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Chapter 68 Rejuvenating the country through hard work

Ancient Chinese society has long been a leader in the world. There is no need to praise it blindly, but at least the ancient Chinese system has many merits.

For example, aristocrats have long existed in Western societies, and social status among people is determined by blood. This was true even after the French Revolution, when the concept of equality for all became widespread. The majority of elites at the top of Western society

All have noble ancestry.

During the Three Kingdoms period in China, Cao Cao called for meritocracy. The Sui and Tang Dynasties established the imperial examination system, which broke the aristocracy's monopoly on state power in one fell swoop. Social classes became mobile. A gentleman's success lasted only three generations. Compared with the imperial examination system,

The official selection systems of other countries at the same time were really too advanced.

The Seven Rules that are regarded as oppressing and exploiting women are not so useless, because as long as women do not violate the seven rules above, the husband cannot divorce his wife at will. This is also a kind of protection for women, and there are several of the Seven Rules that

Those who will be divorced in later generations include being unfilial to parents, being promiscuous, talking too much, stealing, etc.

Zhang Tinglan had already taken the initiative and said slowly: "Let me explain the three no-goes first. The first one means that the wife has no relatives at home. After being divorced, she has no support. The second one means to observe filial piety for the parents together. The third one is more

It’s easy to understand. As the saying goes, a bad wife never goes to court. If a man becomes rich, he abandons his wife. This is despised by people in any era. This is the old feudal morality that Professor Yang criticized and criticized. The students present

, if you think about it carefully, although this is not entirely reasonable, have you experienced the kind of humanistic care of our ancestors?"

At this time, fifty or sixty people had gathered inside and outside Kuang Rongguang's courtyard, and several lecturers and professors rushed over. At this time, there were only one or two hundred people in each grade of Peking University. Now that so many people have gathered, it can be seen that the situation is lively.


Yang Shuqing was usually an academic star and a representative of new ideas. He had great influence among students. However, a young man challenged him and pushed Yang Shuqing into a corner. Everyone's interest was aroused.

Zhang Tinglan mentioned that he was out and about and stayed away. The students present who knew about it nodded frequently and explained it to others. Everyone felt that what Zhang Tinglan said was correct, but Yang Shuqing's face looked particularly ugly.

There is a reason why he is so miserable. Many people who study abroad already have wives at home. After living abroad for a few years, they have seen the prosperity and fashionable girls, and their wives with small feet at home have become more and more disdainful.

Because of this, these people got divorced one after another after returning to China.

Not only Yang Shuqing was like this, but also professors surnamed Lu, Professor surnamed Chen, and Professor surnamed Guo who came later were like this. This was simply a social trend. Although they claimed that this was a break with feudal arranged marriage and the pursuit of freedom of love,

It is a new type of thinking of a new type of person, but they themselves know whether it is a bad thing or not.

Before Zhang Tinglan traveled through time, she also collected the romantic affairs of many masters out of interest. After reading more, she found that these masters who were praised to the heavens looked like scum when they treated their first wives.

"Professor Yang, if I remember correctly, you have divorced your first wife. Your wife's parents died early and she is left alone. You still have your children to depend on each other. During the few years you went abroad, your wife was filial and respectful.

Parents-in-law, raising a young son can be said to be a virtuous and virtuous person who has endured hardships. But before you went abroad, you were just a child of a middle-class family. Now you have returned home and are a famous university professor all over the world. Everyone respects you. You deserve to be rich after being poor, right? Three

Otherwise, you have violated everything. You write articles criticizing the old feudal morality every day, but in the end, your behavior still fails to meet the requirements of the old morality. Isn’t it something that makes people laugh?"

Zhang Tinglan was unhurried and spoke eloquently from beginning to end, and everyone present gradually listened to his words. Everyone usually didn't think about the problem from this perspective, but now after hearing Zhang Tinglan's point, everyone

I began to ponder, and it was true. They criticized this and that all day long, but no one ever looked back at themselves to see if there was anything wrong with them.

"Shameless junior, you are confusing right and wrong again. My divorce is to draw a clear line with the old era. It is everyone's right to pursue freedom of love. Arranged marriages, this old era garbage, will naturally be abandoned. You are bringing out this nonsense.

It’s useless if you don’t go!”

"I have never been against freedom of love, and of course I don't advocate arranged marriage. But for the so-called break, you ruthlessly hurt a woman who gave birth to your children, raised your parents, and took care of the family. Ask yourself whether you are worthy of your original wife.

Madam? Is this what you call respecting women?"

"Well said, so right!" There were many female students present. Zhang Tinglan spoke from the perspective of the victimized women, and they all heard it in their hearts. Usually they are a little confused by the so-called freedom of love by these professors.

, but now they are starting to wake up, and many bold girls have begun to cheer for Zhang Tinglan.

Yang Shuqing was already in a state of chaos. He had never thought that a young man could be so evil. He was at a loss. Zhang Tinglan continued to pursue the victory.

"Professor Yang, I heard that you have found a new love. She is a famous talented socialite and modern girl in Beijing. I wonder what new ideas you have learned from her and what new inspiration you have received? Or maybe you are simply coveting her beauty.

Is your view of love so shallow?"

"You...you..." Yang Shuqing pointed at Zhang Tinglan, but he couldn't say a word. What he regretted most was that he brought the topic to morality. He attacked Zhang Tinglan for coming from a warlord family, but after a few words, he counterattacked.

It was so violent that he directly grasped the problem of abandoning his wife and pursued him so fiercely that he couldn't resist at all.

The all-purpose rhetoric of the past is useless now. Zhang Tinglan's words, "You criticize the old morality every day, but in the end your actions still fail to meet the requirements of the old morality" are like a poisoned dagger, stabbing hard.

Yang Shuqing's heart felt like a curse.

"Classmates, listen to his words and watch his actions. Yang Shuqing talks about freedom of love, but he forgets about marital fidelity; he talks about respecting women, but he is greedy for beauty and treats love very superficially; he talks about equality for everyone, but he

He can feel at ease with 400 yuan a month, but the janitor and librarian can't get 400 yuan a month. The difference is a hundred times!

Yang Shuqing just now said something very good, that is, he said that it would take five hundred years for China to catch up with the great powers. In other words, it should never catch up. This is what he said, because once China develops, everyone will read and think.

Everyone opens their eyes wide, and people like him lose the ability to sensationalize.

After all, they are also the beneficiaries of a backward China. The more backward China is, the more beneficial it is to them. They can get enough benefits by just swearing, without thinking or rigorous argumentation. Otherwise, they will rely on Professor Yang's academic attitude.

Is it worth four hundred oceans a month?”

Zhang Tinglan's unceremoniousness directly lifted the veil of hypocritical literati and tore off their fig leaf. Don't think that those literati who seem to be concerned about the country and the people are really thinking about the country. In fact, these people have their own little calculations.

Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there has been a force in Chinese society called Qingliu. They don't do serious work, but they criticize people who do things. If there is a problem, they know how to abuse them, as if they are always right.

In the Republic of China, this group of people did not disappear. On the contrary, they became stronger. China's national power became more and more declining, and the gap with the West became wider and wider. All Chinese people were no longer confident in their own history and culture. As a result, this group of people seized

They jumped out of this national mentality one after another.

The more they slander China and the more they abuse themselves, the better their reputation will be. Therefore, this group of people even shouted the slogan of abolishing Chinese characters and abolishing traditional Chinese medicine. When talking about history, they even said that China only has two eras.

The era of slavery and the era of being a slave but not being able to do so have been temporarily established.

If ancient China was really so miserable, then how could this country have been inherited for five thousand years and continue uninterrupted, and what a hell the Western countries were during the same period. If you didn't have a pathological masochistic spirit, you would never be able to say this.

Yang Shuqing felt as if he had had a nightmare. In a short period of time, he was refuted from both his academics and his character. He was deceived and couldn't find a way to fight back. Especially since many female students present began to use

She looked at him with contempt.

Indeed, no matter how much he quibbles, no matter how loudly he shouts about free love, abandoning his wife can never be justified. Not getting married is still justifiable. They are already in the same bed. They have paid so much for him, but he is so easy.

He abandoned the other party and still looked at peace with himself, which is really despising.

Yang Shuqing couldn't stay any longer. He staggered away from the crowd and walked outside. None of the students present helped him. Instead, they all looked at him with contempt. These young people could not help but think,

Listening to their words and watching their actions, it seems that I can no longer blindly trust these people.

At this time, Professor Guo, who had been watching the excitement, ran over quickly, helped Yang Shuqing and fled the scene. Speaking from his heart, Zhang Tinglan did not feel the joy of victory at all. There are too many people in Chinese society who boast, but too few who are really willing to do things with their heart.

, there are still too many things to do if we want this country to develop!

"Sir, you speak very well. Can you tell me where China's solution is?" A young student in his twenties asked Zhang Tinglan. He obviously had no experience speaking in public, and his face

His face was red, but his eyes were very firm. He used to believe Yang Shuqing's arguments, but now he was confused and urgently needed a new direction.

Zhang Tinglan thought for a moment, and then said: "Our backwardness was not caused overnight. It also takes time to become strong. The West has been on the road to industrialization for more than a hundred years. We can only catch up, work hard, and work hard."

, and even work hard to complete the Western industrialization road in the shortest time. Empty talk will only harm the country, but hard work can prosper the country!"

Five thousand has been collected and I will add another chapter. I haven’t saved the manuscript yet. The next chapter will be around nine o’clock. Please continue to call for support and votes.

This chapter has been completed!
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