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Chapter 510 Outer Mongolia Xintiandi

The killing operation completely turned into a hunting game. All the monks who were aloof and had infinite magical powers were killed. Xu Shuzheng commanded the troops and continuously compressed the encirclement. As the encirclement became narrower and narrower, the people inside had no chance of escaping.


These lamas even knelt down and kowtowed, begging for their lives, but now it was too late. Xu Shuzheng had already had murderous intentions. He could agree to Zhang Tinglan's suggestion, pretend to be a bandit, and cause trouble in Outer Mongolia, just to completely eliminate these lamas.

Guys, eliminate the possibility of independence from Outer Mongolia.

Seeing that the work was done, how could he be soft-hearted!

"I'll kill them all. Don't spare any of them. If they're not dead, give me another shot."

The soldiers who received the order no longer hesitated. They killed all the remaining lamas, and then continued to kill them one by one, until all the more than a thousand people were killed. Then they followed up one after another to ensure that they were all dead.

At this time, Zhang Tingshu had already led his troops to carefully search the belongings carried by Bordo Khan, and found more than a hundred carts of property, all of which were gold, silver and jewelry. The accumulation over many years was indeed well-deserved.

"Second Young Master, do you want to bring these things back to Fengtian? This is a huge fortune. Maybe Lan Shuai will praise you?" Xu Shuzheng said with a smile.

"No!" Zhang Tingshu shook his head decisively: "Mr. Xu, these things are not within our reach. If any of you brothers dare to hide one, we will all engage in military law!"

It was rare for Zhang Tingshu to be so serious. When he saw that everyone had been killed, Zhang Tingshu called Tian Mu over and asked him to personally lead the soldiers of the special force and scatter the boxes of treasures on the ground and throw them among the corpses.

White, red, green, and jeweled. It looks absolutely moving.

However, the soldiers of these special forces have been trained for a long time and can turn a blind eye to these things.

"Report, Enqin has been defeated in the library and will probably be here soon."

Zhang Tingshu and Xu Shuzheng nodded to each other, the game was over and it was time for them to leave.

"Tian Mu, as long as the Russians come here, they will not say anything. They are the ones who killed the people in order to rob these treasures. Your mission is to keep an eye on this place to ensure that before the Russians arrive, they will not be caught by other herdsmen. If anyone comes,

, you must kill without mercy!"

"Understood!" Tian Mu said, patting his chest. Zhang Tingshu and Xu Shuzheng immediately left with their troops, while Tian Mu and others walked outside. The area around the military camp where the crime occurred was put on alert.

Ten minutes later, thirty herdsmen drove their cattle and sheep over in a panic, as if they were trying to escape. They were getting closer and closer to here.

A young man who was running at the front suddenly noticed something unusual here. The ground was full of tattered corpses and debris. His curiosity drove him to run over quickly. The corpses everywhere made this young man unable to help but grow up.

Mouth, just when he was about to turn around and run away, something suddenly dazzled his eyes. It was dozens of yellow gold bars, with a charming brilliance.

The young man wanted to get the gold, but he was afraid of the corpses. So he turned back to see his family. The moment he turned back, a burst of gunfire rang out, and he clearly saw that his father and brother's heads were beaten into pieces.

A rotten watermelon. He opened his mouth just in time to shout, but he could no longer make a sound. A bullet also passed through his chest. In the blink of an eye, the whole family was all killed because they saw something they shouldn't have seen.


After Tian Mu killed the family, he acted as if he had never experienced anything. He hid in the grass again. Within a few minutes, there was a shaking sound from the ground. It was obviously the sound of horse hooves. It seemed that the Russians had finally

Come over. They are done and can gradually retreat.

At this moment, there was a burst of dust in the distance, and a total of one or two thousand cavalry rushed over. The leaders were Ungern and Pavlov. They were defeated miserably at the Cullen City, and more than three thousand of their men died in the battle.

The rest of the people were surrounded, and only the most elite Cossack cavalry remained in front of them.

There is no need to dream about anything. The most important task now is to escape from Outer Mongolia and not let Feng Jun catch up. However, Enqin is not willing to give in. He also wants to kill Bordo Khan before leaving.

Abducted, as long as he has this guy, he has a good card to intervene in Outer Mongolia at any time. At this time, Unqin has not completely given up his ambitions towards China.

After running all the way, he finally arrived at the camp of the lamas, but when Enqin saw it, he was frightened. He saw only dots of fire in the distance and a mess. It was obvious that he had been attacked.

Enqing's body shook and he almost fell to the ground. Could it be that Fengjun arrived here in advance and cut off their escape route?

After taking a closer look, he realized that something was wrong with the situation. Enqin took courage and ran over on horseback, followed by others. When he got nearby, he found that there were dead bodies everywhere, all of them dressed in red.

There are many lamas wearing robes, old and young. Among these corpses, there are a lot of scattered gold, silver and jewelry.

Seeing this, Engen was puzzled, but Pavlov's eyes were shining and he said hurriedly: "Boss, we have nothing. It will be even more difficult to make a comeback when we return to Russia. Now

There are so many good things, so hurry up and let the brothers bring some."

Enqin thought for a while and then said: "Move quickly, pick up the gold and pretend to be!"

These Russians were all greedy people. When they saw an opportunity to make money, they all jumped off their horses and frantically loaded their arms with things. Not only those on the ground, but there were even more precious treasures on the bodies of the lamas.

, can be carried around, the quality must not be low, they searched frantically.

Enqin's mind was not here. He tried his best to pay attention to the pursuers, for fear that Fengjun would catch up. At this moment, suddenly there was a roar in the sky, and a dozen planes appeared on the horizon.

"Quick, stop pretending, run!" Enqin took the lead and ran towards the weeds on the side. These weeds were as tall as a person and could hide their whereabouts. However, there were more Russian soldiers due to greed.

Having lost the chance to escape, Fengjun's plane flew over their heads like lightning.

Ta da da...ta da da...

After the sound of machine gunfire, the Russians fell to death on the spot in large numbers, with a large amount of jewelery spilled from their clothes. The Fengjun plane fired all the bullets before it staggered away. Enqin and the others did not dare to do anything.

If you stop at any time, please run away quickly.

At this time, Fengjun's pursuers also came over. Jiang Dengxuan personally commanded the troops and also came here. They saw thousands of corpses of lamas scattered on the ground, and the corpses of more than a hundred Russian soldiers around them.

, he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to control the place, reported it to Zhang Tinglan, and then continued to send people to pursue Enqin.

"Living Buddha! Living Buddha!" ​​Saihan cried bitterly and threw himself at a cold corpse. The dead person was Bordo Khan. The back of his head was shot by a bullet, and the monk's robes on his body were in pieces.

The ornaments also disappeared, not just him. All the great lamas died here. Some people's bodies could not even be found, and one person even turned into a pile of charcoal.

"Who did this? Who killed the living Buddha!" ​​The princes present shouted loudly. Although they had enmity with the lamas, they also knew the status of these monks, so they all died at once. I'm afraid

Even the Mongolian herdsmen cannot accept it. Without an explanation, it will not work at all.

"Needless to say, it was those Russians who did it!" Saihan said loudly: "I didn't see any Russian corpses on the ground. They also had the masters' magic weapons and treasures on them. They must be these guys.

He is seeking wealth and killing his life, and his methods are simply outrageous."

Saihan said, strode up to Zhang Tinglan, and suddenly knelt down on the ground: "Commander, on behalf of millions of Mongolian herdsmen, I beg you. You must kill all those Russians and pay homage to the dead."


"Mr. Speaker, please get up quickly. Although there was a small misunderstanding before, we are all a family and can solve it. However, these Russians are greedy, cruel and cunning, and they have done such things that are outrageous to both humans and gods. I am here to express my sincere gratitude to

Everyone promises to catch Enqin and cut him into pieces!"

"Thank you so much, Marshal!" Saihan couldn't help but kowtow, and other princes also showed gratitude on their faces.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly an old prince in his fifties or sixties stood up. He frowned and said, "I think there is something suspicious in the matter. The person may not have been killed by the Russians."

"Prince Gongsang, the facts are all there, what other doubts are there?"

"Saihan, you are still too young. I think there are at least three doubts. First, there is a big difference in the time of death of these Russian soldiers and the great lamas. The lama's corpses were completely stiff, but the Russian soldiers were not. If the Russians killed people and cheated,

, they should have run away long ago, instead of being shot down by planes here; in addition, Bordo Khan and the Russians are cooperative and allies, and Enjin has no motive to kill him, even if Enjin wants to

He couldn't kill them all. It was more in his interest to kidnap Bordo Khan; and judging from the time, Enqin was defeated in Kuli and fled here. He didn't have such a long time to kill again.


The Prince of Gongsang wanted to continue talking, but Zhang Tinglan suddenly laughed and said: "What the old prince said is reasonable. You cannot blindly draw conclusions on everything. If there are any other princes who also have doubts, you can all come forward and we will investigate."

After Zhang Tinglan finished speaking, six more princes stood up one after another. Like Gongsang, Zhang Tinglan still had a smile on his face.

"The questioning spirit of these few is very commendable. Commander Feng, please invite the princes over. You must take good care of them and satisfy their curious wishes."

Feng Yongshuang agreed, and more than twenty military policemen with live ammunition rushed out, arrested Gong Sang and others, and took them to the weeds aside, followed by seven crisp gunshots.

Sang and others all died.

"I think the great lama's spirit in heaven will tell them the truth of the matter. What do you think?"

After hearing Zhang Tinglan's words, these princes felt a chill in their bones, as if they had fallen into an ice cave. This young man in front of them was not an ordinary young man, but a commander in charge of life and death. Their little

Life is in other people's hands, the only way is to be honest and obedient.

Saihan was the first to react and said hurriedly: "Commander, these few people who are defending the Russians are traitors from Outer Mongolia. The death of the great lamas is also related to them. It is really wise to execute them!"

"Yes, that's so wise! Thank you, Marshal!" Other princes also shouted.

Zhang Tinglan smiled and waved his hand: "Everyone, in order to pay tribute to these dead masters, I have decided to execute all the captured Russian prisoners to comfort the heroic spirits in heaven. You have made an appointment to tell all the herdsmen that the government makes the decision for them.

We will never show mercy to the Russian invaders!"

According to Zhang Tinglan's acting style, even if he is dead, he must squeeze out the maximum value. Killing prisoners and paying homage to the deceased is a very good method. It can just calm the hearts of hundreds of thousands of believers and let them know that the Fengtian government is on their side.

On the one hand, I will help them get revenge, but as for more, it is not what they need to know!

"Brigadier Wu, I will give you another mission. With your men, even if they chase us to Russia, you have to get Enqin's head back to me. Can you do it?"

"No problem! Don't worry, Commander!" Wu Kaijie then led his troops to chase Enqin.

Seeing the corpses on the ground, Zhang Tinglan also showed a proud smile. These most dangerous and troublesome guys were finally solved, and Outer Mongolia finally ushered in a new world. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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