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Chapter 236: The comatose man 5

They are almost going to eat us, how deep their hatred is between them and the Ouyang family."

"The hatred of genocide, do you think it is deep?" Ouyang Chen's voice was still calm, with a hint of ridicule.

Lin Rou'er has never experienced such a thing and cannot empathize with it, but obviously the villagers don't think so. This is what their ancestors have passed down from generation to generation. Their enemies are the Ouyang people. The reason why they live on this island is because

Persecution by the Ouyang people.

"Ouyang Chen, stop making trouble. Don't you have a solution? What is your solution?" Before Lin Rou'er finished speaking, Ouyang Chen suddenly turned around, quickly jumped up to the top of a nearby bamboo tree, and then exerted force on his palm.

, a row of nearby bamboos swayed wildly with all the strength of his palms, making crackling sounds, followed by the sound of falling to the ground.

The Lan Yan clan members who were chanting slogans and threatening to kill them were all shocked, and no more sounds were made.[

Ouyang Chen was dressed in white clothes, his eyes were like torches, and his brows were picturesque. He fell from the bamboo tree lightly, and the smell of dust was so fascinating that it would kill you.

Lin Rou'er suddenly realized that Ouyang Chen's image was so glorious and tall, almost like a shining sun, shining in people's eyes.

The villagers were also stunned and looked stupid, which made people feel funny.

Their silence made Ouyang Chen very satisfied. His smile was light, his white clothes were fluttering, his beautiful eyes were bright and clear, and he was as calm and reserved as the sea.

He spoke loudly, with a man's unique magnetism and joy in his voice: "I can understand your feelings. As rumored, the hatred between the Ouyang tribe and the Blue Flame tribe has always existed. As a member of the Ouyang tribe, I am very sorry.

My ancestors did that to you, and I am deeply sorry.

But as a member of the Lan Yan tribe, I believe that the contradiction between the two ethnic groups will eventually be resolved. We are descended from the same ancestor, so why should we kill each other?"

Ouyang Chen's words were every word, but they sounded so convincing that all the Lan Yan villagers lowered their heads. The village chief Axia heard the mystery behind Ouyang Chen's words and frowned: "Little brother

, what did you mean by what you said just now, one moment you are a member of the Ouyang tribe, another moment you are a member of the Lanyan tribe?"

Lin Rou'er also suddenly realized that, before Ouyang Chen could speak, she said first, "I remembered that Ouyang Chen is actually a member of the Lanyan tribe, and he is also your leader."

As soon as these words came out, the villagers showed surprised expressions again and started talking a lot.

"Why did this girl say this, and how did you know about it?" Axia couldn't help but ask.

"You should know Zi Yuan, right?" Lin Rou'er reminded, "I heard that Zi Yuan is the princess of your Blue Flame clan, and he is the child of Zi Yuan and the emperor of the Ouyang family. Do you think he should?

Are they from the Blue Flame Tribe?

And I saw with my own eyes that there was a blue flame mark on his arm. It is said that it is the mark of the leader of the Blue Flame tribe. I didn’t lie to you. If you don’t believe it, you can ask Sister Ziyuan from Piaomiao Palace to return it.

The palace master is here to testify, and if I tell a lie, there will be thunder from heaven!"

When Lin Rou'er said the last words, she raised two fingers and swore to the sky.

After listening to her words, the villagers fell into silence. Village Chief Axia took the lead in kneeling down on one knee.

This chapter has been completed!
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