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Chapter 168: Ruining the Socialist Party

Pu Wei had lost all hope since he was caught, especially when Zhang Henian escorted him all the way. The roadside was littered with the dead bodies of rebels and the howling wounded. These were all his subordinates. Pu Wei saw it with his own eyes

I saw several Fengjun soldiers shoot the seriously wounded to death directly, and then the bodies were thrown into the barren mountains and allowed to be devoured by wild wolves.

After seeing this hell-like scene, Pu Wei was completely disheartened. He was afraid that he would not be able to escape this disaster. He, a fat man of about 200 pounds, was still enough for these wild wolves to have a good meal!

"My heart is devoted to my old master, and I have sacrificed my life to restore the Qing Dynasty. The failure of the army is only due to God's will." As he spoke, he reluctantly got up and kowtowed three times in the direction of the capital, using a voice like a night owl.

Howling: "Long live, I have to restore my homeland, but I have to die tragically at the hands of the thieves. I am so strong that my country will be destroyed, and my heart is worried about the imperial capital..."

"Prince Gong, don't read the lyrics at this time. If you want to be a loyal minister and filial son of the Qing Dynasty, I will help you now. There are many wild wolves and tigers in these barren mountains and wild mountains. They will definitely like your fat body.

Of course, if you want to survive, I can also show you a way to survive, it just depends on what you choose?"

When Pu Wei heard that there was still a possibility of survival, he breathed a sigh of relief and went limp. He thought that he was bound to die, so he wanted to pretend to be a hero, but when he heard that there was still a way to survive, he immediately changed his mind.

, there is nothing better than living, and how much is a hero worth?

"Sir, as long as you let me go, you can give me any conditions, money, beauty, or land? Just give me a price, and I will never talk back."

Zhang Tinglan and Yang Yuting looked at each other and smiled: "I thought he was such a big hero, but Daqing is just a weakling."

"Little Prince Gong, you must have heard of me. I am Zhang Tinglan. Your old friends Shanqi and Shengyun were caught by me!"

As soon as Pu Wei heard that Zhang Tinglan had announced his family status, he was immediately struck by thunder, and all three souls and seven souls flew away. He had already heard about Zhang Tinglan's ruthlessness. After Shanqi and Shengyun were arrested, all their family property was taken away.

He vomited everything out and almost became a pauper overnight.

I finally hid a little private money, and after arriving in Beijing, I started to organize everything. Now, although my life is not in danger, I have nothing. I can only survive by relying on the help of other people from the Clan Socialist Party. Moreover, these two people have their lives.

After that, I didn’t dare to mess around anymore, I just chanted Buddha’s name, ate fast, and ignored secular affairs.

Of course, this is superficial, and Pu Wei knows the reason best. First, they were completely frightened and did not want to die. Second, they were squeezed dry. They could not get the money, no one listened to them, and their reputations were ruined.

They smell so bad that even the Japanese don't want to use them anymore.

Pu Wei's heart tightened when he thought of the miserable situation of Shanqi and Shengyun. He was really afraid that he would fall into that situation. But this was not something he could have the final say. Their fate had long been decided.

Why did I encounter the evil star Zhang Tinglan in my hands!

"Little Prince Gong, now that you know who I am, you should also know my methods. If you want to survive, it's very simple. Just do as I say. If you get a little discount, just wait and feed the wolves."

Pu Wei's face turned pale, and his fat body couldn't help but tremble. After a long time, he lowered his head and said, "It's up to you."

"Very good. Although you have no bones, you still have some brains. Don't risk your own life." Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "First of all, all the family property, deposits in foreign banks, and manor properties are donated, and no one is allowed to hide it;

Second, tell us all your accomplices. How many members of the Socialist Party, how many Eight Banners disciples there are in the three northeastern provinces, and even in the country, who support you? Third, tell the whole story of your collusion with the Japanese.

Clearly. As long as you can do these three things, you will be free."

Zhang Tinglan made these three points, which hit the point directly. If the money is confiscated, there will be no capital for trouble, and the Clan Socialist Party will not be able to recruit troops, and it will not be able to cause chaos.

The second one is even more terrible. Zhang Tinglan obviously wants to use Pu Wei's mouth to expand the area of ​​​​implications as much as possible and wipe out all the Eight Banners of the Zongshe Party and the Manchu Qing Dynasty. This method has already been used on Shanqi and Shengyun.

, as long as Pu Wei reveals his accomplices, Zhang Tinglan can arrest them wholesale.

Then he took all the property and land of this group of people into his own hands. Of course, there are many Eight Banners nobles who are not in Fengtian, but it doesn't matter. They can be wanted nationwide. These people have a lot of money in their hands, and others

The warlords will be jealous even if they look at it. Therefore, unless these people are hiding in the concession, they will be in trouble whenever they come out, which can greatly restrict their movements.

This is also a very fatal thing for Pu Wei. As long as he confesses the person, his own reputation will be completely ruined. Who wants to believe a weakling? Pu Wei is finished, plus Shanqi and Shengyun

, although none of the three major cadres of the Zongshe Party have died, they have completely turned into scum and have lost any appeal. The Zongshe Party has no leader.

As for the third point, it is a deep hole dug by Zhang Tinglan for the Zongshe Party. The Zongshe Party is a dog supported by the Japanese. This is something everyone knows, but there are some things that are not enough just to know.

There must be real evidence.

Zhang Tinglan just wants to get Pu Wei's confession, and then accidentally leak it to the American and British media, so that they can jump out and put pressure on Japan, and then force Japan to completely cut off from the CCP. It is better to draw fuel from the bottom than to stop the boil. The only way is to make the Japanese give up.

Only by supporting the Zong Socialist Party can the Zong Socialist Party be completely destroyed.

Although Pu Wei was greedy for life and afraid of death, he was not stupid enough, and he vaguely guessed Zhang Tinglan's plan. His face became increasingly miserable, and even his facial features were distorted.

If he agrees to these conditions, he will immediately become a penniless pauper, and his reputation will be ruined. At that time, life will really be worse than death.

"Mr. Zhang, can we discuss it? I am willing to give Mr. Zhang some Japanese girls..." Before Pu Wei could finish speaking, Zhang Tinglan called Zhang Henian over.

"Go and see Prince Gong off, he will be loyal to the Qing Dynasty!"

Without saying a word, Zhang Henian came over, grabbed Pu Wei by the collar, and was about to lift him up the mountain to feed the wolves. As the saying goes, pay back the money on the spot if you ask for a high price. This condition was originally negotiable, but Zhang Tinglan refused to bargain at all.

The leeway and the toughness of the attitude were far beyond Pu Wei's expectations.

"Captain, the fur coats this guy is wearing are all high-quality mink. It would be a waste to throw them away together. How about stripping him naked!" Zhang Henian suggested to Zhang Tinglan based on the principle of diligence and thrift.


"Okay, the jade pendant and pocket watch he is wearing should also be distributed to the brothers as a souvenir."

"Yes!" Zhang Henian agreed immediately. He lifted Pu Wei outside the cave, pulled off Pu Wei's leather robe and put it on himself.

"Brothers, come and get your things. If you don't get them now, you will look for them in the wolf's belly!"

When this group of Fengjun heard this, they rushed over in a hurry. In Pu Wei's eyes, these people were all devils in hell, and even the devils were not as scary as them. A gust of north wind blew directly through Pu Wei's body

, there was coldness in his bones, and at this moment Pu Wei truly felt the taste of hell.

"Mr. Zhang, I agreed...!" Pu Wei shouted sternly.

"My humble opinion is that if the Zongshe Party fails more than it succeeds, it would be too much for us to resort to such a deadly attack!" Yang Yuting took the list of people who had confiscated the house and was speechless. There were hundreds of people in the long list.

There are so many people, and as long as they have the slightest connection with the Zongshe Party, their homes will be confiscated, and there is no courtesy at all.

Many people are just related to each other and have not really joined the socialist party, but they have not let them go. They all want to clear out their family properties and confiscate their land.

"Ling Ge, it is better to cut off one of his ten fingers than to hurt him. The Zongshe Party is a card used by Japan to get involved in the three eastern provinces. Although the Eight Banners are all wimps, as long as the Japanese fan the flames, they can still involve our energy. We

This time we must completely abolish this card and eradicate as many Eight Banners nobles as possible in Fengtian. Even if they cannot be eradicated for the time being, they must be put on the wanted list to make them infamous and lose their use value."

Zhang Tinglan looked down on the incompetence of the Eight Banners disciples from the bottom of his heart, but he could not deny that after Japan launched the September 18th Incident, it still promoted Puyi and used it as a cover for colonizing the three eastern provinces. It also played a certain role in winning over people's hearts. Zhang Tinglan must do

The goal is to completely cripple and stink the CCP so that they cannot cause trouble.

Yang Yuting weighed it again and again and agreed with Zhang Tinglan's approach. The two of them immediately reported to Lao Zhang. Zhang Zuolin was very happy when he heard that he had another chance to raid his house. As a veteran bandit, this was his favorite thing to do, not to mention Fengtian.

If you want to build on a large scale, you need a lot of funds. It is better to rob these Eight Banners disciples than to squeeze your own people.

Lao Zhang immediately ordered that according to the list, no one was left behind, and the house search operation began. Lao Zhang also reported to Beijing. Feng Jun once again cracked a major treason case. The Zongshe Party was determined to rebel and attempted armed rebellion. Feng Jun

The soldiers were aware of the situation and captured the culprit Pu Wei alive.

After the news spread, the whole of China was shaken again. Originally, Lao Yuan was hoping that Fengtian would send troops to help him deal with the guards. Now that this situation has happened in the Northeast, his wish has been frustrated again, but Lao Yuan still

Those who know the severity can only encourage Zhang Zuolin to do good things.

After Zhang Tinglan spread the news, he ordered his men to start ransacking homes and put all the stolen funds into the security division's small treasury, and the land was distributed to the hungry people. The Chinese have always had a strong interest in land, and those

When the hungry people heard that they could get a piece of fertile land and be given farm tools, they all became excited.

They were in hell one moment and entered heaven in the blink of an eye. They were simply grateful to Zhang Tinglan. In addition to cleaning up the clan and socialist parties, Fengjun also pointed the finger at bandits, large and small.

These guys are not only a cancer for local security, but can also become a source of soldiers for the rebels at any time. They must not be retained. The Feng army dispersed and attacked, and countless gangsters were wiped out.

After Zhang Tinglan’s efforts, the Zongshe Party was completely crippled! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster novels!

This chapter has been completed!
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