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Chapter 17: How about I reward her with pot stickers? 7

Don't talk about him, at first, even she found it incredible! Every time she looked in the mirror, her mind wandered several times. Good novels are here

Of course, Lin Rou'er has become accustomed to it now. A woman's face is designed to attract romance.

Although few men in the house now dare to look at her, firstly, her eyes are sharper than before, and secondly, her face makes people blush and their heart beats faster when they see it, and their adrenaline increases.

Thinking of this, a proud smile appeared on her lips. Getting back to the subject, she still had something to do.

"Are you the boy who works at Zuihua Building?" Lin Rou'er said as softly as possible, looking at the young man in front of her, and trying to be as gentle as possible.[

No one responded for a long time. I didn't know what the young man was thinking. Lin Rouer's face changed slightly, which was a sign of her impatience.

Xiao Lian on the side looked worried and bumped the boy hard.

The young man turned to look at her. Xiaolian was speechless and rolled her eyes to the sky.

"Why are you looking at me? The lady is asking you something." As she spoke, Xiaolian's eyes glanced in the direction of Lin Rou'er, indicating the direction of the man who was answering the question.

The young man quickly turned his gaze to Lin Rou'er's face. As soon as he caught her gaze, he felt his heart pounding and his face turned red to the roots of his ears. He quickly lowered his head, then clasped his hands on his chest and bowed.

He bowed and said, "Miss, my name is Tonghuashun, and he works in Zuihua Tower."

Flush, this name was so well received that Lin Rouer almost fell over laughing.

But that's not the point.

"Tonghua, let me ask you, I heard that there is a girl named Yanran in your Zuihua House, who is the oiran in your Zuihua House?"

"Miss, Miss Yanran is indeed very popular with guests, and she is pretty, but she is not an oiran in Zuihua Tower. Our Zuihua Tower is going to hold an oiran selection contest at the beginning of next month. By then, Miss Yanran will probably be the one.

Participate, and if she can win, she will be the well-deserved oiran."

"Oh, so the competition hasn't started yet?" Upon hearing this, Lin Rouer's eyes lit up and her expression became even more excited. Even Xiaolian didn't understand where her young lady's excitement came from.

"Then you say, what if I choose the oiran as my lady?"

At this time, Lin Rou'er had stood up from the recliner, standing there like the most gorgeous cherry blossom, shining brightly, and her smiling face as bright as a spring flower made the two people present dizzy.

But what she said was so shocking that the two of them didn't know what was going on.

You know, in ancient times, how could any lady think of going to a low-level brothel to choose an oiran?

"Miss, aren't you out of your mind? How could you have such ridiculous thoughts?" Xiaolian was the first to react.

In the past few days with Lin Rouer, she has changed a lot. She used to agree with others, but now she knows how to argue and object.

"You're just out of your mind. Of course I have my reasons for choosing the courtesan." Lin Rou'er said confidently, and then turned her attention to Flush, "Hey, let me ask you, do you think I will win?"

Flush raised his head and glanced at Lin Rou'er quickly, lowered his head again, and then saluted with a blushing face: "If Miss... goes, she will definitely... win."

Regardless of his talent, his good looks alone are unmatched by anyone in Zuihua Tower.[

"I'll just tell you, there must be no problem." Lin Rou'er looked very proud again and glanced sideways at Xiao Lian who didn't agree.

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