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Chapter 698 Be angry

Chapter 701 Be angry

Wolfgang didn't care about everything that happened far away on the Federation Continent. Ever since Anne contacted him once, Wolfgang had been considering Anne's proposal.

She said that they are also the Seven Deadly Sins, and they cannot remain trapped in Mikkelsen's plan, otherwise they will be just a fruit in the farmer's orchard, just bigger and rounder than other fruits, and the final result will not change

, they will be harvested by farmers.

If Apocalypse Day is a plan designed by Mikkelsen to target players, then the subsequent shelter plan is somewhat aimed at the Seven Deadly Sins.

In fact, there are only three people left among the Seven Deadly Sins who are still active today, namely Wolfgang, Anne and Mikkelsen.

As we all know, Annie is a waste. If possible, she would like to exchange abilities with Vicky, find a place where no one knows her, and live her life away from all attention.

But Anne became the lust of the Seven Deadly Sins. Whether she wanted it or not, she was just chosen.

The Apocalypse Day not only eliminated the influence of the players and erased the traces of human beings left on the surface, but also destroyed the little influence that Anne had worked so hard to manage.

As for Anne, who was held in front of Mikkelsen's eyes and looked at, she only had the power of the Church of the Lord of Happy Dreams.

So she needs allies. Since Tang Ji cannot be awakened for the time being, Wolfgang is the only one left.

For other people, a big storm is a force of divine punishment that is difficult to withstand, but for Wolfgang, it is actually not that insurmountable. In theory, he can fly freely in the big storm with his physical strength.

The little power that comes from the rage in the big storm cannot completely block his supernatural abilities, because he is greedy and is at the LV3 stage like Tang Ji.

And whether you admit it or not, Wolfgang is the one with the deepest knowledge of the Seven Deadly Sins. He ate the brain tissue of jealousy and partially gained the ability to control jealousy's mind. He was once locked up in the same building as Gluttony and had his flesh and blood extracted.

sample, he thus obtained the biological origin of gluttony.

He spent two hundred years honing his vast array of supernatural abilities, an opportunity that no one else had.

For a long time, he was the only original sin in the world, and now, Wolfgang is dissatisfied with his current situation, very dissatisfied.

He subconsciously touched the hole in his head. The hole always reminded him that he was not as strong as he said and there was nothing he could do about the wound.

"Forman, how much food reserve do I have?" Wolfgang asked lazily.

The housekeeper came almost immediately after hearing the sound, even though they were not in the same room before: "You still have one hundred and twenty-eight superhumans in your inventory. In addition, there are twenty-nine awakened children, as per your request.

, they were put into the dormant warehouse and were not included in the reserve."

"I hope that from today on, my kitchen will be filled with fresh ingredients every day." Wolfgang said: "After I consume all the inventory, remember to remind me to turn off the energy supply facilities in the living area of ​​the shelter."

"Sir, doing this will suffocate all the shelter members in the living area." Forman asked with some confusion: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure that I've had enough here and plan to leave, but before that I have to make sure that none of these bastards want to see the sun." Wolfgang said indifferently, as if he was completely unconscious.

If he does this, the butler in front of him will also die.

Foreman himself didn't seem to care about this. He just calculated the days when the ingredients would be available, and marked the day when the ingredients were exhausted: "So, sir, will I start preparing for you today?"

The kitchen should be ready, they've been preparing."

"Let them be quick with their hands and feet. Let's eat the Red Samurai type first today." Wolfgang waved his hand and told Foreman to retreat.

At this time, in Wolfgang's kitchen, an unknown team of chefs were processing the human ingredients with sad faces like prisoners about to be led to the gallows.

"I can't bear this kind of life for a day anymore. Federico, I have decided to commit suicide today." The man who spoke was holding a bone-cutting knife in his hand, and the thing on his chopping board was for him to

Something that crashes.

Those were the internal organs of some supernatural human food. According to Forman's requirements, he had to clean these wastewater.

"That devil can bring back the soul of the dead, throw it into a pot, cook it, and make him die all over again." The man named Federico tidied the sink with an expressionless face. He didn't want to know what it was.

The sink is stuck.

"That's just a legend. Have you ever seen it?" The man who spoke before had a broken expression on his face and waved the bone-cutting knife in his hand randomly: "Have any of you seen it? That's just a story he used to intimidate us.


"I have seen it." Federico said still expressionlessly: "I saw with my own eyes that he pulled the soul of the previous chef out of the corpse, threw it into the soup he stewed, and turned it into a new seasoning.


The man was so frightened by Federico's words that he couldn't even hold the knife in his hand, but he still whispered: "Are we just going to live like this! I feel like I have been here for a hundred years!"

"This is our punishment. We are guilty. It is we who finally made the world turn into this." Federico said the words that the shelter would brainwash and play on a loop every day, but the movements of his hands remained steady.

"He's crazy, ignore him, I've known it for a long time." A woman wearing a chef's hat interrupted their conversation and pointed at Federico: "His wife is superhuman, and he handles the ingredients with his own hands.

, and he’s been going crazy ever since.”

Everyone immediately stopped talking and lowered their heads to do their own thing.

But the next second, when Foreman appeared in the kitchen with a critical expression, everyone became nervous.

"Get rid of all the garbage in your hands. We are going to prepare fresh ingredients for Mr. Wolfgang today." Foreman's words made many people in the kitchen turn pale, but no one dared to ask.

They just followed orders, cleaned up the debris in their hands, and began to prepare for the appearance of fresh ingredients. Only Federico, the moment he heard the fresh ingredients, he began to twitch uncontrollably as if he had epilepsy.


But Foreman didn't care about his state. He was the best knife maker in the kitchen at that moment. When the ingredients arrived, he would adjust himself to the state.

"Be angry," Federico muttered in a low voice, as if to comfort himself, and repeated again in a voice that no one else could hear: "Be angry."


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