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Chapter 83 Recruitment

"But you said that I am one of the Seven Original Sins." Tang Ji asked in a deep voice: "So, the Seven Original Sins will appear no matter what? Then who is the new Fury?"

Although Tang Ji disdains superhuman beings, he is not stupid. This organization that can establish a base underwater will not put on such a show just to deceive him.

In this case, the seven deadly sins mentioned by the prophet deserve his attention.

"Yes, the Seven Deadly Sins may be a manifestation of the rise of superhuman beings and have symbolic meaning. As for who the new Fury is, I don't know. I didn't live until that time, but I am definitely not you." The prophet poured a glass again.

Water and steam covered half of his face: "I committed suicide after killing you."


"Don't worry so much. I realized my ability during the second peek, so I did a test." The prophet blew on the hot water: "I have no ill intentions towards you, it's just a possibility that has never happened.

That’s all.”

"The next is the third time. After experiencing the first two peeks, I have grasped the pulse of this world. As long as I want, I can become a truly rich man at any time." The prophet said nonchalantly: "Actually,

I did do that. If it weren't for Jasmine, I originally thought those two times would be the end. The price that that ability demanded from me was too high."

"Jasmine?" Tang Ji pointed to the door: "That woman?"

"Yes, she was like the needle that popped the soap bubble, making me realize that my ability was just a joke in front of the players." The prophet showed an ugly smile: "They are here, two years after I was born.

I appear in this world, but I know nothing about it, not even my abilities. It can only allow me to evolve a future that has not been interfered by players."

"It sounds like you are useless to our current situation." Tang Ji sighed. The moment he learned about this woman's ability, he did have a glimmer of hope, feeling that there was hope for humans to fight against players.

Even if you can keep resurrecting, you can't defeat an enemy who always knows your next move.

"No, at least I still have money." The prophet's words hurt Tang Ji again: "I have money that I can't spend all my money, so you can see me here, and my abilities continue to get stronger."

"Jasmine has been my friend in the two futures I have experienced, so I am surprised why she and I have never met in the real world." The prophet fell into memories again: "So I sent someone

I started looking for Jasmine and it took me a full year before anyone found her."

"My people are all professionals. They realized there was something wrong with Jasmine as soon as they found her." The prophet continued: "They followed Jasmine for seven months and then looked for opportunities to bring Jasmine back."

Having said this, the prophet paused for a while, and finally sighed: "At that time, Jasmine had been controlled by the player for a long time, and her personality and mind were almost completely broken. When the player's consciousness left her body, she kept saying

I can’t even say the complete words.”

Tang Ji clenched his fists. He had thought about Tang Anran's future, but none of them had a place for players.

"As you can see, I established this organization, named Ark in the name of Jasmine." The prophet looked at Tang Ji: "The implication is that I hope to find a pure land without players."

"Of course, this was the name ten years ago. In these ten years, the Ark Organization has undergone great changes." The prophet could see from Tang Ji's eyes that he disapproved of the Ark Organization.

She knew this man, and if his son was not involved, he would definitely despise this passive escape plan.

"We are not the only organization that knows about the existence of players. In the process of fighting against players, we have absorbed the remains of many other organizations, and there have been two major mergers." The prophet explained to Tang Ji: "The original intention of the Ark organization has been

It gradually evolved into the Ark Project, which was our last resort. No one was willing to give up his own world."

"I want to know, what does this have to do with me?" Tang Ji looked at the prophet calmly: "As you can see, in the real world, I am just an ordinary person, not a super human, let alone an angry person. If you want me

I can introduce greed and jealousy to you."

"No, just as I understand you, I also understand them." The prophet shook his head: "Wolfgang no longer regards himself as a human being psychologically. He regards us as food, and his jealous control is too great.

When he is strong, he likes to be in control of everything, like the queen bee in the hive."

"As for gluttony, he is an extreme hedonist. Even if no players appear, he eventually turns himself into a kind of natural disaster." The prophet seemed to have remembered something, and his face became a little pale: "Lust exists in dreams.

, no one can find him, not even sure whether he is a boy or a girl, Arrogance has always been the most mysterious, no one knows his identity, I have no way to deal with these two people."

"What about laziness?" Tang Ji recalled the names of the Seven Deadly Sins: "What is his ability?"

"He is sleeping, you have to let me keep some secrets." The prophet finally showed a real smile: "He is my trump card, and I don't want to expose it."

"I still don't understand why you came to me." Tang Ji looked at the prophet. He actually wanted to know what his abilities were as Fury.

He hates metahumans, but now he hates players.

"I have been paying attention to you, Tang Ji." The prophet said with some regret: "To be honest, I am afraid that no one in this world cares more about the safety of your family than me, but Angelina still had an accident, and the player's

Behavior is always something I don’t expect.”

"I really hope that you can live a peaceful life and just be ordinary people, but accidents always go against your expectations." The prophet stared at Tang Ji: "When Angelina left, I thought you would incarnate again.

I was furious, but Tang Anran actually survived, and you also maintained your sanity, which made it a little difficult for me."

"You are like an unstable bomb. If you are willing to guard Enron all your life and be a good father, I will silently support you. If you explode and become really angry, I can just use you as a weapon." The prophet was very sincere.

Said: "But your current state is completely beyond my expectation."

"Because of the Losas organization, you have become disgusted with superhumans. This emotion has suppressed your awakening. Superhumans themselves are very idealistic existences. Most awakened people complete their awakening under the stimulation of strong emotions.

." The prophet explained: "I feel that you have forever missed the opportunity to become violent. Nothing can stimulate you more than Angelina's death."

"But the fact is that you killed a player, really killed a player. I don't understand how you did it."

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