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Chapter five hundred and fifty-one cold offensive

The cement was mixed with extremely tough branches and wormwood, making the ground suddenly hard. The mud was no longer a problem. The soldiers of the First Division moved forward quickly on the newly opened road.

At this time, the workers responsible for emergency repairs of the railway finally came up. Originally, this kind of task had been handed over to the specialized engineering troops. However, Fengjun did not have such a strong family background at the moment. There was a serious shortage of professional engineering troops in the army, so he could only use

Ordinary railroad workers.

Among the more than 3,000 people in total, about 1,000 participated in the construction of the Jilin-Fenghuang Railway, and the other 2,000 or so workers were World War I workers who returned from Europe. When these workers were in Europe, they also participated in the emergency repair of the railway and accumulated a lot of experience.

After gaining a lot of experience, I happened to be sent to the front line this time. The Guards are their leaders. It has been almost a year since they returned to China, but the situation in Europe is still vivid in their minds.

One hundred thousand Chinese workers were almost used as cannon fodder by the British and French. They had to go to the front line to help the Allied Powers transport the wounded, repair roads and fortifications. Hundreds of workers fell under the attack of German planes. Those who were civilized

The self-proclaimed British and French armies did not show any signs, they just buried the matter hastily.

After more than four years of destruction, Chinese workers relied on their own lives to win the status of a victorious nation. However, the subsequent Paris Peace Conference ruthlessly proved that the so-called victorious nation was just a joke, and China would still be at the mercy of others.

Before going to Europe, Wei Jun was just an ignorant young man, but after this period of time, he truly saw the faces of the great powers, and also understood that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Not only him, but all the workers of the First World War

This is all the case. After they returned to the country, most of them stayed in the three northeastern provinces and invested in the construction of the three northeastern provinces.

Know shame and then be brave. These workers are more hard-working than other workers. The powerful industrial capabilities, developed transportation, and prosperous cities of the great powers all stimulate them. Fengjun has begun to catch up. Although their strength is meager, they are willing to

Try your best and dedicate your sweat.

After the Guardsmen led all the workers into the Russian land, they inspected the condition of the railway as quickly as possible and formulated a repair plan.

"How is the situation? How long will it take to repair it?" Sun Anhu asked the guards with a solemn face. If you want to develop deeper into Russia, you cannot do without the support of the railway. Without strong logistics, there will be no real victory.

"Sir Sun, the situation is not good. The Russians have demolished all the rails and the roadbed has been damaged to varying degrees. Moreover, the Russian railway uses wide gauge. It is different from the standard gauge used in China. It also needs to be modified, which is time-consuming.


When Sun Anhu heard this, he quickly shook his head: "No, it's too slow. The soldiers are very fast. The railway alone will be delayed for several months. How can we continue to fight!"

The Guards were also at a loss. At this moment, a soldier suddenly ran over and reported to Sun Anhu: "Sir, we found a large number of railway tracks in a valley five kilometers away. They seemed to have just been removed from the railway.


As soon as he heard the news, the guards' eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said: "Quick, take us over and have a look!"

The guards led a few young engineers and ran over as fast as they could. Sure enough, there were a lot of railroad tracks piled up in the valley. After seeing this situation, the guards were overjoyed and hurriedly ordered the railroad tracks to be dragged out.

Transported to a nearby railway line for later use.

"Mr. Sun, the Russians moved in a hurry. They were just demolished by the rails and thrown aside. They were not completely destroyed. So I have an idea to restore the broad gauge railway according to Russian standards first. Although there are no locomotives

and carriages, but animals can be used to temporarily drag the materials, and the efficiency will be doubled. We will then carry out the work of changing the track and repairing it."

When Sun Anhu heard this method, he couldn't help but nod. This was the most appropriate method at present. However, in the next battle, he must act quickly to not give the Russians a chance to destroy the road.

All the railway workers were busy. A railway track was 25 meters long and weighed more than ten tons. There was no large equipment at the front line with poor conditions. The workers could only carry the rails with their hands. They were divided into groups of fifty people and everyone worked together.

Work together to place the rails on the roadbed.

After just a few transports, my limbs were sore and swollen, sweating profusely, and my legs were like lead. However, everyone gritted their teeth and tried their best to ensure the rapid recovery of the railway.

Not only these workers, but also soldiers joined in. Sun Anhu personally allocated a thousand pack horses to them, and they were finally promoted. The Guards also learned that the destruction by the Russians was not complete, and some sections of the railway tracks were still preserved.

, due to the limited use of explosives, the damage to the roadbed was not serious, which also gave him a sigh of relief.

While intensifying road repairs, the First Division had reached the outskirts of Borgia after two and a half days of arduous trek. This was the first important city after entering Russia from Manchuria, and the Russians invested here

It was heavily armed and built a large number of fortifications.

Blyucher personally sent his most capable assistant, Commander Sugorov of the Fourth Far East Division, to take charge of the defense. Sugorov was also a newly emerged general in the Russian Civil War and had extremely strong combat command capabilities. Like Blyucher,

They are all very realistic soldiers.

After personally inspecting the situation on the Sino-Russian border, he found that a stubborn confrontation on the border would be extremely detrimental to Russia. Therefore, he only left a small number of troops on the border, and then focused his defense on Borgia, and along the way

It was he who came up with the idea of ​​strengthening the walls and clearing the country.

Sugorov built dense fortifications around Borja. More than 20,000 Russian troops were ready to defend, and additional troops could be added at any time.

Zhang Henian, the brigade commander of the second brigade of the first division, held a telescope in his hand and carefully observed the Russian position. As soon as he saw the opponent's fortifications, Zhang Henian knew that the opponent was a strong enemy. He hurriedly ordered the troops to build positions and prepare them well.

Preparation for attack.

Although the First Division arrived at Borgia half a day ahead of schedule, there were still people who were faster than them, and that was the Air Force. Even before the war began, Fengjun had built a large airport in Manchuria.

Just after dawn, Feng Yong arrived at the airport in person. Far away, he could hear the deafening buzz of the air-cooled engine. The double-blade propeller fanned a whirlwind and swept across the tarmac. Every soldier's hair was blown away.

The blowing was messy, and the ground soldiers were loading bombs into the belly of the bomber. Four newly developed 125-kilogram bombs showed huge destructive capabilities.

36 new dead-fire bombers and 12 escort fighter jets were ready to go. Although the majority party's troops did not have many aircraft during the battle, Fengjun did not dare to make any omissions. This was the first time that a large-scale bomber force was organized.

Combat is both actual combat and exercise, and no problems can occur in every aspect.

After Jiang Kui checked his flare gun, he waved to the air crew. His No. 101 bomber roared into the sky first, followed closely by the other war eagles. Soon all forty-eight aircraft had taken off, forming a dense formation.

The aircraft fleet and the personnel on the ground were all overwhelmed by the powerful deterrent power of the aircraft fleet.

From Manzhouli to Borgia, it is more than 70 kilometers in total. It only takes half an hour to get there, but this half hour is a test for every pilot. The cold and biting spring wind blows everyone mercilessly. Especially here

This semi-open cabin is even more serious. Fortunately, I heard that Fengjun has begun to develop a closed cabin, and maybe things will change in the future.

The plane crossed the Ergun River and flew quickly towards Russia. Below them, a large number of Fengjun soldiers could be seen squirming forward. The pilots followed the leading fighter jets while joking with each other, or

Chew toffee and chocolate to divert attention and relieve cold symptoms.

Just when everyone was about to freeze, suddenly a large building appeared in front of them. Borgia was right in front of them!

But what surprised the pilots was that no anti-aircraft balloons could be seen in the air. The fighter jets flew at a lower altitude and were not hit by anti-aircraft firepower. This made the Fengjun pilots a little uncomfortable. After all, they were still facing a great power.

How is it possible that there is no means of air defense at all?

However, this is the case. It can only be said that after the consumption of the civil war, Russia's national strength has seriously declined, and it has been distanced by the world's powerful countries. It wants to do everything, and it is already powerless.

Borgia is only a small town of about 20,000 people. The target for bombing is not difficult to find. The first thing the Feng army attacked was the Russian artillery position. The bombers continued to lower their altitude. Only then did sporadic artillery fire come to mind, but there was not enough

The intensive firepower could not even damage the aircraft.

Jiang Kui quickly reached the attack altitude. Two 125-kilogram high-explosive aerial bombs were the first to break away from their restraints, and then the other two roared towards the ground. The weight of hundreds of kilograms suddenly caused the bomber to suddenly rise hundreds of meters, leaving behind him

The comrades gave way to the bombing channel.

The huge fleet of aircraft that followed immediately caused the Russians to become confused. After two loud bangs, the bomb accurately hit the heavy artillery position. Although it failed to directly hit the cannon, the flying gravel and soil still destroyed the position.

It was half buried. The first hit inspired the comrades behind them, and other bombers began to take turns dropping bombs one by one. Many pilots even dropped bombs at a low altitude of 600 meters.

The power of 125 kilogram aerial bombs is astonishing, far greater than the Army's 203mm artillery shells of the same weight. A total of 18 bombers of the Feng Army carried four bombs this time. A total of 72 bombs completely enveloped the Russian artillery positions.

Caught in smoke and fire, they suffered heavy losses.

A large number of heavy artillery were destroyed, and the artillery personnel were blown to pieces, leaving a mess on the ground. The other bombers were early models with weaker bomb-carrying capabilities and could only carry six to eight 50-kilogram bombs. However, these bombs mainly

Used for anti-personnel purposes, they also achieved some results. The Russians who were blown up by bombers all enjoyed the greetings of small bombs.

There was also a bomb that happened to land in an ammunition depot, causing a strong explosion. Tens of thousands of artillery shells exploded at the same time, generating strong high temperatures. In an instant, all the surrounding Russians were vaporized, just like the explosion of an atomic bomb.

, nothing is left.

When the last bomber completed its bombing and began to return, the Russian position was already filled with thick smoke and flames. The Russian commander Sugorov personally directed the Russian army to put out the fire. They brought clean water with buckets and basins.

Want to put out the fire on the position.

But at this time, Zhang Henian had already commanded the troops outside the city to make preparations. When he saw the plane returning, the Russian position was bombed into a mess. The artillery attack finally started. The roar of heavy artillery shook the field. Shinichi

A round of more terrifying blows fell on the heads of the Russians. Countless artillery shells hit their heads. The violent metal storm took away one life after another. The Russian soldiers who had been tested on the battlefield were blown to pieces. The battlefield

There was a terrible smell of blood hanging over it.

Sugorov was also a strong general. He had never been so cowardly when facing the White Guards. How could he be suppressed and beaten by the Chinese? He roared loudly: "Fire and blow all the Chinese into pieces!"

"Comrade Division Commander, half of our heavy artillery was lost in the bombing just now, and one-third of our artillery was lost. There is really no way to fight against the Chinese ** team."

Sugorov barely suppressed his anger and said angrily: "The Chinese will not be arrogant for too long, I will tear you apart!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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