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Chapter 294 Helping to defend the Middle East Road

Fengjun's top brass had long made up their minds to take back the Middle East Road. Now that the opportunity is in front of everyone, everyone can't help but feel a little nervous. After all, Fengjun is a local force in a weak country, and Russia is a huge empire.

, has a strong foundation, and at the same time, Russia is still a member of the Allied Powers. Even if Russia changes, the great powers still hope that Russia can continue to fight and hold back the German army, and they will not sit back and watch China seize the Middle East.

What's more important is that there is an ambitious Japan next to them, which is a big trouble. After Fengjun takes action, how will the Japanese react, and how should Fengjun respond? It is necessary to make an overall plan before taking action.

Otherwise, rash action will only provoke joint intervention from the great powers. In the end, Fengjun will not only be unable to take back the railway, but will also fall into a crisis.

Zhang Zuolin glanced at the audience, and then his eyes fell on Zhang Tinglan: "I would like to say that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. You are the most familiar with the situation in Tsarist Russia. You can introduce the situation to everyone, and then we will discuss the specific action plan.


Zhang Tinglan nodded, sorted out his thoughts for a moment, and then said: "The situation in Tsarist Russia is actually similar to the situation during the Qing Dynasty in 1911. Russia has been at war with the Allied Powers led by Germany since 1914. Its national strength was seriously damaged and millions of Russian lives were lost.

On the battlefield, domestic conflicts broke out, triggering the uprising to overthrow the tsar.

During the Revolution of 1911, there were three major forces in China, one was the Revolutionary Party, the other was the Constitutional Party, and the other was the remaining forces of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The current situation in Russia is also the same. There are still a large number of nobles and military generals who support the tsar in the country.

constitute a conservative force.

The second force is represented by the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the minority party. Their main supporters are capitalists, farmers, intellectuals, journalists, etc. They have similar ideas to the Constitutional Party. They hope to limit the tsar's power through reform.

power and establish a true constitutional monarchy.

The last force is the majority party, which is somewhat similar to the Chinese Revolutionary Party, but there is a big difference between the two. Sun Wen and his party are too short-sighted and unable to come up with many ideas to win over the people. The Russian majority party

They have a complete theoretical system, derived from Ma Zi's Capital. They advocate the violent overthrow of tsarist rule, then the elimination of the bourgeoisie and the realization of public ownership of the means of production.

Regardless of whether this theory is reasonable or not, one thing is certain, their radical ideas received support from the lower class people in Russia and gave those almost desperate people hope. Moreover, they were well-organized and had strong mobilization ability, and they were able to overthrow the Tsar.

They acted as the main force in the operation."

Zhang Tinglan briefly introduced the three parties. Everyone here was listening attentively. Lao Zhang frowned and clarified his thoughts. Then he said: "I would like to say, according to you, the majority party is the strongest, so

Does that mean they might win the final victory?”

"That's right. At present, there are two regimes in Russia, one is the Provisional Government, and the other is the Workers' and Soldiers' Congress controlled by the majority party. The two sides are tit for tat. I think that in the near future, there will definitely be violent conflicts between the two. Decide

Who is the true heir to the empire?"

"I beg your pardon, you just said that the majority party advocates the elimination of the bourgeoisie. Isn't that tantamount to going against all the rich people? Won't those powerful people rise up to resist?" Sun Liechen also raised his own question.

"Indeed, they will definitely face strong opposition. Not only domestic forces, but also all the great powers will unite against the majority party. That is why the great powers will choose to recognize the provisional government after the fall of the tsar, and for the majority party,

I regard them as a scourge. However, I am not optimistic about the Provisional Government. Most of them are beneficiaries of the tsarist system, so these people will still continue the tsarist domestic and foreign policies. And this revolution proves that the tsarist policies have

It's a dead end and they can't go on."

Since modern times, Chinese people have always looked up to Western society. Some people have blindly worshiped them, while others have put themselves in a dark room and ignored them. No matter what kind of people they are, they are gone.

With a peaceful mind, one cannot understand the international situation clearly.

Now that Zhang Tinglan has explained Russia's power clearly, everyone feels that it has benefited a lot. Zhang Zuolin thought for a while and then said: "I would like to say, now that the situation in Russia has been explained clearly, how should we deal with it in the next step? You can also come up with it."

A charter!"

"Commander, I dare to assert that the power of the majority party in Russia will definitely expand rapidly, and the great powers will definitely use tough measures to deal with the majority party in order to maintain their own rule. If we want to regain the Middle East, we should mainly look at

It is the calculation of the great powers. As long as they think that Fengjun's control of the Middle East Road is good for them, or at least will not harm their interests, the great powers will not join forces to exert pressure. On the contrary, they will hope to use Fengjun's power to

Russia's old forces join forces to counter the majority party."

Zhang Tinglan facilitated the military supplies trade between Fengtian and Russia more than a year ago. After more than a year of development, Fengtian provided Russia with a large amount of military supplies. It can be said that Fengtian has become an important source of logistics for the Russian army.

With this status, Fengjun also has a certain say.

This is also Zhang Tinglan's willingness to take a chance, because if he wants to inhibit the development of the majority party, he needs to rely on the power of Feng Jun.

"So far, Russia is still in a confrontation between the two governments, and the great powers have not yet made a final decision. Therefore, we can use this time difference to launch the slogan of protecting the Middle East Route and preventing supplies from falling into the hands of the majority party, and quickly

Gain control, then take Horvat out of the way and take all the rights of way!"

There are actually two opportunities to start attacking the Middle East Road. One is after the February Revolution, and the other is after the majority party takes power. Exactly when to start is actually a matter worth thinking about. Zhang Tinglan initially thought that after the October Revolution, perhaps

The pressure from the great powers would be less, but then Zhang Tinglan overturned his idea.

Because after the October Revolution, the great powers had already decided on the intervention plan, and as the Middle East Road was an important stronghold of Russia in the Far East, and Horvath was a staunch royalist, the great powers would definitely support him in opposing the majority party. This was exactly the case in history.

, with the support of the great powers, the remaining forces of Belarus have been occupying the Middle East. Therefore, after the October Revolution, Fengjun's attack on Horvat will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the great powers.

Moreover, the eager Japanese may also take action in advance, under the pretext of armed intervention in Russia, support the remaining forces of Horvat, and push Japanese power deep into the Middle East. Once this situation occurs, Fengjun will be tantamount to offending.

All the great powers were defeated and the situation was unprecedentedly bad.

After repeated weighing, Zhang Tinglan believed that the action must be as fast as possible. Before the great powers have determined their policies towards Russia, the sooner they can obtain the right of way, the easier it is to avoid trouble. After all, the provisional government still has the advantage in Russia, and Hall

Watt's value has not yet been magnified, and Fengjun is now involved in the Eastern Route. There are only two enemies facing him, one is Horwatt and the other is the provisional government.

The interim government was still powerless. The only one Fengjun had to face was Horvat, so the pressure was minimal. This was the reason for striking first.

"We don't need to directly declare to the outside world that we will take back the Middle East Road. We just want to protect the safety of the railway. We don't know how to control the flow of materials and avoid funding the majority party. We also need to prevent the majority party from invading China. I think this excuse is completely feasible. As for Hall

Watt, if he is smart, we will cooperate too much. We can still use his card in the future. If he dares to resist, kill him and put the blame on the Russian mutiny. Anyway, Russia is in chaos now.

A pot of porridge!”

Zhang Tinglan has always been very cautious in doing things. Originally, he proposed to regain the Middle Road. This goal was a bit ambitious for Fengjun now. Everyone present was skeptical. However, after being broken down by Zhang Tinglan, they found that all they had to do now was

After controlling Horvat, the difficulty suddenly eased many times, and everyone gained confidence in success.

Zhang Zuolin weighed it again and again and found that Zhang Tinglan's idea was still very reliable, so he said: "I support Zhu Yan's plan, but the army has not moved, and public opinion goes first. I think we must first report the situation to Beiyang, mobilize public opinion, and publicize

The chaos in Russia is harmful to us. In addition, I would like to say that you can contact Horvath to see if he is willing to cooperate with us. If you can avoid a war, it is better not to have a war!"

Zhang Zuolin's words undoubtedly finalized the final action plan, and Zhang Tinglan also agreed very much. Naturally, there would be a dedicated person responsible for mobilizing public opinion, and Zhang Tinglan's main target fell on Horvat.

When Zhang Tinglan was about to visit Horvat, this guy actually came to visit him. This time, Horvat was very rare. He didn't have any hint of drunkenness on his face. As soon as they met, he said to Zhang Tinglan: "Zhang, I need money, a lot of funds."

, you must help me!"

Zhang Tinglan secretly laughed in his heart. Horvat was too unaware of the situation. He had received huge benefits from the smuggling trade, and also made considerable profits due to the cooperation with the gold mine. It was time to spit out the money.

"Old friend, what do you need funds for?" Zhang Tinglan asked calmly.

"Of course it is to deal with those damn rebels. They actually want to overthrow the great Tsar. This is simply an unforgivable sin. As a loyal minister of His Majesty, I must kill all those rebels and let His Majesty regain power.


"Let's be realistic!" Zhang Tinglan said with a sneer: "If you are really loyal to the Tsar, you shouldn't cooperate with me. You must know that the smuggling trade has also caused serious damage to Russia. For Russia to be what it is today, you are also a criminal.


Zhang Tinglan's words were different from the past. Horvat's expression changed. He barely suppressed his emotions and said: "Zhang, I can tell you with confidence and boldness that His Majesty the Tsar has a large number of supporters and is unparalleled in power. Those

Rebels will not last long. If you provide me with some loans now, you will be rewarded multiple times later."

"Old friend, to be honest, I'm afraid I know the situation in Russia better than you do. Your Majesty the Tsar has abdicated. He has completely lost the support of the people. Whatever you do is useless. If you are smart now, you should think about what to do.

Protect your interests and prevent your subordinates from rebelling, otherwise you will be completely overthrown like the Czar!"

"Zhang, are you not going to lend me a loan?" Horvat also felt Zhang Tinglan's coldness, and his expression was also very bad.

"That's right, I won't lend you a penny!"

"Then give me all my deposits in Fengtian Bank, including the gold. Those are my personal things and my wealth. They will never be placed in the hands of an unfriendly person!"

"Big Beard, I want to remind you, how much of the so-called wealth that belongs to you was obtained from the Chinese people, and how much of the blood and sweat of the Chinese people is in it, do you deserve it?"

At this time, Horvath's eyes were completely widened, with fire shooting out of them, and he said loudly: "Don't think that you can trample Russia under your feet just because there is a problem in the great Russia. Let me tell you, this

It’s wishful thinking and daydreaming!”

"Horvat, you don't have to scare me. I also give you a suggestion. From now on, accept Fengjun's assistance in defending the Middle East Road. Together we will prevent the majority party from invading. If you dare to disagree, Fengjun will take decisive measures."

All measures and consequences will be borne by you!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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