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Chapter 331 A punch

China is a big country, with a population ten times that of the empire. If you want to annex China, you must first divide and disintegrate, so that the Chinese people in various places are separated from each other, the government and the people are in opposition, scholars and warriors are in opposition, and only then can the empire be divided and disintegrated, and can it be encroached step by step.

Completely annex China.

Fengtian Zhang Zuolin has won praise from all walks of life in China by taking back the Middle East Road. The Manchurian people have many supporters and have become a serious problem for the empire. If they want to annex Manchuria, Zhang Zuolin must be eliminated and the Feng army must be dismembered...

Akajiri Shosuke is writing a report to the country. These days, the Fengjun has been mobilized efficiently, which actually makes the Japanese a little scared. Although Akajiri Shosuke clamors for armed intervention, the Japanese government is not ready, especially if it wants to use troops.

, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the great powers.

However, so far, the Russian government has remained silent and has not made any response to Vasily's words. Britain, France, the United States and other countries are even opposed to launching military operations based on one person's one-sided words. They insist on being composed of the Allied Powers.

An investigation team to find out what happened on the Middle East Road.

The minds of the great powers are still very clear. They are still opposed to Japan's monopoly on the Middle East Route. They want to put the Middle East Route under the joint management of all countries under the banner of the Allied Powers. In view of the attitudes of all parties, the Japanese are also hesitant. They make some calculations and want to solve the problem.

Fengjun requires at least two or three divisions, while controlling a place requires more than five divisions.

If you want to send so many troops to fight overseas, the Japanese government has to weigh how much materials it needs to consume, how much manpower it needs to mobilize, and whether it is worth it.

In the end, the Japanese were a bit overwhelmed, shouting slogans about using force, but nothing more followed. In the final analysis, they were frightened by the unity of Fengtian soldiers and civilians, and they already knew that this was not an easy bone to chew.

However, Akajiri Shosuke believes that the harder it is to bite, the more difficult it is to face it. If we don’t contain the Fengjun at this time, there will be fewer opportunities in the future. Akajiri Shosuke is writing a report, hoping to encourage the country to make a complete determination to send troops.


As China and Japan are at war with each other, the smell of gunpowder in Fengtian is getting stronger and stronger. The Japanese ronin, which had been dormant for a long time, became active again. These guys thought that Japan was about to use force, so they were extremely excited. They couldn't wait to organize and mobilized Japan.

The overseas Chinese also gathered together and practiced all day long, hoping to serve as the vanguard of Japan's military operations.

These guys have always caused a lot of headaches for the Chinese government. If you deal with them, they will cause protests and dissatisfaction from the Japanese government. But if you don't deal with them, these people will destroy social order. They are really a big cancer.

But Fengjun is different now. Since he has made preparations for a battle, he is going to break up with the Japanese. He is not even afraid of the Japanese army, so why should he be afraid of these ronin.

Moreover, Fengjun also has a powerful weapon against ronin, which is the militia. It uses the army to directly deal with ronin and overseas Chinese. The Japanese will do it in the name of protecting overseas Chinese, but the militia has no trouble dealing with these ronin.

Sometimes, it doesn't matter if you kill a few.

Although the Chinese and Japanese armies did not go to war, the competition between them had already begun. Japanese ronin continued to take to the streets to show off their force, and the people and students of Fengtian also took to the streets to support the Fengtian government. In this way, the two sides

The gang fought together.

The Fengtian parade looked the same as before, but a large number of militiamen were mixed into it. These militiamen had undergone military training and their combat effectiveness was much higher than that of the ronin. In addition, Fengtian schools also implemented militarized training.

Curriculum, major high schools are required to receive military training.

In normal times, the Chinese people would only suffer from the conflict with the Japanese ronin, but now the situation is completely different. On the contrary, the Fengtian side is well prepared and is just waiting for the Japanese to be arrested.

More than 200 Japanese ronin left the Manchurian Railway affiliated area again, flaunting their power along the way, claiming to protest in front of the Fengtian government. At the same time, a Fengtian parade of more than 1,000 people also appeared. The two groups met. These Japanese ronin

They still looked arrogant, thinking that the Japanese had a martial spirit and that the people of Fengtian were no match for them, so these guys were particularly rampant.

The two groups took action without saying a few words. These Japanese ronin showed off their power with samurai swords, and Fengtian had already made preparations. In order to restrain the samurai swords, they also studied special weapons, that is, wooden swords.


A hardwood stick that is one meter long and one arm thick is the best weapon for group fights. The samurai sword can't cut it continuously, and a stick hit on the body will break the muscles and bones.

When they saw the Japanese rushing over, everyone picked up their weapons and cooperated very well. They spread out and lured the Japanese in. Then they formed groups of three or five to deal with one Japanese together.

When two or three wooden sticks were hit head-on, the Japanese couldn't dodge at all, and they couldn't stand up with samurai swords. Therefore, in one encounter, more than a dozen Japanese suffered losses. If they were hit by wooden sticks, it didn't take too many, and two of them would be killed.

Three sticks were enough to make them fall to the ground.

In this kind of melee, falling to the ground means you are finished. You don't need to be hit by others. Just your big feet can crush you. As soon as the fight started, Fengtian had the upper hand. Some militiamen were tall and strong.

, hit the head with a stick, even if the head is not broken, it will be a severe concussion, and the combat effectiveness will basically be lost.

This group of fierce Japanese people felt fear at this time. It turned out that the cowardly Chinese people were so terrifying once they became violent. In the blink of an eye, less than half of the more than 200 ronin had fallen, and many others had their heads broken.

Flowing, embarrassed.

The Japanese army in the Manchuria affiliated area was also shocked. The ronin could be so rampant, which was also the result of their instigation. The Japanese wanted to use the ronin to test Fengjun's attitude and see if Fengjun was really ready.

Preparations for war with Japan.

As a result, these ronin had a bad start, and the Japanese soldiers also felt bad. If the fight continued like this, in just a few rounds, the Japanese ronin would be finished. They were also their minions, and they could not be disabled.

Therefore, the Japanese army was about to dispatch to assist the ronin. They took action, and Feng Jun, who had been holding the battle at the back, also took action. Zhang Zuolin had issued an order long ago, and everyone had their own division of labor. Dealing with the ronin was left to the militia, and the regular army came out, then

The army must step forward to fight.

Soon the Chinese and Japanese armies were facing each other. After successive victories, Fengjun became more and more calm, and his self-confidence was greatly improved. He had no fear in facing the Japanese, and this was on Fengjun's territory.

Taking advantage of the right time, place, people and people, how can we be afraid of the Japanese?

These Japanese soldiers also knew their weaknesses. They did not dare to actually shoot. They could only watch the ronin being beaten with bruises and bruises, and their heads were bleeding. When Fengjun saw that the beating was almost done, he took the initiative to separate the two sides.

, let the Japanese come and pick them up.

After a big fight, one person from Fengtian died, two people were seriously injured, and a dozen people were slightly injured. However, the Japanese Ronin was too miserable. More than twenty people died, some were beaten to death, and some were trampled.

There were fifty or sixty people who died and were seriously injured and unconscious. There were countless other injured with broken muscles and fractures. There was almost no one who was intact.

In this round of confrontation, the Japanese were defeated miserably, and the whole of Fengtian was staging this kind of fighting drama. In the past, the Japanese took the initiative to provoke, but now it is Fengtian who actively looks for opportunities. As long as the Japanese dare to come out, there will be countless pairs of eyes staring at them.

Keep an eye on them and beat them up whenever you get the chance.

This lasted for three days, and the Japanese couldn't stand it anymore. The Consulate General had issued a strict order not to allow the Japanese to take to the streets, otherwise they would be responsible for the consequences. Seeing the Japanese retreat, the morale of the people in Fengtian became even higher.

Originally, the big guys were intimidated by the ferocity of the Japanese and did not take action. They were timid at first. But now they straighten their chests. On China's territory, who is afraid of whom?

There were more and more conflicts between China and Japan, and the contradictions became more and more intensified. After some quarrels, the Japanese government finally decided to take action and send more troops to Lushun. For a time, the cloud of war hung over the three northeastern provinces.

Whether it will lead to a war or not, everyone is waiting to see. At this time, Zhang Tinglan has returned to Harbin, and the elite forces of the road protection army are also hoarded here, ready to take the initiative at any time.

"I'm sorry, are you really ready to fight the Japanese?" Zhou Xinyao gently helped Zhang Tinglan rub his stiff back. Commanding a war is a very harmful thing to the body. Have you ever seen that military generals in the past dynasties have become very tired in their later years?

He was suffering from illness. As an excellent doctor, Zhou Xinyao certainly knew this, so he took the initiative to massage Zhang Tinglan to relieve the discomfort.

"Daughter-in-law, are you worried that I can't defeat the Japanese?"

"Who is your wife? She is so thick-skinned!"

"Miss Zhou, if you don't want to, I'll find someone else. Han Qing also said that he wants to cast a wide net, and he can't hang himself from a tree."

Ah! Zhang Tinglan couldn't help but let out a miserable howl, and Zhou Xinyao pinched his back hard, without the gentleness at all.

"My dear wife, please forgive me. Let's get down to business. To be honest, I really don't want to fight the Japanese at this time. Once a war breaks out, Fengjun's family fortune will be destroyed. It's not cost-effective!"

"Then you are still so tough with the Japanese?"

"If you can't fight, you can't make peace. As the saying goes, if you fight with a wolf, you are afraid of both sides. If you are a coward, you can only wait to be slaughtered!" Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "But I am sure that this time the Japanese are doomed.

It’s all joy. The Russians will not be stupid enough to give Japan a chance to occupy the Middle East Road. From the Russian point of view, Fengjun is weak and Japan is strong. If Fengjun has occupied the Middle East Road, they still have a chance to take it back.

, if the Japanese occupied it, they would never have a chance."

What Zhang Tinglan said is absolutely correct. This is exactly the mentality of the Russian government. Just when the Japanese were gearing up, the Russian side suddenly issued a statement claiming that Vasily was not a Russian officer!

This was a powerful punch that stunned the Japanese. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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