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Chapter 845 The Road to the Mother World

For the mother world, establishing a copy itself is a process of information exchange, which is preparation for the final stage. If another world is compared to a delicious candy, then this other world that has experienced the Apocalypse and the Great Storm,

Now it's like a candy that was dropped on the ground and then dipped in paprika.

But the desire of the mother world for other worlds is unstoppable, and the demands of the Supreme are irreversible. No matter how many problems there are in this world, the "workers" who are specifically responsible for carrying out this step can only bite the bullet and start.

Under the attention of Mrs. Generosity, the passage between the mother world and the other world is slowly absorbing the 'space' from the other world.

Mrs. Generosity, why did they gradually develop a rebellious mentality towards the Supreme Being? It is because there are too many things that they can see but cannot understand, and they have no channels to learn.

The Supreme Beings may have entered a bottleneck period where they cannot go any further, but below them, the same is true for these seekers who are walking on the path of the Supreme Beings, but they all know that the ceiling above their heads is man-made.


In Mrs. Generosity's understanding, although they are called seekers, in fact no one has ever truly become the Supreme One through this path.

Mrs. Generosity knows very well that with the resources and energy they can mobilize, even if they really seize the opportunity, I am afraid they will not be able to have a real impact on the Supreme Beings. They may only need to blink lightly and themselves

These people disappeared without a trace.

But Mrs. Generosity and other fellow travelers are still working hard to manage their own power, waiting and looking for such an opportunity. Maybe what they want in the end is just an answer——

Are they too stupid to become the Supreme Beings, or have the Supreme Beings deliberately set up obstacles to prevent them from becoming the Supreme Beings?

As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening. These immortal people have learned to overcome the fear of death in their long lives. Death worship does not only exist among demon-type players. It is a trend of thought that affects all immortal people.

Everyone will eventually go through this scene, but some people can find a new will to survive in the process, and some can't.

Lady Bountiful and the rebels hiding behind her once discussed this question, and they came up with a very interesting answer.

Assuming that the group of the Supreme Beings is a group or an individual that is close to omniscience and omnipotence in terms of ability, then as long as they live long enough, they will have enough understanding of the world in which they live, and even the entire universe. For them,

, there are no variables in the entire 'world', so what does this 'world' mean to them?

Perhaps only prison is the most appropriate metaphor, and this prison is not only in the sense of space, but also in the sense of time. They are trapped in a space that undergoes fixed changes within a fixed period, and cannot escape or escape.


This can also explain why companies are constantly looking for and developing other worlds, because this is the only thing that the Supreme Beings care about. They can peek into the insignificant variables from other worlds through that small window.

It's like a prisoner trapped in darkness who sees a glimmer of light through the keyhole.

The final engulfment of the different world through the copy means that a little bit of new variables have entered the mother world, allowing the supreme ones to feel an unusual "breeze"

Mrs. Generosity does not want to fix her thoughts on such an assumption, because the existence of the Supreme Being may be simpler or more complicated than this. Setting a framework for the Supreme Beings in advance is a very important thing for people like her.

dangerous thing

Also observing this matter was naturally Wang Zhengdao. With Hawkin Locke's assistance, Wang Zhengdao suddenly found that his perception ability had been exponentially amplified.

It feels like having 500 degrees of myopia, and suddenly wearing the right glasses, the whole world becomes clearer.

In the past, when Wang Zhengdao performed space jumps, he needed to sense the status of the target location in advance. Although he shortened this process to less than one second, and could even achieve the millisecond level at close range, it still required a process after all.


But now, Wang Zhengdao found that the whole world was 'opened' in front of him. He seemed to be witnessing the whole world from God's perspective. From the sky to the bottom of the sea, no matter where he wanted to go, he could reach it in an instant.

In the process, he even discovered many "mysterious places" that he had never noticed before, such as an underground shelter under the Sahara Desert, a large submarine hiding in the Mariana Trench, etc.

Wang Zhengdao also discovered that the boundary of his perception was enlarged to the vicinity of the Earth-Moon orbit. It seemed that if he wanted to, he could break out of the atmosphere and appear directly on the surface of the moon.

The rules that had been restraining him before and not allowing him to leave the planet were broken.

But these are not what he needs. What he needs now is to carefully perceive that damn passage that exists in space.

In Wang Zhengdao's perception, it was an extremely dazzling existence, existing at a height of about fifteen kilometers above Mexico City. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, its existence affected the electromagnetic field for hundreds of miles, even in the passage.

The temperature near the location changes.

Even if Tlaloc wanted to pretend to be blind, it wouldn't work, because all of its wired drones used to reconnoiter the battlefield had just crashed.

From Tralock's point of view, it just wanted to take another path and plan to 'save the world' through a curve. After all, when the war came to this point, even Mikkelsen had made a similar plan, but he was just as arrogant as him.

I just chose a more extreme solution.

But to those who fought with the players from start to finish, Tlaloc's actions were a betrayal, a betrayal of all humanity.

This double act between Tlaloc and the player is no secret to the post-war reconstruction committee led by Dr. Wu Qianying.

After knowing the player's purpose of fighting this war, anyone can discover the tricks behind the hidden war. Perhaps only those members of the Tlaloc Army who are confined in the information cocoon are still kept in the dark.

Therefore, Wang Zhengdao did not have a good impression of Tlaloc, a force that had just begun to surface. In his mind, Tlaloc was no different from a naturalized person.

While locating the space, he unceremoniously took a thorough look at the underground shelter where Tlaloc was hiding, and planned to bring a few micro-nuclear bombs to perform a surgical operation on it.

But facing the space channel that was dispersing energy and leading to the mother world, Wang Zhengdao still felt a burst of difficulty even with Hawkin Locke's bonus. He felt that his perception seemed to have crossed an infinite distance, but

The hole was still bottomless, leaving him completely unaware of what was on the other side of the hole.

Wang Zhengdao had tried his best to condense his perception into a line, which kept deepening and extending. However, Hawkin Locke only felt as if he had been squeezed dry in an instant, and he had a splitting headache.

With the heavy responsibility, Wang Zhengdao is still squeezing the potential of the two of them. No one knows how long this space channel can last. He must seize this opportunity.

He has always been the shadow following the prophet, silently making contributions to the world. After the death of the prophet, it was Tang Ji. Although Wang Zhengdao was already the leader of the Ark organization at that time and a big shot in charge of the party, he

He still tried his best to assist Tang Ji.

Because he knows that Tang Ji is more important to this world.

Wang Zhengdao is used to standing outside the spotlight, but this time he has finally become the one who decides the fate of the world. He has no room for retreat and has no intention of retreating.

So even though the non-existent spatial perception organ was frantically warning Wang Zhengdao that it had reached its limit, Wang Zhengdao still forced it to move forward in an indomitable way.

If there had not been the emergence of the wave of superhuman beings, Wang Zhengdao should have been a pure warrior. He has been accustomed to constantly breaking through his own limits throughout his life, so even when he was on the verge of collapse, he could still squeeze himself at the edge.

But Hoganlock is obviously not the kind of person with a strong mind. When he reaches the limit, his instinctive reaction is to retreat.

However, a cold dagger stabbed right in front of his eyes, and the sharp edge even made Hawking feel a sting.

"Let's continue!" Wang Zhengdao's cold tone reminded Hawkin Locke of Tang Ji.

Without the need for extra words, Hawkin Locke was 100% sure that Wang Zhengdao was definitely not threatening him. If he dared to escape from the battlefield, he would really kill himself.

But when a person reaches his limit, the pain will even overcome the fear of death. This is how Hawkin Locke felt at this time.

As a purely auxiliary superhuman, he cannot clearly perceive how his abilities work like Wang Zhengdao. Every time he helps other superhumans increase their abilities, he feels like he is a battery.

Slowly extract energy from your own body and inject it into the other party's body.

And this energy is obviously limited. When this energy is about to be exhausted, he will feel a sense of confusion. This confusion will soon escalate to a tingling in the head, and then an uncontrollable feeling.

kind of pain.

And it is this kind of pain that he is suffering now.

Hawkinlock has used, but is not limited to, a variety of addictive compounds to alleviate this pain, but without exception, these methods have failed. This kind of pain is obviously irreducible. It does not rely on physiology, but

It comes from a deeper place, such as the soul.

Faced with the threat of death, Hawkin Locke persisted for three more seconds, but at the moment he wanted to give up, Wang Zhengdao, whose perception ability had been greatly improved, easily discovered his intention.

"Ah!" Hawkinlock's painful roar instantly filled Wang Zhengdao's ears, and the dagger had already stabbed briefly into Hawkinlock's eye.

The extreme physical pain instantly washed away the other pain. Hawkin Locke's only remaining eye looked at Wang Zhengdao's cold eyes and gave in instantly. He has never been a tough person.

At this time, Dr. Wu Qianying, who was far away in Shelter Zero, also discovered the magnetic field anomaly here through satellite cloud images. Half of the few operational satellites controlled by the War and Construction Committee were over Mexico.

The sudden appearance of the space channel suddenly washed out a relatively regular area in the originally quite chaotic electromagnetic environment. The similarity with the electromagnetic fluctuations when players created a copy before the Apocalypse Day was as high as 73%.

They are now finally sure that the location where the player's copy was created was in Mexico!

The little prophet Feng Chenyin appeared in the right place at the right time, then hesitantly glanced at the wall beside him, sighed and bumped into it, knocking himself out with a thud.

He had known for a long time that he was in danger of this, but he could not take effective precautions because he did not know the reason. Otherwise, he would have prepared a sedative for himself early instead of a safe forehead protector.

Feng Chenyin, who fell asleep, looked unhappy and found Tang Anran who was playing games in Tang Anran's room: "Uncle Wang has already started to locate the mother world. It's your turn to enter."

"This is a good thing, why do you look unhappy?" Tang Anran glanced at Fengchen Yin with some surprise, and then suddenly laughed. He had just looked back on the timeline and saw how Fengchen Yin quickly fell into a dream.

Although the two children secretly planned many things and used their own advantages to try to seize the opportunity, they were a little cautious in front of the company's planning department, because the planning department had power that was difficult for them to understand.

The creation of the dungeon happened to be under the jurisdiction of the Planning Department, so Tang Anran and the others were unable to peep into more accurate information, but fortunately it was not too late.

We are no longer young in this world. Countless greats have been born in it, and the Seven Deadly Sins are the most indelible part of it. Unfortunately, in this reincarnation, they are all too immature.

The Gaia consciousness in this world is still in a state of pan-consciousness, and it cannot react as quickly as living creatures, so when the player first entered this world and cautiously tested it, it almost did not respond.

It wasn't until those players accelerated the start of the superhuman wave that it realized the emergence of those 'poisonous information' and tried to respond. Tang Anran was the 'emergency mechanism'.

As Dr. Wu Qianying said, if superhumans continue to evolve, they will eventually evolve sooner or later and become an omnipotent god on earth. The existence of the Seven Deadly Sins is more like an insurance mechanism to prevent this possibility from happening.

will really appear.

The civil war between them would always lead to the end of the transhuman wave, but now, in this era, Gaia's will clearly needs the emergence of such a human god to intervene from the invasion from another world.

Unfortunately, just like the other Seven Deadly Sins, Tang Anran is a bit too immature, so he can only rely on his existing abilities to try to turn the tide.

For example, to help Wang Zhengdao find the coordinates of the mother world, Tang Anran can do better than that trash Hawkin Locke.

This chapter has been completed!
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