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Chapter 61 There is a way to make money

Compared to the aloof and aloof Yang Du, Yang Shiqi was more easy-going and polite to everyone he spoke to. However, deep down Yang Shiqi also had a sense of superiority. As Yuan Shikai's confidant, he believed that his strategies and calculations were rare in the world.

Yang Shiqi didn't take notice of a vulgar warrior like Zhang Zuolin, he just had to socialize with him. Zhang Zuolin gave him a gift in person, which made Yang Shiqi a little contemptuous. The warrior really didn't understand the rules. Is this a place for gift-giving?

No matter how expensive the gift is, he can't accept it.

"Mr. Zhang, the things you take out must be extraordinary. As the saying goes, a gentleman does not take what others like. I am very satisfied just to see it."

Yang Shiqi's words obviously meant that he refused to accept the gift and was just looking at it. He opened the wooden box and was a little surprised when he saw that inside was not ordinary calligraphy and painting, but a handkerchief-sized silk book stacked together.

He originally thought that Zhang Zuolin would spend a lot of money to buy some paintings by Tang Bohu, Zhu Da and others. Although such things were expensive, he had seen a lot of them and had no interest at all. However, the silk book in front of him surprised Yang Shiqi. With his

Judging from the texture of the fabric, it is something from the Song Dynasty.

Gently unfolding a corner, Yang Shiqi saw three words: "Chen Yue Ti". Yang Shiqi's mind flashed rapidly, and suddenly a thought came to him. Yang Shiqi's whole body felt as if he had received an electric shock, and he trembled unconsciously.

He did not rush to open the silk book, but respectfully put it back into the wooden box, then closed the lid and held it in his arms, for fear of any damage. Others also noticed Yang Shiqi's strangeness, and everyone came over one after another.

Interested, Duan Zhigui asked: "Xingcheng, what kind of treasure is this? Let's open our eyes together!"

Yang Shiqi did not speak, but asked someone to bring a large desk and placed it in the middle of the hall, where the lighting was best. Like a devout believer, he placed the wooden box in the middle and put on white gloves on his hands.


He opened the wooden box, took out the silk book, and unfolded it slowly. After reading a few lines of words, Yang Shiqi suddenly raised his head and closed his eyes, as if to calm down his excitement. Everyone present had never seen Yang Shiqi lose his composure like this before, and everyone was stunned.

He whetted my appetite and wanted to know what kind of treasure it was.

"Everyone, have you ever heard of Su Dongpo's poem: Cursive writing is not about learning and entertaining yourself, but when you write it, you call Zhou Yuenu?"

Everyone present had a blank expression, only Yang Du's eyes were shining. He asked in surprise: "Xingcheng, is this Zhou Yue's calligraphy?" Yang Du also walked quickly to the front of the desk,

Watch carefully.

A pair of silk books surprised Yuan Shikai's two great advisers, and everyone became more and more interested in this mysterious silk book.

"Everyone, most of the calligraphy in the early Song Dynasty inherited the style of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties without much change. After the rise of the four Song Dynasty masters such as Su Huang, Mi Cai and others, the calligraphy of the Song Dynasty had its own characteristics. There was a gap of about seventy years in calligraphy.

Art also pays attention to inheritance. The four families of the Song Dynasty will not rise suddenly. There must be a figure who connects the past and the following, and this figure is Zhou Yue. However, his works have not been found for many years. It is really a comfort to see the original work today!"

After Yang Shiqi finished speaking, he turned around and bowed deeply to Zhang Zuolin to express his gratitude.

Many things are worthless in the eyes of laymen, but they are priceless treasures in the eyes of experts. Even if Yang Shiqi is presented with ten thousand taels of gold, he will not lose his composure, but this Zhou Yue's ink has completely captured Yang Shiqi.

When Zhang Tinglan saw Yang Shiqi's performance, he secretly gave Wang Yongjiang a thumbs up. Wang Yongjiang provided this authentic work of Zhou Yue. He is also a scholar, so he naturally knows what literati like. This thing fills the gap of seventy years of calligraphy.

The value of this blank space in history cannot be measured by money. Anyone who really likes calligraphy will find it difficult to refuse.

"Mr. Yang, you are too polite. Zuolin is a martial artist, and he still doesn't know what this is. People often say that treasures have spirits. It seems that Zuolin is just a passing god of wealth. This thing can only be placed in Mr. Yang's possession.

It’s worth the money in your hands!”

When it came to this job, Yang Shiqi no longer wanted to refuse. He took Zhang Zuolin's hand and said, "Yuting, you are a blessed person, don't worry!"

Yang Shiqi made a double entendre, mentioning Zhou Yue's true works openly, but secretly telling Zhang Zuolin that he would help with the conversation. Lao Zhang was so perceptive that he naturally understood the meaning of the words. Lao Zhang was also extremely happy at this time, inside and out.

In addition, Lao Yuan's close friends have accepted his gifts, so he is not afraid that they will not do things for him.

While everyone was admiring Zhou Yue's calligraphy, someone else came. It was the British Minister Zhu Erdian, Yuan Keding and others who immediately came out to greet him. They showed sufficient courtesy to this emperor who represented the British Empire.

Zhu Erdian has served as minister for many years and is the most senior China expert. He is keenly aware of the changes in China's political arena and therefore actively contacts all parties in order to make correct judgments.

His participation raised the level of the banquet a lot. Everyone drank and drank, and the interest became more and more high. It was Zhang Zuolin's first time to participate in this kind of party, and everything was novel. While he was observing everywhere, Liang Shiyi suddenly came over.

"Mr. Zhang, his skills are extraordinary. A look of Zhou Yue's ink calligraphy makes Yang Xingcheng fascinated. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang also knows how to calligraphy and painting."

"Secretary-General Liang, how do I understand this? It's just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse."

"Mr. Zhang, you are humble. Your ability is much more than that. I heard that this time you gave the eldest son two hundred thousand rubles. Not many people directly send foreign currency. You are the first of its kind. People often say that I am

God of Wealth, I think Mr. Zhang is the real God of Wealth, he has the ability to turn stone into gold!"

Although Liang Shiyi said this compliment, his tone was obviously provocative. Lao Zhang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and said coldly: "Liang Caishen is ridiculous, Zuolin is just a rough man and doesn't understand economics!"

"You don't understand economics? But Mr. Zhang understands people's hearts! You have carefully figured out other people's quirks." Liang Shiyi continued to use words to bully Zhang Zuolin. He did this mainly out of jealousy.

Liang Shiyi and Yang Shiqi were at odds with each other and had been fighting for power, but they had always been outgunned. Now that Lao Zhang had a treasure, he only wanted to give it to Yang Shiqi, but did not think of Liang Shiyi. Therefore, he was dissatisfied and used wine to hide his face and wanted to find someone.

Lao Zhang was naturally unhappy about Zhang Zuolin's troubles, but he still didn't know how to answer this Liang Caishen.

At this moment, Zhang Tinglan came over and said, "Secretary-General Liang, I have heard for a long time that you have good financial management skills and that you are the right-hand man of the president, but I wonder how Mr. Liang views the word credit?"

Zhang Tinglan suddenly spoke and kicked the ball back. A trace of displeasure flashed in Liang Shiyi's eyes: "Young man, Liang has been managing finances for many years, and he still uses a junior to point his fingers?"

"Mr. Liang, of course I don't dare, but I have heard that since ancient times, there is a difference between making money and collecting money. Making money is the way to benefit the country and the people, and making money is the way to harm the people and the country. I don't know why Mr. Liang gave up the big way.

And take the trail?"

Liang Shiyi's run against Zhang Zuolin has attracted the attention of others, so everyone unconsciously looked here. Now Zhang Tinglan suddenly spoke and directly accused Liang Shiyi of amassing money, and even labeled him as harming the people and the country. Everyone came here

Interested and wanted to see how this play would unfold, Yang Shiqi and Yuan Keding also came over.

In particular, Yang Shiqi had just received a heavy gift and took it back to watch Liang Shiyi bully others, so he came over and looked at Liang Shiyi coldly. Liang Shiyi was furious in his heart after being slapped in the face by a junior in public.

"Junior, how much do you know, how dare you speak nonsense and slander Liang. If you can't make sense, don't blame Liang for being rude!"

"Mr. Liang, you are well aware of how much the banknotes have depreciated due to the excessive issuance of banknotes. The credit of the transportation bank has been completely lost. This currency is a medium of exchange and circulation, but it has suddenly depreciated. The wealth in the hands of businessmen has shrunk significantly, and many people have gone bankrupt. Isn't this right?"

Is it harming the people? Since our country is called the Republic of China, the people come first, and the people are harmed, won’t it ultimately harm the country?”

Zhang Tinglan's continuous questioning hit Liang Shiyi's sore spot, and his face suddenly turned gloomy. Of course he knew that what he was doing was drinking poison to quench his thirst, but in order to please Yuan Shikai, he no longer cared about anything.

Seeing Liang Shiyi's face turn as pale as pig's liver, Zhang Zuolin felt happy. He had enough confidence in Zhang Tinglan. This kid could play with foreigners with applause, and it was no problem for Liang Caishen.

Lao Zhang simply crossed his legs and drank tea while watching the excitement. Yang Shiqi saw that his old enemy was as exhausted as if he had eaten ice cubes in the dog days of summer, and he felt very comfortable.

"Young man, you must not be rude when the God of Wealth is not powerful enough."

Although Yang Shiqi denounced Zhang Tinglan on the surface, he was actually saying that Liang Shiyi was too poor in his skills. Liang Shiyi couldn't tell. His fat face couldn't stop trembling, and he glared at Zhang Tinglan with squinting triangular eyes.

"Junior, since you dare to accuse me of making money, then you have the ability to make money. If you can find a way, Liang will accept your defeat. If there is no countermeasure and you are just talking, we will bring the case to the president. Liang will also

Not afraid of you!"

Zhang Tinglan looked calm and composed, cupped his hands in front of everyone, and said loudly: "Everyone, everyone attending the banquet today are all highly respected people. There are endless business opportunities among us. As long as we are willing to work hard, we can find ways to make money."

Why make money by bullying the people!"

"Boy, you don't want to use everyone's power to use it for your own personal gain, but that's still making money!" Liang Shiyi couldn't help but sneer. He obviously didn't believe Zhang Tinglan's words.

Zhang Tinglan ignored him, but stood up and walked to Zhu Erdian's seat. The British minister was sighing with all his heart. Liang Shiyi was also Yuan Shikai's confidant, but he had no gentlemanly manners. He actually quarreled with a young man. His quality was really not high.


"Sir Julius, I would like to ask you to see something, and I hope you will allow it."

"Young man, your words are very sharp, but do you think there are so-called business opportunities in me, and can I realize the money you say?" Zhu Erdian then smiled and said: "I am a British diplomat, and I don't want to get involved with you and Liang

A dispute between gentlemen.”

"Sir, this is not a fight of will, but a business opportunity that allows the British government to save tens of millions of war funds. I don't think you will miss it!"

As he spoke, a young guard quickly ran over holding a tray and placed it in front of Zhu Erdian.

This chapter has been completed!
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