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Chapter 173 Shock

"Lao Yuan sent us a telegram again, asking us to solve the problem in southern Liaoning as soon as possible."

"Commander, they are all a bunch of rabble. Don't worry about it. If you have a clumsy command to lead the troops, it will be easy to wipe them out." Yuan Jinkai said to Lao Zhang: "The trouble is Japan's attitude. The Japanese demand that the seizure of the Eight Banners' land be stopped as soon as possible.

, are still protesting against our abuse of justice.”

"Those old and young people are all Japanese dogs. Naturally, they don't want to see dogs die so miserably. But if we don't confiscate these lands, how can we solve the financial gap."

Wang Yongjiang said loudly: "Commander, you must resist the pressure no matter what. As long as the land is disposed of, I am sure that I will have a balance of five million yuan this year. Within three years, I will pay back all the money Fengtian has owed for many years."

On top of that, we can also renovate water conservancy projects, build schools and factories, and serve the army to expand our military strength."

Wang Yongjiang was able to risk the disapproval of the world and insist on confiscating the land of the Eight Banners. The biggest driving force was income. The common people changed from tenant farmers to owner-cultivators, the hidden land was cleared, and Fengtian's land capacity increased by more than half. With this money

, there are so many things that can be done.

Not only Wang Yongjiang was attracted by these profits, but even Lao Zhang went crazy. In addition to the increase in land tax, Zhang Zuolin was tempted by the floating wealth of nearly ten million. With this money, Lao Zhang could control all his troops.

By changing clothes, you can also use money to clear the way, buy other forces over, and unify the sky.

This has been Zhang Zuolin's goal all along. How could he give up so easily?

"The Japanese are protesting against them. While we are delaying, we should move faster at the same time. By the beginning of spring, all the land will be almost processed, so as not to delay spring plowing. When the deal is done, the Japanese will not be able to say anything."

Lao Zhang added: "The military strength in southern Liaoning seems to be a bit weak. I am going to send a battalion there."

"Since we need to send reinforcements, I suggest sending a cavalry battalion there. Zhuoyan's subordinates are already very effective in combat. What they lack is mobility. It happens that the suppression of bandits requires speed." Sun Liechen expressed his opinion.

Lao Zhang immediately nodded in agreement. At this time, Zhang Zuoxiang also spoke: "Commander, Liaonan has developed to this point, and Brother Ma is still slow to react. Somewhat should not be done."

Ma Longtan's movements were indeed too slow, and Lao Zhang was also very dissatisfied. He had sent several telegrams to Ma Longtan, but Ma Longtan was just perfunctory and did not take any action.

But Ma Longtan was his sworn elder brother. He was too senior, so Lao Zhang couldn't blame him too much.

"I'll send someone over to contact Brother Ma and ask him to pay more attention. Don't let the traitors take advantage of this."

At this time, Zhang Tinglan commanded the army to sweep away the bandits who were making trouble in several places. Among them were bandits and bandits, as well as dissatisfied landlords. However, they all started in a hurry and were prepared in a hurry. The army wiped them out as soon as they passed by.


Fengjun is like an iron plow. As soon as it passes by, the militia is established. The local management power changes hands. Zhang Tinglan's power becomes stronger and stronger. It seems that other small groups of bandits have no ability to challenge. Therefore, they either die out.

, or go to Zhuanghe's revolutionary party.

The reshuffle in southern Liaoning continues, and the cavalry battalion sent by Lao Zhang has arrived. Two people are in charge of the command, the battalion commander is Ma Zhanshan, and the deputy battalion commander is Wu Kaijie.

I'm afraid few people don't know about Ma Zhanshan. After the September 18th Incident, Ma Zhanshan led his troops to fight against Japan many times and was revered as an anti-Japanese hero. Although Ma Zhanshan also had the stain of surrendering to Japan, he was still a good man.

He was also from Green Forest, and was later recruited by Wu Junsheng and served as company commander. During the attack on Chifeng, Ma Zhanshan showed bravery and was promoted to battalion commander. Then Lao Wu sent him to inspect the Eight Banners' pastures in Taonan. The task

The work was beautifully done. Now southern Liaoning was in urgent need of troops, so Mazhanshan's troops were sent over.

At this time, Ma Zhanshan did not have a big name in later generations. He was just an ordinary mid-level officer in the army. He still admired Zhang Tinglan, a man of great influence.

"Captain Zhang, Brigadier Wu told me before coming here that everything is subject to Commander Zhang's arrangements. If you ask me to go east, we will never go west."

"I will be more confident if I can get the cooperation of Camp Commander Ma."

"Brother Zhuoyan, after this battle, I'm afraid you will be a brigade commander. Among our younger generation, you are the one with this job!" Wu Kaijie said, holding out his thumb, obviously very envious.

Although Lao Wu tried his best to train him, he did not dare to encourage him and could only train him step by step.

The last time he caught Mi Zhenbiao, he showed his face to Lao Wu and was promoted to deputy battalion commander. As long as he gets some training, he will be able to rise to the top.

"Don't worry, there will be more opportunities to make achievements on the battlefield in the future. Last time we captured Mi Zhenbiao, this time we captured He Tianjiong."

"Brother Zhuoyan, when did you order the attack? Everyone is a little impatient. Letting those bastards be so arrogant makes people really angry."

"Don't worry, little Zhuanghe can't raise that many soldiers at all. They will definitely be dispatched in the near future. As soon as this gang of gangsters is dispatched, their flaws will be exposed. It will be easy for us to deal with them. What we have to do now

Just wait for the opportunity and kill with one blow."

Things turned out to be as Zhang Tinglan had judged. Zhuanghe was not big to begin with, but thousands of soldiers flooded in all of a sudden, filling the city both inside and outside the city. These guys had no discipline at all and harassed the people everywhere, causing

The people complained.

Moreover, they also asked He Tianjiong for military pay, cotton clothes, and opium. Although He Tianjiong got a lot of money from Okura Kihachiro, he couldn't spend it casually. He also wanted to occupy the entire southern Liaoning.

He had no choice but to find Gu Renyi for careful discussion. The two decided to leave a thousand men to guard Zhuanghe, then personally lead an army of three thousand to attack Donggang, and then use Donggang as a base to move north to attack Dandong and Fengcheng.

This combat plan was also approved by Honzhuang Shigeru. The two men immediately led the soldiers to launch the operation. Three thousand soldiers left Zhuanghe and went directly north.

"I would like to say that He Tianjiong and the others have taken action, leading three thousand soldiers to attack Donggang."

Zhang Tinglan stared at the map, looked at it carefully, and then said: "Lin Ge, since they have taken action, we can't be idle. You see how we can arrange it."

"Originally we lacked mobility and had some troubles. Now with the help of Battalion Commander Ma, everything will be much easier to handle. I think we can take the main force to assist Donggang and try to annihilate He Tianjiong and the others outside Donggang.

, Battalion Commander Ma led the cavalry to attack Zhuanghe and cut off their retreat, so that He Tianjiong's troops collapsed without a fight."

Zhang Tinglan looked at the map again and thought about Yang Yuting's battle plan carefully. There were no loopholes in it, so he basically agreed.

Just when they were dispatching their troops, Zhang Tinglan frowned, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

"Lin Ge, let's put ourselves in someone else's shoes. If you were Japanese, would you still support the Revolutionary Party at this time?"

Yang Yuting also hesitated, thought for a while, and then said: "I'm afraid not, since the Zong Socialist Party is finished. The foundation of the Revolutionary Party in the Northeast is not as good as that of the Zong Socialist Party, and its subordinates are even more rabble-rous. If it were me, I would let the Revolution

The party should hide first and wait for a better opportunity instead of acting recklessly."

"Linge, since you think it's all foolhardy, wouldn't the Japanese think of it? Although they are fanatical, they are not stupid!"

"Zhu Yan, what do you mean by this?"

"Lin Ge, I think we have been negligent. Since the Japanese dare to let the Revolutionary Party start an uprising, they must have a basis. If we don't find out their back-up, we act rashly. I'm worried there will be trouble."

Zhang Tinglan thought about it again and again, looked at the map repeatedly, his brows furrowed deeper, and he had his staff officer Zhao Pei called over.

"Counsel Zhao, are you familiar with the situation in Donggang? Who is responsible for guarding here?"

Zhao Pei had followed Ma Longtan for a long time and was very familiar with the people under Ma Longtan, so he said without hesitation: "The one responsible for guarding Donggang is a battalion of Fang Wenhua. Due to the emergence of bandits in Zhuanghe, additional troops were sent.

A battalion, with nearly a regiment of defenders here, should have no problem dealing with a few thousand mobs?"

Zhang Tinglan listened, nodded, and then asked: "Who is Fang Wenhua?"

"He is the younger brother of deputy garrison envoy Fang Wendong. There is nothing special about him. His brother is the garrison envoy's right-hand man. In the past two years, the garrison envoy has handed over many military affairs to Fang Wendong. He handles them conscientiously and is very popular among the army.


"I'm sorry, you suddenly asked this, are you suspecting that there will be a loophole on Guardian Ma's side?" Yang Yuting asked in surprise.

Zhang Tinglan sighed and said: "Things are out of the ordinary. Even if Ma Longtan is dissatisfied with our coming, he will not be indifferent, especially since the properties of Manchu nobles are being liquidated everywhere, and only in the east

There is minimal movement."

Zhang Tinglan's reminder made Yang Yuting wake up from a dream, and nodded hurriedly: "What I said makes sense. There is no need for Ma Longtan to struggle with money. He is not rich either. Logically speaking, he will not refuse to accept this windfall.


Ma Longtan's actions were indeed a bit suspicious. The more Yang Yuting thought about it, the more suspicious he became. Maybe they had really overlooked something.

"Lin Ge, it's useless for us to think wildly here. No matter what, even with our own strength, we will put down this group of bandits and bring peace to the sky."

Zhang Tinglan randomly ordered all Fengjun soldiers to mobilize. Ma Zhanshan and Wu Kaijie commanded a battalion of cavalry to attack Zhuanghe.

"Brother Zhuoyan, it's not that I'm timid, it's just that it's a bit difficult to attack a city with cavalry alone."

"Don't worry. As long as you arrive at Zhuanghe, there will be people in the city to pick you up. There will be absolutely no difficulty in occupying the county seat."

Wu Kaijie also had a smile on his face when he heard this: "If you dare to say something humble, you are just like Zhuge. I actually have a clever plan, so I can rest assured."

Zhang Tinglan grabbed him and called Ma Zhanshan over: "Captain Ma, Brother Wu, you must not be careless. The Revolutionary Party is a bunch of rabble, but behind them are the Japanese. This is the real trouble."

, you cannot take it lightly. And after regaining Zhuanghe, you must hold on to it no matter what, no matter who you face, you must not flinch."

"Captain Zhang, is there any bad news?" Ma Zhanshan asked a little surprised.

"It's just a bad premonition, please be more careful."

"Captain Zhang, don't worry. No matter what happens, as long as Ma Zhanshan has more than 100 kilograms, Zhuanghe will be able to defend it."

Ma Zhanshan and Wu Kaijie left with their troops. Zhang Tinglan and Yang Yuting also directed their men to rush towards Donggang. They used the fastest speed along the way and did not dare to carry anything.

Seeing that Donggang was ahead, the investigating soldiers suddenly ran over in a panic.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, the Revolutionary Party's troops successfully entered Zhuanghe a few hours ago."

"Was there no resistance?"

"No, I asked the people around, and they said there was no sign of fighting. It seems that the defenders of Donggang took the initiative to bring the rebels in."

Zhang Tinglan and Yang Yuting both had horrified looks in their eyes. They were afraid that the last thing they wanted to see had happened, and something had really gone wrong with Ma Longtan's men.

At this time, staff officer Zhao Pei also ran over, with a look of horror on his face: "Captain Zhang, the situation is not good. Fang Wenhua has declared an uprising and joined the revolutionary party's army. What should we do?" (To be continued)

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