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Chapter 711 Life in the Wasteland

As the saying goes, cats have their own ways, and mice have their own ways. If Sirte were here, he would find that the Skull and Bones Party that once raised him still exists.

Although they suffered heavy losses from Tang Ji and lost Sirte, who was like a secret weapon, the Skull and Bones Party was, after all, a force that had existed in the wasteland for more than ten years and had a stable organizational structure. They did not recover from this.

On the contrary, because of the loss of Sirte, the final secret weapon, in order to maintain his livelihood, Jani, the then leader of the Skull and Bones Party, had to adopt more radical methods to deal with the harassment of other surrounding wasteland forces.

He purchased a large number of weapons and equipment before the price of weapons increased. He also intercepted many high-tech gadgets during an operation with the Luandao Society.

Later, Jani even got involved with a group of people who called themselves the Advent sect. Those believers were able to enter the Night City so easily back then, and Jani's shadow was behind them.

Since then, the development of the Skull and Bones Party has been on the fast track. Under the leadership of Jani, the Skull and Bones Party occupied a mine near the town and regarded it as its stronghold.

It wasn't until the war with the players officially broke out that Jani began to think that the people of the Advent sect were a trouble, so he found an excuse to directly trap the group to death, sparing the federal agents from causing trouble for him.

Facts have proved that Jani was very lucky. He cut off contact with the Advent sect in time, thus avoiding Mikkelsen's investigation and saving his life.

In that era when rich men were thinking about buying a boat ticket to Phoenix City or going deep underground, Jani once again made an extremely wise decision. He renovated the mine to a certain extent and stocked up on a large amount of food.

After that, the talented and ambitious Jani died in a very common transition of power between the old and the new. If Sirte had not been taken away by Tang Ji, he would have almost reached the age to kill Jani.

The successor after Jani's death was Kona, a man who could meet all the Skull and Bones Party's expectations for a leader. He was strong enough, cruel enough, and a superhuman. He was the strongest person in the Skull and Bones Party after Surte.

On the day he killed Jani, Kona led his men to rob the Arasaka Group's transportation team to prove that he was braver than Jani.

In the past, Jani had always stayed away from teams from large companies such as Arasaka and Military Technology, because if these large companies really wanted to take action against them, they might only need to move their fingers.

But Kona didn't care. He keenly judged that in the context of a world war, Arasaka couldn't stretch his hands that long, so he unceremoniously took the batch of goods that were supposed to be shipped to the Tiger Claw Gang. Those goods included but were not limited to

Chemicals such as Xiaoradining and Kangradialin, protective clothing, thin lead sheets and other building materials.

Of course, there are also weapons, food, and the precious Blood of Greed Potion, which are Arasaka's efforts to ensure that he still has influence on the federal land after the Apocalypse.

The Skeleton Party led by Kona lost a lot of blood, but they finally got the goods.

This operation allowed Kona to completely secure his position, and coincidentally, the crash of the Crystal Palace happened on that day, which allowed Kona, who was supposed to pay the price, to completely escape the shadow of revenge from big companies.

Then, it’s the Apocalypse Day

Kona couldn't remember how he survived it. He only knew that everything outside was reduced to ashes. Although the nuclear bomb did not explode directly in their faces, when he saw the huge mushroom cloud rising from all directions, it was almost impossible to see the end of it.

At that time, I just knew that everything was over.

Fortunately, he did not die. The mine base left by Jani withstood the first round of impact. The lead plates snatched from the Arasaka Group blocked the subsequent radiation, allowing the main body of the Skull and Bones Party to survive.

Come down.

But those were not good memories. The Skull and Bones Party had less than 2,000 people at that time, and nearly a quarter of the population were slaves captured from plundering operations. Some of them were used as coolies, and some were used as coolies.

Others are kept in cages waiting for big companies to redeem their people.

But on the Day of Apocalypse, everything changed. Kona immediately put people under control of all the food, and strictly controlled the right to distribute food.

The Skull and Bones Party is a ladder-like predator organization, so the end of the world does not seem to have brought any changes to their daily lives. It is just that there are no more new deals coming, no ransoms are flowing in, and the place has become a backwater.

In the first year when the big storm started to rage, Kona forced all the slaves to start expanding the mine downwards without any protection. Half of the people died in the process, and they almost immediately became part of the food chain.


This incident hardly caused any turmoil within the Skeleton Party. This group of people had already crossed the bottom line when they encountered hard times before the Apocalypse Day, and now they are just doing it again.

But the next ten years will not be so easy, first the slaves, then the old, weak, sick, and beautyless women, the sick companions, and the companions who are not strong enough.

When NC-13 came, there were still 236 people left in this small group around Kona. The reason why there were so many people was because of the mushrooms grown in the mushroom farm deep in the mine.

The amount of moss can barely fill these people's stomachs.

And that person who spent so much time insisting not to eat meat and kept trying to grow mushrooms was eaten long ago.

Kona has always thought it was a pity. If that person was still around, maybe he could cultivate some mushrooms with better taste.

Compared with food, fuel had been used up four or five years ago, and the group headed by Kona had been groping in the dark for four or five years.

Of course, in order to ensure that they would not become blind, they would occasionally explore the surface of the mine on "calm" days, walk out of the air-tight door and look at the moonlight and sunset through the gaps in the grille. As for the threat posed by radiation,

They no longer care.

While the shelter residents began to restore the surface operations for humans, the Kona group began to try to face the big storm as early as a year ago.

Years of dark life, pressure from the environment, and shortage of supplies have turned them into inhuman beings and ghosts. Almost all of them are mentally ill. It is these people who listen to the howl of the big storm every day.

, but seemed to feel the call from rage.

Whenever they start fighting among themselves again, they will go to the surface and bite each other under the witness of the big storm. Only the winning side can survive and go back with a full meal, and the rest of the loser's part will be solved by the others.

Satisfy cravings.

But today, things took a turn. When Kona and his carefully selected opponents walked out of the mine and were exposed to the big storm, they saw a car driving through the storm.

This chapter has been completed!
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