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Chapter 26 Digging Deeply

"Master Zhang, this is what you're for!" Liu Shucheng smiled and extended his thumb to Zhang Tinglan: "Good catch. I heard they said you led the team in and the sound of gunfire was like exploding beans, and the killing was so fast.

Fengtian City has become much quieter in the past few days. If it can continue to be so quiet, it will be easier for us to do business."

Zhang Tinglan smiled and shook his head: "Old Liu, we are all members of our own family, so don't fool me. All we caught were offal, not even a big fish. When I improve public security, I don't just want to gain a good reputation, but I want to truly

Change the order of Fengtian, but do not cut off the big shots, just get rid of some small minions, and they will be like weeds, which will not be burned out by wildfire, but will grow again when the spring breeze blows."

Liu Shucheng also knew that Zhang Tinglan was speaking from his heart, so he also sighed: "Mr. Zhang, do you still have any difficulties?"

"Old Liu, to be honest, what I really want to deal with this time is the Zongshe Party. They are in cahoots with local gangsters. They also wear a pair of trousers with the Japanese. They have many thugs and have great influence. Find them out.

Even if they cannot be completely eliminated, they must be severely damaged, which will make it much easier to rectify it over and over again. However, things are not so easy to operate. The police station is like a sieve that leaks from all sides. No information can be hidden.

, let alone the leader of the Zongshe Party, I didn’t even catch the big leaders of the Koreans. I found a gang that had hundreds of people running it for several years, and I found 3,000 yuan. This is simply a slap in the face.


Zhang Tinglan took a sip of tea and continued enthusiastically: "I originally thought I would start with the Koreans, seize some leverage, and then attack the Clan Socialist Party, but the leader has long since disappeared. There are millions of people in Fengtian.

Man, I don’t dare to act recklessly. Once the conflict between Manchu and Han really intensifies, I will become a sinner."

Only when he really started to do things did Zhang Tinglan realize how difficult it is to be an upright official. Since ancient times, it has been easy to be an upright official, but it has been difficult to be a minister. An upright official only needs to restrain himself, but a person who does things has to consider all aspects and find the best entry point.

Only when you click, can things be solved beautifully.

Just like Zhang Tinglan did not disturb the people this time and did solve some problems, he was able to win everyone's praise. However, the solution was only superficial and far from in-depth. After the operation was over, he would probably continue to follow the steps. This is why he was a little disappointed.

s reason.

"Master Zhang, if you really plan to take action from the Clan Society Party, I have an idea, but I don't know if it's appropriate or not."

When Liu Shucheng said this, Zhang Tinglan immediately became interested: "Old Liu, don't be so pretentious. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly."

"I have a distant relative who is the owner of a ticket office in Shanxi. He originally bought a good piece of land outside the west gate of Fengtian University and wanted to build a warehouse to buy specialties from outside the customs. However, this land was used by the original

Sheng Yun, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, took a fancy to him and was robbed. Sheng Yun built a villa. As a relative, I couldn't bear to accept it, so I went to the government several times and wanted to take it back. However, everyone in the government knew that Sheng Yun was a former Qing Dynasty official.

Even though he is a member of the Communist Party of China and has a relationship with the Japanese, no one accepts the case."

Listening to Liu Shucheng's introduction, Zhang Tinglan's face showed joy. Dealing with the CCP was completely different from dealing with the Koreans. The Koreans were not from Fengtian in the first place. Almost none of them had legal status. Using violent means to eliminate them could completely achieve the goal.

Purpose. Behind the Zongshe Party are millions of Manchus. They have survived on this land for hundreds of years. There are tens of thousands of Manchus in Fengtian City alone. Without a suitable excuse, they must not act rashly.

Moreover, most Manchus have no intention of causing rebellion, and they also identify with the Chinese identity, and are no different from the Han people. The Manchus can actually be regarded as the most thoroughly Chinese nation, and there is absolutely no need to intensify conflicts. What Zhang Tinglan wants to deal with is

Those old people and young people who are still evil-minded, those scum who even sold themselves to join the Japanese in order to split the country.

The information provided by Liu Shucheng gave Zhang Tinglan a very good excuse, and he also knew that Sheng Yun, the former governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, was a die-hard loyal minister of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and one of the backbones of the Zongshe Party. Taking his villa might bring unexpected gains.

, Zhang Tinglan gradually made up her mind.

"Lao Liu, please notify your relatives immediately and ask them to see me immediately. I will take care of this matter."

Liu Shucheng had not been in contact with Zhang Tinglan for long, but he knew that this young man was definitely not simple. Since he said so, there was probably hope for a solution.

"Master Zhang, I'm going to find someone right now. Do you have any other orders?"

"Keep it secret, don't tell anyone, don't reveal any clues."

"I understand, don't worry!"

Liu Shucheng went to look for his relatives, and Zhang Tinglan also hurriedly found Sun Anhu and Su Liangzhen, hoping to discuss a proper plan with them. Su Liangzhen had to assist in hunting down Koreans and gangsters in the past few days, and also interrogated the leaders and obtained evidence, so

I was extremely busy, and my eyes were red from the heat.

However, he was still very energetic. Being able to actually do something practical was his biggest pursuit. After meeting Zhang Tinglan, before Zhang Tinglan could say anything, he took out a document and handed it into Zhang Tinglan's hands.

"Master Zhang, I found this on several Korean youths. After reading this, I realized that not all Koreans are willing to be lackeys, and there are still some who want to resist Japan."

"There are three, six, and nine grades of people. This is not surprising." Sun Anhu also spoke: "Master, these Koreans want to cause trouble for the Japanese. They are also considered righteous men. I wonder if they can be let go quietly.


Zhang Tinglan looked at the thing in his hand carefully, and a smile gradually appeared on his face: "Uncle An Hu, don't worry, with this thing we have the Shang Fang Sword, which can kill people. If the Japanese dare to intervene,

Let's use this thing to slap their mouths hard." Zhang Tinglan has already made the Japanese suffer a loss. If he does it properly this time, he can definitely make the Japanese suffer again and kill all their lackeys in Fengtian.

These Japanese people still pinched their noses to thank themselves. How could Zhang Tinglan not feel elated when thinking of this?

"Officer Su, you have helped me a lot. Don't let up now. You must investigate carefully and carefully keep any anti-Japanese things you find."

When Su Liangzhen saw that Zhang Tinglan said it solemnly, he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

After this unexpected gain, Zhang Tinglan became more confident. He said to Su Liangzhen: "Officer Su, I accidentally learned that Sheng Yun, the former governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, has a villa in Fengtian. Do you know this?"

"I've heard a lot about it. It's built outside the west gate, not far from Bao'an Temple. It's said to cover several acres. It's heavily guarded inside. The walls are more than ten feet high, and there are people patrolling them every day."

After listening to Su Liangzhen's introduction, Zhang Tinglan frowned even more. This was obviously a small fortress, and it was still under Fengtian's nose. This was too rampant.

"Master Zhang, this person has a good official reputation, and he has a friendship with the old governor Zhang Xiluan. Japanese people often come in and out of his villa. This kind of person is not easy to deal with."

"It's not easy to deal with? The Qing Dynasty is dead, and these bastards should go with their court. The ghosts that are still causing trouble to the country should be cut into pieces. You don't need to worry about Officer Su. I

Deploy manpower from the 27th Division to solve the problem, as long as you don't let the wind leak out."

After sending Su Liangzhen away, Zhang Tinglan said to Sun Anhu: "Uncle An Hu, according to Officer Su's introduction, Sheng Yun's villa is absolutely extraordinary. It is most likely an important stronghold of the Zongshe Party. And the location is not close to the Manchuria Railway Annex.

It’s too far, and if we can’t capture it quickly, the Japanese might be alerted, so I need experts in reconnaissance to figure out the situation in the villa, and then we’ll go straight to Huanglong.”

"Young Master, leave this matter to me. When I was a bandit in the past, I often stepped on dishes. I haven't given up on this skill yet, so don't worry."

"Uncle Lao Anhu is here."

After Zhang Tinglan made the explanation clear, he hurriedly went to find his father. After all, Sheng Yun was also a figure, so he asked Zhang Zuoxiang to help with the advice to avoid any omissions.

After listening to his son's report, Zhang Zuoxiang said: "Tinglan, since you have decided to attack Shengyun's villa, you should act quickly and cut the mess quickly. I will personally lead people to suppress the battle for you." As the saying goes, in war, brothers fight, and father and son fight together.

Zhang Zuoxiang also wanted to take a look. When his father and his son were dispatching troops and generals, Liu Shuncheng brought his relatives over.

This chapter has been completed!
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