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Chapter 808 Awakening the Disciples

Chapter 811 Awakening the Disciples

Tang Ji, who had just 'liberated' the 13th District underground city not long ago, was currently in Vault Zero, and Wu Qianying planned to reawaken his disciples.

Since Area 13, players seem to be spreading everywhere, not only in the European Federation, but also in the Ganges region and Neon.

In addition, the players have not given up testing the two existing dungeons, and there are people constantly moving around the dungeons.

For this reason, Dr. Wu Qianying, who had a lot of power through the station construction committee, dug out the three scarlet disciples that Tang Ji had brought out from their dormant warehouses.

Needless to say, Ding Yue is already active in the European Federation and has been fully enjoying the joy of being a shelter supervisor in recent times.

This is not to say that Ding Yue's corpse is a vegetarian. As a 'doer' who rose from the grassroots and took power before the apocalypse, he is far more capable and ambitious than the previous supervisors of Vault 301.


At least he didn't need to squeeze those shelter survivors to gain more power and status. Ding Yue just drastically streamlined the management of Vault 310 and successfully solved the economic crisis that the shelter itself was experiencing, as well as supplies.


After all, considering the technology of the shelter itself, it is not difficult to fill everyone's stomach, even though the shelter's population has increased by more than 15% due to surface activities.

What really caused the material crisis in the shelter was the growing desire of those people. They not only wanted to survive, but also to survive better, and the guarantees they measured were based on the standards before the Apocalypse.

After Ding Yue hanged about seventy members of the Hena Committee in the shelter, the entire shelter completely calmed down.

No one wants chocolate, no one wants to drink coffee, everyone can calmly eat the products born from the Gray Field Project, no one is special, including Ding Yue himself.

"There will be bread and milk, but not now." Ding Yue promised all the survivors in the shelter: "The first thing we have to solve is the problem of survival, and the priority is to ensure that everyone has enough to eat."

Ding Yue's unpretentious promise touched the hearts of the residents of the shelter, so his move to take over the power of the entire shelter went very smoothly.

But it was too smooth for him. The entire Vault 301 has been run by several generations of geniuses, and the New Hope generation in the Vault has shown very ignorant and extreme characteristics.

They lacked education, lacked culture, and were superstitious about authority. When Ding Yue showed strength that far surpassed the previous shelter supervisors, they were the first to turn to Ding Yue, and they were also 'loyal'.

Even though Din Yue had pardoned other members of the Herner Committee, those fanatical followers would still lynch committee members, and the bodies of former committee members were found in various corners of the shelter almost every day.

In the end, in order to stop this organized indiscriminate killing, Ding Yue had to move all the members of the Hena Committee out of the shelter and settle in the surface reconstruction area. In addition to not wanting to kill innocent people indiscriminately, another reason was that Hena disappeared.

He disappeared in Vault 301, and no one knows where he went.

You must know that Hena is a super human. Although his specific abilities are unknown, Ding Yue is indeed a little worried about such a hidden danger in the shelter.

In addition, he wanted to investigate the human trade as done by the Herner Commission.

After all, in Ding Yue's understanding, players are often behind this large-scale human trade, and their desire for physical bodies is endless.

Even before the Apocalypse, those pioneers and players were already smuggling people on a large scale.

After the Apocalypse, Ding Yue could not imagine who else would be interested in this kind of human trade except them.

"Mr. Ding, there is an emergency communication request in the communication room. The authority is very high and it keeps ringing." Franz hurried to Ding Yue's office door and said out of breath: "The system shows that

This is Shelter Zero, asking you to answer the phone."

Ding Yue, who had just woken up from the dormant cabin, did not understand the connection between the shelters during the big storm, but he at least knew the status of Shelter Zero in the entire shelter plan, so Ding Yue went there without saying a word.

I rushed to the communications room and soon saw the image of Dr. Wu Qianying on the screen.

At this time, Ding Yue had a feeling that he had finally found an organization. During this period, he had been playing the role of emperor in the shelter, and he felt like he was wasting his time.

"I thought I was the only one who survived the Apocalypse." Ding Yue joked. Of course he knew that even if he died, Dr. Wu Qianying would still be unscathed.

"It's better to say that you disguised yourself with a fake identity. It took me a while to escape the information trap you set for yourself." Dr. Wu Qianying pushed up her glasses. Her compliment was not polite. Ding Yue was here.

I learned a lot from the ECS Bureau.

His primary defense target when hiding his identity was Mikkelsen.

"So what's the doctor's situation now? I don't know anything about it now." Ding Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and then spent two minutes reporting everything he encountered in Vault 301: "I suspect

There is contact between Hener's group and the players, and only they need so many people of the right age."

"Your observations are very keen. Those lingering players have indeed returned to this world again, and they have had several conflicts with us." Dr. Wu Qianying said as he found the No. 301 shelter where Ding Yue was located through the satellite.


"The task I originally wanted to assign to you was to find trouble for those players and kill as many players as possible, but since you have found the clue yourself, continue." Wu Qianying was very satisfied with Ding Yue and said directly:

"Do what you have to do, it's no different than before the Apocalypse."

After Ding Yue received some information related to Shelter 301, he ended the communication with Shelter Zero.

Dr. Wu Qianying used the existing information in the shortest possible time to help Ding Yue find four small forces near Vault 301 that might cooperate with the players.

Her purpose is simple, to expand her only advantage.

Rickard Endom was ordered to take refuge in Vault 4 before the Apocalypse. He arrived at Vault 4 seven days before the Apocalypse and entered hibernation with the help of the shelter staff.

The reason why he withdrew from the front-line battle early was because Rickard's score in the psychological evaluation project was very poor. The high-intensity killing and war in a short period of time caused very negative changes in his psychology.

Before becoming a Scarlet Disciple, Rickard was a standard coder. He had the lifestyle habits of a coder with high income and low consumption. Apart from a good body, he was almost no different from other coders wearing plaid shirts.


Rickard has a kind personality and low aggression, but a series of subsequent encounters completely turned his life upside down.

Although the initiator is the Celestial Being Organization, it is obvious that becoming a Scarlet Disciple itself is a kind of pressure for Rickard.

What's more, the war with the players was in full swing at that time. Rickard didn't even have time to take a breath. He could only break through himself time and time again and turned himself into a cold-blooded warrior like Tang Ji. But after all, he was not Tang Ji.

Before entering Vault 4, Rickard was on the verge of collapse. He obeyed orders mechanically, executed orders mechanically, and gradually became numb to the outside world, producing typical symptoms of psychological stress disorder.

So hibernation became Rickard's best way to rest. He slept for twenty-six years. When he woke up again, it was already New Year's Day of NC-26.

As a very high-numbered shelter, Vault No. 4 naturally has very complete facilities, so when Rickard woke up, the entire shelter was still filled with the residual Christmas atmosphere.

"Mr. Rosenberg, can you hear me?" The doctor in a white coat sat in front of Rickard and used a flashlight to test Rickard's pupil reaction.

Rickard took a moment to react before he realized that Rosenberg was the name of his fake identity.

It's ridiculous to say that although the Scarlet Disciples played a crucial role in the entire war, in fact when the shelters were allocated, they had to borrow false identities in order to safely move into the shelters.

No shelter is willing to accept these superhumans with amazing achievements. They are not only worried that these superhumans will become internal problems for the shelter after they awaken, but they are also worried that housing these meritorious superhumans will lead to revenge from players.

"I can hear you, I feel everything is normal, what time is it now?" Rickard stretched, feeling lazy and powerless.

The voice coming from his belly was almost as loud as Rickard's voice.

The doctor frowned, obviously feeling a little confused about this situation. He was a full-time doctor assigned to the recovery room. His main research direction over the years was the various side effects of cryogenic freezing on humans.

Long-term cryogenic hibernation is a burden on the human body. Not everyone is eligible to enjoy the services of this technology. Most hibernators need at least seventy-two hours of observation after waking up.

During these seventy-two hours, they could only eat liquid food or re-stimulate body metabolism through intravenous injection of glucose.

This was the first time he had seen an awakened person like Rickard, whose stomach and intestines started to move as soon as he woke up.

"Are you hungry? Mr. Rosenberg?" The doctor tentatively pushed the hot coffee prepared for himself on the table next to him: "I suggest you start adapting to a liquid diet first, and at this time have a cup of hot coffee.

, it should be exactly what you need, both refreshing and calorie-replenishing.”

Rickard licked his lips and realized that he was indeed very thirsty. He even forgot the last time he drank water, so he picked up the coffee cup and drank it all in one breath.

"Mr. Rosenberg" the doctor opened his mouth, wanting to remind the other person that the cup of coffee had a high temperature of 60 or 70 degrees, but obviously this gentleman did not need his reminder.

The doctor already felt that there was something wrong with Mr. Rosenberg in front of him, so he asked tentatively: "Are you a superhuman, sir? It is not marked in your information, but there are indeed people who are in hibernation.

Complete the awakening process and wake up as a superhuman. If so, we can provide you with relevant help. Newly awakened superhumans are very fragile, and you must maintain emotional balance."

"Dr. Lance, the supervisor wants to know if Mr. Rosenberg's resuscitation ceremony has been completed?" Just when the doctor wanted to say something else, an assistant in a suit walked into the resuscitation room and looked Rika up and down.

De, and then said in a businesslike tone.

"The minimum time for the resuscitation ceremony is two hours, and the supervisor should be very clear about this." Dr. Lance frowned, as if he was very dissatisfied with the assistant's behavior of breaking into the resuscitation room.

"Sorry doctor, this is the supervisor's order. I need to take Mr. Rosenberg away immediately." The assistant smiled at the doctor, then looked at Rickard and said, "And I don't think Mr. Rosenberg needs more.

Time is wasted here, isn’t it, sir?”

Rickard shrugged, not interested in what was happening in front of him. He just asked very seriously: "No matter who wants to see me, I have to eat something first. Can you take me to dinner first?"

"We have prepared a sumptuous resuscitation feast for you." The assistant made an invitation gesture and left the resuscitation room at the lead.

"It seems that I am being sentimental. In that case, please sign here, Mr. Rosenberg." Dr. Lance didn't want to cause trouble, so he ended the resuscitation ceremony neatly.

"Thank you for being a dedicated doctor." Rickard stood up and moved around, and soon appeared in the communication room of the shelter under the guidance of his assistant.

And the person who appeared in front of Rickard was none other than Tang Ji himself.

What could be more refreshing than Tangji for a man who had been sleeping for twenty-six years? Rickard woke up almost instantly, and his ears were filled with rain of bullets and screams. At this moment, he seemed to

Back to that war again.

He even felt that the slippery feeling soaked in blood appeared on his fingertips again.

Through the screen, Tang Ji could also see that Rickard's face was pale and his condition was not very good, so he looked at Wu Qianying: "Are you sure he can perform the mission in this state?"

"Don't underestimate this nerd. Before the Apocalypse, his well-documented record has already surpassed yours." Wu Qianying's words made Tang Ji start to re-examine Rickard.

"I guess you are not so forgetful that you have forgotten who I am." Tangji looked at Rickard, and then said: "The war is not over yet, soldier, we need you to continue working."

"The Apocalypse Day plan failed?" Rickard's tone was trembling, but he saw the answer in Tang Ji's eyes that made him despair.


This chapter has been completed!
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