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Chapter 789 Return to the dungeon

Chapter 792 Return to the dungeon

What Wang Zhengdao figured out was certainly not what made Dr. Wu Qianying feel clueless, together with the space problem between the two worlds.

He just suddenly imagined an idea, or should be said to be an 'old friend', a little man back then and a 'big man' later, General Zay Wangchuk.

In Wang Zhengdao's perception, the space in the copy was like a mirage, and he could sense that it still maintained its original style. There, there were still battlefields filled with smoke, towns, and ports.

But in fact it should be submerged by sea water now, and the entire Fianarantsoa province is below sea level.

This severe sense of dislocation gave Wang Zhengdao a strong migraine every time he tried to sense the space in the copy.

When the external environment could not correspond to the one in space, Wang Zhengdao chose to find another way, and he planned to start with people.

Zay Wangchuck was one of the few survivors who successfully survived that battle and benefited from it.

Yes, it is no secret that Zay Wangchuck can continuously benefit from the dungeon cycle. Judging from the intelligence collected by the Allied Forces Intelligence Department, before the Apocalypse, there were at least sixteen people related to him.

Individuals experiencing the same situation exist.

It's just that most of the benefits gained from the dungeons are just subconscious instinctive reactions and a little physical enhancement. Compared with the enhancements brought by superhumans, the benefits brought by the dungeons are negligible, so they didn't.

Being watched.

But now, after experiencing that war and the baptism of the Apocalypse Day, Zay Wangchuck became the only survivor among those six people.

Wang Zhengdao also just discovered the somewhat familiar name Zay Wangchuk when he was searching all relevant information about this copy.

As one of the lucky few who rose from ordinary soldiers to the rank of general, Zay Wangchuk naturally cooperated with the Ark Organization, and Wang Zhengdao even met him several times.

He wanted to use Zay Wangchuk as a conductor to try to perform a space jump inside the copy.

It was just a costless experiment, so Wang Zhengdao thought of it and planned to put it into practice.

It didn't take him too much time to look up Zay Wangchuk's information. Whether it was Vault Zero or the Ark Organization's shelter itself, there was detailed information on this named 'special group of people'.

Zay Wangchuk is currently located in Vault 177 in the Gaul region. The last registered active record was to participate in the NC-10 remote shelter meeting, and at the meeting he expressed concern about the current status of the shelter in the Ganges region.


After that, there were no relevant records about Zay Wangchuk.

Wang Zhengdao hoped that Zay Wangchuck would still be alive and healthy in this world, otherwise the clues he had been pondering for two days would turn into eternal regrets.

"Let's go take a look together? If you are here, things will be much easier." Before leaving, Wang Zhengdao remembered the current reputation of the Ark Organization, sighed, and extended an invitation to Tang Ji.

Tang Ji looked at Wang Zhengdao with a scrutinizing gaze, which made him blush, because not long ago when the two of them were chatting, Wang Zhengdao specifically talked about his status in the European Federation.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, those "unworthy descendants" who sold their own land destroyed the reputation of the organization that the prophet and Wang Zhengdao had worked hard to accumulate.

There is nothing special about Vault 177. It is a standard numbered shelter that conforms to Mikkelsen's plan.

Inside the shelter, there is a complete energy and material circulation system, which can provide energy and material supplies that meet the health treasure standards for a group of 25,000 survivors, ensuring that they can eat three meals a day and take a bath every two days.

Once, and there are almost no additional restrictions on electricity consumption.

Judging from the living standards after the apocalypse, the survivors of Vault 177 obviously lived a happy and prosperous life.

There are no careerists here who think about doing a big job all day long, nor are there idealists who want to restore the light of human civilization. They just live their lives in an ordinary way, and strive to survive from many disasters.

The survivors survived and sincerely thanked God.

Judging from Zay Wangchuck's current understanding, it is obvious that fools also have the benefits of being stupid. The supervisor has been re-elected for five terms, and as of now, he will be re-elected for the sixth time with a very high number of votes.

s position.

In the past five votes, Zay Wangchuk voted in favor.

With Zay Wangchuck's current status, it is definitely too conservative to say that one vote is worth ten votes. He is one of the few generals in Gaul who has actual military exploits. Even before the Apocalypse, many of his opinions will be received by Gaul.

Attention from senior management.

So he easily took control of the security department of the shelter, or strictly speaking, everyone with guns in the Yunnan shelter had to listen to him.

It can be said that although Zay Wangchuk did not participate in the election of the supervisor, he himself is a real power in the refuge. The supervisor must be re-elected every few years, but the power of General Zay Wangchuk has always been

He held it firmly in his hands.

There are only three days until Christmas. This is the 12th Christmas that General Zay Wangchuck has spent in Vault 177. The ones he missed in the middle are because he chose to enter hibernation.

After all, life in a shelter is always monotonous, especially for a truly capable person like Zay Wangchuk. After smoothing out various tasks in the security department, he often faces the problem of doing nothing for several years.

state, and had to go into hibernation to pass the time.

Fortunately, as the big storm weakened, Shelter 177 also opened its door and began to operate its own reconstruction area on the surface.

Facing hordes of looters and other forces, Zay Wangchuk's life was much easier, at least he no longer had to read the same reports every week.

The news that has been bothering General Zay Wangchuk recently is of course the urgent news coming from the Taha Gang. They were sneak attacked by players. Zay Wangchuk must admit that when he first saw this news, he only felt a flash in front of his eyes.


He is already in his 50s and can't stand this kind of stimulation. After more than a year of head-to-head battles with players, and also experiencing disasters such as the Apocalypse and the big storm, Zay Wangchuk really feels that he is a bit


But today is destined not to be his lucky day. At this time, General Zay Wangchuck is sitting in his office, enjoying the coffee prepared by his secretary. These days, he can drink some original flavor that is not contaminated by the Gray Field Project.

Coffee that tastes good is considered a treat for the upper class.

God knows how much effort they have made to ensure that these coffee beans are not contaminated. It is said that there used to be a tomato tree in Vault 221 next door because a farmer accidentally brought in pollen from the Gray Field Project, causing that tomato tree to be contaminated.

Unable to provide authentic ketchup, more than eighty people in Vault 221 committed suicide in the months that followed.

Zay Wangchuk feels that the world has lost too many things. If there is no more coffee, then indeed, it is better to just die.

"Chanel, today's coffee is great. I would be very grateful if you could add more sugar for me tomorrow." Zay Wangchuk humbly made a wish to his secretary.

"Your daily sugar intake has a standard, General. If you don't mind the noon waffles without maple syrup, I can fulfill your wish." Chanel replied with a smile.

Zay Wangchuk sighed. He suffered from diabetes a few years ago. This is a minor problem for human beings that is not even a cold. Whether it is through the intervention of long-acting artificial insulin or the installation of a set of artificial insulin in one step,

Secretory organs can perfectly solve his problems.

However, Vault 177 itself does not produce long-acting insulin, and the few that are synthesized in the laboratory are not luxurious enough to provide him with unscrupulous sweets. Although he does have the right to do so, Zai Wangchuck

You can't afford to lose that person.

Another way is to implant a set of artificial insulin-secreting organs. However, because that thing is not a life-saving corpse organ, there is no stock in Vault 177. There are two survivors in the shelter who are wearing that thing, but still

For that reason, Zay Wangchuk cannot afford to lose that person.

But just when Zay Wangchuk compared the temptations of coffee and waffles, and turned around to make do with it today, he saw Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao sitting in front of his desk, and he suddenly squirted out of the coffee after a sip of coffee.

go out.

Tang Ji waved his hand fiercely, blowing out a blast of wind and blowing all the oncoming coffee back to Zay Wangchuck.

"I must have drunk too much, and I opened it the wrong way!" Zay Wangchuk was splashed in the eyes by coffee. He closed his eyes tightly and refused to open them again, muttering to himself, hypnotizing himself.

But when he opened his eyes after waiting for a full minute, Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao were still sitting opposite him. It couldn't be more real.

Zay Wangchuck let out a long sigh, and then said again: "I remember that there is an electromagnetic shielding field installed in the shelter. How did you come directly to my office?"

With more than 20 years of career as a general, Zay Wangchuk seemed to be calm in the face of danger and quickly sorted out his mood.

"We asked Dr. Wu Qianying from Shelter Zero to send a letter to the technical department here that the electromagnetic shielding field data was abnormal and needed to be shut down for maintenance and testing. It passed." Wang Zhengdao smiled and explained: "We sent it to the technical department on time.

It is the obligation of each shelter to submit the operation data of each shelter equipment to Shelter Zero."

"Okay, okay, don't tell me about these shelter regulations. I can only say that fate is amazing. I really didn't expect to see you again after 25 years." Zay Wangchuck opened with some emotion.

He took out a bottle of whiskey from the drawer, and took out three crystal glasses, and then said to Tang Ji: "Especially you, Mr. Tang Ji, although the world has many misunderstandings about your behavior, as a soldier,

I still want to express my gratitude to you."

Zay Wangchuk filled three glasses with wine as he spoke: "I am a Gaulish, and I know the pain of surrendering without a fight. You at least gave us an opportunity to talk to the enemy on an equal footing, although they

Now we are making a comeback, but no matter where our destiny takes us in the future, I want to toast you today!"

As he spoke, his body, which was suffocated by strong alcohol and no longer strong, coughed several times due to the stimulation of alcohol.

Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao also drank the strong wine in one gulp.

"This is a good thing I brought in before the Apocalypse. Considering the current situation, drink a little less." Zay Wangchuk said with some emotion, evenly divided the remaining wine in the bottle into three cups, each cup

Everyone shared half a cup.

"So I don't know what purpose you two big shots have in coming to me today?" Zay Wangchuck didn't feel that his identity was enough for these two big shots to come to him for a heart-to-heart talk.

But he didn't understand that he was just an ordinary general, and now he was just managing the security department of a shelter. Even if his subordinates who knew how to shoot were included, he was just a man commanding hundreds of armed forces.

He's just the security chief of Force.

It's not that he is belittling, but Zay Wangchuck does feel that the little power he has under his command may not be enough to kill Tang Ji with just a yawn.

"We really need your help, General Wangchuck." Wang Zhengdao looked at the other party apologetically. Hibernation technology is really a magical technology. It turns two people of the same age into two generations.

Wang Zhengdao could naturally see that General Zay Wangchuck had a very good life in the shelter, but now he needed the other party to go on an adventure with him. There were some deviations in his plan. After all, Wang Zhengdao

In my memory, Zay Wangchuk is still a soldier in his prime.

"We need you to join us and enter the space-time anomaly where the player stayed on the island of Madagascar." Wang Zhengdao finally directly explained his purpose.

The time and space anomaly is the official name for player copies within the coalition. For someone of Zay Wangchuk’s level and experience, he is aware of the existence of the space and time anomaly, so after hearing what Wang Zhengdao said,

, he didn’t show any surprise.

"Copy is its official name, right?" Zay Wangchuk showed a strange expression and asked in confusion: "So what I thought happened in the dream actually happened in

It’s in the copy, right?”

Wang Zhengdao glanced at Tang Ji and nodded silently. He roughly knew what Zai Wangchuck said about what happened in the dream. 5 Wu Qianying believed that what happened in the copy would be synchronized in some way.

To a few 'lucky people'.

Without much time to hesitate, Zay Wangchuck took a few deep breaths and said calmly: "I did it."


This chapter has been completed!
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