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Chapter 15: How about I reward her with pot stickers? 5

In addition to Dacheng and Bixin, there are four other countries: Xiliang, Dongsheng, Nanyue, and Beizhi. Interesting novels are here

There is a clear distinction between the strengths and weaknesses of the six countries. The weak countries will not dare to invade the strong countries, and the truly powerful countries will be at peace with each other because of the marriage relationship.

Therefore, in the past two decades, except for some minor frictions at the border, the entire continent has been relatively peaceful, and no major wars have broken out.

After talking about the country, let’s talk about the Lin family.

Its head, Lin Zhizhong, is a shrewd businessman who has made great achievements in business.[

In just a few decades, he expanded a dilapidated grain store into a large granary with no less than a hundred businesses across the country. It can be said that, apart from the treasury, the place with the most grain is in the Lin family store.

The Lin family not only harvested grain, but also grew it themselves. Lin Zhizhong owned thousands of acres of land on the outskirts of the capital. His ability to do this was all due to his efficient management and close relationship with court officials.

Legend has it that the current prime minister, Lin Fu, is a blood relative of him. In fact, they just have the same surname, Lin. However, because of this rumor, people dare not covet the Lin family.

The Lin family's business, excluding the rice business, consists of cloth shops and banks. Of course, this aspect is not enough to compete with other companies, but they only have a few industries.

For Lin Zhizhong, making good rice is his old profession, and he can only make this business a blessing to his descendants.

Apart from Lin Rou'er's daughter, the second aunt gave birth to two sons and one daughter for Lin Zhizhong, the third aunt had no children, and the fourth aunt also had a son.

In this way, Lin Rouer has three half-brothers and one younger sister.

This large family, with three aunts and wives, and five children, lived in different courtyards. There were also a lot of maids, servants, and caretakers on daily basis. You can imagine how spacious the Lin family's courtyard must be.

Even so, Lin Rou'er didn't want to let herself walk around the compound. Since she could enter and leave the herb garden at will, the main courtyard she went to most was Lin Zhizhong's residence.

There is a spacious main living room and dining room. On weekdays, the whole family always spends one or two days sitting there to eat. This gives Lin Rouer, who has come from time-travel, the opportunity to meet her brothers and sisters.


Speaking of which, the age of this body should be seventeen. The rules of this Dacheng Dynasty are relatively close to modern times. Girls who have hairpins when they are fifteen years old usually find their husband's family after they are eighteen years old.

Therefore, a girl who has not left the court at the age of seventeen is not considered an old girl. Lin Rouer even thought that as long as she could eat well and drink well, it would not matter whether she got married or not.

Anyway, she had never thought about it, and she didn't even have any extravagant hopes for love.

In modern times, she was chased by men who looked like monsters. Now in a different space, she wanted to enjoy her life and no longer be bothered by men.

If you think that modern Lin Rouer is chased by men because of her good looks, you are totally wrong.

The modern Lin Rou'er is completely unworthy of her name. She looks apologetic, has a bad temper, is violent to others at all times, and has absolutely no potential to be a lady.

But those pretty boys liked to play with her and would give her some looks from time to time, which made Lin Rouer very angry.

She felt that by playing with them, she was looking up to them, not letting them play tricks on her.

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