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Chapter 512 Industrial explosion

Compared with the hatred of the great lamas, in fact, the herdsmen should be more concerned about the cold winter, the limited grassland production, and the people's life is particularly difficult. In recent years, Outer Mongolia has declared independence and lost the financial support from the central government. These upper-class dignitaries can only

Desperately searching for herdsmen.

These herdsmen have almost no property at hand, and the cold winter is about to come. Many people do not have food to eat at home, nor do they have enough firewood and fodder. This means that after a sudden heavy snowfall, a large number of herdsmen will freeze to death.

, this is a hell gate.

It happened at this time that Zhang Tinglan proposed the New Deal. All the herdsmen were impressed. They did not dare to expect too much. They just wanted to be less exploited so that they would not starve to death and freeze to death. This was already a big deal.

A favor.

"The government has carefully studied the situation in Mongolia and communicated with various temples and princes. All their pastures, cattle and sheep, will be purchased by the government and returned to national ownership, and then distributed equally to everyone to ensure that every herdsman family can

Own your own pasture, own your own cattle and sheep.”

After Zhang Tinglan finished speaking, the entire audience suddenly fell silent. It took two or three minutes before some herders who understood Chinese reacted.

Distribution of pastures! Distribution of cattle and sheep! In the past, it was simply unimaginable. These were originally the lifeblood of the temple and the princes, and they would never let go. But now that Fengjun has arrived on the grassland, he actually wants to distribute these things to ordinary people.

Herdsmen, does the sun rise from the west?

"The government's duty is to promote advantages and eliminate disadvantages, truly serve the people and seek welfare for everyone. Breaking the control of the princes and monks over the pastures, allowing herders to truly become the masters of the land, and making everyone truly prosperous is the mission of the government in the future. Please rest assured.

.Your life will only get better and better!”

This news was no less than a bombshell, hitting everyone's hearts hard. When the remaining princes heard that their pastures, cattle and sheep were going to be taken away, they felt like mourning their heirs, as if the sky was falling. They had intentions.

He stood up to object, but when he saw the soldiers with guns and ammunition on both sides, they all shut up obediently.

In fact, we must also thank the ruthless Bordo Khan. He killed all the most influential princes in Outer Mongolia. The remaining people were just a bunch of losers and did not dare to stand up. But at this time, those lamas were all

After he died, he no longer had the power to resist Zhang Tinglan's reform measures.

Of course, ordinary herdsmen have not thought of this. They only know that they can own pasture and have the hope of pursuing a prosperous life. In the end, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all that matters in this world. Only tangible benefits can move people's hearts.

Originally they were somewhat repulsive to Fengjun. But after hearing the news, they really felt that it would be good to let Fengjun manage the grassland. Of course, these herdsmen still had doubts. They just didn't know what this policy would be like and whether it could be implemented.

Zhang Tinglan also paid attention to this matter. He told the big story. If he did not do it well, it would not only affect his reputation, but also jeopardize the entire Outer Mongolia strategy. Zhang Tinglan absolutely could not afford this failure.

Just after he returned to Kulun City, another group of officials came from Fengtian. They were all carefully selected by Wang Yongjiang and experts in internal affairs. The most important ones were Wang Shuhan, Zeng Youyi, and Guan Haiqing.

Wang Shuhan was originally in charge of Fengtian's finances and also supervised the official bank account. Zhang Tinglan took the official bank account into his own hands and found that there was a huge deficit, so he arrested Wang Shuhan.

After some investigation, it was found that Wang Shuhan did have some problems, but he was basically forced to do so. Facing the repressive Fengtian government and the oppression of the Japanese, he had no better way and inevitably had to follow the trend. Moreover,

After investigation, it was found that Wang Shuhan can basically be called honest.

After Wang Yongjiang took charge of finance in the past two years, he hired Wang Shuhan as a consultant. He could be regarded as reforming and doing things very well. Now it was time to govern Outer Mongolia, so Wang Yongjiang sent him here. In addition, Zeng Youyi was responsible for economics

An expert in construction, he participated in the planning of railways and highways in the three eastern provinces and has strong administrative ability. As for Guan Haiqing, he is a famous scholar who advocates the development of culture and education and the cultivation of talents.

The three of them each had their own strengths, and they were sent to Outer Mongolia together, so they were a perfect match. After Zhang Tinglan saw them, he said with a smile: "Three gentlemen, if you want to completely control Outer Mongolia, drastic reforms are an inevitable choice. I think there are three

This important task must be completed. The pastures should be divided equally, transportation should be built, and culture and education should be developed. The three of them cooperate with each other and are indispensable!"

"The Marshal is wise!" Wang Shuhan said with a smile: "When we came here, we had already drafted a plan. The core of everything was to divide the pasture equally. We must adopt the redemption plan proposed by the Marshal. We bought the pasture from the prince, but this

The money cannot be handed over directly to the prince, but is used for development in Outer Mongolia, which is equivalent to investment, and the prince can only enjoy the benefits."

Zhang Tinglan carefully looked over Wang Shuhan's action plan, and he was still very satisfied. Zeng Youyi said at the side: "After the pasture is divided equally, the number of cattle and sheep in the grassland will definitely increase, and a large number of minerals will be developed, and transportation will be developed.

It has become an inevitable choice. At present, the basic trunk lines of the railways in the three northeastern provinces are already in place. I plan to lead a railway from the north to the south of the three northeastern provinces, and the southern line will connect Chengde, Zhangjiakou, and Guisui. This will almost form a

A railway line running parallel to the Great Wall firmly controls Inner Mongolia, and we can also transfer important industries along the railway line and expand the scale of industry. This is a good thing."

Railway construction has always had to consider all aspects of the conditions. Rehe, Chahar, and Suiyuan have just been brought under control, and the power controlled by the Fengjun is still seriously insufficient. A railway is needed to connect it. Moreover, Zhang Tinglan has long noticed that the three eastern provinces

If it is too close to Japan, if the industry is too concentrated, it will bring unexpected consequences. Therefore, extending to Inner Mongolia and even the northwest is an inevitable choice.

"Commander, the northern line of the railway leads from Changchun, connects with Taonan, and is built directly to Kulun. The main function of this railway is in the military. It can realize rapid troop transportation and can not only cope with possible emergencies in Outer Mongolia.

It can also offset the advantages of Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway.”

"Well, the idea is very good. During the construction, unemployed herdsmen can be appropriately introduced to provide them with jobs and improve their living conditions." After Zhang Tinglan finished speaking, he smiled and said to Guan Haiqing: "The first two items are just to take care of your stomach.

If we want people to have jobs and have enough to eat, then we need to focus on brain issues."

"Commander Shengming, Outer Mongolia has been alienated for many years. It is very important to clean up people's hearts. It is necessary to open large schools and give ordinary herdsmen's children the opportunity to study. It will not only change their destiny. It can also accelerate the realization of Sinicization. And recently, Lama

A large number of deaths have caused the people of Outer Mongolia to lose their spiritual sustenance. It is a good time to carry out scientific propaganda. It is completely possible to select a scientific team from the university in Fengtian and come to teach. Promote cultural knowledge and promote cultural propaganda.

Take control of the position."

"The most difficult thing to change is people's ideas. We must work hard and make sufficient preparations to completely change the situation in Outer Mongolia."

After everyone discussed it, various new policies in Outer Mongolia were implemented. First, we checked the scope of the pasture. According to calculations, each family can get about one hundred acres of pasture. They can also get twenty sheep and some tent farming tools.


On the grassland, there used to be a large number of extremely poor herdsmen who had nothing. They could only make a living by herding sheep for princes and temples. They were often beaten severely and were not hungry all year round. They were basically no different from slaves. From having nothing to having everything

With the vast tracts of pasture and herds of cattle and sheep, these people simply didn’t know how to express their emotions.

They lay on the ground and kept kowtowing. Some even found Zhang Tinglan's photo in the newspaper, cleaned the shrine at home, and then respectfully worshiped it. The original Buddha only told them to worship, and then put them

Take away the last copper plate in your hand.

Now the new "gods" not only don't want anything from them, but also allocate pasture to them, allowing them to truly see the hope of life for the first time. These herdsmen are grateful from the bottom of their hearts, and the entire grassland is filled with laughter and laughter.

These herdsmen also heard that during the New Year, the grasslands will implement more policies to build roads, develop mines, and establish schools so that their children can go to school. This was a treatment that only nobles could enjoy in the past. Now everyone has the opportunity.


In addition, there will be hospitals, post offices, electric lights, running water, etc. on the grasslands. You should experience what modern life is on the grasslands. These new policies and measures have allowed herdsmen to finally dare to dream of a better life. In fact, they do not need those gods and Buddhas.

You can still live better, and after encountering difficulties, the government is often more effective than the lama.

After Wang Shuhan learned about the situation on the grassland, he proposed that although pastures and cattle and sheep were divided, the cold winter was approaching and most herdsmen still could not cope with this winter. Therefore, Wang Shuhan asked Fengtian to transport a large amount of living materials to supply the herdsmen's lives.


Even if you don’t have money, you can get a loan advance from the bank to purchase the things you need. With this measure, not many people will starve to death this winter. The government is indeed more effective than gods and Buddhas!

Just when Fengjun was fully implementing the New Deal, Wu Kaijie also returned to Kulun. He was ordered to chase Enqin and his gang until they reached Kyaktu, an important town on the Sino-Russian border.

Feng Jun killed him, and the White Russian army that invaded Outer Mongolia was completely wiped out.

For the entire border, it was quite shocking. Those Russian leaders who looked down on China finally knew how powerful China was. They all restrained their subordinates and were not allowed to invade the Chinese border, which would cause trouble.

Wu Kaijie led his troops to patrol the border, expelled all the Belarusians who had sneaked into China, built a number of new border posts, and left sufficient defense forces. After doing everything, he returned to Cullen in triumph.

"Fengjun never suffers a loss. The Russians have invaded Outer Mongolia. We have to show them some shame. Fengjun also wants to break out of the country and show his power in the Far East!"

As soon as the generals in the Culun City heard what Zhang Tinglan said, they knew that they were really going to intervene in Russia. Therefore, they were all gearing up to fight the domestic warlords. Not only would they lose their reputation, but it would also be pointless.

, Fengjun’s real opponents are the great powers. As long as the influence of the great powers is eliminated, it will not be difficult to unify the country.

"Humble words, I am in favor of sending troops, but we'd better figure out how much money we have, otherwise it would be bad to do it rashly. Besides, winter is coming soon, and the Far East is not suitable for fighting. We can just take advantage of this winter

, prepare your troops and prepare for attack!" Yang Yuting said with a smile.

"That's right, several months have passed since the troops were sent to rescue Rehe. The machines obtained from Germany should also be put into production one after another. I am full of expectations for the industry in the three northeastern provinces. Only when the industry develops can we dare to compete with the great powers.


Zhang Tinglan temporarily handed over the affairs of Outer Mongolia to Jiang Dengxuan and Wang Shuhan. He took Yang Yuting and others back to Fengtian. As soon as he arrived in Fengtian, he got good news. Fengjun's industry developed rapidly in the second half of the year, and the steel output for the whole year was expected.

Get as much as 150,000 tons! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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