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Six hundred and thirtieth chapters flatten the horses

"Quickly, return to Ningxia and don't let Fengjun rob our home!"

Ma Fuxiang shouted loudly and beat the horse as hard as he could without feeling any pain at all. Compared with his old nest, a horse is nothing.

After getting the news that Ningxia was attacked, Ma Fuxiang felt bad. He led more than 10,000 cavalry back madly. They had been running for two days in a row, and many people were left behind.

However, Ma Fuxiang was not in the mood to care about them.

The war horse was galloping as fast as possible when suddenly a frozen river appeared in front of him blocking the road. Ma Fuxiang slammed his stirrup, trying to make the war horse jump over. But little did he know that the war horse had already reached its limit and had already reached the limit of its continuous running.

The war horse suffered irreversible damage. Just as its front legs jumped up, its hind legs suddenly slipped on the ice and fell to the ground. The war horse bled to death on the spot.

Ma Fuxiang also rolled onto the solid ice and fell so hard that he almost died. His men hurriedly helped him up, and Ma Fuxiang roared loudly: "Quick, find me another horse, don't waste time.


Just as he was shouting loudly, there was a sound of horse hooves not far away. The person running at the front was Ma Hongbin. After escaping from Ningxia with his remaining defeated soldiers, he went all the way south, hoping to join up with Ma Fuxiang.

The two sides were getting closer and closer. When Ma Fuxiang saw Ma Hongbin running over like a bereaved dog, his heart suddenly felt cold. The weather was even colder than this cold winter.

"It's over, it's all over, the Feng army has occupied the provincial capital of Ningxia!" Ma Hongbin cried and reported the situation to Ma Fuxiang.

After receiving the confirmation, Ma Fuxiang was completely stunned. All his struggles were in vain and he fell short. His body shook a little and fell to the ice. He only felt distressed, hurting from the inside out. It seemed that his heart was being broken.

Just tear it apart.

His old nest was lost, what hope did he have? All the power he once had was now gone. He was no longer the overlord of the northwest, but just a bereaved dog. The other Ma Jiajun soldiers were also shocked. The end had come just like this.

At that time, Ma Qi, Ma Lin, Ma Hongkui, Ma Bufang and others also rushed over.

When Ma Hongkui heard this, he was so angry that he was about to explode. He grabbed Ma Hongbin's chest. The strength of his fingers was so strong that he almost crushed his chest.

"Why are you such a loser? You can even lose your old nest. Do you still have the dignity to live?"

Ma Hongbin's face turned red, and he lost Ningxia. He was unable to defend himself, and everyone became a lost dog. He was also guilty of a great crime. Ma Hongbin suddenly took out his pistol and pointed it at his head.

"How can I have the dignity to live? Just let me die!"

When he was about to shoot, Ma Lin suddenly flew up and kicked his wrist, knocking the pistol away.

"If the sky falls, there will be taller people holding it up. You don't have to seek death or survival. Let's all think carefully about what to do next. Should we all admit defeat and just surrender?"

Ma Qi also said hurriedly: "Yes, this is a life-or-death situation. We must not make another wrong step. Everyone should think carefully about what to do!"

"What else can we do? If we can't afford to offend, we can hide." Han Qigong said from the side: "I don't believe that in the vast northwest, there is no place for us to settle down and live."

"Yes, that makes sense." Ma Fuxiang, who had been in a daze, suddenly stood up, with a fierce light in his eyes, like a wounded beast, cruel and violent.

"We cannot admit defeat. If Ningxia is lost, we can still retreat to the Hexi Corridor or even retreat to Xinjiang. In short, we have to fight Fengjun. Only in this way can we have a chance of survival."

As Ma Fuxiang spoke, he looked at Ma Qi and Ma Lin, and then said: "Everyone, this is a life-and-death moment. Please unite as one, otherwise we will really be dead!"

Everyone nodded. They also knew that Ningxia could not return. At this time, they could only continue to flee westward, fleeing to the Hexi Corridor to temporarily avoid the enemy.

After they had discussed it, they immediately mounted their horses, changed direction, and fled westward. At this time, the number of soldiers still following Ma Fuxiang was greatly reduced, with only five or six thousand people left. Almost half of the soldiers had fled.

Wouldn't it be a fool to stay on top of a sunken ship after knowing it was a sinking ship?

Another early morning came, and the sound of gunfire in the Ningxia provincial capital finally stopped. Every block fell under the control of the Feng army. The defeated soldiers and the people who supported the Ma Jiajun were all captured and stuffed into prisoner-of-war camps.

, strict military officers were enforced throughout the city.

Except for the occasional sporadic gunfire, everything else returned to calm. This important town in the northwest finally fell into the hands of Feng Jun. After an inventory, a total of 1,700 Ma Jiajun regular troops were eliminated, and more than 1,700 militiamen were killed.

Two thousand people, plus the fanatical people, the total number exceeded 6,000, and more than 4,000 people were captured. The main force of the Ma Jiajun in Ningxia was completely eliminated.

In addition to those people eliminated, Feng Jun also made many seizures. From the house of Ma Fuxiang and others, they found more than 2 million yuan, and all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry were also quite astonishing. As a gang of bandits, Ma Jiajun’s property was all left behind.

It was in hand, but it was not placed in the bank. It all fell into the hands of Feng Jun.

Of course, the Ma Jiajun also had a large amount of opium. They found as many as 7,000 boxes. These items were regarded as hard currency by them. When the military pay was insufficient, they were distributed as military pay. These items added up to more than 1,000 boxes.

Ten thousand yuan was considered a good income. After Rong Zhen finished cleaning up, he sent Zhang Tinglan a good news and asked for instructions on the next step.

"Linge, brother Baili, what do you think the next step should be?"

Jiang Baili said with a smile: "Commander, Ningxia Rongzhen fought well in the first battle, but the strength gap between us and the Ma Jiajun is there, so it is not surprising to win. The next difficult thing is how to control the northwest, weaken the local powerful, and

The northwest is completely under control."

"Senior Baili is right. To defeat the Ma Jiajun, perhaps five thousand troops are enough. To defeat the Ma Jiajun only requires 20,000 troops. But to control the northwest, one hundred thousand soldiers will be needed, and a large amount of investment will be required.

Develop various undertakings and truly integrate the northwest into the Fengjun system, so as to ensure that there are no problems."

Defeating the occupation is a completely different concept. Zhang Tinglan also knows this very well. The people in the northwest are poor, powerful and powerful, and there are also ethnic and religious issues. The tendency of separatism is very serious. It is indeed not easy to completely control this place. On the one hand, we must

A large number of troops are stationed, and on the one hand, continuous investment is required.

For Fengjun, these two points are beyond the strength of Fengjun at this stage. To support tens of thousands of troops and camp thousands of kilometers away, the materials needed to be consumed are astronomical. Especially at the key point of industrial development.

At any time, doing this forcefully will only slow down the progress of Fengjun industry.

On this issue, Fengjun's upper echelons were still very clear-headed and were not dazzled by victory. Jiang Baili thought for a while and said: "Commander, in my opinion, there are two things to do next. The first is to completely wipe out the situation."

Ma Jiajun, the second is to build the railway connecting the northwest as soon as possible. Only when the road is opened can we send a large number of troops to the northwest."

Yang Yuting also nodded: "Sooner or later, Northwest will be swallowed, but it is best to divide it into steps and eat it bit by bit. If we swallow it hastily, it will easily exceed our ability to bear."

Zhang Tinglan also smiled and nodded: "You two have similar views to mine. The people in the northwest are poor and weak. At this stage, we need the resources and products in the northwest, but we cannot shoulder this burden, so let Feng Yuxiang continue to be in charge of the northwest."

"But!" Zhang Tinglan said with a smile: "We need to strengthen control over this rebellious boy to prevent him from biting us."

"Don't worry, Commander. I have identified several of Feng Yuxiang's subordinates. They all have a favorable impression of Feng Jun. As long as we pay a small price, we can buy them over and abandon Feng Yuxiang at any time."

After Zhang Tinglan and the others had discussed it, the overall strategic plan still did not change much. However, the outside world still praised Fengjun's victory, believing that it had dealt another heavy blow to the local separatist forces and solved the trouble of the Ma Jiajun. China's

Only then could the northwest become peaceful, and Fengjun once again made great contributions to the country.

The Beiyang government officially appointed Feng Yuxiang as the Northwest Frontier Defense Supervisor and Rongzhen as the Ningxia garrison. They continued to work together to recover the remaining strength of the Ma Jiajun.

The combat effectiveness of the Ma Jiajun, who had lost their nest, had plummeted and turned into a bunch of wild ducks. Feng Jun no longer needed to spend too much energy chasing them, he just needed to leave everything to Feng Yuxiang.

At this time, Feng Yuxiang had led his troops to the central defender and joined Han Fuju. Due to his mistake, Han Fuju's army was almost destroyed. Old Feng also felt a little guilty, so he took the initiative to invite Han Fuju over.

"Xiang Fang, what do you think we should do next?"

"Commander, I think we should hunt down the remaining troops of the Ma Family Army and kill all these bastards."

Shi Yousan also said: "Didn't Commander Fengjun agree to us? We can exchange labor for weapons. This is a great thing. There are no toads with three legs, and living people with two legs are everywhere. Let's go all the way

When chasing Ma Jiajun, all the prisoners captured and the unpleasant people encountered can be exchanged for arms. Is there anything better than this?"

When they said this, Feng Yuxiang was tempted. Although it was uncomfortable to work for others, but being able to make real profits was better than anything else. Feng Yuxiang also agreed to the proposal.

He immediately led the army and pursued it along the route where the Ma's army was defeated. All the stragglers he met along the way were captured, and anyone carrying weapons was also captured. They were like a big broom, carrying

He grabbed Ma Jiajun's butt and swept over. Wherever he passed, all Ma Jiajun's forces were swept away. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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