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Five hundred and fiftieth IX each do their best

"What are your next plans? Should you continue to operate like this or change your career to something else?"

"Everyone is still discussing that after the loan is repaid, the land will belong to everyone. However, everyone feels that it cannot be divided like this. We should continue to be together and become a rope, so that we can make more money and live better.

Okay, it’s just that we haven’t decided what to do next!”

Everyone has an account in their mind. Now everyone makes more money in a year than in the past ten years. They are getting richer and richer, and their lives are moving forward. Everyone agrees with the new way of living from the bottom of their hearts. Compared with the three years ago,

Ten acres of land, one cow, wife and children, working on the farm, higher income, and brighter future.

This is also a demonstration effect that Zhang Tinglan pursues. Traditional agriculture can no longer go on. Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, the Chinese have been constantly revolving around the land. The most direct contradiction is the rapid growth of population and the relative lag in land supply.

, causing China's history to present an alternating cycle of rise and fall, chaos and chaos.

If you want to break this curse, you must introduce industrial and commercial industries to absorb the excessive population and create more wealth. Chu Mingyuan and the others can succeed quickly because they rely on industrial and commercial operations. Otherwise, they will circle around the land and there will be absolutely no way out.


Zhang Tinglan's farm is not to tie all farmers to the land, but to give them greater freedom, seek new development paths, make agricultural development more efficient, and at the same time free up a large amount of labor to invest in the industrial and commercial fields.

, it was obvious that Chu Mingyuan and the others had made a good start.

"Mingyuan, if you have any plans, tell us and we will help you look into the details!"

"With Mr. Zhang's guidance, we don't have to worry!" Chu Mingyuan said with a smile: "Actually, I have the intention to sell all the land, but everyone is unwilling, and the land that I finally got has not been warmed up yet.

, everyone is very excited, thinking that we have worked hard for a year just to own our own land. Why do we have to sell the land after we get it?"

Zhang Tinglan also guessed Chu Mingyuan's thoughts, glanced around all the farmers, and said loudly: "Fellows, I understand your thoughts very well, and I want to ask you. What was your purpose in wanting to cultivate land in the first place?

Woolen cloth?"

When the common people heard this question, they were all a little stunned. Do you need a reason to want your own land? Isn't this a matter of course?

Everyone was in a daze. After a long while, someone said: "I want to have someone to rely on and live my life."

"Want to make more money!"

"I want to get a wife..."

A young man whispered his reason, which immediately made everyone laugh. Someone took the lead, and the others started talking at once.

Zhang Tinglan listened quietly on the side, and finally said with a smile: "After listening to everyone's opinions, let me briefly summarize, you want to live a better, richer and more dignified life, right?"

The farmers present could not help but nod. It was true. In fact, it was not just them. This was a wish shared by everyone.

"Mingyuan, the responsibility actually falls on you. If you have the ability to convince everyone that you can live a better life by selling the land than owning it, I believe everyone will agree!"

Wang Yongjiang also smiled and said: "That's right. Put your idea out there and we will help you see if it is feasible or not."

"I estimated that the income from land is less than one-tenth of other income. I want to sell the land. After I have the capital, I will expand the agricultural tool workshop into an agricultural tool factory, and then rent a store in Fengtian

, if you specialize in selling local products, you will definitely earn more than you do now."

"It's a good idea, so why don't the folks agree?"

"The little old man thinks that doing business is not that easy." A little old man next to him spoke. He was the team leader of the farm, and Chu Mingyuan was actually just the deputy team leader.

The old man’s name was Xie Fulai, and he expressed everyone’s worries: “It’s a good thing to set up a farm tool factory, but I heard that the surrounding villages have begun to learn from our practices and hire blacksmiths everywhere. We may not be able to earn as much next year.

I have money. And doing business in Fengtian also requires knowledgeable talents. These villagers have not put down their hoes and let them do business with the city people. I am worried that they will not be able to do it. If the land is sold at this time, everyone will not

There’s not even a way out!”

When Zhang Tinglan heard this, he glanced at Wang Yongjiang. Both of them looked at each other and smiled. People have learned to use their brains to think about the issues at hand and know how to weigh the pros and cons. This is definitely a big progress.

"Mingyuan, did you hear that? The concerns of the folks are justified. You have taken too big a step!"

Chu Mingyuan's face turned slightly red. He was quite convinced of Zhang Tinglan's vision. Since he said that he had made great strides, he was right.

"Mr. Zhang, it's true that I was impatient and made things simple!"

"Don't blame yourself in a hurry, just listen to what I have to say." Zhang Tinglan said, "Factories are different from workshops. Purchasing mountain goods is different from opening a shop to sell. In one year, the villagers will go through a 180-degree transformation."

It is really difficult to make a turn, so I think you should continue to do the farmer's business and start from the work you are familiar with."

As soon as Chu Mingyuan heard Zhang Tinglan's words, he knew that this man had a better way, so his eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Zhang, you must show a clear way!"

"Mingyuan, have you ever thought about it. With the development of the farm, people are gradually getting rich. What do they want next?"

"House!" Chu Mingyuan's eyes suddenly lit up and he said loudly: "That's right, in fact, all farms have already started to move last year's underground houses and replaced them with simple adobe houses. Next step, everyone should want to build


"Yes, building a house requires bricks, tiles, wood, pots, pans, and various furniture. You can think about it. In addition, you may also need to buy cattle. Speaking of which, our livestock shortage is still huge.

Many farms still rely on people to pull plow sticks, which is definitely not a long-term solution!"

"Mr. Zhang means that we can sell farm cattle?"

"Here I will reveal a new policy to you." Wang Yongjiang said: "Yu Shuai contacted Zhang Xun, the Mongolian patrol envoy, and the two sides should communicate with each other. From now on, businessmen from Fengtian can enjoy the benefits when they go to Rehe to do business.

If you get preferential taxes, you can go to Rehe to buy cattle and horses, which is also a way to make money!"

After listening to Wang Yongjiang and Zhang Tinglan's words, Chu Mingyuan and the people present suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. It turned out that there were many ways to make money, but they had not thought of it before.

Chu Mingyuan's face showed a joyful smile: "Mr. Zhang, listening to you is better than studying for ten years. With these new ways, we are confident that our income will double next year, and all the villagers will have big tile houses."


"Mingyuan, you are being conservative this time. I will teach you a secret of doing business!" Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "The secret is loans! Even though I have invested in a lot of industries, in fact, my account balance is

Assets are definitely negative. If you want to set up a factory, don't be afraid of owing money, and don't be in a hurry to repay the loan. Then you will have capital. Why sell the land? These lands are actually the villagers' future. It is everyone's reassurance.

, you can rent it out. I believe there will be people in the surrounding farms who are willing to work more!"

"Mr. Zhang, is this okay?"

"Of course there is no problem. The purpose of changing the tenancy model and opening a farm is to encourage everyone to operate freely. As long as we can fulfill the obligations stipulated in the contract, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Then I will issue a military order to quadruple the number!"

After a conversation, Chu Mingyuan had an idea, and Zhang Tinglan and Wang Yongjiang also gained a lot. Chinese people have never lacked creativity. As long as they are given the right conditions, they can exert their powerful abilities. In the past, they were rigid

Under the tenancy system, the performance of farmers was indeed greatly suppressed!

They walked around the farm again. Chu Mingyuan pointed to a row of clean and tidy houses and said to everyone: "This is the primary school we built. Children from the surrounding farms also come to attend classes."

A row of classrooms is the size of five houses. They are all made of bricks and tiles. They are much better than the surrounding houses. There is also a special small playground in front, which is extremely flat. There are basketball stands on both sides. It is no different from the farm primary schools of later generations.


"It's very good to know what's most important. If children want to change their destiny, they can only rely on knowledge. Mingyuan knows how to run a school. It's very good!"

"Mr. Zhang, I am not introducing the school to you to show my merit, but the school is a bit difficult now. Apart from me, there is almost no one else who can be a teacher, especially mathematics and physics. You

Shouldn’t we help solve the teacher’s problem?”

"This is a problem for the whole province. We are working hard to train all kinds of talents, and the normal schools are also vigorously recruiting students. There will be improvements in two or three years. But for the time being, you have to find a way on your own. Make more money and hire teachers with high salaries.

, Mingyuan, don’t you have so many classmates, why don’t you think of hiring a few here?”

When he mentioned school, Chu Mingyuan showed a hint of embarrassment on his face, and said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Zhang, I always have some feelings about the past, and I'm afraid my classmates will look down on me now.


"Take it!" Zhang Tinglan casually took out a piece of paper from the bag and stuffed it into Chu Mingyuan's hand.

"Classmate Chu, your diploma is here!"

Chu Mingyuan was expelled from school due to the parade issue. It has actually become a wound in his heart. Now he can only fill it by being busy, but he has not really forgotten it. Now when he sees the graduation certificate, his heart is filled with excitement.

, and suddenly the eye circles became a little red.

"Take it carefully. I'm going to ask you to give a report to the students during the Chinese New Year. Then I'll let them know what attitude they should have when they really do things!"

"When I came here, I specially helped you apply. After you have a good experience and stabilize here, I suggest you finish college and gain more knowledge. If you are interested in working in the government in the future, come to me.

!" Wang Yongjiang also said with a smile.

"Mr. Tiegong, you are blatantly poaching. I am planning to ask Mingyuan to go to the Reclamation Office to help me settle the immigrants!"

When Chu Mingyuan saw the two big shots vying for him, he suddenly felt a strong sense of self-confidence in his heart. Everything was false, only true ability was real, and he could be recognized wherever he went. Thinking back to the original

Their view is simply ridiculous. They think that marching in the streets is just doing something, saving the country and the people. Now it seems that doing so can’t even save oneself, and its use is really limited!

After leaving Chu Mingyuan's farm, they visited a few more and found that although their results were not as amazing as Chu Mingyuan's, they had also overpaid their loans. Wang Yongjiang and Zhang Tinglan were both very excited.

After walking all day, Zhou Xinyao finally had some time to spare. Zhou Xinyao smiled and said to Zhang Tinglan: "I'm sorry, aren't you running a farm? Why don't you study farming? Instead, you talk about business. Isn't this selling dog meat on the head of a sheep?"

"This is wrong. The core of running a farm is to complete the reshuffle of the countryside. Everyone forms a farm first, and everyone's survival is guaranteed. Then everyone can explore their own path. Those with business acumen can do business and are willing to work.

Yes, you can become workers. After all these people are separated, there will actually be a large number of farming experts in the farm, and they will be able to obtain more land and better utilize their own specialties. This is how everyone makes full use of their talents."

"It sounds nice. Aren't you afraid that all the farmers will go to work to make money, and no one will farm anymore?"

"Of course I'm not afraid anymore!" Zhang Tinglan laughed loudly: "How many people are there in the customs and how many refugees are there? As long as there is a gap in the labor force, immigrants will make up for it. I am sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and have no worries!" (To be continued)

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