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Chapter 830: Closing the Net

Tang Ji witnessed the entire experiment process. Even for a rough guy like him, the impact of this experiment was powerful enough.

"So, is he really?" Tang Ji frowned. Although the existence of the Seven Deadly Sins itself is already very unreasonable, and among many superhumans, there are often superhumans who interact with gods and goddesses in myths and legends.

God is on the hook, but Jesus Christ?

"Don't ask me, I don't want to say a word right now!" Wu Qianying's face was flushed, and her eyes exuded a frightening light. It was obvious that her mind was full of curiosity and more radical experimental plans.

Soon, only Odyssey and Hawkinlock were left in the laboratory, looking at each other. It was only at this moment that Odyssey felt that his ability was a bit scary.

But as a non-believer red neck, Odyssey quickly calmed down, and many sexy operations that were not for scientific purposes came to mind.

"Brother, what are you doing now? Are you interested in cooperating with me and let's open a company together? Hold a special event for those believers and charge 10,000 federal coins per person. We will definitely make a lot of money!" Odyssey clapped hard.

Patting Hogan Locke on the shoulder, his eyes were full of excitement.

As for the idea that he wanted to be a detective that was born in his heart, it had long been thrown aside.

It's a pity that Odyssey's little plan didn't work. Under Wu Qianying's arrangement, his schedule for the next year is fully booked.

Not to mention Angelina, who Tang Ji is not ready to meet yet, in addition to the mythical characters who need to be checked for superhuman status on Dr. Wu Qianying's list, she also wants to meet the prophet, not for anything else, mainly because

I want her to know that the new generation of prophets is much better than her and open her eyes.

"Mr. Tang? Or should I call you Uncle Tang?" The little prophet Feng Chenyin walked up to Tang Ji, hesitated and then said: "You know, An Ran told me that you don't like this title, so I will just call you

It’s Tang Ji, is that okay?”

"Is he finally going to talk to me?" Tang Ji's brows hadn't even opened yet. As soon as he lowered his head, he saw this prophet who was as big as a brat.

He didn't know if all prophets were like this, but it was obvious that the two prophets he knew before and after were not economical lamps. They seemed to be so eccentric by nature. Maybe without such a personality, it was difficult for these prophets to reconcile reality and the future.

conflict between.

"Yes, Tang Anran hopes to meet and talk with you, but the prerequisite is that you must promise that you will not beat him." The little prophet's face was full of laughter, so he whispered directly: "But you don't have to.

Agree to this condition and I can help you deceive him!"

Upon hearing this condition, Tang Ji's frown gradually relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "How does he plan to meet me?"

"I don't know yet, but we will know soon." The little prophet stretched out his hand and shook Tang Ji's hand like a grown-up: "But then you can't betray me and tell him that I took the initiative to help you deceive him.


Tang Ji nodded happily. It has to be said that the appearance of Feng Chenyin and Tang Anran caused some waves in Tang Ji's stagnant mind. Like Wu Qianying, Aaliya, and Surte, they were in Tang Ji's heart.

Inside Ji's dark heart is a colored silhouette.

After getting the sealing seal promised by Tang Ji, he turned around and left the laboratory.

He was not surprised or interested in the spirits summoned by Odyssey before. As prophets, they can peek into the future. They can also see even those fragments of the future that only exist in the field of probability, so these

He has seen a lot of weird and weird things.

If there was anything that attracted him, it would undoubtedly be Tang Ji, his father and his son, and several other individuals of the Seven Deadly Sins. In the future vision of Fengchen Seal, the future of these people is always uncertain and obscured by the fog.

, cannot be peeked at.

For example, it is now clear to Fengchen Seal that Greedy-Wolfgang is planning something. He is getting involved with the achievement-oriented explorer player named Quan Zhe. Two people whose fate cannot be predicted at the same time form a dual relationship.

Occlusion makes their fate line more blurry

"Quan Zhe, seriously, what do you want in this world?" the honest guide played by Wolfgang asked while toasting with Quan Zhe.

The two of them were placing bets with other enthusiastic gamblers in a bar in the ground-level reconstruction area of ​​Sherwood Shelter. The unpalatable gray beer stimulated their nerves, and their moods went crazy as the boxers fought in the boxing ring.

It is worth mentioning that the two boxers in the ring are both Aboriginal people, so in other words, the people in the ring and the audience outside the ring are actually Wolfgang's puppets. These puppets jointly create a

Such a lively and enthusiastic atmosphere was just to allow Quan Zhe to concentrate on it.

After this period of contact, Wolfgang has a very good understanding of Quan Zhe's character. He is a very perceptual and emotional person, or it should be said that most achievement-oriented explorers have such an innocent character.

Wolfgang spent several months laying the foundation for the friendship between the two people, and today the day has come to reap the fruits.

Although gray beer is difficult to swallow, it is still an alcoholic beverage. It is a rare thing in this era that can relax people's emotions. Therefore, many players have to follow the Romans and gradually adapt to this rough taste and unique taste.

Alcoholic beverages.

Naturally, this includes Quan Zhe, who is almost the first player to learn how to use coffee filters to make gray beer taste better.

"Why do you ask? Sherpa?" Quan Zhe's emotions swayed with the movements and blood of the boxers on the ring. As a player, he has seen too many bloody and cruel battles, and he should not be concerned about such a small scene.


But the manipulator behind this game is Wolfgang. In the era when Wolfgang was born, dramas and musicals were the favorite entertainment methods of the nobles. When he grew up as a man, movies became

The world's mainstream entertainment method.

Therefore, the game in the boxing ring is not just a game. The origins and backgrounds of the boxers and even the grievances between them are all carefully designed by Wolfgang.

What is shown now in the boxing ring is just the climax of a drama coming to an end. Every time the boxers swing their arms to hit their opponents, it is part of the script. The emotions of this drama have been condensed after months of preparation.


Quan Zhe was so mesmerized that even though Wolfgang asked a somewhat unconventional question, it was still difficult to divert his attention from the ring.

In fact, it wasn't just him. A considerable number of players active near Sherwood Shelter had been looking forward to this game. However, they were not Wolfgang's targets after all, so the game started early.

Moreover, Wolfgang also used the excuse that the boxers did not want to become players' playthings, limiting this match to a 'secret event' that players were not allowed to enter, and Quan Zhe was the only non-aboriginal person to receive an invitation.


"You know I'm married, so I've been thinking about whether to have a child of my own with my wife." Wolfgang, whose pseudonym is Sherpa, said sincerely: "I have experienced too much in my life.

Whether it is your appearance or the Day of Apocalypse, it is too much for ordinary people like us."

At this point, Sherpa shrugged and made an expression that said you understand, and Quan Zhe did understand.

"So I want to know what you plan to do to this world next?" Sherpa asked cautiously: "If his future experience will be the same as mine, then I will not bring him into this world."

The sadness that came from Sherpa at this moment infected Quan Zhe, and the boxing match also happened to end one round. Both boxers sat back in their respective corners and took the time to recover their strength with the help of their coaches and entourage.

Quan Zhe's expression was solemn. He hesitated again and again and finally said: "I think this era may be a little too cruel for a new creature. If I were you, I might not make such a choice rashly."

Sherpa took a deep look at Quan Zhe, then drank the gray beer in the glass in one gulp, and said with a wry smile: "Life is like a bastard. You think it's over, but in fact it will be worse tomorrow, right?"

"Sorry, friend." Quan Zhe sighed and drank all the beer in his glass like Sherpa.

He sympathizes with these aboriginal people. This is not the first time he has sympathized with these aboriginal people, and it will never be the last time. So what? He is still a player, and these people can only be aboriginal people.

The one who decides the fate of this world is not him, nor any other players, not even Lady Bountiful, not the company, not the committee, but the supreme beings who are hidden behind their world and only exist in legends that no one has really seen.

Sometimes Quan Zhe even feels that their world is more sick than this world. Before the Apocalypse, this world at least had governments and so-called super corporations. Although they were only for profit, they were also responsible for maintaining social stability and

Responsibility for order.

And what about their world?

The company responsible for developing these different worlds doesn't even have a real name, it's just called a company.

As for the three major committees, their names are very loud, but what exactly are they responsible for? No one knows, and no one cares.

As an accomplished explorer, Quan Zhe's curiosity does not only appear in other worlds, he is also full of curiosity in his own world.

He once tried to join the company and joined the three major committees. As a result, during the process, Quan Zhe discovered to his surprise that both the company and the members of the committee were acting according to the rules.

In the true sense of doing things according to the rules, everyone has a small card belonging to their own position. The small card writes what they have to do every day. Yes, it is just such a small card, because what they have to do every day is

Again, nothing changes.

In Quan Zhe's world, people don't know where materials come from and where energy comes from.

And those individuals with immortality live like amoebas in this world. The purpose of their lives is to live, and for no other reason.

At the level acceptable to Quan Zhe, no answers can be found, but instead there are more and more questions.

This is also the reason why Quan Zhe is more willing to explore other worlds. At least in these other worlds, Quan Zhe can feel a trace of reality. In his own world, Quan Zhe can only feel a false sense.

"Here's to the fucking world." Quan Zhe raised his glass again and clinked it with Sherpa.

It's just that he didn't notice that Sherpa's expression and reaction were a beat slower. Even if he had noticed, he would have thought it was the effect of alcohol.

But in fact, Wolfgang's attention was no longer on the puppet Sherpa at this time, and his attention had even been diverted from the entire Sherwood Shelter.

After confirming that he could not obtain more information from Quan Zhe, Wolfgang was ready to enter the next stage.

As an individual who has been exposed to the Seven Deadly Sins at level 4, Wolfgang's range of abilities has expanded to deeper realms, such as the soul and consciousness.

During the period of time when he controlled Sherwood Shelter, Wolfgang had been generously providing a large number of high-quality bodies to visiting players as the shelter supervisor, and those bodies themselves were also controlled by Wolfgang.


He felt the whole process of the player's consciousness being injected into the body and then leaving again and again, savoring the difference between normal offline and dead offline.

Of course, what Wolfgang wants to understand more is, when a player using the body he provided is killed by Tang Ji, in what form the soul and consciousness of the player in the body will disappear.

Wolfgang does not expect that he can directly cause harm to players like Tangji, but he at least hopes to learn something from it. He is the eldest of the Seven Deadly Sins. He should have taken more responsibilities, at least

You can't be as powerless as you are now.

But with such a mentality, he really found a pattern in the connections between the player and the body. He 'saw' the ripples left in the space when the player's consciousness came.

In Wolfgang's power system, space power is one of the few areas that he has difficulty in going deep into. Don't get me wrong, he has indeed 'eat' several space system superhumans, but there is a space system like Wang Zhengdao who is almost the same.

With the superhuman in front of him, the few tricks Wolfgang has learned are really just about the same as magic.

After determining that he couldn't extract more from the existing players, Wolfgang decided not to play.

Quan Zhe looked at the Sherpa in front of him and suddenly laughed, and then he snapped his fingers. The whole world stopped, the springs in Quannan Mountain stopped shaking their fists, and the audience under the ring stopped being hysterical.


Everyone's eyes suddenly looked at him. At this moment, the air was so quiet that it seemed as if it was about to swallow him. In fact, it was so.

Viewed from the sky, the entire Sherwood Sanctuary area suddenly seemed to be rolling over like an earthquake, burying all traces of the players' past existence.

This chapter has been completed!
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