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Chapter 655 Metal Storm

"Brother Lin, come and see the latest news!"

Zhang Jia'ao thrust a telegram into Lin Rong's hand. Lin Rong wiped the sweat from his head. After taking a look, he was in disbelief and asked in a trembling voice: "Brother Zhang, is this news true?


"Of course, the newspaper will publish it soon. I asked my friend to send the telegram in advance. Ten words will cost an ocean!"

"Ten words are not expensive, and I am willing to read them for ten dollars a word. It is so refreshing!"

As he spoke, Lin Rong quickly walked to the middle of the dock workers. He had already changed into work clothes similar to those of ordinary workers. He no longer wore the suits and leather shoes of the past. Standing with the workers, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Let me tell you some good news. Our men and horses crossed the Yalu River and killed another division. Moreover, the army is advancing crazily as if it were in an uninhabited land, and the little devils were stunned. Victory will be ours sooner or later!


After hearing these words, all the workers present could not help but feel elated, and their honest faces showed joy from the bottom of their hearts.

An older worker couldn't help but said: "I heard that the Japanese have seventeen divisions, and we have killed two of them now. If we kill a few more, wouldn't the little Japanese be doomed!"


"How dare you! Japan is a place with a big butt. As many people as there are, and a few victories, they will kneel down and admit defeat!"

Another worker was still in disbelief and shook his head and said: "If the Japanese are such lousy people, how come they have been sitting on our necks for so many years and the government didn't even dare to take care of them, let alone fight them?"

Lin Rong said with a smile: "That was because the previous government was cowardly and incompetent. It didn't know how to develop military industry. It didn't know how to organize the army and use force, and it made hundreds of millions of compatriots suffer in vain. Now Fengtian is very different. First it defeated the Russians, and now it

If we defeat the Japanese, China’s hope from now on will lie in the three northeastern provinces!”

When Zhang Jiayao saw that his old friend admired Fengjun so much, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "Brother Lin, are you ready to defect to Fengjun?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Rong asked back: "In the past, I relied on being a second-rate dealer for foreigners. Although I could make some money, it was just a small amount. If I want to really make a difference, I have to straighten my back and do it myself.

Engage in industry, build large-scale enterprises, and compete with foreign factories. Our army can win, and so can our products."

"Brother Lin's attitude is indeed very different from before. I wish you success in advance!"

As more and more news of victory came out, the entire Chinese society was in a state of violent shock. After many years, all the garbage and scum accumulated over the years were being quickly cleared away, and the people's hearts and minds were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Facing the foreigners, the people no longer felt that kind of fear. Everyone held their chests high and looked at the concessions. They no longer had the feeling of looking up, even during the conversation. Everyone was still discussing when.

Can the concession be taken back.

In fact, everyone has an account in their mind. In the past, they could not defeat foreigners, so they were bullied to the doorstep. Now that they can win, things that belong to the Chinese should return to China's hands.

For the people, the greatest joy is to wait for the newspapers every day to see what good news there is on the front line. And the Fengjun Army lived up to expectations. Qin Wei's Northern Front Army was like a strong wind. After capturing Chongjin

, they continued southward along the railway line, Huatai, Jinze, Danchuan, Liyuan, Xinpo...

Fighting all the way, no city could stop them. The speed of their attacks seemed to always exceed the imagination of the Japanese. They had no time to defend and collapsed thousands of miles away.

From the beginning of the hurricane, Minoru Saito, who was in Seoul, kept asking one question repeatedly, where is this army?

Their intelligence couldn't keep up with Feng Jun's progress. On the first day, they ran 110 kilometers. On the second day, the speed was even faster, exceeding 130 kilometers. This was no longer a battle, it was completely

It's an armed march.

If this army suddenly appeared in Seoul at the next moment, Saito Minoru would not be surprised. The old guy was completely stunned. He wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out why Fengjun suddenly became so powerful. Could it be that they

Have they all become heavenly soldiers and generals?

Saito was really on pins and needles. He could only desperately request reinforcements from Tokyo. At the same time, he quickly transferred the 20th Division back, and then urged the 3rd Division to speed up.

But the old guy still doesn't know that on the Korean Peninsula, in addition to Qin Wei's troops advancing rapidly, another army is also advancing rapidly, and that is the tank division led by Zhang Tingshu.

They set off from the river border and made a rapid attack along the road. The latest tanks and armored vehicles were much more comfortable, and the soldiers did not have to suffer as much as they did at the beginning. Moreover, the weather in April and May was quite suitable.

, so the marching speed is equally amazing.

The rolling iron stream rushes straight towards Xichuan. This is a mountain town in the middle of North Korea. It is not eye-catching, but since the war started, the importance of this place has become prominent. It has become the general rear of the Yalu River defense line, and the Japanese have accumulated a large amount of goods here.

supplies, and at the same time arranged a regiment of soldiers to defend it.

Although these Japanese soldiers knew that the war had begun, they never expected that it would come to them so quickly. A day ago, these defenders recruited a large number of Korean women from the surrounding area, and locked them all in the barracks to enjoy themselves.

Normally, I would still have scruples about doing this kind of thing, but now that the war is in chaos, I don’t have to worry about anything. The Japanese are never good people. They not only prey on young women, but also children and the elderly. Especially

Being elderly, it reminds them of their mothers at home, and is most popular among young soldiers.

Just before these people woke up from their sleep, the tank division rushed to the outskirts of Xichuan and easily crushed the Japanese defense line. Originally, according to Zhang Tingshu's plan, he was going to use the fastest speed to intervene.

Go to the rear of the Japanese army and strive to annihilate the Japanese army.

However, Xichuan was in the middle and could not go around. Moreover, according to the investigation, a large amount of strategic materials were stored here, which immediately attracted his attention.

In order to ensure the speed of the advance, Zhang Tingshu made an extremely bold decision, that is, without making advance artillery preparations, he directly attacked the Japanese defense line. This was definitely a bold move. The tank armor at this time could withstand machine guns.

, but there is no way to defend against artillery. Once it is covered by artillery, it will definitely not end well.

But Zhang Tingshu was ready to take a gamble. He was betting that the Japanese did not understand armored warfare. In fact, Zhang Tingshu won the bet again. Facing the surging steel monster, the Japanese were indeed confused, and these soldiers rushed out instinctively.

, using various weapons to attack tanks crazily and blindly.

However, the steel behemoth of more than ten tons was not afraid of machine guns and rifles at all. Zhang Tingshu's tank easily ran over a machine gun, and all of them, including the machine gunner, were crushed to pieces.

Some Japanese picked up explosive bags and wanted to kill the tanks together. At this time, Wu Kaijie's cavalry troops had already caught up. They were all equipped with submachine guns, and the dense barrage blocked the roads of all Japanese. The ground

Only the meat paste was left on the ground.

In less than half an hour, the outer defense line of Xichuan was breached by Fengjun, and the defenders in the city began to flee. Although the Japanese were stubborn and paranoid, not everyone was afraid of death, facing the sudden armor.

The beasts had no ability to resist, so they had no choice but to escape. Xichuan fell into Fengjun's hands so easily.

"Tingshu, I didn't expect the Japanese to be so unwilling to fight. What should I do next?"

"Old Wu, strike while the iron is hot. You stay to clean up the mess in Xichuan. I will lead the men and horses to continue the attack. I must cut off the escape route of the main Japanese force and try to kill the 20th Division as well. In this way, the Japanese in Korea will

It’s completely empty and we can run as we please!”

"Okay, but you have to be more careful and don't underestimate the enemy too much."

After a few simple explanations, the two sides quickly separated. Wu Kaijie led the cavalry to take control of Xichuan and seized a large amount of military supplies, grain, grass and ammunition, and even twenty trucks. These were carefully hoarded by the Japanese.

Yes, I originally wanted to deal with Fengjun, but in the end, I became Fengjun's help.

As for Zhang Tingshu, he passed directly through the city without stopping at all, leaving all the damaged tanks behind. His mission was to rush, rush, rush!

In fact, Zhang Tingshu's decision seemed bold. After all, there were a lot of mountainous areas along the way, and the Japanese could still ambush the tank division. However, through the Battle of Xichuan, Zhang Tingshu saw through the details of the Japanese army. They still stayed in Japan.

At the stage of the Russian War, they lacked a clear understanding of the new weapons used in World War I.

The biggest gap between them and Fengjun is not in weapons and equipment, but in combat concepts. The Japanese army can no longer keep up with Fengjun, which is equivalent to a generation gap in the army. Of course, this generation gap is not comprehensive, otherwise Fengjun

It could drive the Japanese directly out of the Korean Peninsula. But this generation difference was enough for Zhang Tingshu to show off his skills and give the Japanese a bloody education lesson, allowing them to understand the horrors of the mechanized age.

The tank division was unstoppable all the way and easily reached Tokugawa. The Japanese in Tokugawa were relatively well-defended. Zhang Tingshu only fired dozens of cannons from the outside, then turned around and went south, capturing Bichuan, and then Anzhou.

The torrent of Fengjun steel swept over, and when Saito Minoru received the report in Seoul, the old man became dizzy and fell directly to the ground. His mouth was crooked, his eyes were squinted, and he almost suffered a stroke.

The old man already knew that the war situation was completely beyond imagination and that North Korea was completely corrupted. He could only give various troops constant orders to withdraw as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese were still a step too late. After Zhang Tingshu reached Anzhou, he did not attack Pyongyang, which was just around the corner. Instead, he turned back to the west and happened to collide with the front of the retreating 20th Division.

The Japanese did not expect that the Feng army would actually attack them. An encounter turned into a complete massacre. The unsuspecting infantry were exposed in front of tanks and armored vehicles. The metal storm created by machine guns and artillery shells blew them all away.

into pieces.

This chapter has been completed!
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