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Chapter 694 Anthonys Road

Vault 97 is not a shelter built to preserve military strength. You can completely imagine who in a bastard city like Night City will get priority for shelter tickets when facing the end of the world.

So when an honest person like Anthony is slightly dissatisfied with their expectations, the reaction of these people is completely in line with the official rules of Night City - if that guy is disobedient, just change him to someone who is.

But fortunately, Anthony is now free. He is no longer the supervisor who is controlled by others. He can do his old job as he did ten years ago, killing people or saving people.

As the shelter began to flash a red alarm indicating danger, Anthony appeared in the corridor, fully armed. At this moment, many upper-level residents of the shelter fell into panic. They rushed around Anthony and asked what happened.


And Anthony also told the truth one by one: "There has been Ganges virus contamination in the shelter, and the shelter's access control system has been hacked. Now all the doors cannot be closed. Now act like a man and prepare to fight to the end."


It was difficult for Anthony to say whether he felt a sense of schadenfreude after seeing the horror on the faces of these people, but the fact was that his mood today was the best day in the past ten years.

The elevator system of the shelter is directly connected to the energy center, so it still functions faithfully. However, at this time, in order to prevent infected persons or survivors on the lower floors of the shelter from ascending through the elevator, the anonymous men kept the elevator system in a standby state.

Unable to move, Anthony had to take the stairs.

Vault No. 97 is a standard type of shelter. It has a large internal space and has fifteen safety ladders that can be used to go up and down. At this time, the one closest to Anthony has been blocked by the shelter security personnel with debris.


By the way, it is worth mentioning that the security personnel of the refuge are no longer controlled by Anthony. They are also currently competing for control of the refuge.

Anthony had no intention of clashing with these big-headed soldiers, so he took a detour and started down another safety ladder controlled by the Anonymous Team.

The Animal Gang controls the 12th to 17th floors of the shelter. These six floors are what residents of the shelter call the lower area. On other floors, they have begun to respond to accidents in the lower area.

Residents on the upper and middle floors had actually been prepared for this day for a long time, but the failure of the access control system was a bit beyond the expectations of the residents' committees on each floor, so they had to build barricades near the safety ladders to ensure that their floors were not protected.


But these shelter residents have been living in safe shelters for too long, and they completely misjudged the madness and cunning of the infected, especially those who are currently in the first stage. They are almost as smart as usual, but they just can't

Just control your bloodthirsty instinct.

It is almost impossible to tell the difference between infected and survivors with the naked eye, so when Anthony arrived on the tenth floor, the eleventh floor was completely in chaos, and a small number of survivors were fighting against the defenders on the tenth floor at the barricade.

The two sides confront each other.

Even across the long corridor of the shelter's safety ladder, Anthony could hear the wailing sound that sounded like the echo of hell coming from the lower level.

"Supervisor" A shelter resident saw Anthony and shouted subconsciously, and then everyone turned around and saw Anthony.

"Make a way for me to come out. I want to go down." Because of the gun control policy implemented in the shelter, Anthony, who was fully armed, gave him a very strong sense of oppression.

"Supervisor, we can't risk opening the roadblock. We don't know if there are infected people among those people." The person commanding the defense in this area is a strong man. Just looking at his size, you might think he was once a member of the Violent Bear Gang.

A high-level official, but he was actually a former city government official.

"Otto, I just want to deal with the problem of infected people." Anthony glanced at the other party. They met at a meeting and it was not very pleasant.

Anthony suddenly realized how much he had failed. He could meet his political opponents almost everywhere. People in the entire shelter didn't like him, or to be fair, they didn't like his leadership style.

He has left this shelter almost unchanged for so many years, especially compared to the extraordinary feats of the Valentino shelter next door, which makes him even more incompetent.

"You will only die, Anthony, or worse, within a few hours, we will encounter a fully armed infected person who comes back to seek revenge on us." The man named Otto stared at the weapons on Anthony's body.

, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes: "You are not Tang Ji, do what you can, the people below are hopeless."

"If there is such an infected person who comes back, use this to kill him." Anthony didn't waste any time. He took out his spare pistol and gave it to the man. He also gave him a magazine, pointed at his face and said, "Aim and shoot."

, I’m wearing a portable body armor.”

Otto took a deep look at Anthony, and finally nodded slowly towards him, gesturing for the others to move away from the roadblock: "Don't die, old man, you are actually not a bad person, but you are not suitable to be a supervisor."

"I am not the supervisor now, he is further down." Anthony replied lightly, and walked out through the crowd.

On the other side of the barricade were the eleventh floor survivors who crowded the corridor. They looked anxiously at the barricade in front of them, pleading and yelling, but there was no response until their supervisor came out from inside.

"Overseer! Help us!" A woman grabbed Anthony's hand, and others gathered over.

"I can't save you, I can only be with you." Anthony shook his head and continued: "You are no longer rookies. You should know what these things are raging down there. If you want to save yourself, take action and maintain order and establish isolation.

District, let the children be examined first to determine who is safe, maybe the people on the tenth floor are willing to accept it."

"Am I right! Otto!" Anthony shouted towards the other side of the barricade.

It took half a minute before a response came from the other side: "Okay! We are not monsters! Let them send the children who have been examined first! We will also establish an isolation area here!"

"Very good, now that I heard it, I was stunned." Anthony protected his rifle on his chest and did not allow any contact: "Don't block my way now, I want to go further ahead to see where the infected people are.


After Anthony finished speaking, he walked forward on his own, but behind him, at least people had begun to save themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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