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Chapter 236 Forced March

"Mr. Zhang, I always feel that the other party is a bit strange?"

"Idiot, what aspect are you talking about?"

"With the intelligence capabilities of the Japanese, they will not know that the Fengjun troops are coming. At this time, as long as they are in their right mind, they should take the initiative to shrink their troops and retreat to Jilin to hold on, so that they can last longer, but they

They just did the opposite and increased their troops. What exactly are the Japanese planning?"

Zhang Haipeng indeed had not thought about the problem in this way. He thought for a moment and said, "I think they want to break our position and enter the hinterland of Fengtian before our army arrives."

"Yes, I see it that way too, but the Japanese are determined to conquer Fengtian. Do they have any hidden agenda? Do they think they can conquer Fengtian with Gao Shibi and his group?"

Zhang Haipeng shook his head: "Absolutely not. Fengtian is no better than Jilin. It has a stronger military force and the people's support is on our side. I bluntly said that as long as Gao Shibi fights in, it will be a dead end."

"Here's the trouble!" Zhang Tinglan suddenly thought in his mind, and then showed a look of surprise, and said to Zhang Haipeng: "What the Japanese actually need is to attack Fengtian!"

"What do you mean by that?" Zhang Haipeng hadn't figured out what was going on.

Zhang Tinglan said: "They want to find an excuse to directly send troops. As long as the hinterland of Fengtian is in chaos, don't they have an excuse to send troops? Whether it is to protect overseas Chinese or protect the railway, as long as the place is corrupted, they can send troops!


Zhang Tinglan thought of this and saw through the Japanese plan. He said that their methods were no different from Liaonan. They tried to make the matter as big as possible, and then took the opportunity to put pressure on Fengjun to expand their power in the three eastern provinces.

.At the same time, we must also suppress Fengjun’s upward momentum.

Zhang Haipeng is not a fool, and he quickly figured it out: "What I said is true. To deal with this method of the Japanese, the only way is to fight quickly and not give them an excuse to attack. We have blocked Gao Shibi, as long as we

When the auxiliary commander's army arrived, Gao Shijie collapsed, and I am afraid that the Japanese's wishful thinking will fail again."

"Things will not be that simple. Although the Japanese are stubborn, they will not make the same mistake. They have already failed once in Liaonan. Do they want to fail again with Gao Shibi? Besides, this time it is the biggest challenge in Liaonan.

The only difference is that the Japanese went into battle naked, and they no longer trust these local forces in the Northeast."

"I beg your pardon, is this why you insist on keeping the reserve team?"

"Yes. We must be prepared to deal with emergencies."

As soon as Zhang Tinglan finished speaking, intelligence officers sent news. They said that militiamen saw a troop of about 300 people passing through Shanmen Town. The direction was to the southwest. Moreover, some militiamen heard their slogans and started chattering.

, what he said was not human language.

After getting the news, Zhang Tinglan hurriedly came to the military map. Shanmen Town is to the east of Siping, and there is a road leading to Shuangmiaozi. It happens to be on the South Manchuria Railway.

"My humble opinion, are the Japanese planning to go around and raid the South Manchuria Railway?"

"Yes, they must have this idea. If the South Manchuria Railway is disrupted, the Japanese garrison can be mobilized to provide strong support to Gao Shibi. At that time, our troops will be attracted to the Japanese. Don't even think about withdrawing them.

The troops are ready to deal with the high priest!"

The combat effectiveness of the Japanese army is by no means comparable to that of the current Fengjun. Even if the Japanese don't take action, they can contain Fengjun with three times the strength and hold Fengjun back. Then they let go to assist Gao Shibi and Xu Lanzhou.

Let them control Jilin and Heilongjiang, and the unification of the three eastern provinces will be broken and return to the time when the three pillars stood together.

If the three families fight openly and secretly, the Japanese can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and profit from it. After seeing through the Japanese plan, not only Zhang Tinglan, but also Zhang Haipeng took a breath of air and sweat appeared on his forehead. If the Japanese really succeed,

, Fengjun's good days are gone.

Zhang Tinglan also knew that the Japanese had used their last trump card, and he had to make a bet, so he said decisively: "Commander Zhang, it's time to use the reserve team, and I'll leave this to you!"

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong in Siping!"

"Don't be stingy with your troops. If necessary, mobilize all the surrounding militias and let them attack the Kyrgyz Army's rear route and attack the Kyrgyz Army's transport team."

Zhang Haipeng's eyes lit up and he said hurriedly: "This is a good idea. We can't just defend, but also create some trouble for Gao Shibi."

After Zhang Tinglan handed over the task, he mobilized the reserve team and quickly went south. These reserve teams have been eager to try since the war began. Some people took the initiative to ask for a fight, but the answers they received were all to rest where they were, which made this group of soldiers eager to make contributions.

Very disappointed.

They watched the wounded soldiers from the front being sent down one after another, and even the militiamen were sent up, but they were still watching, anxious in their hearts. At this moment, the order to fight was finally given.

They were all extremely excited. Zhang Tinglan summoned the officers above the reserve platoon and said to them: "Brothers, since the war started, we have been letting them recharge their batteries. This is not for you to watch, but for more important tasks.

It’s up to you, there are more ferocious enemies that we need to deal with, do you have the confidence to win?”

"Yes! Yes!"

"Very good. Now there is a group of elite enemy soldiers who are detouring from Shanmen Town. They want to come back behind us, cut off the South Manchuria Railway, and create chaos. I can tell everyone that this group of people is elite soldiers sent by the Japanese. Their

The purpose is to create chaos, take the opportunity to expand power in the Northeast, and even swallow up Fengtian. We must defeat their conspiracy, no matter how much sacrifice we have to make, do you understand?"

"Understood, brigade commander, please rest assured!"

Hearing that they were going to fight the Japanese, the enthusiasm of these officers was even more ignited. Since the beginning of training new recruits, Zhang Tinglan has attached great importance to ideological work. He does not want to do too many complicated things. The core of ideological education is four words.

:Defend your home and country!

From the first day they entered the army, the soldiers knew that the three northeastern provinces were occupied by two bandits. These two bandits were always thinking about annexing the northeast. They were greedy, killing the elders of the three northeastern provinces and plundering the wealth of the black land.

After several months of continuous edification, it has shown very good results. These soldiers are all around the age of 20, which is a critical period for a person to mature. During this period, what they are exposed to can even determine their lifelong views.

point of view on the issue.

In fact, there is no need for Zhang Tinglan to do too much. The Japanese have indeed done so many evil things in recent years that it is almost impossible to count them all. You can easily find a lot of them. After the soldiers were guided, they soon developed a strong feeling for Japan.

feeling of hatred.

With this kind of psychological support, these soldiers no longer feared foreigners like other armies, and even feared the enemy like tigers. On the contrary, they were eager to fight and their morale was very strong. When Zhang Tinglan saw that the military morale was available, he was very pleased.

However, Zhang Tinglan did not dare to be careless. He only had one battalion of soldiers. If he wanted to deal with more than 300 heavily armed Japanese soldiers, he had to eliminate them as quickly as possible. He also had to be on guard against reinforcements coming from the South Manchuria Railway.

Thinking about this, Zhang Tinglan's head also felt a little painful. This is definitely not an easy thing.

"Brothers, everyone speed up. We must get ahead of the Japanese, reach Guangdingzi Mountain, set up an ambush here, and wipe out the Japanese in one fell swoop. We must use pistols and guns to tell the invaders that the army cannot be humiliated.

, China cannot be humiliated! Anyone who wants to gain an inch of China’s land must pay the price with blood!”

Zhang Tinglan kept encouraging the soldiers to maintain the fastest marching speed. He was very clear about the situation in front of him. Guangdingzi Mountain happened to be the only place to detour from Shanmen Town. The terrain was difficult and very suitable for an ambush. Moreover, there were

A more important advantage is that it is outside the Manchuria Railway affiliated area.

In other words, the power of the Japanese cannot reach this point. If you deal with this group of Japanese soldiers here, they will not lose their excuse. The Japanese will not find excuses to send troops to intervene. You must know that these guys are still wearing the uniforms of the Kyrgyzstan army at this time.

, even if he was beaten to death by Fengjun, his death would be in vain!

Zhang Tinglan kept calling on the soldiers to speed up. They were about 80 miles away from Guangdingzi Mountain, while the Japanese were about 110 miles away from Shanmen Town to Guangdingzi Mountain. However, the Japanese acted first, and Feng Jun joined forces.

There is not much advantage, which means that in order for the ambush to be successful, the Fengjun army must be much faster than the Japanese.

Otherwise, the ambush will turn into an encounter, and the ambush may even fail, and the Japanese will seize the opportunity. Therefore, the victory or defeat of this battle will be determined by the feet of the soldiers. This is the saying that soldiers are valuable and quick.

Whoever can seize the opportunity will win the war.

Zhang Tinglan selected the first company to open the road. Most of these soldiers were recruited from the Changbai Mountain area. Their ancestors have been living in the mountains for generations. They have traveled across the mountains since they were young. Sometimes they have to walk hundreds of miles a day in order to sell mountain products.

For an ordinary person, this is almost the limit.

After these children of mountain people entered the Fengjun Army, they underwent rigorous training and kept up with their nutrition. Their physical fitness has improved greatly. This is also a prerequisite for Zhang Tinglan to dare to compete with the Japanese for speed.

"Your mission is to serve as the vanguard of the whole battalion, rush to Guangdingzi Mountain as quickly as possible, choose a suitable position, and conduct an ambush!"

Zhang Tinglan's instructions echoed in the ears of company commander Zhou Zijian. More than half a year ago, Zhou Zijian was almost kicked out of Fengjun's team, but now he has grown up quite rapidly and has become company commander, and Zhang Tinglan is also ready to

He was also sent to the martial arts lecture hall to gain valuable learning opportunities.

Zhou Zijian was very resolute in performing his mission and fought bravely. They were fearless in the face of the upcoming opponents. After less than five hours of forced march, the soldiers were exhausted to the extreme and their uniforms were soaked with sweat. However, Guangdingzi Mountain was finally in sight. But the Japanese hadn't arrived yet. The Fengjun soldiers were suddenly refreshed. Regardless of fatigue, they began to set up a dragnet! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster novels!

This chapter has been completed!
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