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Chapter 811 Anti-involution

"This is Team D. They were intercepted by a player team in the conference room. They were suspected to be a highly coordinated player team." Rudolph was pinned to the corner by the firepower from the opposite side and was communicating with other team members through the communication system.

They were originally four teams fighting together. At this time, Team D was suppressed, and two of the other three teams were near them.

"Team A has heard the gunshots and is following Kate to provide support. Be careful not to cause accidental injuries." The captain of Team A immediately replied.

Kate from Team A is a superhuman. His ability is to pass through solid objects. He is a naturally awakened superhuman. He is currently at the LV2 stage and can pass through three-meter-thick reinforced concrete walls and 75-centimeter-thick pure metal walls.

In addition, he can carry other people and equipment through solid obstacles through contact. Of course, the penetration distance will decrease sharply as the total mass of the object carried increases.

It would be difficult for Kate to penetrate the outer protective shell of the shelter, but if placed inside the shelter, except for the energy center, there would be no place that could stop him.

The four members of Team A are the best at CQB tactics among the Cowboys. Under the leadership of Kate, they can always appear from unexpected directions, and this time is no exception.

The six players responsible for intercepting Team D are actually the Blazers' scavenger team.

Thanks to Lady Generous's preferential treatment policy towards the aborigines, they did not allow ordinary players to have contact with these aborigines until they completely captured Vault 7, so they had to do the dirty work themselves.

"Bowen, stop playing around and get down to business. If that aborigine dies, we'll all have to go around without food." The leader of the scavenger team made a face to his team members while dumping a large amount of C4 explosives.

Pasted on him: "We just need to develop a scoring system here. Every time we complete a task, we have to ask the indigenous people to give us a good review."

"Hey, don't say it. Captain, please bring up your idea. Maybe the generous lady will really come up with such a system?" the player known as Bowen replied cheerfully, and then

He picked up a shield issued to the shelter security personnel, took a deep breath and rushed out.

"Ula! Alaba" Bowen sprinted while shouting the garbled slogans he learned from the aborigines. As a result, he only ran three meters before he was shot down.

The bullets came from Team A behind them. They penetrated the wall behind the scavengers and cleared all the targets in front of them almost instantly. In addition to the six scavengers, there were also a dozen shelter militiamen who followed to join in the fun.

Somewhat ironically, these militiamen were basically led by Rudolf. Some of them were only thirteen or fourteen years old when they first joined the militia, but now they are all adults.

At the beginning, Rudolf saw these children as pitiful, so he asked the militia to recruit as many underage children as its members. Rudolf convinced the group of Kshatriyas in the shelter that the organization and obedience of the army would be better if they were cultivated from children.


But now it seems that their obedience is too high, and they don't distinguish right from wrong.

"Bad news, Rudolf, Vikram was not found." At this time, Team C had opened the passage and forced their way into Vikram's office.

Naturally, the building was deserted, and the remaining scavenger team was protecting Vikram to a safe area.

In this Vault 7, the only place that can be called a safe zone is the Energy Center.

At this time, Alejandro was also on his way to the energy center. He could only say that he was worthy of sharing the water of the Ganges. Their thinking patterns were similar, especially on the road of saving lives.

After Ramnath realized that those players were no match for the Cowboys, his first reaction was to head to the Energy Center.

Because of the importance of the reactor, the energy center was actually built as a small shelter when it was built. Its original intention was to protect the reactor from harm, or to protect the shelter from harm when there was a problem with the reactor.

And now the Energy Center has become a refuge and safe house for these Henghe high-rises.

At this time, alarm bells were ringing in Vault 7, so Ramnath met many smart people like himself on the road. At this time, no one mentioned the other person's status in the shelter, and everyone walked on in silence.


There is a hint of caution in the tacit understanding between these people, especially for Ramnath, the master of the refuge who has no guards or servants around him. The first reaction of almost every traveler is to be wary.

Obviously, in Vault 7, the policy of fully supporting players is not approved by everyone.

But no matter how dissatisfied they are, these people will never take action against Ramnath before the overall situation has been decided. They are all smart people, and it is not easy for someone like Ramnath to rush to the front and make a solution for them.

Choice, it was too late for them to be happy.

After all, in this era, whether it is players or coalition forces, or should now be called the War and Construction Committee, choosing between the two is a very critical thing, and you never know whether you have made the right choice.

There is only one thing that is certain, and that is that the person who chooses the wrong one is doomed.

In view of the capricious political situation in Vault 7, the energy center that originally could only be opened by the Vault Supervisor was now authorized by at least twenty people.

When Ramnath arrived, the door of the energy center had already been opened. For a while, heavily armed militiamen were guarding the door to verify the identity of everyone who entered, but Vikram was not among them.

"Get out of the way! I am Ramnath, let me in!" Ramnath unceremoniously pushed aside the others around him and strode towards the door.

He knew that the Cowboys team was very strong, but he didn't expect that the Cowboys team was so strong, especially Alejandro. He arranged countless obstacles along the way, but the gunshots chasing behind him were still so unhurried and rhythmic.

was ringing in his ears.

He now knew that all the previous legends about Alejandro were true.

Before Ramnath, there was a legend that Alejandro had killed the two supervisors of Vault 7, but since there was no evidence, he always listened to it as a joke.

Obviously this is not only not a joke, but a horror story.

"Sorry, Lord Nath, we can't let you in." A militiaman stepped forward with a cold face and pushed Ram Nath away. He said in a polite tone: "The nobles inside have removed you from asylum after a collective vote.

The identity of the owner, so you do not have the right to enter the energy center now."

Ramnath's eyes suddenly widened: "Who conducted the vote? All votes are illegal without my permission! I am the master of this refuge! I am the law!"

"Ramnath, calm down. Look at how you look now. Do you still have the dignity of a noble?" An old man wearing a white robe appeared at the door of the energy center, holding a pure wooden pole that was very rare in this era.


He looked very majestic just standing there, and even made Ramnath gradually calm down.

That is the patriarch of the branch of the Nihelugandi family left on Earth. His status is extremely valuable. He has always been the anchor of the Vault 7. Every supervisor of the Vault or the leader of the Vault as Nat calls himself.

The Lord basically had his tacit approval.

The funny thing is that Ramnath doesn't even know the other person's name. The last time he saw the other person, he didn't even dare to raise his head.

"But sir, this is obviously us," Nat said in a daze, but before he could finish speaking, he was harshly interrupted by the other party.

"What us! There is no us here! Don't say anything that you will regret!" The old man's tone was calm with a hint of ferocity, as if Ramnath was making some treasonous remarks.

"You can't enter the energy center. We received news from Shelter Zero, which asked us to cooperate with the Cowboy Team to destroy all the naturalized forces trying to cooperate with the players." The old man said in a calm tone that made Ramnat feel

Words of despair.

His words made Ramnat feel a trace of anger in his despair. Whether he was cooperating with the Cowboys or cooperating with the players, it was all controlled by the other party secretly, and he was just a pawn placed in the foreground by the other party.


Of course, as a chess piece, Ramnath had actually been mentally prepared for today's situation, but it was too fast. It was almost this time yesterday that they decided together what was going to happen today.

As a result, the other party just changed his camp today, turning himself into the outcast who deceives others!

"The call was made by Tangji himself. Do you understand what I mean? Tangji cannot be disobeyed." The old man looked at Ramnath's hesitant face and finally said one more sentence, which was both an admonishment and a warning.


Now Ramnath understands everything, such as political games, choosing sides, and the interests of the Ganges people, all of which are not as precious as life.

Tang Ji's name is law and truth to these timid rats.

What makes Ramnath even more frightened is that the Ganges people may have to wait until the New Hope generation grows up before they can get rid of the shadow brought by Tangji.

"What about me? Where should I go?" Ramnath asked in a last ditch effort for his own life.

"Go where you want to go, go anywhere you feel safe, except here." The old man finally said ruthlessly, but before leaving, he opened his palm to show Ramnath the ring in his palm.

It was a ring he gave to his wife. There was an emerald weighing 7 carats on the ring. In the environment after the Apocalypse, it was impossible to find someone to imitate it.

This made Ramnath close his eyes in sadness and pain. It meant that his family had been taken into the energy center, allowing him to die without any worries. At the same time, it was also used to blackmail him.

When the steel door of the energy center slowly closed, Alejandro finally walked out of the passage slowly and hit the metal wall with his pistol, making noise: "When you make a choice, have you ever thought about yourself?

Will you die so quickly?"

Ramnath closed his eyes and said nothing, waiting for death to come.

But Alejandro didn't fire, he just stood there looking at Ramnath with a half-smile, and then said: "Do you think I have permission to enter the energy center?"

Ramnath's eyes widened immediately. He knew that the authority of Vault 7 had been messed up by idiots during the transfer of power over the years, but he did not expect that an outsider like Alejandro could also get it.

Access to the Energy Center.

"I saw that old man using your family to control you, and even made you willingly choose death. I admire you very much for this." Alejandro put away the gun and walked step by step towards the door of the energy center.

, raise one hand and place the palm of your hand above the biometric information collector without falling.

Ramnath couldn't help but breathe quickly. As a careerist, he was undoubtedly unqualified, but after experiencing the Apocalypse, people's mentality will always change.

He might not have chosen death for the sake of his family so willingly before, but now he is eager to do so.

"But before I go in and start killing people, I plan to give you a chance." Alejandro looked back at Ramnath expressionlessly: "My men just told me that they let Vikram escape.

,I am angry."

"You want me to work as an undercover agent for the player?" Ramnath is a general after all. He has fought real battles with the player. Although the record is ugly, he still understands everything he should know.

"Without Shelter 7, I have no trump card. Even if I throw myself in, I will probably become a physical body." Ramnath said straightforwardly: "But if you have any plan, I am willing to cooperate."

"The latest news is that those bastard players are giving us preferential treatment. The maximum time of use of the body is no more than 12 hours a day." A disdainful smile appeared on Alejandro's face: "That means you have at least 12 hours of use every day.

Be yourself half the time.”

"Okay, I understand." Ramnath nodded and looked up at the monitor above the energy center door.

"Don't worry, Vault Zero has taken over this place." Alejandro directly pressed his palm on the biological information collection technology, and the next second the door of the energy center was opened again, revealing the surprised guards inside.


"Get out of here!" Alejandro told the militiamen to throw away their weapons and flee.

At this time, Ramnath had left here and embarked on his own undercover journey. He did know Vikram's possible hiding place. He originally planned to tell the truth, but now, he can only do it on his own.

This happened.

A refuge only needs one surrender, too many will lead to involution, and the word involution is too scary for the Ganges people. They would rather lie flat, even if more people die for it.

This chapter has been completed!
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