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Chapter 179 The magic weapon descends from heaven

Originally serving as the garrison envoy of Dongbian Road was a great job, but at this time, no one envied Zhang Zuoxiang. He was appointed in a critical situation. Dongbian Road had more than 10,000 troops, and Zhang Zuoxiang and Zhang Tinglan had no more troops.

It's just over five thousand, and there's only one brigade.

The garrison division is also composed of two brigades, but the other brigade is full of new recruits, and there is still a big gap. It cannot be brought to the battlefield at all. The only ones that can be used are the men and horses of the original independent brigade.

Zhang Zuoxiang was almost ready, and Lao Zhang found him personally: "Fu Chen, your troops are weak, I think it's better to hand over the heavy artillery battalion to you, and kill that bastard Fang Wendong."

Zhang Zuoxiang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Yuting, the heavy artillery battalion cannot be brought out unless it is a last resort. Moreover, I want a quick victory this time. The heavy artillery is inconvenient to maneuver, so it is better to leave it at home. It is not safe in Fengtian."

Having said this, Zhang Zuoxiang grabbed Zhang Zuolin and lowered his voice and said: "Seventh brother, if the Japanese Kwantung Army launches a direct attack on us, you will use the heavy artillery battalion to kill the small Japanese around the South Manchuria Railway first, and then cut off this

Railway, then the Allied Powers such as the United States, Britain, and Russia will come forward, and our army will still have a glimmer of hope."

Zhang Zuolin nodded: "Fu Chen, don't worry, Zhang Zuolin is a man who is upright and upright. When the time comes when things get out of hand, I would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

Lao Zhang was very aware of the situation in front of him. The Japanese wanted to use the opportunity of Yuan Shikai to proclaim himself emperor to cause trouble in Fengtian, and even used force to separate Fengtian. As a prince, Zhang Zuolin also had his own counterattacks, and Fengtian was not just his.

His lair, the sacred land where he was born and raised, must not fall into the hands of the Japanese. At this time, Zhang Zuolin was ready to fight to the death!

After Lao Zhang sent Zhang Zuoxiang away, he also stepped up his deployment of troops and generals, not only to defend Feng Delin, but also to vaguely point the finger at Japan's Manchurian Railway dependency.

At this moment, on the road from Donggang to Fengcheng, a huge team was marching at full speed. This team all used horse-drawn sledges. There were two to three hundred vehicles in total. They were like a string of small boats on the snow.

, travel quickly and flexibly.

There were about a dozen soldiers on each sledge. It also contained guns and rations. The sledge at the back was specially equipped with artillery, ammunition, food, tents and other military supplies. The soldiers kept waving their whips to beat the animals that were already running very fast.

The sledge that was running at the front to open the way suddenly stopped suddenly. It turned out that the war horse pulling the sledge fell to the ground. The horse was seen spraying white foam from its mouth and nose, twitching all over, and it looked like it was exhausted to death.

The soldiers showed no mercy, and jumped down one after another, pushing the sledge and the dying horse aside, and the following sledges continued to move forward. They left the horses on the roadside, and among the additional horses behind them, they pulled them over again.

Horse, hitch it to the sledge. Continue to follow.

There were countless such situations along the way. Every ten miles a horse would die, and if it was time to climb a hill, even more would die, and this army didn't care at all.

Among the entire Fengjun army, the only one who could be so prodigal was Zhang Tinglan. He originally planned to go to Zhuanghe with Yang Yuting to garrison and keep the Japanese out of the city. However, news of Fengtian came over and Feng Delin took the opportunity to launch an attack. Lao Zhang could not send out troops.

With more soldiers, Zhang Zuoxiang could only command a regiment of troops to deal with Fang Wendong.

After getting the news, Zhang Tinglan immediately called Yang Yuting over, and both of them looked ugly.

"Lin Ge, the Japanese are more ruthless than we thought, and the cards they hold exceed our expectations."

"That's right, the Clan Socialist Party, the Revolutionary Party, the Fang brothers, Feng Delin, we have endless surprises!" Yang Yuting frowned and said with a stern expression: "I have to say, these cards are not terrible, the real killer is Japan's

Attitude, if they really want to take advantage of this opportunity to invade Fengtian, the power in our hands is far from enough."

"There is nothing wrong at all, but this kind of thing should be looked at from another perspective. The reason why the Japanese have gone to great lengths to arrange it means that they are not ready to jump to the front. They don't want to go to war directly. Most of them want to create

Because of the general trend, we have to compromise."

Yang Yuting also nodded. What Zhang Tinglan said was correct, but in any case, the situation in front of them has deteriorated to a certain extent. If they make a wrong step, it will easily lead to Japan's armed attack, and then it will be doomed. They are all worried.

Big stone.

"Linge, what we can do now is two things. The first is to quickly eliminate the civil strife and not give the Japanese an excuse to interfere. The second is that everyone in Fengtian must unite as one and show the courage to burn everything. Only in this way can the Japanese ambitions be dispelled.

, any retreat will cause big trouble."

"Idiot, what you said is right. Even if we want to retreat, where can we retreat to? Can't we hand over Fengtian to the Japanese?"

Although the current Fengjun is countless times weaker than it was during September 18th, the current Fengjun, from its helmsman Zhang Zuolin to cutting-edge generals like Yang Yuting, all have a firm belief that they must not be occupied by the Japanese.

Fengtian, when the critical moment really comes, they can all fight tooth and nail.

Zhang Tinglan was also very pleased: "Lin Ge, I did some calculations. It's less than 200 miles from Fengcheng to Fengcheng, but it's more than 400 miles from Fengtian to Fengcheng. It's more than double the distance. My father wants to

It will take ten days at the fastest to get to Fengcheng."

"I'm sorry, do you want to divide the troops?"

"Yes, actually the current situation reminds me of the scene in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms where Sima Yi dealt with Meng Da. Fang Wendong is the capricious Meng Da. Only by taking him down as quickly as possible can Japan have no excuse to send troops.

, and without internal worries, we can concentrate on dealing with external troubles."

It would take Zhang Zuoxiang ten days to get from Fengtian to Fengcheng. If Fang Wendong used this time to stabilize the morale of the army and set up defenses along the way, even if Zhang Zuoxiang's march went smoothly, it would probably take up to a month to completely wipe out Fang Wendong.

There are too many changes that can occur in one month. The Japanese can use this time to coordinate domestic differences and reach a unified opinion. At that time, what Fengjun has to deal with will not be the Kwantung Army, but the entire Japan.

And even if the Japanese don't send troops, they can still use North Korea as a base to cross the Yalu River and assist Fang Wendong. At that time, it will be even more difficult to eliminate this guy.

Therefore, Zhang Tinglan weighed again and again and believed that Fang Wendong must be eliminated as soon as possible. Within ten days, preferably about five days, Fang Wendong should be wiped from the world!

"I'd like to say that your thinking is not wrong at all. It's just that our strength is insufficient. We can only use one regiment of troops. And we have to block the gap in Zhuanghe River, which is not enough at all."

"If you don't have enough, you can't use it. At this time, you have to fight!" Zhang Tinglan gradually made up his mind: "Ling Ge, you take 800 soldiers and 12 artillery pieces and go to Zhuanghe as soon as possible. Put the machine guns and cannons.

They all set up to intimidate the Japanese. I took the remaining soldiers and traveled through the starry night to eliminate Fang Wendong."

Yang Yuting shook his head repeatedly: "My humble opinion is that your burden is even heavier. I should leave all the cannons to you."

Zhang Tinglan laughed loudly and said: "Lin Ge, you are here to scare people. Naturally, you have to bring more artillery, and you also have to embolden Ma Zhanshan and the others. Whether I can win Fang Wendong does not depend on how many more cannons there are. It does not depend on how many cannons there are.

Several artillery pieces."

Zhang Tinglan knew very well that he was making a huge gamble. What he was betting on was that Fang Wendong was not ready for battle and had no military morale. His sudden appearance could completely collapse Fang Wendong. Therefore, the number of weapons was not important.

It was he who showed up with his troops!

As for the Zhuanghe side, they need more powerful firepower, not only to make the Japanese fearful, but also to embolden Ma Zhanshan. Ma Zhanshan's cavalry battalion is Wu Junsheng's troops. Zhang Tinglan is not sure whether they have the courage to fight against the Japanese. They must let him

Yang Yuting brought the cannon over to suppress the formation.

"I'd like to say that by making this arrangement, you have concluded that the Japanese have not made up their mind. What should we do if unfortunately the gun goes off?"

"Retreat!" Zhang Tinglan squeezed out two words from between his teeth: "Save your strength, fight guerrilla warfare with the Japanese, and wear them to death."

Sitting on the sledge, various thoughts were constantly flashing through Zhang Tinglan's mind. In fact, the last thing he wanted was to go to war with the Japanese. The strength gap between the two sides was too big. Zhang Tinglan had actually been working hard to win the independence of the Fengjun Army. However,

Fengtian faced the threat of war from Japan twice in a row. Is this the punishment for changing history? Zhang Tinglan felt waves of heavy pressure.

He was leading the army towards Fengcheng. Fang Wenhua, who luckily escaped from Donggang, also ran to Fengcheng in embarrassment with his men. He stumbled to Fang Wendong's mansion, and the two brothers finally met.

As soon as he saw his elder brother, Fang Wenhua fell to his knees and cried loudly: "Brother, I lost Donggang!"

Fang Wendong was signing an order at this time. When he heard this, his writing brush immediately fell on the desk. He was stunned. He had arranged a regiment in Donggang, and there were also revolutionary party troops, four to five thousand

How could a city defended by humans fall so easily?

Fang Wendong could hardly believe his ears. He suddenly grabbed Fang Wenhua's clothes and pulled him up from the ground: "Tell me, what happened? How did Donggang lose it? Are you an idiot?"

"Brother, don't blame me. They are all those revolutionaries who accept everyone. As a result, people from the army got mixed in. When we were fighting fiercely, traitors appeared in the city. As a result, the morale of the army was shattered and there was no way to deal with it. The younger brother could only

I can escape alone!"

"Why don't you die in Donggang!"

Fang Wendong threw Fang Wenhua to the ground with great force, almost causing Fang Wenhua to faint. At this time, Fang Wendong was indeed scared, and he was still so scared from the bottom of his heart.

Under the instigation of the Japanese, he imprisoned Malongtan and raised the banner of protecting the country from heaven. He thought that with his many years of prestige and the support of the Japanese, he could easily control the overall situation. Under the Japanese's influence,

With support, the entire Fengtian will become his possession.

However, reality is always different from ideals. Not many generals on Dongbian Road really support him wholeheartedly. Most of them are on the sidelines. And not only the leaders, but also the landowners and businessmen are unwilling to support him. This makes

Fang Wendong was very embarrassed.

He was hoping that the road at Donggang would be opened and Japanese aid would be sent over, so that he could show his strength. However, things went against his wishes. Donggang was occupied by the Feng army, and he was trapped in Fengcheng. He became a turtle in a urn, surrounded by enemies. This was not to ask him.

His life!

Fang Wendong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, unable to advance or retreat. At this moment, Zhang Tinglan's army was getting closer and closer to Fengcheng. At this time, staff officer Zhao Pei suddenly sent news.

"Captain Zhang, Xue Jintang, who is stationed at the back of Jiulong, sent a telegram. He and Fang Wendong have fallen out and are willing to take his men to help us attack Fengcheng together."

When Zhang Tinglan heard this, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes. Sure enough, Fang Wendong's men were not monolithic, so he had a chance.

"Counsel Zhao, tell Xue Jintang that as long as the rebels can be eliminated, his benefits will be indispensable."

After Zhang Tinglan made the explanation clear, he ordered all the soldiers to overcome their fatigue and work harder to reach Fengcheng as soon as possible. On the third day, Zhang Tinglan finally arrived at the outskirts of Fengcheng, and all the rebels responsible for guarding were

Frightened, they stared dumbly at this troop that seemed to fall from the sky, not knowing what to do. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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