concussion.

His son proudly told Manstein that their small organization had already made contact with the players and would soon become a truly rich man as a glorious rental body.

"What did you say?" Manstein asked weakly, covering his head.

"Are you deaf too? We have reached an agreement with the players. We will sell and rent our bodies to become the players' bodies. When they go offline, we can get their bodies back.

!" Manstein's son shouted loudly: "This is not our war!"

For a moment, all that appeared in Manstein's mind was: "What on earth am I doing?"

Perhaps it was the last bit of conscience and family affection that allowed Manstein's son to stop others from killing him. They just locked him in the bedroom and blocked the bedroom door with heavy objects: "From now on, you can no longer

Interfering with my freedom!"

Perhaps those children made too much noise, or perhaps Manstein was not destined to die. Before they killed Manstein, a teenager suddenly developed symptoms of infection, twitched and fell down.

"Run away, you idiot!" After asking what was going on, Manstein gave one final warning, and then fainted.

When he woke up again, it was already after midnight, and the whole city seemed to have descended into hell.

Manstein stood up slowly, walked to the window, looked at the blazing fire outside, and began to think, when did those children start to contact the player? What impact did this war have on them?

This is not our war!

This sentence kept echoing in Manstein's ears, and even made him temporarily forget about the wound on his head. He subconsciously wanted to take out a cigarette to smoke, but found that the cigarettes in his pocket had long been taken away by the children.

"Fuck, these little bastards." Manstein smiled bitterly. At this moment, he suddenly understood why Mikkelsen wanted to forcefully implement the Apocalypse Plan because this was indeed the last chance for mankind.

This chapter has been completed!
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