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Chapter 754 Order

Chapter 757 Order

"Tang!" A port worker wearing a poncho stopped far away when he saw Tang Ji, and stretched out his hand to say hello with some embarrassment. The word "nervous" was written all over his body.

Tang Ji nodded slightly towards the other party as a response. The other party became visibly excited and walked three points faster.

Today is the seventh day after Keo's death. The news about Keo's death and the destruction of the main force of the predator gang spread throughout the entire east coast of Australia at a speed that is not suitable for the wasteland environment.

After Tangji left Homs Town, he took Clara with him. No, Clara took him to Keo's previous base. After killing a bunch of unexplained looters, he liberated more than a hundred clones.


These skilled technical workers are the most hard-working and uncomplaining kind of old scalpers. Except for the fact that their lifespan, or rather their service life, is approaching the limit, they are almost perfect workers.

At least, it is much better than the technicians currently available at the port.

Tang Ji has no opinion on the life span of human clones. He is not a Holy Mother and is not so unfounded. He only cares about whether Alstom's human cloning factory can resume operations and produce a batch of supplements before all these people die.

Among the more than one hundred clone technicians, more than thirty have begun to suffer from various complications and are unable to adapt to front-line work. Captain Geraint arranged for them to flourish in teaching positions.

Nowadays, workers at the port basically live a compact life of working during the day and going to night school at night. As for rest and personal time? This is a wasteland. Even if Tang Ji doesn't teach such people a lesson, life will.

You will never have to worry about a group of people who didn't have enough to eat yesterday, and then have to do the work of smashing the pot as soon as they pick up the rice bowl.

"Tangji!" A louder voice sounded behind her head. It was another worker on the dock, a woman. She screamed and immediately covered her mouth, but she still couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes.

Yes, Tang Ji is now a legend again.

He single-handedly killed Keo, and also killed the predators into endangered species in the area, completely changing the ecological environment of Australia's east coast.

The first ones to feel this change were naturally the postmen and merchants. These individuals who were constantly moving around the wasteland suddenly found that their costs on the road were reduced.

Therefore, Tang Ji's reputation and legend have continued to spread with the spread of some people. Now almost all survivor groups in the east coast area know that in the port town, there is a ruthless man named Tang Ji who plans to restore order and does not want to cause trouble.

Guys better restrain themselves.

Kaio has proved with his life that even Kaio must obey this new force honestly, not to mention that now they not only have ships, but also planes, and they drop paper leaflets regularly every day, saying that the port town welcomes all survivors

come to cooperate.

In addition to airplanes, flyers alone are a very powerful tool.

Ever since Captain Geraint found a warehouse full of moldy books in the port warehouse, the newly named port town began to try to resume paper production.

The quality of these new papers is very average, but it is still a carrier of words and an iconic creation of human civilization.

When the first book was printed, people seemed to be passing on treasures, cautiously but scramblingly. But in fact, because a large amount of impurities could not be filtered out, the small words on the book were blurred, and these papers could only be used to print leaflets.

Even so, the printing press with low output is the most envied job in the port town, and all survivors hope that they can engage in 'writing' work there.

But first of all, literacy alone wiped out almost all the New Hope Generation born after NC-5 years.

There are no numbered shelters here, not even larger official shelters. Most of the survivors survived the entire storm period as a family or community unit.

They have already exhausted all their efforts just to live, so how can they have any energy left to ensure the education of the next generation?

O'Brien, the boy who first discovered Tanguy on the beach, was lucky. His parents taught him something, and he could read, so O'Brien now works in a printing factory.

When Tang Jilai visited the printing factory, he was holding a leaflet and reading with some difficulty: "Port Town purchases crop seeds at high prices. The tradable items include transportation, weapons, bullets, and medical supplies."

"Why do we need to exchange these things for seeds?" O'Brien still doesn't understand the important role of trade in human civilization. He only knows that his life has just improved. How can it be so easy to take materials from him and exchange them for seeds now?

"Add one, ship, and survivors in the navigation field can get double subsidies." This is the purpose of Tang Ji's coming here.

As the port town gradually became more prosperous, they focused their efforts on clearing the warehouse area outside the port area first, but they could not find any usable parts for the pump on the Tang Yueguang Zhijin.

After all, the Moonlight Gold has been soaked in water for more than 20 years. When it was inspected on the slipway this time, it was discovered that it not only had problems with its propulsion system, but also required maintenance on many subsystems.

That's what Foreman said anyway.

With the death of Kaio and the collapse of the Predator organization, Tang Ji was suddenly free and had time to wander around the port.

But the enthusiasm of the survivors along the way made Tang Ji unable to stay any longer. He felt like an animal in a zoo, the one who could talk.

At this time, Nair Galindo, who had been carrying the body for several days, finally arrived at the port town.

Nair felt that there was no player more miserable than himself. He started with Tianhu, escaped from a doghouse, and started to survive in the wilderness by accident.

Although Nile Galindo is a player with Advent experience, such a strange world still fills him with questions.

For example, now, why would the police chief who took them in be willing to spend his own money to send people hundreds of kilometers away when they didn't have enough food in the first place?

Nair looked at everything around him curiously. This was undoubtedly the most prosperous settlement he had seen since he came to this world.

On Nair's retina, the task of finding human groups and determining the civilization level of human civilization at this time suddenly appeared completed.

A smile immediately appeared on Nel's lips, and it took no effort at all, but——

"Don! Have you missed me these days? You will never imagine what we found in that base!" Along with Lip's voice, Nair suddenly saw that the task that was originally in a gray state flashed and the progress bar disappeared.


The actual content of mission 3 is marked as (danger, choose carefully) to collect information about the Seven Deadly Sins

In the end, Wang Zhengdao did not take the little prophet away. In Fengchenyin's words, it was not the time yet.

Just like before, Wang Zhengdao chose to unconditionally believe in the words of the little prophet. This is the fundamental reason why the entire Ark organization can exist - believing in the decision made by the prophet, even if that decision seems unreliable.

Although Wang Zhengdao felt that it was very dangerous to leave the little prophet who was only a teenager near Mikkelsen, it was obvious that the little prophet had seen deeper and further in the long river of time. He even had a more concrete idea of ​​Wang Zhengdao's future.

s arrangement.

"Old Wang, it's time to go back to the Federation. It would be a bit rude to stay in the Federation Continent any longer." Fengchengyin, at a young age, had completely imitated the tone and emphasis of the prophet's old Riddler.

, leaving Wang Zhengdao in a daze.

"Did you see anything?" If the prophet was here, Wang Zhengdao would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word, but as for Feng Chenyin, Wang Zhengda wanted to ask one more question.

After all, those eyes look too clear, always making you feel as if he is about to tell you the secrets of the future in the next second.

"It's hard to describe it in words. It's more like a feeling than a picture." Fengchenyin sat cross-legged in front of his stall, just like Wang Zhengdao did when he first met him: "You really

Do you want to know? Maybe the prophet didn’t tell you the specific content before because as long as we tell it, our destiny cannot be changed."

Feng Chenyin's expression of "don't blame yourself" finally frightened Wang Zhengdao. Over the years, he had been accustomed to the Prophet PUA. A small hint or even an inconspicuous micro-expression could make Wang Zhengdao think hard for a while.

It's been a while, not to mention that now the little prophet has started to directly hit the ball.

In short, under Feng Chenyin's strange eyes, Wang Zhengdao embarked on his return journey.

Who would have thought that the temporary rescue mission back then would be delayed for ten years? In fact, Wang Zhengdao had already begun to feel the decline of the power of the big storm from a few weeks ago. Although he could not use it as arbitrarily as Surte

ability, but he could already vaguely locate the Ark Organization's shelter near the Apennine Peninsula.

Wang Zhengdao just didn't know whether he should go back. After all, he had been gone for more than ten years, and those young people had also managed the Ark organization in an orderly manner.

Just like when the prophet played a hidden plan and found himself in a dormant state, the entire organization flourished and became more energetic than when she was there, and finally came up with the idea of ​​abdicating to make way for someone more worthy. Wang Zhengdao is also seriously considering retiring.


With such an uneasy mood, Wang Zhengdao took a deep breath, turned around and left Shelter 101, then found a location far away from the shelter door, positioned the direction he wanted to go, sighed softly, and disappeared on the spot.


In short, there were no accidents on Wang Zhengdao's journey this time. He directly appeared in a space less than five kilometers away from the main entrance of the Ark Organization's shelter.

This place used to be a resort town, but it has been submerged by the rising sea level. The location where Wang Zhengdao stands is the remains of the top of a building.

But this place is not desolate and inhabited. Wang Zhengdao saw no less than ten fishing boats operating on the sea level on the not far coastline. The entire sea area looked full of life.

Accompanied by a sea breeze with a fishy smell, the long-awaited European Federation presented Wang Zhengdao with a gift of return. A fish of unknown species suddenly jumped out of the water and landed at Wang Zhengdao's feet, jumping with a crackle.

After a while, he looked at Wang Zhengdao with dead fish eyes, panting bitterly, as if he was curious about what this human being was doing.

Wang Zhengdao glanced at the fish and kicked it back into the sea. After the fish swung its tail and disappeared, a girl wearing a tight-fitting diving suit suddenly emerged from the water like a mermaid!

The girl leaped high and shook her hair violently in the air. The water droplets drew a rainbow, and then landed lightly on the building where Wang Zhengdao was standing: "This is the territory of the Ark Organization! Who are you!"


"Me? I should be considered one of my own." Wang Zhengdao looked at the other person, who was at most thirteen or fourteen years old. He was too smart to give his name. If he did, he didn't know him. He just asked: "Who in the shelter says that now?"

Who decides? Vicky, or Karthus?"

Vicki naturally needs no introduction, and Karsus is the temporary supervisor appointed by Wang Zhengdao before his departure.

The mermaid girl looked at Wang Zhengdao suspiciously, as if she was wondering how the other party knew so much about the internal affairs of the Ark Organization, especially Sister Vicky. Even within the Ark Organization, not everyone knew of her existence.

She looked Wang Zhengdao up and down. When she saw Wang Zhengdao's black hair, she seemed to suddenly remember something, turned around and jumped into the water again, leaving only a white water mark.

When Wang Zhengdao saw that the other party had gone to report the news, he sat directly on the ground and looked a little stunned at the scene of fishing boats fishing in the distance.

The order on the sea is very orderly, and the fishing boats flying different flags have their own areas and do not interfere with each other. It looks much simpler than the Federal Continent.

In Wang Zhengdao's eyes, there are simply too many predators on the Federation side, just as if the Apocalypse Day only destroyed human civilization without causing the same damage to gangs such as the Luan Dao Society.

"Although the civilian risk is bad, it is too much." Wang Zhengdao shook his head. Obviously, Mikkelsen must be involved in this to disrupt the situation.

Wang Zhengdao waited at the same spot for almost half an hour before he saw an armored patrol boat approaching from a distance. Seeing this, almost all the fishing boats along the way stayed away from the route.

"Wang Zhengdao! Is it you!" Vicky's voice came out from the loudspeaker in the distance. It was a little blurry, but the familiar voice still made Wang Zhengdao couldn't help but smile and waved towards the ship from a distance.

He waved his hand.

But the next second, Wang Zhengdao's smile froze on his face. A rocket fired from an unknown source suddenly appeared from directly above and hit the Ark Organization's armored patrol boat with its wake.


The patrol boat sank to one side at a speed visible to the naked eye, and among the fishing boats in the distance, three of them suddenly took off their camouflage, and a large number of armed personnel appeared on the deck.

The previously harmonious scene was torn to pieces in an instant. Obviously, the Ark organization is not so aloof from the world, and order has not yet been restored.

Regarding the plot about Kona, I went home and revised it. I did remember it wrong at the time.


This chapter has been completed!
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