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Chapter 617 Selling Weapons

How much strength there is, how much ambition there is. Wang Yongjiang, who has always advocated safety, has already set his sights on the northwest. It can also be seen that expanding the power and occupying more territory has long been the consensus of Fengjun. However, compared to simply

For military attacks, Wang Yongjiang prefers to use economic means, such as building a main railway line connecting the east and west. This is a very good choice.

"I would like to say, take the northwest as the strategic rear of Fengjun. This is the policy you have long established, and I very much agree with it. In addition, there are more benefits to building railways in the northwest. Speaking of which, starting from the late Qing Dynasty, the northwest has

Chaos occurs frequently, but ultimately it is caused by poverty, and everyone cannot survive. Ma Jiajun and others are using the banner of religion to instigate trouble, and problems naturally arise."

Zhang Tinglan fully agrees with what Wang Yongjiang said. Regardless of any ethnic group, extremists are a minority. As long as they can have enough food and clothing, most people are unwilling to cause trouble. If a main railway line can be built, the resources of the northwest can be tapped.

, the common people will be able to survive, and society will naturally be stable.

Of course, building railways has more functions. For example, it can realize rapid troop transportation, and further control Xinjiang and threaten Russia's Central Asia region. If done properly, Fengjun can build a ten-thousand-mile defense line throughout North China and push Russia away.

People were completely blocked.

"Mr. Minyuan, I support the construction of the railway with both hands, you just need to implement it!"

Wang Yongjiang spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "My humble opinion, if the finance can provide the money, why would I bother to come to you?"

Zhang Tinglan's eyes suddenly widened: "Mr. Minyuan, I don't have the ability to turn stone into gold. How can I get money? Besides, didn't we get a large amount of gold from the Russians? Isn't it enough?"

"There is indeed a lot of gold, but can you buy it directly? Are you willing to do so?" Wang Yongjiang asked bluntly.

Zhang Tinglan could only say: "Of course I am reluctant to give it up, but I think our finances can still spend a lot of money. Is there nothing we can do?"

Wang Yongjiang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'd like to say that no matter how much money you make, it can't match the speed of spending it. I'm going to do a calculation for you now. You can see how much you spent."

As Wang Yongjiang spoke, he listed various spending items for Zhang Tinglan. The first was the direct war funds against Russia, plus pensions for dead and wounded soldiers, and Far East recovery funds. A total of 340 million yuan was consumed. The next step is to restore

The Far East economy is another huge expense.

After war funding, came education expenditure. In order to highlight science and engineering education, Zhang Tinglan adjusted the university enrollment ratio. The number of science students was increased to 80%, with the ultimate goal of reaching 90%. In addition, a large number of new vocational and technical schools were built.

.All refer to the German education system. The main purpose is to cultivate high-quality technical workers.

Developing education is not just a matter of words. A large amount of real money must be invested. Each university must establish laboratories, introduce teachers from abroad, and provide subsidies to students. All these things are counted. At least three more people must be added every year.

Ten million yuan.

Through the war against Russia, Fengjun also discovered many problems. The main ones were that the infrastructure was backward and the roads and railways were not dense enough. It was difficult to transport materials to the front line quickly. Moreover, Fengjun had actually colonized the Far East. In order to make the two places

The connection is getting closer, and Fengjun is preparing to build three bridges across Heilongjiang to completely connect the two places.

Wang Yongjiang took the bills and calculated them one by one for Zhang Tinglan: "Railways, highways, docks, airports, and strategic reserve warehouses in various places all need money. If we don't spend 100 million on infrastructure construction every year, it will definitely not be enough for anything.

In addition, we also have a large number of procurement projects, such as pickup truck production lines in the United States, trucks and shipyards in Germany, and we need to introduce talents from Europe and the United States, which all require a lot of real money."

Zhang Tinglan also took over the words: "There is also the big renovation plan in front of us. Everything is a huge cost. It is true that the financial pressure is too great. However, marching to the northwest is an established strategy and must not be changed. The construction of the railway

The funds will come from military expenditures!"

Zhang Tinglan said categorically. When Wang Yongjiang heard Zhang Tinglan's words, he felt a little sorry and said hurriedly: "I am not complaining that the money should not be spent. On the contrary, every project is related to the future of Fengjun. I am not shirking responsibility."

, I’m looking for you just to find a way to make some money, let’s work together to close the gap!”

"Mr. Minyuan, I know all these things. In fact, I have also calculated that to build a railway to the northwest, the length of the entire line will be three to four thousand kilometers. Most of the areas passed along the way are economically backward and sparsely populated desert areas.

In the early stages of building the railway, we will lose money. Our investment alone will also affect the economic development of the three northeastern provinces. I am prepared to build this railway without spending a penny from the government."

When Wang Yongjiang heard this, he burst into laughter: "Zhuyan, I knew you had a solution, and I'm not a stingy person. You don't need to solve them all. As long as you can come up with half, I will feel a lot more relaxed."

Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "Actually, I don't have any new ideas. The first is to set up a railway company, issue bonds, and raise funds. I will use the mineral resources along the way as collateral. The second method is to play Ma Jiajun's idea, as long as the northwest

After the group was settled, they captured all their people as laborers and used the flesh and blood of these sinners to build the railway."

In an era without heavy machinery, building railways was a matter of life. Americans used a large number of Chinese workers to build railways to the west. Some people have said that under every sleeper, there are corpses of Chinese workers. The Russians

When building the Trans-Siberian Railway, a large number of Chinese laborers died from exhaustion.

During World War II, the Japanese built railways and used a large number of prisoners of war. Human lives became completely consumables. Every kilometer was included in the list of material consumption, just like steel and cement.

When the Feng army was building roads, they also used a large number of laborers, such as Russian prisoners of war and separatists from Outer Mongolia. Countless people died from exhaustion. It sounds very cruel and not humane, but the initial accumulation was like this

, if they are not allowed to die, ordinary people must sacrifice themselves.

Relatively speaking, it is still a good option to extract the final value from these criminals. When Zhang Tinglan sent Feng Yuxiang to the northwest, he intended to use him to eradicate the Ma Jiajun, and at the same time implement the reduction policy to eliminate potential dangers in the northwest


Since these people are to be eliminated, then before eliminating them, make good use of them and build the railway.

Wang Yongjiang also smiled and nodded: "This is the only way to do it, but I would like to remind Feng Yuxiang not to let him kill everyone, otherwise it will be useless."

"The third way is to make plans for arms. I have just handed over the arms agency rights to Feng Yuxiang. I will invest all the profits from selling arms in this railway and the two oil fields of Yanchang and Yumen."

Zhang Tinglan and Wang Yongjiang calculated again. If Ma Jiajun people are used as coolies, the railway's salary costs will be greatly reduced. By issuing bonds and borrowing from banks, they can get at least 10 million or more. Plus the arms profits, the railway will basically

There is hope!

After sending Wang Yongjiang away, Zhang Tinglan was also a little worried. In the early stage of industrialization construction, it was basically investment, and money was spent like water. Especially the current situation of Fengjun, it is a critical moment for the sprint, and sufficient funds must be ensured.

Zhang Tinglan calculated with his fingers that Fengjun's best product now was arms. Only by selling heavily could he get enough funds to use the capital of other warlords to help Fengjun complete the army's transformation.

There happened to be a sale at the moment, so Zhang Tinglan hurriedly sent a telegram to Sun Xianrui of Guangdong and Guangxi, asking her to organize the weapons auction as soon as possible.

At the beginning, Zhang Tinglan promised the warlords in the south that as long as they abandoned Sun Wen, they would be able to obtain arms bidding contracts. Although it was in the name of reward, it was actually to sell Fengjun's weapons and equipment to the south.

Guangdong and Guangxi and even the southwest have been areas with frequent wars since the Republic of China. The demand for weapons is very huge and it is also an important market. Zhang Tinglan originally wanted to send a mature and prudent person there, but when Sun Xianrui got the news, he clamored to take charge of this matter.


Zhang Tinglan didn't believe that this young aunt was really interested in this. She was afraid that she wanted to take the opportunity to go shopping in the south. However, Sun Xianrui won over Zhou Xinyao and played a wife strategy with Zhang Tinglan. Zhang Tinglan did not dare not listen to this pillow talk.

In short, there are certain rules for bidding. As long as you don't mess around, you probably won't go wrong. Zhang Tinglan can only tell the people accompanying him to be more attentive.

After Sun Xianrui received Zhang Tinglan's order, he happily waited for the personnel and went south together, first taking the train to Shanghai, and then arriving at Guangzhou by sea.

After she arrived in Guangzhou, Chen Jiongming and Lu Rongting all came to the pier to greet her. In addition to them, Tang Jiyao from Yunnan, Liu Xianshi from Guizhou, Xiong Kewu and Liu Cunhou from Sichuan all sent special representatives, waiting respectfully for Fengjun to send her.

Members come.

When Sun Xianrui happily got off the boat, all the civil and military officials were dumbfounded. They thought that Zhang Tinglan would send a big shot, but they didn't know that it was just a little girl. Everyone felt a little surprised and even a little angry.

Zhang Tinglan was deliberately playing tricks on them.

Sun Xianrui walked up to everyone nonchalantly and said with a generous smile: "Dear military and political dignitaries, you are all here because of Lan Shuai's face. I know this very well. Let me reveal something to you first.

The news is, there are as many arms and weapons as you want. As long as you can afford it, you can even have an armored force like the Feng Army. From rifles and grenades to aircraft and warships, you can have whatever you want. It all depends on whether you can stomach it!"

After hearing this, everyone present showed joy. They didn't care that Sun Xianrui was a little girl. What they wanted was a weapon. Nothing else mattered. These people were all gearing up and eager to try.

Sun Xianrui was also secretly happy. He was going to do a big business this time, leaving Brother Lan stunned for once... (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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