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Chapter 806 The world in Tang Anrans eyes

Tang Anran has been secretly observing the world. This observation probably started when he was just three months old. At that time, he could neither control his abilities nor have a strong body, so this observation was intermittently.

It cannot last.

Moreover, at that time, Tang Anran's brain was still in chaos, his consciousness was not completely clear, and he was unable to understand the many orders of this world.

He truly formed his own worldview when he was about one year and two months old. The main credit goes to Dr. Wu Qianying.

Dr. Wu Qianying has many quirks when she is alone. She will habitually recite what she is reading, and with every new natural paragraph, she will switch a tone, from Yujie tone to Jiazi tone, and even

From bel canto tenor to bel canto, she can imitate them perfectly.

After all, for people like Wu Qianying, learning some vocal knowledge while resting and relaxing is as simple as drinking a little water. But this side of Dr. Wu Qianying has not even been seen by his father, Tang Ji.

It was through such exposure that Tang Anran learned a lot of things, such as his current situation, what kind of trauma his body suffered, and singing.

That's right, singing. Tang Anran has never actually sung before, because in reality he is still a one-year-old child and his vocal cords have not yet fully developed, so he doesn't know what his singing voice will sound like.


Of course, in the dream, Tang Anran is a top figure in KTV. He mixed the voices of Tang Ji and Dr. Wu Qianying to give himself a very nice voice.

To be fair, both Tang Ji and Wu Qianying have excellent vocal conditions, but no one has imagined how they sing.

Especially Tang Ji, even Tang Anran didn't want to think about what his father would be like singing.

Compared to music, Tang Anran was probably exposed to the Seven Deadly Sins earlier.

Why is he so familiar with Auntie Anne's abilities? How come he learns so quickly? Because as early as the first time Anne manipulated his nanny through dreams, Tang Anran was already secretly observing how Anne used her dream abilities.

What's more, his father is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. When he often goes out and comes back, he will bring some parts belonging to the other Seven Deadly Sins.

Tang Anran forgot when he could sense objects from a distance, but he remembered that his father happened to give him a voodoo doll as a gift.

How should I put it? Tang Anran knew that his old father had good intentions, but when the doll was given to him, it did still have a curse on it.

If Tang Anran hadn't been 'strong enough' at that time, the witch killed by his father might have been reborn. It can only be said that his father was still a bit of a cheat in this regard.

But no matter what, the voodoo doll has always been Tang Anran's most cherished gift, and it was frozen together with him in his dormant chamber.

Life on the moon was difficult, especially with Uncle Mikkelsen. Tang Anran felt that he was too sensitive and too extreme.

What's even more troublesome is that many times Mikkelsen can find the truth of the matter just by guessing. Not long after they arrived on the moon, Uncle Mikkelsen seemed to realize that Tang Anran was conscious.

To be honest, this frightened Tang Anran for a long time at that time, but fortunately his father's deterrence was strong enough, and he was not in danger in the end.

And what is Tang Anran doing now? He is perceiving and understanding the world.

His father couldn't become what he is now out of thin air. Others don't know, but he knows exactly what Tang Ji encountered when he hunted players for the first time.

So Tang Anran took away Tang Ji's prosthetic arm, and he planned to start from that arm to investigate what force was secretly pushing his father forward.

Those players gave him a lot of inspiration, such as the will of Gaia and so on. They seemed to be very sure of the existence of this will, which made Tang Anran feel that they might have encountered similar things in other worlds.

And since Gaia may exist, and it took the initiative to help its father, it proves that it is conscious and can communicate.

So Tang Anran has been trying to get in touch with the Gaia consciousness in this world for these years. He feels that if anyone in this world can communicate with Gaia consciousness, it must be him.

This is not because he is Tang Ji's son, but because Tang Anran himself is very special. To this day, he still doesn't know if he is lazy among the Seven Deadly Sins. He can't even define his abilities, but it seems

A little bit of everything.

Tang Anran was able to 'learn' those supernatural abilities through 'learning'.

In this regard, Tang Anran had only seen it with Wolfgang before, but Wolfgang still needed to eat those unlucky people to take away their power, but Tang Anran did not.

It's like an instinct. He just saw Aunt Anne's ability to manipulate dreams, and he learned it naturally.

Tang Anran even had a hunch that he might be able to make a clone like Uncle Mikkelsen, but now he was trapped in his own weak body and frozen in a dormant chamber.

He took control of the Great Storm from his father, which alone was shocking, because the Great Storm was essentially a manifestation of the power of rage.

Although Tang Anran got Tang Ji's permission, for a superhuman of the level of the Seven Deadly Sins, there is always some kind of rule-based power behind such ritualized and oath-based things, which made Tang Anran a fool.

A loophole in the rules.

But if the outside world knows that Tang Anran can control the power of the Seven Deadly Sins in this way, I am afraid that even if he is on the moon and next to Mikkelsen, he will not be able to escape the prying eyes of those chaotic forces.

Both the Celestial Organization and the players will definitely try to get him at all costs. Of course, by then, the first person to attack him will probably be Uncle Mixon next to him.

So Tang Anran disguised himself very well. Except for those he trusted, he never showed up in front of anyone, even in dreams, but he could not play any role in this war.

That Mr. Good Luck is Tang Anran's white glove, but he doesn't know it.

Tang Anran could 'see' the probability line on him, and through some kind of interference behavior that he himself could not understand, Mr. Good Luck could always make his abilities take effect when Tang Ji and the others needed them, thus being able to 'help

'To Tangji and the others.

From this aspect, Mr. Good Luck actually has to thank Tang Anran, otherwise his abilities really come from a disordered state. It was Tang Anran who helped him sort out those probability lines.

Of course, Tang Anran cannot deny that Mr. Good Luck is really a very useful tool in this regard. Without Mr. Good Luck, if he wanted to interfere in the real world, it would probably be several times more complicated.

It's a pity that Mr. Good Luck can't help him in finding Gaia's will.

In Tang Anran's understanding, the wave of supernatural abilities is like the underlying logic code of this world, which will be recycled every once in a while.

The Will of Gaia is the management system hiding behind these codes, the player is a virus, and his father was selected by the Will of Gaia to become the anti-virus software.

If you open the underlying code base of this world, you will find that this is not the first time that Fury in The Seven Deadly Sins has played a similar role.

Every wave of supernatural power begins with Gluttony. He is the beginning, the beginning. His vitality represents the spring of all things and is also the earliest desire of all living things.

Other original sins appear one by one according to the characteristics of different eras, each with their own missions and characteristics.

Wrath represents the end of this era. He is the end, the end. He represents the end of the supernatural era.

In Tang Anran's view, the supernatural era is like a rapidly expanding information mass. Without rage as a braking method, the entire world will soon be overflowing with this overflowing data.

This world needs flowers and biological data full of diversity, but it cannot allow them to expand without limit, so there is a final 'terminator' like Rage that can deny other supernatural abilities.

In the last reincarnation, the war between the Seven Deadly Sins did not end completely. An accident occurred in the previous generation Fury. He was exiled from the earth because of love and did not complete the comprehensive and thorough 'Great Cleansing'.

So long before Tang Anran was born, long before the Federation was established, even before the Wisdom Palace in Baghdad was built, and before the Tower of Babel was destroyed, human blood already contained superhuman potential.

However, the awakening rate is horribly low, and a single individual like a superhuman is so insignificant compared to the total number of humans that it is not worthy of being recorded in history.

But with each generation of human beings being born, the possibility of awakening continues to increase, and the unfinished war must end in a way that satisfies Gaia's will.

The timelines seen by the prophet are the "sacred timelines" of this world.

The branch line caused by the player's intrusion is more like the "if line" in the comic series, telling a terrifying and interesting possibility of pursuing novelty.

Of course, for the creatures who actually live in this timeline, this kind of encounter is not interesting at all.

As the wrath of this era, Tang Ji is naturally given more expectations. He is now probably the most powerful being in the world besides the will of Gaia.

What makes Tang Anran extremely curious and a little excited is why the anti-virus software selected by the will of Gaia can have real harm to players?

The question of why Tang Ji can kill the player not only troubles Wu Qianying, but also troubles Tang Anran, but also troubles Mrs. Generosity, and even the entire mother world behind it.

As of today, the only countermeasure the company has come up with in order to deal with Tang Ji's special characteristics is the system called the Guardian Dog, which is implanted in the brain of every player who comes to this world.

, in consciousness, and deep in the soul.

Although this guard dog system has not saved any player's life from Tang Ji until now, it has still collected enough data.

Mrs. Generosity, the company, and the three major committees are all sharing this data, but they have not come up with any valuable conclusions.

"Madam, I know that you are the one who has embarked on the path of the Supreme Being, but players are starting to die again. We cannot allow this to happen forever." In front of Mrs. Generous, a water-like mirror floated in mid-air, that was

Communication requests made directly from the company.

This small water mirror breaks the barrier between the two worlds and allows them to communicate in real time.

"The attitude you showed in front of other players before is very detrimental to us. All kinds of rumors about this world have been spread on the black market. The last thing we need now is to continue to add fuel to the fire." There was no specific information on the other side of the water mirror.

The image is just a bunch of curves that are constantly changing according to sound waves.

"To us? Since when have we taken sides?" Mrs. Generosity sat on the chair and laughed: "Don't think that I don't know what little tricks you are doing behind the scenes. My interests are not consistent with yours."

"But at least now aren't we working together?"

"Our cooperation is about to end. I will definitely give you what you want, but before that I hope this is our last phone call. I have nothing to say to you." Mrs. Generosity's tone was very impolite.

She seems to be very dissatisfied with the people in the company, but obviously the company is currently looking for Mrs. Generosity, so she keeps her attitude low.

"But please also control the number of player deaths. If you give the committee another chance to intervene, the cooperative relationship between us may be exposed."

"How should I control the death speed of players? Have a good talk with Tang Ji and tell him to kill a few less?" Mrs. Generosity said disdainfully: "Does the committee really care about the life and death of these people? I'm afraid they just care about the world.

Are you interested?"

"Maybe they don't have the courage to extend their tentacles into our world, but they can achieve their goals by guiding players' behavior. Don't forget that the black market exists by default."

"Give me at least another six months, and I ask not to be disturbed, otherwise our cooperation will be terminated." Mrs. Generosity issued an ultimatum, and then directly waved away the water mirror.

After ending the call, Mrs. Generosity sighed. She, the forces behind her, the company, and the three major committees have never been monolithic.

Players are just chips on their table. Before the Apocalypse, Mixon and the others expected to intimidate the mother world by killing players. This was an unrealistic fantasy.

On the contrary, Wu Qianying's current plan seems very smart. If she can be smarter and bolder, Mrs. Generous will not mind and give them more help.

This chapter has been completed!
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