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Five hundred and ninetieth chapters take advantage of the victory and seek peace

Eliminate the majority party? Doesn’t that mean we have to go to Europe? Although Zhang Zuoxiang doesn’t know much about the international situation, just looking at the map, he knows that this is a despairing distance. Not to mention the current situation of Fengjun, even if Fengjun

Even if the military can unite the whole country and then recuperate after twenty years, it may not be able to do so.

Like Zhang Tinglan, one of the main reasons why Zhang Zuoxiang could become Zhang Zuolin's most trusted assistant from a green forest bandit is that he has self-awareness. The more favorable the situation, the more clear-headed he must be.

"Mr. Eston, didn't Britain also participate in the military intervention in Russia? Isn't it a bit unreasonable for us to send troops alone?"

"Yes, in fact, the British Empire government has already taken action. Together with France and Poland, we are fighting the majority party's army to prevent them from entering Eastern Europe. If China can launch a powerful attack from the Far East, it will definitely give Russia a

People deal fatal blows."

Klein also said: "Mr. Inspector, the Majority Party is a scourge and a threat to the world. If they can be eliminated, all countries will definitely treat China as an equal and regard China as their closest and most important ally."

"It seems that Mr. Zhang has heard of this a long time ago!" Zhang Zuoxiang sneered slightly: "It was this rhetoric that persuaded the Duan Qirui government to participate in the war against Germany. In the end, the Shandong issue was still unresolved."

Zhang Zuoxiang unceremoniously exposed the hypocritical promises of the two countries, which embarrassed Klein and Eston. However, they were still unwilling to give up persuading Zhang Zuoxiang. The reason was very simple. They did encounter trouble in the direction of Europe.

In fact, long before the Feng army attacked the Far East, the Russians had successively eliminated Kolchak and Denikin's troops. The White Army had basically collapsed, leaving only Poland and Russia still fighting.

Before World War I, Poland was divided between Germany and Russia. After World War I, Poland successfully regained its independence. It took back a lot of territory from Germany, but there was still a large amount of territory in the hands of Russia. Poland, which had just been founded,

With the support of Britain and France, it participated in the intervention of the Russian army.

Just in April, the Polish army once reached Kiev. However, due to the long battle line and insufficient supplies, the Polish army suffered a disastrous defeat. The Russian army then entered Eastern Europe under the command of Tukhachevsky.

At this time, the majority of the party was still very enthusiastic about exporting revolution.

They want to completely defeat the Polish army, and then promote the Red Movement in Central and Eastern Europe to realize the idea of ​​world revolution. The entry of the majority party army into Eastern Europe is definitely a serious threat to Britain and France.

At this time, the sudden victory of the Feng army in the Far East was greatly beyond their expectations. However, the British also found this to be an excellent opportunity to encourage the Chinese to launch an attack. It was of course in their calculations to ease the pressure of the majority party on Eastern Europe.

In the war, they only have their own gains and losses, and Fengjun is just a pawn. In their view, Europe is still the center of the world. In order to protect Europe, it is natural for China to sacrifice itself.

When Aston saw that Zhang Zuoxiang was not fooled, he gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Patrol Envoy, we sincerely hope that China can continue to march. And we also believe that Fengjun is the most promising force in China. We

I would like to see Fengjun unify China."

At this point, Aston paused and added: "Of course this must be based on a prerequisite, and the interests of all countries in China must be safeguarded."

Since ancient times, political power has come from the barrel of a gun. Lao Yuan was able to climb to the throne of the president in the first place because he held the powerful Beiyang Army. Now Fengjun has defeated the Russians and is definitely the strongest army in China. Fengjun entered

The situation of dominating the Central Plains has become very clear and almost difficult to contain.

When Fengjun first dispatched troops, Britain and the United States also drew two red lines, not allowed to annex the Far East and not allowed to compete for the Central Plains. However, the Fengjun fought so well in the Far East, the situation has changed, and Russia's threat to Europe has increased.

It was too serious, so the British changed their strategy,

Supporting Fengjun to unify the world seems like a big favor, but it is just a favor without any cost, and they also want Fengjun to maintain their interests in China. To put it bluntly, they want Fengjun to be Yuan Shikai's second. If it is anything else

The princes would be happy and happy just with the support of a big power, but Fengjun was special. Without good things of real money and silver, there was no way to bribe Fengjun.

Zhang Zuoxiang is also a man who doesn't let go of eagles when he sees rabbits, so he said with a smile: "Two ministers, the war in the Far East is not over yet, it is too early to talk about anything else, and I don't know the situation on the front line. We can talk about these things later."


When Klein and Eston saw that Zhang Zuoxiang was not fooled, they had no choice but to say goodbye and leave. However, they did not give up the idea, but used all their strength to praise Feng Jun.

Various newspapers continued to publish various news about Fengjun, calling Fengjun the strongest army in the Far East, praising Zhang Tinglan as a young and promising general, the Napoleon of China, the solid barrier of the Far East, and the shield of God...

In addition to the propaganda in newspapers, military attachés from various countries also made comments from a seemingly fair standpoint, claiming that the Fengjun Army was the most modern army in the Far East and had a huge advantage over the majority party. As long as they made up their minds, they could easily


Following the praise of the great powers, a large number of Chinese literati and scholars also stood up. They also began to write articles one after another, pointing out that Russia was China's biggest threat. Since they sent troops to the Far East, they should succeed in the first battle and completely eliminate Russia as a threat.

, strive for eternal peace in the north.

Led by a scholar surnamed Hu and affiliated with several other scholars, they jointly published an open letter to Zhang Tinglan in the newspaper. They believed that the elimination of the majority party was something that the great powers jointly supported. China should participate in it and contribute more. This is the only way.

Only in this way can China's fate be reversed. They also cited the example of the Paris Peace Conference. Although China participated in the war against Germany, it only sent laborers and no real combat troops, which was why the Paris Peace Conference failed.

If you want to win the respect of the world, you should take responsibility. A little sacrifice is worth it. You will definitely win an independent status from the big powers.

After a few people took the lead, many scholars and officials sent similar telegrams one after another, encouraging Fengjun to continue his efforts and achieve meritorious deeds.

Faced with the boiling public opinion, Zhang Tinglan could only think of two words, and that was praise! The great powers wanted to deceive Fengjun and fight with the Russians. Then they could reap the benefits. These random flatteries have no value.

.Through fighting with the Russians, Zhang Tinglan has figured out the actual combat effectiveness between the two sides.

It can only be said that Fengjun and the Russians have their own merits. The Fengjun was able to defeat the Russians in the Far East, on the one hand, it was well prepared. On the other hand, it had geographical advantages, the supply line was relatively short, and it could mobilize its troops calmly.

If we continue to fight in the direction of Europe, the advantages and disadvantages will be reversed, and the Russians will have the upper hand. This is a very clear thing. No matter who says it, Zhang Tinglan will not get too hot-headed and ruin the hard-won situation.

"Brother Baili, look at this open letter. Do you have any ideas?"

Jiang Baili sneered and said contemptuously: "Despicable!"

Yang Yuting also nodded and said with great emotion: "I'd like to say that before I met you, I still admired these scholars very much. Although I occasionally felt that their views were questionable, it was still for the good of this country. But here we are.

Now, I am absolutely convinced that these people may have already fallen into the arms of foreigners. They keep claiming independence of personality and oppose blind obedience to superstition, but why these people are so superstitious about the West is really puzzling!"

"There is nothing difficult to explain. They use people's money to eliminate disasters for others. These scholars studied abroad and accepted the Western ideas. As long as the foreigners win over them a little, they will become slaves of the West."

As Jiang Baili spoke, he pointed to the paragraph above the open letter and said with a sneer: "They actually defended the Paris Peace Conference. The great powers bullied China. Instead of looking for problems from the great powers, they blamed the Chinese people for not making enough sacrifices. This is not bastard logic.


Zhang Tinglan also sneered and said: "The foreign powers have bullied China for many years. The two sides are enemies of life and death. The only way to deal with them is with bayonets. Let us use our own blood to work for the foreign powers, and then strive for the independence that the foreign powers gave us. If this does not count,

Despicable, there is nothing in the world called despicable!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tinglan also suddenly remembered a certain South Asian power in later generations. First, it fought two world wars for the suzerain country, and also wanted to sacrifice itself in exchange for independence. However, the master did not allow it, and they started crying.

He performed a trick of hanging himself. He held a knife and pointed it at his own neck, threatening his master and saying, "If you don't let me be independent, I will die for you!"

Looking at the open letter in front of me, and thinking about a certain country in later generations, Zhang Tinglan did not mean to be sarcastic, but felt a sense of sadness. A certain country in South Asia has been enslaved for too long, and the entire social elite has been domesticated and turned into loyal

Geng Geng's slaves, so they did not have the courage to resist.

As for China, it is also an ancient country, but it still has its spirit and real hard bones, so it can barely fight its way out. However, those domesticated cultural celebrities still exist, and their slave mentality of always kneeling is still spread. Therefore,

So they will question the founding battle of a new great country and bravely accept the challenge of the Western world. They will look forward to an era when two to three billion people starved to death and inflation was 100% every year. They will praise those things that happened in the concession.

The romance between them and their master was because at that time, they were closest to their master.

"The Chinese Communist Party can only fight for China's interests. There is no need to bleed and sacrifice for Westerners. Don't care about these bastards!"

Yang Yuting said with a smile: "Zhu Yan said it well. Whether we should fight or stop depends on our interests. However, I would like to remind Zhu Yan that we must be prepared for the infiltration of Western ideas.

Especially since we have sent so many overseas students, we can’t let other people’s crops grow in our own fields!”

Zhang Tinglan also nodded: "It is true that we must take strict precautions, but most of the overseas students we send are in science and engineering. We require them to learn truly useful technologies, and they will have to rely on their real skills to make a living in the future. For other things,

It also has some ability to resist.”

"In the final analysis, there are still too few practical people." Jiang Baili said with a wry smile: "I think we should also increase the ratio of science and engineering. It is now six to four, and it is best to reach nine to one, so that the best young people can

If they all stay in science and engineering, the number of college students we can train is limited, so good steel must be used on the blade!"

Zhang Tinglan also readily agreed to this proposal. It turned out that there were not enough teachers to expand the enrollment. Since the Belarusian teachers were digested, a group of teachers from Germany were introduced. The number of science and engineering teachers in the three northeastern provinces is also sufficient. Further strengthening

The time is also ripe.

During the discussion, Sun Anhu walked in with a smile: "The commander-in-chief, the chief of staff, Li Jinglin and Ding Chao led the troops almost at the same time and captured the train station. Now the armies from the north and the south have successfully joined forces and captured Akinskoye.

, it’s right in front of you, what should I do next, please give me the commander’s instructions.”

"Don't rush to fight, surround the remaining Russian troops, use them as hostages, and take advantage of the victory to propose peace talks. I don't believe that the Russians will not come to the negotiating table."

This chapter has been completed!
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