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Chapter 840 Copy!

Harward was actually quite used to the severely mutated 'humanoid' creatures above his head. These enemies who called themselves players particularly liked to carry out such surprise attacks.

The human snake had no attack ability at all. He hung himself from the ceiling with a rope for the sole purpose of scaring them and giving an early warning to the 'friendly forces' behind him.

When Harward was killing the man-snake, his ears were surrounded by the other person's sharp and harsh laughter, as if the other person's purpose of living was to scare him.

"Crazy! They are all crazy!" Harward instantly fell into dire straits. The individual bunkers dug by the players along both sides of the tunnel were only half a meter deep. They did not have much protective effect at all.

A life-for-life style of play.

Harward could only bite the bullet and throw all the projectiles on his body forward, including a gas bomb, then buckle the gas mask around his waist on his face, lie on the ground and crawl back in place.


The comrades behind him also quickly activated the rope puller and quickly dragged him back.

This small rope puller relies on a small and simple motor to start, and can quickly pull back the fifty-meter-long safety rope and the soldiers tied behind the safety rope. This small and simple invention has now been

It has become a must-have equipment for all reconnaissance teams.

It extends the average survival time of a Scout from six hours to twenty-four hours

Obviously, Harward had good luck today. He only took two shots on his body before he was pulled back by the rope puller. Moreover, both shots hit the bulletproof areas, leaving only a few bruises on his body.

Apart from that, there are no other hidden injuries.

Thanks to Tlaloc's blessing, the weapons in the hands of those desperate players often jammed, making it difficult to form continuous firepower, and when they threw projectiles, they just threw them randomly.

This attempt by Harward's team ended in failure. The entire team retreated twenty meters, returned to the barrier under their own control, rested, and planned to detour to other tunnels to try their luck in two hours.

But Harward seemed to have used up all his luck just now. He just found a quiet corner to sit down and take a breath, took out an energy bar from his backpack and started to smoke it vigorously. The next second he was not far away from him.

The wall one meter away was suddenly exploded!

A large amount of mud mixed with fire instantly swallowed up the teammate who happened to be resting there, and then several similarly disgraced enemies emerged from the newly opened tunnel.

These enemies came well prepared, wearing heavy body armor, and holding submachine guns and short-axis box rifles in their hands. The distance between the two sides was almost face to face. Harward was crushed by the corpse of his companion before he had time to react.


At this time, his hearing had not recovered from the explosion. Every explosion that occurred in the tunnel would form a sound wave that was transmitted to far away places along the cave.

So in order to protect their hearing, they would wear noise-canceling headphones during battle. But just now, in order to catch his breath, Harward took off his headphones. The explosion almost tore his eardrums.

People were dying almost every second on the battlefield where bullets were flying, but the real protagonists were grenades and shock bombs. Although Harward couldn't hear the intensive gunshots, he could see the flashes and vibrations that accompanied each explosion.

See it, feel it.

And from the first second of the entire battle, the flashes and vibrations never stopped.

The conflict only lasted for a short minute and then gradually quieted down. The vibrations and flashes gradually became orderly. Harward knew that the enemy had gained an absolute advantage and began to clear the rooms in the rest area one by one.

These players can be parasitic in their bodies, so they always tend to catch people alive. This does not mean that they will be merciful on the battlefield, but after gaining an advantage, they do tend to use non-lethal equipment.

Harward loaded his submachine gun under the cover of the corpse, transferred all the projectiles from the corpse to himself, and then crawled forward like this, preparing to surprise the enemy.

He has four grenades and two shock grenades, and he will keep the last grenade for himself. He will fight to the end for Tlaloc, and for himself, he will never be captured.

Harward is still unable to hear. The impact of losing hearing in this pothole war is even greater than the impact of losing sight, because they fight in the dark most of the time, there is no natural light, and everything they see is darkness.

Then hearing becomes their first choice for exploring the surrounding environment. Without hearing, it means losing the opportunity. Harward cannot accurately judge whether he has made enough noise to attract the enemy's attention, nor can he learn from the surrounding environment.

Find among the noise those belonging to the enemy.

He could only continue to pray that Tlaloc would look after him as before.

Harward was lucky. He saw the enemy before he was discovered by them - a four-man team had just walked out of the previously blasted tunnel and had not immediately entered combat status. Moreover, they did not expect that they were so close at hand.

There is an Avenger up there.

For the first shock bomb, Harward silently counted the time in the darkness and threw the shock bomb into the air, causing it to explode in the middle of the four-man team before it landed.

Noise mixed with flash instantly filled the tunnel. Based on the biological instincts of the body, the four players staggered around instantly. Now they are pulled into the same predicament.

No, Harward now had the advantage. He could still see, while his enemy was surrounded by dazzling spots of light.

The submachine gun fired all the bullets in its magazine within two seconds. The good news is that those steel-core armor-piercing bullets can easily penetrate the old-style body armor worn by those players at this distance. The bad news is that the distance is too long.

At close range, the penetrating power of the bullet is too strong and there is no time to cause a cavity effect.

Moreover, those players were too fearless to die and did not care about injuries. Therefore, even though Harward unleashed a cloud of blood mist in one round, the first reaction of the four players was still to turn around and prepare to counterattack.

Harward had to waste a grenade to knock everyone down.

The shock wave caused by the grenade explosion knocked all five people present to the ground, but Harward, as the most prepared one, stood up first and killed all four players at close range with his secondary weapon.

Thanks to the large-caliber revolver like Prelude, it is always stable and reliable and never disappoints.

Harward threw a shock bomb into the passage leading to the rest area in front, buying himself some time to refill the submachine gun and prelude bullets, and then threw another stone in.

After counting silently for three seconds, Harward once again flowed a grenade into the previous passage. Again with exquisite time control, the grenade exploded before it hit the ground.

A player's corpse flew directly out of the passage, smoking and falling to the ground.

Harward laughed silently. He had tricked these players countless times with this trick, but they never learned their lesson and it worked every time.

This chapter has been completed!
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