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Chapter 468 Crazy Japanese

"The Japanese not only cut off the South Manchuria Railway, but also tried to close the Dalian Port. Therefore, Fengjun is preparing to develop Huludao and build Huludao into a maritime hub in the Northeast. This project is very huge. I hope to introduce American capital and technology

, both parties jointly develop the port."

Although Lushun Dalian is the ice-free port with the best natural conditions in the three eastern provinces, it is located in the Liaodong Peninsula and is a little far away from the economic hinterland, so the freight cost is a bit high. Huludao is located between Fengtian and Hebei, with Qinhuangdao to the west.

, the harbor itself is wide, the water is deep, and the natural conditions are good. At the same time, due to the Beijing-Fenghuang Railway connection, sea and land transportation is convenient, and the development potential is huge.

As early as the Qing Dynasty, preparations were made to expand Huludao Port, but only the first phase of the project was completed. The port could only accommodate ships of 1,000 tons. Later, several attempts to expand the port were made, but all failed.

With the economic development of the three eastern provinces, the demand for shipping has also skyrocketed. It has become very important to have an ice-free port of your own. Zhang Tinglan has already planned to build Huludao Port, which will eventually be built into a large port that can dock 10,000-ton giant ships.

As a gateway for external relations in the three northeastern provinces.

"Japan's South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. can earn more than 200 million yuan in profits a year, 60% of which is railway freight, and its net profit is more than 100 million yuan. The South Manchuria Railway can become a company that lays golden eggs.

Hen, largely because it is connected to the Dalian Port, is able to achieve land and sea transport. Now Fengjun has the Middle East Road, the Kyrgyzstan-Fenghuang Railway and the Beijing-Fenghuang Railway, which can connect the three provinces together and transport at least as many goods as South Manchuria.

It is more than two or three times that of the railway. If Huludao is developed, the profit will be several times that of the Japanese."

Zhang Tinglan calculated the economic accounts for Beker, and he said with a smile: "The three northeastern provinces are vigorously promoting farms. In the next ten years, the grain production in the three northeastern provinces will increase linearly. The export volume is conservatively estimated to exceed 30 million.

tons, plus all kinds of wood and ores, this number is very staggering. In addition, if the United States is willing to help develop Huludao, Fengjun can also sign an agreement with the United States, and we will give priority to purchasing American agricultural tractors and diesel. Northeastern agricultural products

Mr. Consul General should be able to guess how much economic profits can be generated by shipping out American industrial products."

Baiker is not an idiot. He has been observing the development of Fengjun in the past two years and knows that there are countless business opportunities in this black land. The Americans are also desperately trying to get involved. However, due to the division of spheres of influence, here

It has become the possession of the Japanese, and the United States can only covet it.

But now that the Japanese have made such a big mistake and the Americans have the handle, it is a good time for the Japanese to cut their flesh. The assassination of Zhang Zuolin and the hijacking of the Moon Goddess are clear evidence of Japan's gross violation of international rules.

The United States will never let the Japanese pass easily.

Bakker kept thinking in his mind. If we could use this opportunity to break Japan's sphere of influence and allow American capital to smoothly enter the three northeastern provinces, it would be like opening up the door to China.

A huge market with two million square kilometers of land and a population of more than 10 million is completely open to the United States. The benefits it will bring to the American consortium are simply inestimable. If this is promoted, Bakr will be in the United States

In the eyes of the financial groups, he suddenly became very popular. If he wants to continue to be in politics in the future, these beneficial financial groups will be his stable financial backers.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became. Baiker was completely tempted. He solemnly said to Zhang Tinglan: "Mr. Zhang, your proposal is very good. I personally agree with it and will report it to the United States. I believe that this cooperation will definitely achieve results."


In the jungle world, it is very dangerous to provoke an enemy that is stronger than oneself. The Japanese can be unscrupulous in China, but if they offend the United States, the consequences will become very serious.

Just when Zhang Tinglan was getting closer to the United States, the Moon Goddess incident had spread, and emotions in the United States were instantly detonated. A large number of Americans took to the streets to pray for the dead crew member Paul, and at the same time denounced the barbarism of the Japanese government.


There have long been conflicts between the United States and Japan over the competition for the Pacific. The American elite also regarded the Japanese as a competitor. In World War I, the United States and Japan became the countries that benefited the most. In order to improve the international

status, strengthened force deterrence, built large-scale warships, and started a naval arms race.

The Japanese also gritted their teeth to keep up and started building ships crazily. The British Empire, which had just emerged from the war, also had to get involved. This new naval race had just begun, and the slipway was clanking and construction was going on.

As a giant at sea, the United States and Japan are the main rivals in the Pacific, and they are competing with each other.

The Lunar Goddess incident happened at the right time, and it immediately stimulated the sensitive nerves of the United States. Generals and congressmen who supported the development of the navy all stood up, vigorously attacked the Japanese, and called on the U.S. government to take effective measures to expand armaments.

, severely punish the Japanese.

"Why do the Japanese dare to offend the United States? It is obvious that the United States lacks military power, especially its naval power, and cannot make them surrender, so the Japanese dare to provoke the United States. In response, the United States must strengthen its armaments and establish a maritime power that awes its opponents!


Roosevelt, who once served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, publicly wrote an article in a newspaper and expressed his views. He publicly appealed: "A world war is over, but the world has not yet come to peace. The people of the United States cannot live in comfort and paralysis.

During this period, our citizens are still being harmed and even threatened with death overseas. This is a scene that no American wants to see. Only with strong power can we have absolute peace."

Roosevelt was a rising political star of the Democratic Party and a staunch naval supporter. After he came forward to express his stance, other politicians also came forward one after another, creating an unprecedented public pressure.

As a democratically elected president, Wilson must be responsible to his voters. If public opinion in the United States is boiling, he must take tough measures against Japan, otherwise he will only be accused of incompetence.

Therefore, the Wilson administration quickly passed a bill requiring the Japanese government to explain clearly the Moon Goddess incident, apologize to the American citizen Paul who died, and pay compensation.

In addition, Wilson urgently suspended several cooperation projects with Japan, including key areas such as steel, metallurgy, and electricity. Then Wilson issued a new order requiring the suspension of exports of cotton and scrap steel to Japan.

As a newly emerging industrial country, Japan's technological level is considered the most backward, and its own resources are scarce, so it relies entirely on imports from foreign countries. Apart from China, the United States is Japan's largest trading partner. Japan exports raw silk and cloth to the United States.

, and then import machinery and equipment, cotton, oil, steel, etc. from the United States to meet the needs of domestic industrialization.

In the process of Japan's industrialization, the United States served as a dual provider of technology and raw materials, and its position was very special. Now the United States is wielding an economic stick, and the effect is astonishing. The blow to the Japanese is more severe than imagined.

Originally, Japan was faced with the problem of reduced demand after the war and had to bear the war in Siberia. The Japanese economy had been severely affected. As a result, the Americans took sanctions at this juncture, which suddenly forced the Japanese to

Got to the corner.

Factories have closed down on a large scale, the unemployed population has skyrocketed, and the most terrible thing is that food prices have also skyrocketed. Because they have offended the United States and the Fengjun at the same time. Japan's largest source of food has problems, and food price increases have become inevitable.

Big businessmen in Japan also took the opportunity to hoard.

Social conflicts are becoming more and more serious, and the poor economic situation has aroused the Japanese people's fear of rice riots. The Hara Kei cabinet was suddenly pushed to the forefront. At this time, Hara Kei regretted it to the extreme. A reckless decision actually led to

It was really unexpected to have such terrible consequences.

Zhang Tinglan, who had been sitting back and watching the situation, was extremely happy, especially when he heard that the U.S. Navy was vigorously encouraging the expansion of armaments. Zhang Tinglan was even more delighted. He did not expect that one of his methods would actually intensify the wave of the naval arms race.

This is something unexpected.

You must know that huge battleships are sea monsters piled with gold. However, this kind of monster is still destined to fall behind. The Americans have a strong foundation and can withstand the tossing, but the Japanese do not have enough foundation. If they are allowed to invest more in the navy,

, the army will get a little less, and the pressure on the army will be reduced a lot.

Compared with the impact on Japan's economy, Zhang Tinglan hopes to lead the Japanese into a wrong naval development strategy. As a small island country, its national power is limited. If it makes a wrong step, it will seriously affect its national power. If Fengjun catches up with the Japanese, that is

It's become easier.

Just when Zhang Tinglan was thinking about his next move, Chang Yinhuai suddenly found him and said to Zhang Tinglan as soon as they met: "I would like to say that our intelligence personnel have discovered some abnormal situations recently. A large number of Japanese spies have jumped."

When we came out, the investigation situation everywhere was even to the point of being careless. We are still not sure whether they have some conspiracy or are eager to know something."

Zhang Tinglan frowned and asked hurriedly: "How much force have they mobilized? Are there any key points in the investigation?"

"I would like to say that since the establishment of the Investigation Bureau, we have paid attention to the issue of counterintelligence. Especially after the assassination of the commander-in-chief, we have strengthened our work in this area and eliminated a large number of spies who had ties to Japan. But the actual situation

Beyond our imagination, the number of spies planted by the Japanese in the three northeastern provinces is staggering. Many of them have been hidden for three to five years, or even ten or eight years. If it were not for massive activities, we would not have been able to discover them. Now the focus of their investigation is on

Export trade also involves major factories. I suspect they want to spy on our industrial intelligence."

Zhang Tinglan nodded when he heard this, and said with a smile: "I understand, the Japanese want to clear themselves of the charges!"

"Director Chang, why did the Japanese hijack the Moon Goddess? Their real goal was us. They wanted to intercept important machinery and equipment, but they failed. Now the Japanese are working so hard just to find those machines, and then

Then they can answer to the United States."

When Chang Yinhuai heard this, he also suddenly realized, and he hurriedly smiled and said: "A humble word is powerful, and it can reveal the secrets of the world. As long as there is a little information about the whereabouts of the machine, the Japanese can point the finger at us, and they can also tell the Americans that this

There is a reason for the incident, let the Americans let them go!"

"That's right, the Japanese have brought out all the spies who were hiding so deeply. It's obvious that they have lost their minds and gone a little crazy. The sanctions imposed by the Yankees are really powerful!" Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "Director Chang, we talked about it some time ago

Some of the equipment has been shipped back. If the Japanese find any clues and are eventually exposed, it will not be good for us."

"That's right, once they kill those devices, that's their target. In the end, they were fooled by us and mistakenly checked the Moon Goddess. We can't explain it. That's when loess fell into the crotch. It's either shit or shit.

Got it!"

Zhang Tinglan saw through the Japanese's thoughts and said with a sneer: "Director Chang, if it's true or false, false or true, we should throw out a bone to let the Japanese be fooled again."

"In addition, I must seize this rare opportunity to thoroughly clean up the spies planted by the Japanese. With these guys around, I will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

"Don't worry, I will do it beautifully." (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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