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Chapter 720 The beginning of a new era

Chapter 723 The Prelude to a New Era

"Be angry, Federico." Federico said to himself again in his heart, and then killed the superhuman companion on the desk with a clean knife.

She had just woken up from hibernation, and lost her life before her ability to perceive the outside world was fully restored. However, the person who died was a high-level goddess of the Advent sect. Even in the eyes of a convert like Federico, they were a bit

Too extreme.

Therefore, Federico's hand was very steady when he cut the knife, and he did not feel sorry for the dead people at all.

What's more, among the many ingredients that Federico has handled, the other party is considered to have died relatively simply, because her ability belongs to the field of mind control, which is unattractive to Wolfgang, who has eaten jealous brains.

, just treat it as ordinary food.

Federico, who had always been angry, was actually a little confused. He knew that someone had actually summoned Tanguy's pistol and gave Wolfgang an almost fatal blow, but could he really do it?

He is a naturalized person, will his anger also affect a naturalized person?

He also said that he is actually not that angry, so that’s why he has never been recognized by Fury?

Federico mechanically handled other parts of the ingredients and put them into categories. At this time, besides him, a new group of people had been replaced in the kitchen.

Foreman still stood there supervising every move in the kitchen, and anyone who caused him dissatisfaction would be dealt with directly.

Their time was running out, and Federico could sense this through Foreman's increasingly unabashed attitude.

If Wolfgang had killed before to make them feel pressure and fear, now it was more like he was killing for the sake of killing.

This can be seen from the other party's recent recipes. He no longer stores 'ingredients', but eats fresh ones every day. Unless the remaining parts are extremely delicious, they will be discarded directly.

"Federick, you will serve the food with me today." Forman looked at Federrick's actions, nodded with satisfaction, and said lightly.

But everyone else in the kitchen looked at each other and looked at Federico with strange eyes.

Federico knew that they were now calling him the Butcher behind his back, saying that he had served Wolfgang wholeheartedly, but no one dared to speak rudely to him in person.

Because they are naturalized people, they have already betrayed their own race, so what's the trouble in betraying them one more time?

Even Federico himself felt that the reason why his anger was not recognized by Fury was because he was not actually that angry. Maybe the anger in his heart was just a fig leaf to cover up that he wanted to live and would not hesitate to betray his wife and friends.


If this fig leaf is lifted, he may find that he cannot face his own weakness at all.

"Sir, this is the person I mentioned who can be the chef." Foreman introduced to Federico, who was holding a tray behind him: "If you plan to travel far in the future, you may consider taking him with you.


What? Wolfgang is leaving? Federico's mind was in turmoil, as if a thousand bees were buzzing.

"Has he got your approval? It seems that there are talents available among these naturalized people." Wolfgang's voice was a little lazy, like a sleepy tiger, but Federico couldn't help but

I don't even have the courage to look at the other person.

The anger he thought he felt was like a dandelion soaked in water in front of Wolfgang, instantly balling up and disappearing.

At this moment, all hatred and anger turned into the instinct of survival. Federico saw himself clearly. He did not have the courage to pick up the pistol that symbolized the power of rage, so he indulged in the lie of staying angry.

His wife and his friends all misjudged him. Federico knelt down with tears in his eyes and expressed his loyalty to Wolfgang.

But Wolfgang just said happily, and Forman took Federico back to the kitchen. On the way, Forman said: "From now on, you will be the person in charge of the kitchen, wait until sir is ready."

When I leave, I may take you with me, or I may not, but after all, you have one more chance of survival than others, so you must work hard."

"Yes, Mr. Foreman." Federico felt as humble as a dog, but he was a dog with a chance of survival.

He just returned to the kitchen in tears, and then let Foreman announce his new position to the others, and then began to prepare for tomorrow's work

If there weren't so many ifs, maybe Federico would spend the next stage of his life as Wolfgang's chef.

But when he woke up the next morning, Federico awakened to the fact that his ability was death regression. He only realized this when he was processing the day's ingredients.

When Federico cut into today's ingredients, he saw the man's soul floating out of the body. He looked at himself in confusion, then looked at his body again, and said to Federico in a disappointed tone.

: "Oh we know everything, we are very disappointed in you, Federico, you let our death be in vain."

Federico collapsed at that time. He cried loudly, but he quickly stopped his tears because the pistol he had dreamed of appeared in his hands.

Everyone in the kitchen saw this scene, but no one said anything. They were cooperating with each other to prepare and serve the dishes as usual. Everything was as usual.

But soon a gunshot was heard from Wolfgang's bedroom. That same day Wolfgang issued an extermination order to Foreman, then turned into a big bat and left with two holes.

Mikkelsen's sight.

When Eclair, a surface survivor, felt the kindness from the residents of the shelter, what happened in the northern federal coastal area made all the shelter residents realize that the identity between the shelter residents and the surface survivors was not fixed.

The Voyage Shelter is a small private shelter. It is not included in the scope of the coalition forces, and its existence is only known to insiders.

Its establishment was proposed by Andrew, a retired federal navy colonel. He learned about the Apocalypse Day in advance through his contacts in the military, but at that time it was less than three months before the Apocalypse Day broke out.

After spending money to buy a ticket to outer space, and with a high possibility of not having a chance to enter the shelter, Andrew did not sit still and wait for death. He chose to save himself.

At that time, the impact of the war on social order had begun to cause unrest in the fringe areas. A large number of high-level officials left their posts without authorization, and soldiers who dared to fight were deployed on the front lines, and the rear became a mess.

Andrew seized the opportunity, contacted some of his former ministries, and rented a semi-abandoned federal naval maintenance base in a half-bribery, half-forced manner, and transformed the place into a habitable place as much as possible before the apocalypse.


The base itself is located south of Vancouver on the east coast of the Northern Commonwealth, in the Bay of Lopez Islands, with an excellent port and sunken maintenance slipway.

Thanks to the existence of the port, Andrew and his officers stocked up on enough supplies before the apocalypse and brought their family, friends, etc. into the shelter one by one.

But in the end, the main reason why they named it the Voyage Refuge was because about three days before the Apocalypse, a Voyage-class nuclear submarine of the Federation Navy slowly sailed into the refuge from the deep-water port and connected its reactor to the refuge.

The energy supply system of the place.

Since then, the Voyage Shelter has completed all preparations, completed the sealing within a short period of time, and survived the first impact of the Apocalypse Day, as well as most of the subsequent radiation contamination.

However, the arrival of the big storm exceeded everyone's expectations, and the voyage shelter was no exception.

Fortunately, half of the members of the Voyage Shelter are soldiers and military dependents. They naturally know the importance of obeying orders, especially those submarine soldiers. They know how to face the hardships of living in a confined space for a long time, so at their call

Next, members of the entire shelter are learning how to be an outstanding sailor.

At the beginning, the morale in the shelter was very high. Andrew strictly demanded everyone according to the standards of a soldier, saving every bit of supplies and energy, and trying his best to survive this hard time.

But contrary to expectations, no matter how fully prepared they were, they gradually ran out of money during the unpredictable waiting. As the supplies were gradually depleted, the differences between soldiers and civilians became wider and wider, and because the upper part of the voyage shelter

Located above the surface, it is constantly being torn by big storms, and the harsh wind noise continues to torture the nerves of all survivors.

When the soldiers no longer felt proud, they chose to go to the lower levels of the shelter, driving others to the upper floors to endure the greater noise. Some even pierced their eardrums, just for a moment of peace.

Andrew worked hard to resolve the conflict in the shelter, but unfortunately he was diagnosed with cancer in NC-9 and died of complications three months later. Less than two weeks after his death, the shelter

Civil strife broke out internally, and the soldiers easily won and established a more stringent management system.

In order to permanently get rid of the annoyance of noise, they chose to collectively pierce their eardrums to obtain peace.

Faced with the current situation of depleted supplies, these people chose to maintain the bottom line with only the remaining honor. Cannibalism was expressly prohibited, but in order to survive, they had to walk out of the shelter when the storm was still fierce, face their fear, and rely on

The nearly scrapped submarine went looking for a way out.

Fortunately, some of them succeeded after paying a heavy price. They found a secret warehouse left by the pioneers, and found a total of 1,500 Greedy Blood potions in it.

These potions are enough for all of them. Although the big storm inhibits the display of all superhuman abilities, it is undeniable that superhumans are far more tenacious than mortals.

In this way, these people tenaciously survived on the coastline that was torn apart by the nuclear explosion. They even found some facilities that were not completely destroyed on this broken coast with complex terrain and put them into use.

At least when Vault 192 first discovered this surface survivor group named Broken Coast in NC-16, they had already restored part of their industrial production capacity, relying on a system whose main structure was still damaged by a major storm.

The intact hydropower station produces some simple underwater boats.

The first contact between the two sides started with an armed conflict, and the life under the storm changed these people forever.

The exposed rocks and dilapidated fishing boats are tributes to the great storms that destroy the twisted humanity of the coastal residents. Countless tragedies dot the vast coastline. Everyone knows that life is not easy, and only plunder is king. Violence

It has become a part of their lives.

Their nominal leader, Graven, made no secret of his spying on the residents of the shelter. He had already been looking for those lucky ones.

The first conflict ended with the victory of the Broken Coast side. Not only did they not capture the exploration team of the residents of the refuge, as well as all the supplies, they also obtained the location of the refuge through interrogation.

The first conflict after humans returned to the surface came much sooner than expected. At the beginning of NC-15, Broken Coast even organized an 'expeditionary force' with a total number of more than 200 people during the weak wind period.

Try to break into the shelter.

Fortunately, the shelter itself was built to withstand all kinds of extreme disasters, and the attacks from these people were dismissed lightly in front of the shelter gate.

But Graven would not give up. He himself had personally experienced the whole process of how a shelter collapsed from the inside. He knew that as long as he kept applying pressure, sooner or later the people inside would be squeezed like a can that was crushed.

come out.

The emergence of the Broken Coast forces is like a signal, blowing the clarion call for humans to return to the surface. Of course, some of these shelters actively embrace the big storm, such as the Valentino people, and some shelters have to face the big storm head-on.

Storm, their resources have been exhausted in the long wait.

Whether they are ready or not, they have to embark on a journey in order to survive

In NC-17, after a long journey, the predator Kona returned to the big mine where he started with nineteen followers. As if he was born with a feat, he made the one hundred and two remaining predators in the big mine take care of themselves.

Worship, worship Kona as a god.

After regrouping, Kona quickly found another small privately established shelter based on the information he had obtained at the Palm Springs shelter. After a brief siege, he bloodbathed that shelter and completed his first expansion.

This year, the lowest wind level measured in Night City during the weak wind period was level 10. Although it only lasted for less than 18 minutes, during those 18 minutes, even ordinary people could bathe in the water without any assistance.

Under the sunshine and heavy storms, breathing in the radiation dust with a hint of destruction, the human beings who praised it were really as tenacious as cockroaches.

It was also this year that the Valentinos discovered another group of survivors living in the subway lines in the underground space of Night City. They called themselves the Iron People and survived until now by relying on cockroaches, rats and mushrooms.


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