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Chapter 729: Nice to see you again, sir

Tang Ji is still keeping a low profile these days. Of course, in the eyes of others, this low profile may not be too rigorous. After all, in the past month, he went to the ruins of the city to wander around, and then took advantage of the predators entrenched there.

The gang is gone.

No one can resist Tang Ji's way of wandering, where he disappears when he meets someone. In seventeen days, twenty-two of Kaio's men died. He couldn't even calculate which of these people died after meeting Tang Ji, and which ones died.

Scared away.

The predators are not a fixed group. Some of them are cannibals who survived by devouring their own kind during the big storm, and some are just survivors who were kicked out by the survivor group for petty theft.

Cannibals don't have the word "cannibal" written on their faces. In fact, it's impossible to tell them apart. However, in order to create a terrifying atmosphere and increase their deterrence, almost every predator will claim to be a cannibal.

Dress yourself up to be more intimidating.

But recently they have learned to improve, because they have found that the most flamboyant people who call themselves cannibals have disappeared.

In the end, Keio had no choice but to take his remaining henchmen and defect to the south to join the largest group of raiders nearby, changing from a big boss to a small boss.

"There's a new ruthless character among that group of fishermen, he should be a super human. He killed half of my men, and my men didn't even see his face clearly." Kaio said to Marcus: "He is very

It's awesome, it's very powerful, it's very fast, it kills people without blinking an eye, it just comes out of nowhere."

Marcus did not turn a deaf ear to Kaio's words. As the king of predators on the east coast of Australia, Marcus was a superhuman like Kaio, but he was a member of the New Hope generation born after the Apocalypse. He came from a civilian refuge.

A ruthless man who came out of the house.

Kaiao, on the other hand, is an old antique who lived from the Apocalypse to the present.

In this civilized desert with no official refuge on the east coast of Australia, there is a deep separation between the old humans born before Apocalypse and the new generation who grew up after Apocalypse.

Because of the extremely difficult time during the great storm, too many people were forced to face the great storm without having time to educate their descendants. The survivors did not have time to form settlements before the great storm subsided. Many survivors were based on family units and relied on

I managed to survive by growing vegetables in the basement.

And more people were forced to choose the path of cannibals to survive their difficult period. This is why cannibals are everywhere on the east coast of Australia.

Marcus was once a very smart child. Under the guidance of his parents, he at least learned how to read and mastered very solid basic subject knowledge. However, in order to survive and fill his stomach, he eventually ate himself

's family.

His father, mother, and his sister provided enough food for him to survive the hungriest years of his adolescence.

In Australia, which lacks supplies, the number of cannibals is not small, so they naturally draw a clear line between them and the old humans.

The camp established by Marcus also had cultivated land, and he even established a school, but in the eyes of the old humans he was still a cannibal, and Marcus had no intention of changing the way those old humans viewed himself.

If there is another famine, the same kind will still be his first choice for food reserves.

As for the fishermen, Marcus was indeed very interested in them, because the sunken ship hidden underwater was much more conspicuous from the air. He himself took a plane to see it several times, but it was a pity that it was like

Like other knowledge, most of the useful things are in the hands of old humans.

Marcus could only wait for the old humans to find a way to enter the ship before taking the risk to plunder.

However, there were several pilots under Marcus. They were found with the plane and placed in the dormant cabin. Together with the plane's other spare parts, ammunition, and fuel, they were placed next to the plane, like a large

The parts are the same.

In fact, it's not bad. Marcus can see that these pilots have terrible similarities in appearance, and they have no sense of personality, but they are very obedient. In comparison, flying a plane is their most insignificant skill.

That's all.

Thanks to the advantage of aerial reconnaissance, Marcus had a clear understanding of the movements of the group at the Seaman's House.


"Are you ready? You may feel a little uncomfortable for your first dive, but as long as you tighten your breathing tube and follow the light of the person in front, you don't have to worry. Thirty meters is nothing." Millers helped Tang Ji put it on.

A simple diving suit. This thing has become obsolete. Many places were repaired with car tire leather, but it is nothing compared to the snorkel modified from PVC pipes.

"Remember to follow me until you see the watertight cabin. I will use the light to signal you." Miles continued: "I will help you open the first door. The space inside is very small. You have to be alone.

Go in, wait for the water to drain, and then enter the next door. Behind the door is the emergency entrance of the Moonlight Gold."

Millers knew that Tang Ji had some memory problems, and was afraid that he would not understand, so he dipped his finger in water and drew a schematic diagram of a simple biometric identification system on the deck: "My father said that if you are a passenger on the ship, you can only

You need to put your palm on it to activate the door."

After saying this, Miles took a deep look at Tang Ji and said: "If you really go in, if it hasn't been filled with water yet, please let us in anyway. We have been here for three whole days."

In the year and two months, thirty-four people died in this sea area, and even more people died while searching for supplies."

"Don't let us down, Tangji." Millers didn't say anything else in the end. He just helped him put on a repaired swimming goggles, patted his shoulder hard, and indicated that he could hold his hands in the water.

He turned off the flashlight he was using and jumped into the water with a splash.

At this time, the Predators' plane appeared on time as if clocking in for work and circled the Pride.

Tang Ji looked at Miles who turned on the light under the water, and jumped into the sea with a splash.

The memories in his mind seemed to be a mess, and he couldn't tell which ones were real and which ones were illusory. These things had been faintly torturing his nerves, making him always feel like there was anger in his heart, but he couldn't vent it.

Even though the cold water completely surrounded him, the fire did not disappear.

Tang Ji caught up with Miles in the water. His swimming style was not standard, but a person with coordinated limbs would never sink directly to the bottom like a stone if there was oxygen, so he quickly mastered the skills of diving.

Essentially, follow closely behind Miles.

Thirty meters does not sound like a high altitude, but if you measure the distance between you and the sea level inversely, then this depth is considered diving.

After his eyes adjusted to the weakening sunlight, Tang Ji saw the big ship that the members of the Seamen's Home dreamed about, the Moonlight Gold.

For a moment, Tang Ji felt as if he had lost control of his limbs. He looked at the ship, and relevant memories seemed to emerge in his mind in the next second, but in the end they just fell silent.

But Tang Ji was sure that he had been on this ship before——

You have to know that in Sirte, they do not deserve to sit here and enjoy everything. You have to understand, in Sirte, the more you possess, the greater your responsibility to this world!

After the fierce confrontation, there was still a previously undiscovered memory that emerged from the depths of his mind and echoed in Tang Ji's ears.

But who is Sirte?

Tang Ji's thoughts were interrupted by Miles not far away. He used a flashlight to tap on the rough watertight cabin that looked like it was built in a garbage dump, attracting Tang Ji's attention, and then pointed

The structure that looked like a door signaled to Tang Ji.

Then the door was opened by Miles, and there was a dim light inside.

Seeing all this, Tang Ji somewhat understood the expectations contained in Miles's hesitant tone.

Tang Ji didn't know how these survivors, who didn't even have electric lights in the camp, completed this kind of building by welding underwater. Although the watertight cabin was not big, it could play its due role.

After Tang Ji, who was carrying oxygen on his back, squeezed in, the sealed door of the watertight cabin slowly closed, and then with a heart-stopping vibration, the water level in the cabin began to drop.

Tang Ji could see that the watertight cabin was leaking everywhere, but at least it was not as fast as the dispatch. According to Millers, if he did not have the authority to enter the emergency exit, they would spend another few years fighting in the watertight cabin.

That door is cut.

There are only two possible endings to this matter. One is that they finally tried their best to enter the Moonlight Gold and got what they wanted, the other is that they died in a conflict with the predators.

the dream shatters.

This ship carries too many people's expectations for the future, and it is the spiritual support for those people to survive. Maybe in the future, the worship of this ship will gradually turn into some kind of emerging religion.

But now, Tang Ji has opened the second door and saw the biometric lock embedded on the surface of the Moonlight Gold.

Tang Ji took a final deep breath of oxygen in the oxygen tank, then held his breath, protruded the breathing tube and stood in front of the biometric lock.

When he did this, the small biometric lock suddenly lit up with a soft light, illuminating the surroundings. This light formed a sharp contrast with the orange-yellow lights that Millers and the others had spent so much effort to connect and light up, as if they were natural.

It has a sense of technology and the future.

Tang Ji stretched out his hand and pressed it directly. Judging from the scratches on the panel, this was not the first time someone had done this.

A brighter light lit up on the flexible screen, scanning Tang Ji's palm back and forth. After a few seconds, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded: "Biological information detected is captain, Tang Ji, welcome back to Moonlight Gold."

No., I wish you a pleasant journey."

The door opened slowly, and a stream of air with a light floral scent and a suitable temperature blew out from the cabin, as if to strengthen the welcome in the voice.

Outside the watertight cabin, Miles saw with his own eyes the Moonlight Gold suddenly flashed. Just when he thought he was dazzled, the already shocking Moonlight Gold fully demonstrated its power underwater.

Stunningly beautiful.

When it is completely lit up, it looks like an artificial swan, illuminating dozens of meters around the ship.

Miles could hardly breathe. He had never seen such a beautiful thing in his life. It seemed out of place in this world, as exquisite as the girl in his dreams.

He watched all this obsessively until his brain frantically reminded him that he had to breathe again, and then he came to his senses. He began to rise quickly, preparing to tell others the news!

But at this time, the Pride and even other people in the bunker on the shore had seen the strange phenomenon in the sea. They came out one after another and stared at everything in stunned silence, as if they couldn't believe that they had actually succeeded.

Captain Geraint said to himself tremblingly: "I knew it was him, I knew it was his ship!"

O'Brien on the side had already shouted excitedly, turned around and ran towards the Sailors' Home camp, intending to share the news with everyone.

"Come back! Where are you going!" Captain Geraint called O'Brien loudly.

"I want to go back and report the news!" O'Brien's face was full of excitement. Although he was from the New Hope generation, he was still very much looking forward to the Moonlight Gold.

"Wait! Wait until he lets our people board the ship and then go back and notify him!" Captain Geraint covered his heart, where there were waves of colic, but he endured it tenaciously.

Now is the time when the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. But pinning everyone's hope on one person's conscience is not in line with the customs, customs and natural environment of this land.

In O'Brien's heart, Tanguy is a good man and a member of the seamen's family. He completely cannot understand the struggle in Captain Geraint's heart at this time.

Inside the Moonlight Gold, Tang Ji was walking on the bright and spacious interior deck, feeling that this place was both familiar and unfamiliar.

But he almost instinctively walked towards the bridge, and then his attention was stopped in front of a platinum-gold object that still shone with nobility even though it was covered in dust.

Tang Ji paused for a second while looking at this thing, and then put his shoe that left a series of dirty footprints on the floor into it. Sure enough, the next second the machine started working, taking care of it in detail.

Stains on shoes——

Sir, if you don't mind, there is Coaster's shoe polisher on your right hand side. It can make your shoes clean and shiny in thirty seconds.

Tang Ji seemed to hear a gentle voice with a British accent whispering in his ear. He also said a lot of things, such as Persian carpets, expensive antiques, unreplicable works of art, and so on.

For some reason, a smile appeared on the corner of Tang Ji's mouth, and the voice in his memory suddenly appeared not far from the corner ahead——

"Nice to see you again, sir."

This chapter has been completed!
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