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Three hundred and ninetieth chapters respectfully respect the Japanese

"Master, something serious has happened!"

Liu Wenxin was sitting sullenly at home when the third housekeeper ran over in a panic. His expression changed and he was extremely frightened.

"Master, all your bonds are worthless, please think of a way."

After these words were spoken, it was like a bolt from the blue that instantly fell on Liu Wenxin's head. He had staked his life and fortune on this. Now that he heard these words, how could he not be anxious? He suddenly stood up from the Taishi chair.

He jumped up and grabbed the third child by the collar.

"What are you talking about? Are you talking nonsense before you wake up? How could a good bond be ruined!" Liu Wenxin's hands had veins popping out due to excessive excitement, and they were clasping the third child's chest tightly, like iron pliers.

He was pinched so hard that he couldn't breathe, and his face turned red from holding back.

"Master, please loosen your hands a little, the little one can't breathe!" Liu Wenxin reluctantly let go of his hands, and the third child took a long time to catch his breath.

"Sir, you are not talking nonsense. There is really a big trouble. I heard that there was a revolution in Russia and the provisional government was overthrown!"

"It's not nonsense!" Liu Wenxin suddenly stood up again: "Russia has a problem, what does it have to do with Japan? Isn't the Japanese Empire doing well?"

"The Japanese are good people, but their oil mills and banks have bought a large amount of Russian bonds. Now the soybean bonds we have are also mortgaged with Russian bonds and then issued. Now our bonds have become useless.

It’s paper.”

The third child was almost crying when he finished what he said. Liu Wenxin understood it completely now. He sat down on the chair, as if he had lost all his strength, and stared straight ahead with his eyes.

The whole person seemed to have turned into a wood carving and clay sculpture.

The third child looked at Liu Wenxin from the side. The guy seemed to be stiff and didn't say a word. After waiting for a long time, the third child cautiously stretched out his hand, trying to detect Liu Wenxin's breathing. Who knew that at this time he suddenly burst out and saw

He was throwing things, as if he was going crazy.

"You bastard Jiao Wu, you bastard Japanese, how can you treat me like this? You bastards, you will not die a good death, you will not die a good death!"

Liu Wenxin slammed the last vase to the ground, and then it seemed as if all his strength had been taken away, and he lay on the ground motionless. His eyes were full of tears. He couldn't stop crying.

"Three. I am loyal to the Japanese and always think about them. How could they treat me like this? How could they be so deceptive!"

The third child's eyes were rolling around, and he was also making his own little calculations. He knelt down beside Liu Wenxin and said in a low voice: "Master, I have some ideas. The more times like this, the more you have to cheer up. I think we can

The troops should be divided into two groups and prepared to deal with it."

"Tell me, what do I need to do?"

"First, you have to go to Jiao Wu and the Japanese to figure out the problem with the bonds and see if they have any remedies. In addition, we have to think about the worst. If these bonds become waste paper, what will happen to those bonds?

The creditor who lent you money will never give up. It is best to pack up some soft things now and hide them, so that you can make a comeback later."

Liu Wenxin's head spun quickly, and then nodded: "San, it's great that you can still be so calm at a time like this. I'm going to find Jiao Wu now. You take the money away and secretly deposit it in a foreign bank."

, the little devil is unreliable, you should deposit it in the bank of the British Empire."

As he spoke, Liu Wenxin ran to his bedroom and took out a small wooden box, which contained five thousand yuan and a lot of gold and silver jewelry. He carefully counted it, and then cruelly stuffed it into the hands of the third child.

"Three, save it. This is our wealth and life. There must be no problems."

"Master, don't worry. I have been with you for many years, and there will never be any mistakes!"

Liu Wenxin gave the last bit of soft goods to Lao San, then tidied up himself, and immediately went to find Jiao Wu in a hurry. However, as soon as he arrived at Jiao Wu's house, he saw white flags hanging high inside and the sound of crying.

Liu Wenxin was also confused at this time. He hurriedly grabbed a passerby and asked with red eyes: "What's going on? Who in the fifth master's family died?"

"Who else could it be? Mr. Jiao Wu? Speaking of which, Mr. Jiao Wu is also a man. He has worked for the Japanese for so many years, but he didn't know that in the end he was tricked by the Japanese with a pile of waste paper. It is said that the bonds were worth millions

Everything turned into waste paper overnight, and many businessmen found Jiao Wu on his head. When he saw that he could not survive, he swallowed a large amount of cigarette paste that night and died!"

After hearing this, Liu Wenxin was drained of all his strength, and he stumbled back to his home like a walking zombie.

"Three, I'm finished now, there's nothing left..." While Liu Wenxin was mumbling, he suddenly found that no one was in the house. He looked around and found that the third butler was nowhere to be seen, and the other servants were nowhere to be seen.

Everyone ran away, even the women he raised disappeared.

At this time, Liu Wenxin's eyes were red: "Lao San, you grandson, how dare you betray me, you will die badly!"

No matter how Liu Wenxin yelled and cursed, it was useless. The third butler took the last of his money and jewelry and took the train to Dalian to escape. When the others saw that the butler had escaped, they knew that Liu Wenxin had no hope, and they also

He took something valuable and ran away.

Now Liu Wenxin was left alone, and he couldn't help but cry every day. At this time, he also understood why Jiao Wu committed suicide. When he thought of Jiao Wu, he seemed to have regained his energy. He got up from the ground and ran.

When he got to the kitchen, he took out two barrels of oil and sprinkled them around the house.

Then another torch was lit, and in an instant the flames soared, burning the entire main house. The red fire shot straight into the sky. Liu Wenxin seemed to have found a little strength again. Isn't this the good day he was looking forward to!

Liu Wenxin seemed to be crying and laughing as he strode into the light of the fire, still muttering: Be a Japanese in the next life, be a Japanese in the next life...

Compradors, big and small, are dead. This soybean bond crisis has affected every corner of the Northeast. A large number of formerly prosperous comprador businessmen have all gone bankrupt. Even those who were lucky enough not to be affected are still feeling terrible. They have a crush on the Japanese.

There is no more blind trust. If you can cut it, cut it as soon as possible. Relying on the Japanese to make a living is too risky.

These compradors can only be regarded as small fish and shrimps. Japanese industries in the three northeastern provinces have also been hit hard. This winter has been extremely cold for the Japanese.

The companies that purchased the most Russian bonds include the two major oil giants, Bank of Korea and Zhengjin Bank. In addition, Manchuria Railway also purchased some, totaling more than 28 million, plus derivatives such as soybean bonds.

The total capital value is approaching 100 million.

This is definitely a dizzying number. Even if these huge colonial enterprises are profitable, they cannot afford such heavy losses. Moreover, there is a Fengtian government eyeing them. How can they let them go so easily!

After receiving the news about the Russian Revolution, Zhang Tinglan first used major newspapers to publish articles to introduce the situation in Russia. At the same time, he also included the news about the failure of Japanese investment. As soon as he heard the news, the first people who were alarmed were the people in the three northeastern provinces.

Businessmen and common people.

Although the banknotes have become stronger and stronger in the past two years, accounting for more than 70% of the share, there are still some people who believe in Japanese currency. They hold a lot of bank notes from the Bank of Korea and Zhengjin Bank. They always think that the Japanese are more powerful than the Japanese currency.

The Fengtian government needs to be reliable.

But after hearing the news that Japanese banks failed to invest, their faith was shattered. For the Chinese, financial crisis is not an unfamiliar word. Less than ten years ago, the rubber stock market crash occurred in Shanghai, which can be said to constitute

A driving force behind the demise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Just a year ago, Russia's Slavic Bank collapsed, and Japan's Zhengjin Bank was hit hard and suffered heavy losses. From then on, Fengtian Bank grew stronger day by day, completely suppressing Japanese banks. At this time, another

This kind of crisis occurred, and it was so violent that it was far from comparable to that of a Slavic bank. The tragic experience of the common people was quickly recalled.

More and more people flocked to the fronts of the Bank of Korea and Zhengjin Bank, holding a lot of bills and asking them to exchange these paper bills into real gold and silver. At this time, the Japanese were also in a state of distress, and how could they still have the energy to deal with this?

Chinese people, the Japanese have posted a sign saying that they only exchange 20,000 yuan a day, and other items are not accepted at all.

In their eyes, the interests of the Chinese people can be abandoned at any time. The daily share of 20,000 yuan is really a drop in the bucket, which means that most of the banknotes will not be cashed. These people are simply taking advantage of the people of Fengtian.


It is their indifference that has caused greater trouble. The core of the banking industry is credit. The Japanese's approach has undoubtedly shaken the credit they have established through years of operation with strong force.

It can even be said to be a collapse. This avalanche effect is very terrifying.

Originally, Russian bonds and currency became waste paper, and now Japanese bonds and currency also have a trend of becoming waste paper.

"I would like to say that the collapse of the Japanese financial system is the beginning of their withdrawal from the three northeastern provinces. It is really a great thing!" Wang Yongjiang said with a laugh.

Zhang Tinglan was also very happy: "Originally, the Japanese were able to buy our grain and ore by printing paper. After their currency lost its credibility, it was impossible to do this again. But now they are still wavering, not

Complete collapse, we must be prepared to prevent them from turning over and hammering a few more nails into the coffin!"

"Yes, in fact, the best way is to legislate in the three northeastern provinces, stipulating that the vote is the only currency, excluding all foreign currencies, even the ocean!"

"Sir, great advice, but if we want to achieve this step, we still lack enough ballast stones, that is, gold reserves. Without this, our credit cannot be supported!"

"What I said is correct, but gold cannot be obtained in a day or two. It seems that we will have to wait for a while."

When Zhang Tinglan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Tsarist Russia was finished. The famous batch of Tsarist gold was mysteriously missing in the Far East. It was a full 500 tons of gold. As long as he got it, he would have a Dinghai Shenzhen. It seemed necessary.

We should find a way to get this gold.

"Mr. Minyuan, maybe at some point, a big pie will fall from the sky, and we can get a lot of gold out of thin air!"

"I hope your dreams come true!" Wang Yongjiang also said with a smile, but did not take it seriously.

While we were talking, someone suddenly came to report that it was Kimura Yasuo from Nissin Oil Factory and Shimoda Yi from Santai Oil Factory.

Zhang Tinglan and Wang Yongjiang looked at each other and smiled. What the Japanese planned could not be hidden from these two foxes.

"I have to say, I really didn't expect that the Japanese would beg us for help. How do you think we need to deal with it?"

"Mr. Minyuan, this is just the beginning. Our conditions remain unchanged, still shares and cash. Apart from that, we don't want anything else."

"You are forcing the Japanese to hang themselves, but I like it!" Wang Yongjiang smiled and said to the attendant: "Go and invite them in."

In the blink of an eye, Kimura Yasuo and Shimoda Yoshi walked in. The two men lowered their heads slightly and looked respectful. They were completely gone from the arrogance of the past. After meeting, Kimura Yasuo took the lead and said: "Wang Sang, the management of Nissin Oil Refining Plant has appeared.

We have encountered a small situation, and we would like to ask Wang Sangnian to show our friendship and provide some help. We are very grateful!" (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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