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Chapter 219 ripped off

Date Junnosuke is a typical Japanese middle and lower-level officer. After defeating the Manchus and Russia, the Japanese's patriotic enthusiasm quickly turned into an extraordinary fanaticism. Date Junnosuke was like this.

He grew up under a fanatical trend, and his thoughts were all about serving the emperor, conquering Manchuria and Mongolia, and controlling the entire China.

After following the Kwantung Army into the three eastern provinces, Date Junnosuke was simply dumbfounded. He had never seen such a vast land, nor such fertile land. He only needed to sow the seeds and hardly care.

It can harvest food, but in comparison, the small plains in Japan are not worth mentioning at all.

After seeing the vastness of Tohoku, Junnosuke Date's enthusiasm reached its peak. The Chinese people did not deserve to own this place at all. Only the Empire of Japan was the best master here. He robbed Manchuria for His Majesty the Emperor and became him.

The only mission.

Under the control of this fanatical thought, Date Junnosuke formed the Manchu and Mongolian Death Group. The first task he got was to assassinate Zhang Zuolin. Date Junnosuke went crazy with joy. Zhang Zuolin was the most powerful man in the Northeast.

Warlord, as long as he is captured, the three eastern provinces will naturally become Japanese.

They planned the assassination operation with full confidence, but God's calculations were not as good as those of man. Not only did they not kill Zhang Zuolin, but they also took most of the members of the death squad into the operation. What's more terrible is that there were still people left alive who fell into Zhang Zuolin's hands. Once Zhang Zuolin took it

Once there is irrefutable proof, the Japanese government will be in a disadvantageous position in an instant.

According to the fine Japanese tradition, Date Junnosuke should cut open his belly at this time and die to apologize, and he also planned to do so. However, Kawashima Naniwa found him at this time and encouraged Date to do so.

Help assume the responsibility of a samurai and kill the captured assassin.

As long as he could succeed, it would truly wash away the shame on his body. Junnosuke Date agreed without hesitation. Kawashima Naniwa helped him get a forged doctor's certificate and successfully sneaked into the Red Cross Hospital.

When this guy heard the conversation of the doctors, his heart contracted suddenly. Fortunately, he was here, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous. This guy quickly entered the ward. There was another doctor in the ward with a

The nurse is taking care of me.

However, they were all obviously tired and were taking a nap with their heads tilted. They didn't notice Junnosuke Date who came in. He turned his eyes to the hospital bed. Sure enough, there was a person lying on it, his face was pale and motionless. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Date Junnosuke recognized this guy at a glance. He was a member of the Death Group. Date Junnosuke gritted his teeth. He took a few steps suddenly, then took out his pistol and fired at the hospital bed.

Three shots, these three shots hit this guy's chest. Three bloody holes the size of fists appeared in an instant, and his internal organs were clearly visible. It was obvious that he would not survive.

After successfully completing the mission, Date Junnosuke did not expect it to be so smooth. The big stone in his heart was finally let go. He finally completed his mission. All that was left was to die gloriously like a samurai.

, Date Junnosuke pointed the gun at his head and was about to shoot.

Suddenly, his back felt as if he had been stung by a bee, and all his strength drained away quickly. He immediately felt something bad and wanted to pull the trigger, but it was too late. His gun was kicked away and his throat was pinched.

Stop, a big hand grabbed his chin and took it off in one go.

In this way, not to mention committing suicide with a gun, even the poison sac in his mouth was useless. Date Junnosuke's body quickly lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground. Only his two eyes could move, and he was full of unwillingness.


"Don't be dissatisfied, little devil. Grandpa has worked hard to catch you." It was Feng Yongshuang who took action this time. Not only was he good at marksmanship, he was also top-notch in skill. Especially after being incorporated into the sniper unit, Feng Yongshuang's training became even more intense.


The sniper unit is the best in the entire Feng army. If you don't have the ability, you can't even think about suppressing those unruly and strong soldiers. In order to catch the Japanese killer, Feng Yongshuang worked hard and repeatedly practiced how to capture the opponent alive. Zhang Tinglan also

I came up with an idea to use a quick-acting anesthetic to prevent the other party from committing suicide.

Feng Yongshuang made up as a doctor and pretended to take a nap. After Date Junnosuke came in, he did not act. Instead, he waited until he successfully killed the person on the bed. Date Junnosuke's spirit was extremely relaxed. At this time, Feng Yongshuang

He suddenly took action, first injecting an anesthetic needle into the guy's body, and then Feng Yongshuang went to remove Date Junnosuke's chin.

At the same time, the nurse also disguised herself and kicked Date Junnosuke's pistol aside. After capturing him, Zhang Tinglan and others all appeared. In fact, the one captured earlier was just a living dead.

That's all, he could die at any time. This time it was completely different. This was a real living being.

"We performed the play very well, but it's not over yet. Platoon Commander Feng, please work harder and find a way to pry this guy's mouth open and get what we want."

"Look, I will definitely pry his mouth open!"

Zhang Zuolin's assassination has affected everyone's nerves. Everyone knows that according to Lao Zhang's style, he will never let it pass lightly. However, this time it is the Japanese who did it. Without real evidence, Lao Zhang really has no way to deal with the Japanese.

Now everyone's focus is on the living person in the hospital. Unexpectedly, at this time, explosive news came out from the Shuai Mansion. The living person was assassinated, shot three times and killed on the spot.

Everyone was stunned. There was no last surviving person. It seemed that Lao Zhang could only swallow his anger. But at this time, the Shuai Mansion announced another piece of news. Although the murderer was shot to death, Feng Jun caught the man.

Assassin, captured alive!

It can be said that this is a turn of events, which extremely tests the endurance of people's hearts. The people of Fengtian are rejoicing, hoping that the black hands behind the scenes can be found out and the murderers severely punished. Even the great powers were attracted by the situation in Fengtian, and they also guessed that it was

It was done by the Japanese. The assassination failed once, and then the murder and silence failed again. Everyone was waiting to see the Japanese's joke.

"I have to say, you did a great job. If you guys dare to assassinate me, if I don't make you vomit blood, I won't call you Zhang Zuolin!" Faced with the assassination, I am afraid no one can remain calm. Lao Zhang's resentment towards the Japanese has reached a level


Now that the Japanese have been caught again, if they are brutally stabbed, they will really feel sorry for themselves. Even Zhang Tinglan is like this. He has also failed. How can he let the Japanese go so easily?

"Commander, the initiative is now in our hands. We will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. If the Japanese are smart, they can come over quickly and get a good beating. Otherwise, we will expose this matter and openly assassinate officials of other countries. This is a rogue country.

You can never escape the hat."

In order to create greater pressure on the Japanese, Fengjun immediately mobilized its troops. All major areas were under military control, and the captured assassins were also imprisoned in military camps. In addition, Fengjun's mobilization also vaguely involved the Manchurian Railway targeting Japan.

The meaning of dependency.

In addition to the army, newspapers and public opinion are also agitated. Everyone is guessing who is the real culprit behind the scenes. Although the Fengtian government has not announced the final answer, various gossips have been flying all over the sky. Everyone is pointing the finger at the Japanese. What?

Never underestimate the imagination of reporters. Soon someone found out that five or six officers of the Kwantung Army were missing.

In normal times, the Japanese would have been in trouble, but now there is no movement. Isn't this a guilty conscience? What's more, they connected these missing officers with the assassins killed by Fengjun, and they quickly concluded

We came to a conclusion: Japan sent soldiers to assassinate Zhang Zuolin. After the assassination failed, it sent people to silence Zhang Zuolin, but the people sent to silence him fell into the hands of Fengtian.

This speculation was reasonable and reasonable, and was quickly recognized by everyone. Now, the only question for everyone is when Feng Jun can take out the evidence in his hand and discredit the Japanese.

Some bolder people even believed that this would become the Sarajevo incident in the East, causing a full-scale confrontation between China and Japan, or even war. The United States, Britain and other Allied countries all expressed serious concerns. For a time, public opinion was overwhelming, forming a strong pressure.

Not only was the Kwantung Army pressed, but the Japanese government was also unable to escape. Both the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister were criticized.

As the instigators, Okura Kihachiro and Kawashima Naniwa were even more ashamed and angry, and suffered so much that they hardly slept for three days in a row. They did not expect that things would develop to this point.

"Red deer, a real red deer. Kawashima Naniwa, you idiot, don't you only have your goddaughter in your head?"

Faced with the scolding, Kawashima Naniwa couldn't say a word. At this moment, Shida also came over angrily. He no longer had the energy to curse, so he just sent the domestic documents over and threw them in Kawashima.

In front of Shimanami's eyes.

"Kawashima-kun, your unauthorized actions have not been approved by the empire at all, and have seriously threatened the interests of the empire. The imperial government hopes that you can bear the responsibility for your crimes."

Shitada's cold words were like a cold knife, cutting into Kawashima Naniwa's heart. Don't look at the old guy fanning the wind everywhere, setting off will-o'-the-wisps, and encouraging others to die. When it was his own turn, he didn't have the courage anymore. Now it's clear that Japan

The government was about to abandon him and let him take the blame, and the old man instantly became paralyzed.

"Mr. Okura, it was your idea to assassinate Zhang Zuolin. Now you can't ignore it!"

Okura Kihachiro snorted coldly in his nose, Kawashima, this loser, still wants to drag himself into the water at this time. As one of the privileged chaebols, Okura's status is not comparable to Kawashima.

"Kawashima-kun, you can go with peace of mind, I will make all the arrangements for your family!"

When Kawashima Naniwa heard this, a chill surged from inside to outside. At this moment, his subordinates ran in in a panic and said to Shida and Okura: "Zhang Zuolin sent Yu Chonghan here.

, I would like to invite you two to the Commander's Mansion to discuss matters."

Shitian looked gloomy and sighed heavily: "Zhang Zuolin, the bandit leader, still doesn't want to die. Mr. Okura, you have to be prepared to spend money!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and more updated. quick!

This chapter has been completed!
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